The "White Nationalist" slur against Trump

I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.


In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.

And violent, greedy Polish people started WW2. They also are vampires. They eat babies, kick puppies, and shit on public toilet seats.
the Jews. They egged on otherwise benign members of the proletariat in Germany and E. Europe (-:
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.

If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.

I don't know what else to say.

If Republicans were diverse, they would look diverse. But the don't because they aren't.

It's easier to find a Nazi or a Alt White or an Aryan Nation or a White Nationalist in the Republican Party than it is to find a black or a gay.

Just go to the Confederate Flag and ask. They aren't shy.


If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.
Name the racists and the racist policies they support. Don't come in here and drop that bomb and walk away, you motherfucking piece of shit. Be specific or shut your idiot mouth,
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.

If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.

I don't know what else to say.

If Republicans were diverse, they would look diverse. But the don't because they aren't.

It's easier to find a Nazi or a Alt White or an Aryan Nation or a White Nationalist in the Republican Party than it is to find a black or a gay.

Just go to the Confederate Flag and ask. They aren't shy.


Openly gay, and don't make fun of my flag. (-:
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

The millions who blithely fall in line are just as culpable. They make it possible for the truly unhinged to rise to power.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.

Yeah. It may very well come to that. Fascism usually does.
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.

If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.

I don't know what else to say.

If Republicans were diverse, they would look diverse. But the don't because they aren't.

It's easier to find a Nazi or a Alt White or an Aryan Nation or a White Nationalist in the Republican Party than it is to find a black or a gay.

Just go to the Confederate Flag and ask. They aren't shy.



Romney, McCain and Dubya were all accused of racism too. Mr. McCain was praised during his requiems by Obama and Biden in spite of this. Romney was praised by Obama during the 2016 campaign.

"racist" is just a dog whistle the left uses to demonize black people against Republicans.
I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.


In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.

And violent, greedy Polish people started WW2. They also are vampires. They eat babies, kick puppies, and shit on public toilet seats.

Everybody was picking on Nazi Germany, the Basques, the Dutch, the Poles, the Czechs, the Jews, the Gypsies,the Austrians, the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Belarussians, the Greeks, Albanians, the Norwegians, the Danes, the British, the Americans, the French, the Hungarians etc. etc. etc.

Because Nazis either invaded, bombed, didn't respect, killed, or declared war on ALL of these peoples.

On a side note:
I made a new thread about Nazis, seeing them as more of Multiculturalist Globalists rather than White Nationalists.

Hitler: Multicultural Globalist,or White Nationalist, or Both???
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.


But you see, Trump IS a 'white nationalist'
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
The last 1/2 white community agitator outsourced the whole fucking country to China, you fucking retarded son of a bitch.

President Obama didn't outsource any manufacturing to China. Trumpybear on the other hand did.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.


But you see, Trump IS a 'white nationalist'

Semantics are important as that is part of our language, caddo.

There is a difference between a white guy who is a nationalist as opposed to a "white nationalist".

Stalin was a soviet nationalist, and he was also a white guy- you could call the gentleman a "white nationalist" but that would give the wrong impression about his ideology.
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
The last 1/2 white community agitator outsourced the whole fucking country to China, you fucking retarded son of a bitch.

President Obama didn't outsource any manufacturing to China. Trumpybear on the other hand did.

Obama never manufactured anything, President was really his first job. Except I guess for Baskin Robbins where he admitted to embezzling ice cream.
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
its time for a rebranding.
Godwins Gone Wild

Doozies, who do not see, do see Nazi.
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
The last 1/2 white community agitator outsourced the whole fucking country to China, you fucking retarded son of a bitch.

President Obama didn't outsource any manufacturing to China. Trumpybear on the other hand did.

Obama never manufactured anything, President was really his first job. Except I guess for Baskin Robbins where he admitted to embezzling ice cream.

Sorry Captain, he was a State Senator for 8 years and a US Senator for 4 years before being elected the 44th President. Where do you guys come up with all these phony allegations? Rush? Hannity? Gateway Pundant? The Daily Caller? Faux?
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
its time for a rebranding.
When you keep branding Freedom Loving people as racists and NatCees, pretty soon they get fed up. As I always tell my wife, if you are going to accuse me of something, maybe I will fulfill that dream and NatCees on your stupid Commie ass..
oh yea freedom loving.
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.
Even ordinarily decent people can act in racist ways if they feel a threat from a different racist/religious group. That is a central reason for how Trump got elected. And he was greatly assisted by both parties, but most recently the very right of the gop and what became the tea party, refusing any compromise on making illegal immigration very difficult and costly to law breakers.
I love it when a leftie says that those who voted for Donald Trump is racist...
I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.


In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.

And violent, greedy Polish people started WW2. They also are vampires. They eat babies, kick puppies, and shit on public toilet seats.

Everybody was picking on Nazi Germany, the Basques, the Dutch, the Poles, the Czechs, the Jews, the Gypsies,the Austrians, the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Belarussians, the Greeks, Albanians, the Norwegians, the Danes, the British, the Americans, the French, the Hungarians etc. etc. etc.

Because Nazis either invaded, bombed, didn't respect, killed, or declared war on ALL of these peoples.

On a side note:
I made a new thread about Nazis, seeing them as more of Multiculturalist Globalists rather than White Nationalists.

Hitler: Multicultural Globalist,or White Nationalist, or Both???
The far left Socialist were attacking far right Socialists and vise versa, and eventually it came to a War of epic proportions. The capitalist in the United States decided to help Britain, because the Socialists were attacking them. But when the Empire attacked and declared War on US, the sleeping giant was awakened, to the Socialists detriment. You fucking Socialist morons, dont learn from history and it is going to smack you mother fuckers right in the ass...
If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.
Name the racists and the racist policies they support. Don't come in here and drop that bomb and walk away, you motherfucking piece of shit. Be specific or shut your idiot mouth,
Puh Leeze!
All the voter suppression are racist policies.
Right away Republicans try to defuse that with but it’s only about an ID.
When it’s really an overall strategy that includes reducing the number of polling places, pulling elderly people off of buses were going to vote, calling the National Guard to practice crowd control next to Hispanic communities, the list is endless.

Then you have comments like some Mexicans don’t rape.

Then you have the way Obama was treated with him being called boy and tar baby in Congress by sitting congressman.
And the accusations that he wasn’t born in America and his birth certificate was fake. The first African-American president and that’s what Republicans did.

I could sit here and write for an hour about all the GOP sh!t that they did. Bunch of racists.
I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.


In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.

And violent, greedy Polish people started WW2. They also are vampires. They eat babies, kick puppies, and shit on public toilet seats.

Everybody was picking on Nazi Germany, the Basques, the Dutch, the Poles, the Czechs, the Jews, the Gypsies,the Austrians, the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Belarussians, the Greeks, Albanians, the Norwegians, the Danes, the British, the Americans, the French, the Hungarians etc. etc. etc.

Because Nazis either invaded, bombed, didn't respect, killed, or declared war on ALL of these peoples.

On a side note:
I made a new thread about Nazis, seeing them as more of Multiculturalist Globalists rather than White Nationalists.

Hitler: Multicultural Globalist,or White Nationalist, or Both???
The far left Socialist were attacking far right Socialists and vise versa, and eventually it came to a War of epic proportions. The capitalist in the United States decided to help Britain, because the Socialists were attacking them. But when the Empire attacked and declared War on US, the sleeping giant was awakened, to the Socialists detriment. You fucking Socialist morons, dont learn from history and it is going to smack you mother fuckers right in the ass...

British people killed a lot more than Nazis, or Soviets.

There were 2 famines caused by Soviets the Holodomor & Volga Famine.

The famines by the British Empire in Raj India add up to 31.

31 famines in 120 years of British Raj, the last one killed 4 million people in 1943

It's not White Nationalism why they killed so many Indians it was more like Capitalist greed to amass wealth & riches off their backs.
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
its time for a rebranding.
When you keep branding Freedom Loving people as racists and NatCees, pretty soon they get fed up. As I always tell my wife, if you are going to accuse me of something, maybe I will fulfill that dream and NatCees on your stupid Commie ass..
oh yea freedom loving.
View attachment 227141
That’s what Republicans like to do to women. That’s what they wanted to do the Ford. They thought Kavanaugh was cool. And they feel Trump grabs because he’s entitled. He’s supposed to be able to grab whatever he wants.
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.
Even ordinarily decent people can act in racist ways if they feel a threat from a different racist/religious group. That is a central reason for how Trump got elected. And he was greatly assisted by both parties, but most recently the very right of the gop and what became the tea party, refusing any compromise on making illegal immigration very difficult and costly to law breakers.
I love it when a leftie says that those who voted for Donald Trump is racist...

Trump is racist. And his buddy Bannon tells everyone to embrace their racism. He wasn’t kidding.

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