The white race will survive, but;

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I am so tired of this race shit by the left. They now claim Hispanics are a race. They just flat out lie. And instead of tackling how we see our differences the fucking liberals set up obstacles and exploit them.

What's it feel like to know your race is shrinking and loosing dominance?

White is not a lonely number. You that smack this shit around as white are as bigotted as they come. White aka caucasian are peoples from so many different cultures. Hungarians are different from Irish. Mmmm. Ukrainians are completely different from Belgians. Mexicans are different from Canadians.

How shall I go on? White is just a skin color. We all have our ethnic backgrounds. That we are very proud of.
I am so tired of this race shit by the left. They now claim Hispanics are a race. They just flat out lie. And instead of tackling how we see our differences the fucking liberals set up obstacles and exploit them.

Explain to me why Hispanics are not a race? Some of you whites are flat out missing things in your conscious out look.

There are three races. Hispanic is not a race.

Tell that to the right wing whites that make the claims.

And in reality there are NO races. Whites made up he concept of race.

Put down the bong. Oh I have to remember you libs have no understanding of science.

There is no scientific foundation for race

Three races genetically proven.
I am so tired of this race shit by the left. They now claim Hispanics are a race. They just flat out lie. And instead of tackling how we see our differences the fucking liberals set up obstacles and exploit them.

Explain to me why Hispanics are not a race? Some of you whites are flat out missing things in your conscious out look.

There are three races. Hispanic is not a race.

Tell that to the right wing whites that make the claims.

And in reality there are NO races. Whites made up he concept of race.

Flat out lie. And why would whites have to do that? Whites are the largest population out of all the classifications.

It's the truth. deal with it.

I live in no fear. The lie that whites are gonna get it is a lie.
I am so tired of this race shit by the left. They now claim Hispanics are a race. They just flat out lie. And instead of tackling how we see our differences the fucking liberals set up obstacles and exploit them.

What's it feel like to know your race is shrinking and loosing dominance?

The true statistics show thats a lie.

Look anyone who continues on this bullshit of whites is a lying mother fucking bigot. Statistically its bullshit. To continue with this bizarro rule of thumb 'WHITE MAN RUN" is to deprive those of other nations that need to get up to speed for their own people.

To blame failures of countries based on color is freaking insane and useless.

Actually the colonization of African nations and India by whites moved those nations backwards. It is not insane to make that claim.

Oh because the British stopped the burning of Indian women alive with their deceased husbands on the funeral pyre? THAT MOVED THEM BACKWARD?

Actually it had more to do with how the British robbed India of it's wealth and used it to build Britain while keeping the Indian citizens divided and fighting each other by providing incentives to those who helped the British and penalizing those who did not. You are kinda stupid so you don't go deep into seeing what actually went on and you use examples like the one you used in order to try creating a dumb ass defense for your argument. But in virtually every country they colonized the whites used the divide and conquer method of control. They also took the wealth each country had out them and transferred it to the white country making that nation poorer. Then after they left or where expelled, the divisions they created ended up in conflicts we still see today. In some cases we had leaders assassinated like the US CIA did in the Congo where they murdered Patrice Lumumba and the our government installed a guy named Mobutu. And the bitch about this was as Mobutu turned out to be a despot who robbed his people, whites here ran off at the mouth about how terrible this was and hw blacks could not rule. This is the type of bullshit whites have pulled and you exhibit the type of ignorance whites have to what they have done.
Explain to me why Hispanics are not a race? Some of you whites are flat out missing things in your conscious out look.

There are three races. Hispanic is not a race.

Tell that to the right wing whites that make the claims.

And in reality there are NO races. Whites made up he concept of race.

Put down the bong. Oh I have to remember you libs have no understanding of science.

There is no scientific foundation for race

Three races genetically proven.

Genetically proven by who?
Explain to me why Hispanics are not a race? Some of you whites are flat out missing things in your conscious out look.

There are three races. Hispanic is not a race.

Tell that to the right wing whites that make the claims.

And in reality there are NO races. Whites made up he concept of race.

Flat out lie. And why would whites have to do that? Whites are the largest population out of all the classifications.

It's the truth. deal with it.

I live in no fear. The lie that whites are gonna get it is a lie.

You whites are the ones crying about this fictional white genocide.
I am so tired of this race shit by the left. They now claim Hispanics are a race. They just flat out lie. And instead of tackling how we see our differences the fucking liberals set up obstacles and exploit them.

What's it feel like to know your race is shrinking and loosing dominance?

The true statistics show thats a lie.

Look anyone who continues on this bullshit of whites is a lying mother fucking bigot. Statistically its bullshit. To continue with this bizarro rule of thumb 'WHITE MAN RUN" is to deprive those of other nations that need to get up to speed for their own people.

To blame failures of countries based on color is freaking insane and useless.

Actually the colonization of African nations and India by whites moved those nations backwards. It is not insane to make that claim.

Oh because the British stopped the burning of Indian women alive with their deceased husbands on the funeral pyre? THAT MOVED THEM BACKWARD?

Actually it had more to do with how the British robbed India of it's wealth and used it to build Britain while keeping the Indian citizens divided and fighting each other by providing incentives to those who helped the British and penalizing those who did not. You are kinda stupid so you don't go deep into seeing what actually went on and you use examples like the one you used in order to try creating a dumb ass defense for your argument. But in virtually every country they colonized the whites used the divide and conquer method of control. They also took the wealth each country had out them and transferred it to the white country making that nation poorer. Then after they left or where expelled, the divisions they created ended up in conflicts we still see today. In some cases we had leaders assassinated like the US CIA did in the Congo where they murdered Patrice Lumumba and the our government installed a guy named Mobutu. And the bitch about this was as Mobutu turned out to be a despot who robbed his people, whites here ran off at the mouth about how terrible this was and hw blacks could not rule. This is the type of bullshit whites have pulled and you exhibit the type of ignorance whites have to what they have done.

Who made the caste system?
Can anyone DISPROVE these statements.......? (I'm not saying it's written in stone...just an abstract question)

White nations are generally peaceful, productive and civil societies.

Arab and Asian societies are generally harsh and brutal but structured

Black nations are generally poor, wild, unsettled and violent
When whites loose the dominance and population control in America, its going to seriously damage their world reputation. When we remove Trump, I bet you a person of color wins the election again. Or a female. It will be quite something to see white pride having to face themselves like never before.
I got news for you: there is no white race. The closest thing to it is the Caucasian race. And guess what? Semitic Caucasians, people of Arabian Peninsular origins and who have brown skin, are Caucasians too for they are genetically indistinguishable from any other Caucasian. To wit, look at the North African people below, all of whom are Caucasian and not all of whom are white.

"White" is a skin pigmentation observed in subset of individuals who belong to the Caucasian race. Moreover, if one goes to China and other Far Eastern Asian places, one will observe that many Asians have skin pigmentation that is every bit as light as Europeans', yet they are not Caucasian at all. They are of the Mongoloid race. Further confounding the matter is that an anthropological distinction between Mongoloid and Caucasoid has yet to clearly established; however, it's clear neither is Negroid.

Race as a Social Construct
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So Africa as far as I know for at least all these years are on their own.

Why are you so fucked up?
When whites loose the dominance and population control in America, its going to seriously damage their world reputation. When we remove Trump, I bet you a person of color wins the election again. Or a female. It will be quite something to see white pride having to face themselves like never before.

You bigot. You are a bigotted racist asshole. Dream on.
I got news for you: there is no white race. The closest thing to it is the Caucasian race. And guess what? Semitic Caucasians, people of Arabian Peninsular origins and who have brown skin, are Caucasians too for they are genetically indistinguishable from any other Caucasian. To wit, look at the North African people below, all of whom are Caucasian and not all of whom are white.

"White" is a skin pigmentation observed in subset of individuals who belong to the Caucasian race. Moreover, if one goes to China and other Far Eastern Asian places, one will observe that many Asians have skin pigmentation that is every bit as light as Europeans, yet they are not Caucasian at all. They are of the Mongoloid race. Further confounding the matter is that an anthropological distinction between Mongoloid and Caucasoid has yet to clearly established; however, it's clear neither is Negroid.

Race as a Social Construct

Good observations.
I got news for you: there is no white race. The closest thing to it is the Caucasian race. And guess what? Semitic Caucasians, people of Arabian Peninsular origins and who have brown skin, are Caucasians too for they are genetically indistinguishable from any other Caucasian. To wit, look at the North African people below, all of whom are Caucasian and not all of whom are white.

"White" is a skin pigmentation observed in subset of individuals who belong to the Caucasian race. Moreover, if one goes to China and other Far Eastern Asian places, one will observe that many Asians have skin pigmentation that is every bit as light as Europeans, yet they are not Caucasian at all. They are of the Mongoloid race. Further confounding the matter is that an anthropological distinction between Mongoloid and Caucasoid has yet to clearly established; however, it's clear neither is Negroid.

Race as a Social Construct

Are you a bigot as well. Come on. Come out.

When whites loose the dominance and population control in America, its going to seriously damage their world reputation. When we remove Trump, I bet you a person of color wins the election again. Or a female. It will be quite something to see white pride having to face themselves like never before.

You bigot. You are a bigotted racist asshole. Dream on.

Your language and attitude suggest your white, and display how your race communicates when they feel this truth. But your arrogance will not last in history; your race is destined to face their arcane selfishness.
The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.
Blacks asians and Arabs do it too. I mean, seriously? Ever read a book?
Don't act like other races are morally superior. Cause you are definately be full of shit.
The ignorance of racists knows no bounds
The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.
Blacks asians and Arabs do it too. I mean, seriously? Ever read a book?
Don't act like other races are morally superior. Cause you are definately be full of shit.
The ignorance of racists knows no bounds

Your right, but the whites have done their deception far better than any other race. Their violence far surpasses any race in history. And their denial of this is legendary.
The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.

You want to talk about ruthless, well most people being held being done in the world TODAY are being held back by their own government . Take Mexico, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, N Korea.. etc, all of these governments will use the same excuse as you to keep their own power and keep their people off their back. They will blame it on someone else. I don't worry about the white race disappearing, I worry about how I live my life, it's the only thing I can control.
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