The white race will survive, but;

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The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.

You want to talk about ruthless, well most people being held being done in the world TODAY are being held back by their own government . Take Mexico, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, N Korea.. etc, all of these governments will use the same excuse as you to keep their own power and keep their people off their back. They will blame it on someone else. I don't worry about the white race disappearing, I worry about how I live my life, it's the only thing I can control.

Tell the American Indians and the blacks that your race is not ruthless. Your head is buried in the ground, like most whites.
The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.

You want to talk about ruthless, well most people being held being done in the world TODAY are being held back by their own government . Take Mexico, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, N Korea.. etc, all of these governments will use the same excuse as you to keep their own power and keep their people off their back. They will blame it on someone else. I don't worry about the white race disappearing, I worry about how I live my life, it's the only thing I can control.

Tell the American Indians and the blacks that your race is not ruthless. Your head is buried in the ground, like most whites.

You want to go at me on First Nations and what they did to each other kid? And by the way who freed the blacks in America you fucking moron?
The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.

You want to talk about ruthless, well most people being held being done in the world TODAY are being held back by their own government . Take Mexico, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, N Korea.. etc, all of these governments will use the same excuse as you to keep their own power and keep their people off their back. They will blame it on someone else. I don't worry about the white race disappearing, I worry about how I live my life, it's the only thing I can control.

Tell the American Indians and the blacks that your race is not ruthless. Your head is buried in the ground, like most whites.

You missed what they did to us. Iroquois were special.
The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.

You want to talk about ruthless, well most people being held being done in the world TODAY are being held back by their own government . Take Mexico, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, N Korea.. etc, all of these governments will use the same excuse as you to keep their own power and keep their people off their back. They will blame it on someone else. I don't worry about the white race disappearing, I worry about how I live my life, it's the only thing I can control.

Tell the American Indians and the blacks that your race is not ruthless. Your head is buried in the ground, like most whites.

People reap what they sow. I will reap what i sow, you will reap what you sow. Got any other bits of wisdom you want to pass? If I do good things in life, hopefully that will benefit someone else and so on, what I do not accept is your contrived guilt trip. You say my head is buried in the ground but you are speaking from extreme ignorance, because you know nothing of my life. Only what you can surmise. What you don't realize is that people can think and make life decisions outside of their race unless they are consumed by it. Maybe that's your case.
Perhaps just not in America. They most definitely will be a minority in America. But in Great Briton they will survive. But Great Briton knows what America is going through, they went through it in Africa. They took Africa over for a while, then the Blacks kicked them out of authority. The blind fold was removed from the Black race there.

And I seriously doubt that there is another brown skinned nation that the whites can deceive now. The game is over.

Name one black skinned nation that is successful. With links.

really bigot?
Perhaps just not in America. They most definitely will be a minority in America. But in Great Briton they will survive. But Great Briton knows what America is going through, they went through it in Africa. They took Africa over for a while, then the Blacks kicked them out of authority. The blind fold was removed from the Black race there.

And I seriously doubt that there is another brown skinned nation that the whites can deceive now. The game is over.

Name one black skinned nation that is successful. With links.

Botswana, perhaps Mauritius and the other "African Lions."

What is success? Is it effectively overnight ascending to social, political and economic parity with Western European nations or the U.S.? Is it identifying one or more goals and progressing toward achieving them even if one doesn't achieve them as by the wave of a magic wand?

One can ask whatever question one wants, but asking an absurd question -- for instance, one that tacitly assumes sub-Saharan African countries have extant histories and resources comparable to that of the U.S. or a host of other nations that have emerged in the past 100 years, or an oversimplified question-- exposes either contrived equivocation or abject ignorance on the part of the querier, no matter the quality or accuracy of the answer one may receive. In other words, when one frames and asks the wrong, inane, or loaded questions, the answers are irrelevant.
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I got news for you: there is no white race. The closest thing to it is the Caucasian race. And guess what? Semitic Caucasians, people of Arabian Peninsular origins and who have brown skin, are Caucasians too for they are genetically indistinguishable from any other Caucasian. To wit, look at the North African people below, all of whom are Caucasian and not all of whom are white.

"White" is a skin pigmentation observed in subset of individuals who belong to the Caucasian race. Moreover, if one goes to China and other Far Eastern Asian places, one will observe that many Asians have skin pigmentation that is every bit as light as Europeans', yet they are not Caucasian at all. They are of the Mongoloid race. Further confounding the matter is that an anthropological distinction between Mongoloid and Caucasoid has yet to clearly established; however, it's clear neither is Negroid.

Race as a Social Construct

They are incapable of differentiating Western Europeans from other Europeans or light skinned people around the world, they don't realize whites in America come from all over the world and we aren't the Brittish colonies any more. White is just white to these dumb fucks
The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.
Blacks asians and Arabs do it too. I mean, seriously? Ever read a book?
Don't act like other races are morally superior. Cause you are definately be full of shit.
The ignorance of racists knows no bounds

Your right, but the whites have done their deception far better than any other race. Their violence far surpasses any race in history. And their denial of this is legendary.
Move the goal post. No thanks.
Have fun with your fallacies
I am so tired of this race shit by the left. They now claim Hispanics are a race. They just flat out lie. And instead of tackling how we see our differences the fucking liberals set up obstacles and exploit them.

What's it feel like to know your race is shrinking and loosing dominance?

It's time to take action to re-establish our dominance. But first we must depose the leaders who let this decadence rot away our spirit.
The fact that anyone is really such a weak-minded, ignorant, fearful buffoon as to orient their lives and frame their identity around panic over pointless idiocy like "will the white 'race' survive?" is tragically disappointing.

I really hope there are no aliens secretly observing our species, because this shit is embarrassing.
Our destiny is being thwarted not by the selfishness of the race taken as a group, but the selfishness of individual Whites who have no respect or concern for other Whites.

The Whites will reap the destruction they have sown. Someone will invade their stolen land. Its academic, and it won't be nice!
The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.
Blacks asians and Arabs do it too. I mean, seriously? Ever read a book?
Don't act like other races are morally superior. Cause you are definately be full of shit.
The ignorance of racists knows no bounds

Your right, but the whites have done their deception far better than any other race. Their violence far surpasses any race in history. And their denial of this is legendary.

Whites are pretty diverse, there's even a big difference between Poles, and Germans in how they look, and conduct themselves, despite being neighbors.
The white race will survive, but they will reap what they have sowed. Everyone now knows that they are ruthless land grabbers; and there will be nowhere that will give them mercy.

You want to talk about ruthless, well most people being held being done in the world TODAY are being held back by their own government . Take Mexico, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, N Korea.. etc, all of these governments will use the same excuse as you to keep their own power and keep their people off their back. They will blame it on someone else. I don't worry about the white race disappearing, I worry about how I live my life, it's the only thing I can control.

Tell the American Indians and the blacks that your race is not ruthless. Your head is buried in the ground, like most whites.

People reap what they sow. I will reap what i sow, you will reap what you sow. Got any other bits of wisdom you want to pass? If I do good things in life, hopefully that will benefit someone else and so on, what I do not accept is your contrived guilt trip. You say my head is buried in the ground but you are speaking from extreme ignorance, because you know nothing of my life. Only what you can surmise. What you don't realize is that people can think and make life decisions outside of their race unless they are consumed by it. Maybe that's your case.

Your race is doomed to be overtaken by many nations. You may behave and think well, but your leaders do not. Trump is a serious mess.
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