The wind blew over Trump’s “wall”

Got to love the poorly educated left. They claim that everyone that doesn't fall in line with climate change is stupid. That they need to listen to the experts. Well where immigration and the border is concerned the Border Patrol are the experts. They say that we need a wall instead of open border or a falling down fence but the left in all their poorly educated opinion thinks that they know more then those that deal with the border everyday.
We don't want a 40' concrete wall. Fencing would be far less expensive & do just about as well.
You mean you don't want any wall or fencing. Fixed it for you.
Problem is the experts don't agree with you. Nothing says self important then thinking you set policy from your mothers basement.
Democrats have supported border barriers.

They said no to Trump's wall.
You mean like the three strand barb wire fence? Or are you talking the miles of fencing that they talked about but never appropriated money for? Perhaps you are talking about the current democrat presidential candidates that say they will tear down the border walls? Maybe you mean those in congress that want to do away with border patrol and ICE?
Oh I know it is the sanctuary cities and states. Maybe the mayor that warned of the ICE raid? Probably you are talking about the walls around Warren, Sanders and other democrat mansions.


It's not stupid to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Why would you think it is?
I have breached walls. As a fixed fortification, any of them can be breached or avoided. This one was destroyed by a 37 mile per hour breeze after it was re-enforced. My house doesn't even lose shingles in a 37 mile per hour breeze. At least, nobody was hurt.

The Independent

We're going to have a wall, we're going to have safety: Trump
You house would lose a lot more then a shingle or two if it was constructed on concrete that was not cured.
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."
It's not stupid to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Why would you think it is?
I have breached walls. As a fixed fortification, any of them can be breached or avoided. This one was destroyed by a 37 mile per hour breeze after it was re-enforced. My house doesn't even lose shingles in a 37 mile per hour breeze. At least, nobody was hurt.

The Independent

We're going to have a wall, we're going to have safety: Trump
You house would lose a lot more then a shingle or two if it was constructed on concrete that was not cured.
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."
Dude have you ever worked any type of construction?
Wind can come up at a moments notice. Worked on many projects. Have seen engineers tell companies things that have no bearing in real life. So an engineer could have claimed it was fine. No way to tell from the article since it is very short on any facts.
If you really think that Trump was personally responsible for hiring that contractor you need a serious mental evaluation. But it is fun to pretend that any failure is his fault right?
It's not stupid to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Why would you think it is?
I have breached walls. As a fixed fortification, any of them can be breached or avoided. This one was destroyed by a 37 mile per hour breeze after it was re-enforced. My house doesn't even lose shingles in a 37 mile per hour breeze. At least, nobody was hurt.

The Independent

We're going to have a wall, we're going to have safety: Trump
You house would lose a lot more then a shingle or two if it was constructed on concrete that was not cured.
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."
Or a sudden wind burst hit it. They can’t plan for that. Weather does change, you know.
It's not stupid to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Why would you think it is?
I have breached walls. As a fixed fortification, any of them can be breached or avoided. This one was destroyed by a 37 mile per hour breeze after it was re-enforced. My house doesn't even lose shingles in a 37 mile per hour breeze. At least, nobody was hurt.

The Independent

We're going to have a wall, we're going to have safety: Trump
You house would lose a lot more then a shingle or two if it was constructed on concrete that was not cured.
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."

Let me get this straight...So our billionaire president is a complete dumbass, professional contractors building the wall are complete dumbasses but a bunch of TDS infected whackos spending their days in cyberspace badmouthing the Orange Guy and begging for free shit...are all brilliant motherfuckers?
Is that right Billy000
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It's not stupid to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Why would you think it is?
Because it doesn’t fucking work. A) There is already a network of tunnels B) People just fucking climb over it C) A lot of the land is on private land so the court battle over such a thing would go on forever D) 25% of undocumented Mexicans living here came here legally initially but have overstayed their visas. E) The cost of maintaining the wall would go until the end of time.

However...we want a wall. You have failed to convince. Get out of the way.
Trump should start selling a bumper sticker to sell to his followers: "Build the wall to protect us against Mexicans who overstay their visas!"
Lol I love it. I wouldn’t have expected the wind to blow it over, but I know it’s a useless idea so let this be a symbolic sign of the stupidity of the policy.

Portion of newly built wall on Mexico border collapses
Physics defies morons!

The fucking concrete was fresh ya nut. Tall object without a solid base because it hadn't yet cured catches the wind and is blown over.

And SOMEHOW this amuses you???


It will continue to be a mystery to them how these things work. They have the same problem with why you impeach someone
It's not stupid to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Why would you think it is?
Because it doesn’t fucking work. A) There is already a network of tunnels B) People just fucking climb over it C) A lot of the land is on private land so the court battle over such a thing would go on forever D) 25% of undocumented Mexicans living here came here legally initially but have overstayed their visas. E) The cost of maintaining the wall would go until the end of time.

You’re still on that “walls don’t work” bullshit? Haha
Meanwhile wetbacks in Mexico build walls to keep other wetbacks out...but, but, but...we’re stupid for building walls to keep wetbacks out...haha

DHS Testing Of Steel Border Wall Prototype Proved It Could Be Cut Through | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Ya, what a great way to light billions of dollars on fire! Even when it goes right easy to get over and then the dumb fucks that are building the wall are not smart enough to butress the wall while cement is drying!
Lol I love it. I wouldn’t have expected the wind to blow it over, but I know it’s a useless idea so let this be a symbolic sign of the stupidity of the policy.

Portion of newly built wall on Mexico border collapses
Physics defies morons!

The fucking concrete was fresh ya nut. Tall object without a solid base because it hadn't yet cured catches the wind and is blown over.

And SOMEHOW this amuses you???

Lol what the fuck ever. The fucking wind blew this down. If someone tried to punch through it maybe you’d have a point. Either way, it’s a testament to how stupid this idea is.
Punch through it?

You think someone punching is more forceful than the wind?
You "cement" your ignorance with every post. Cured cement to boot
Uh yeah someone’s fist is stronger than wind lol
How many pounds of force do you think a punch can exert on the 6 square inches it impacts? Now THINK about the force a high wind applies to an ENTIRE OBJECT.....

Unbelievably stupid
Lol I love it. I wouldn’t have expected the wind to blow it over, but I know it’s a useless idea so let this be a symbolic sign of the stupidity of the policy.

Portion of newly built wall on Mexico border collapses

It's symbolic only of your desperation and ignorance of how things get built

Look carefully its the last section of the wall they were still putting up. The trench was not completely filled in, the concrete was still wet, ... you can see they had some bracing still down at the bottom. It was a construction set back that will be fixed. Once it is in place and the concrete dries it will be incredibly strong.My question is, how desperate is CNN to come up with a negative story on Trump, that they report on such a Non- story? Its a sorry excuse for news reporting
Portion of US border wall in California falls over in high winds and lands on Mexican side - CNNPolitics
Lol I love it. I wouldn’t have expected the wind to blow it over, but I know it’s a useless idea so let this be a symbolic sign of the stupidity of the policy.

Portion of newly built wall on Mexico border collapses
Physics defies morons!

The fucking concrete was fresh ya nut. Tall object without a solid base because it hadn't yet cured catches the wind and is blown over.

And SOMEHOW this amuses you???

Lol what the fuck ever. The fucking wind blew this down. If someone tried to punch through it maybe you’d have a point. Either way, it’s a testament to how stupid this idea is.
Punch through it?

You think someone punching is more forceful than the wind?
You "cement" your ignorance with every post. Cured cement to boot
Uh yeah someone’s fist is stronger than wind lol
How many pounds of force do you think a punch can exert on the 6 square inches it impacts? Now THINK about the force a high wind applies to an ENTIRE OBJECT.....

Unbelievably stupid

For the next lesson you can teach him all about sail boats and the magic of the sail !
Physics defies morons!

The fucking concrete was fresh ya nut. Tall object without a solid base because it hadn't yet cured catches the wind and is blown over.

And SOMEHOW this amuses you???

Lol what the fuck ever. The fucking wind blew this down. If someone tried to punch through it maybe you’d have a point. Either way, it’s a testament to how stupid this idea is.
Punch through it?

You think someone punching is more forceful than the wind?
You "cement" your ignorance with every post. Cured cement to boot
Uh yeah someone’s fist is stronger than wind lol
How many pounds of force do you think a punch can exert on the 6 square inches it impacts? Now THINK about the force a high wind applies to an ENTIRE OBJECT.....

Unbelievably stupid

For the next lesson you can teach him all about sail boats and the magic of the sail !
Impossible! Just beat the sail if you wanna move.
Trump should start selling a bumper sticker to sell to his followers: "Build the wall to protect us against Mexicans who overstay their visas!"

He just got a SC decision to disallow people who likely can't support themselves from getting green cards. That will save us God knows how many billions on welfare programs, because statistically, legal immigrants have a higher percentage of welfare users than we Americans.

Trump is working on it, and would be more successful if the commies would stay out of our way.
It's not stupid to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Why would you think it is?
I have breached walls. As a fixed fortification, any of them can be breached or avoided. This one was destroyed by a 37 mile per hour breeze after it was re-enforced. My house doesn't even lose shingles in a 37 mile per hour breeze. At least, nobody was hurt.

The Independent

We're going to have a wall, we're going to have safety: Trump
You house would lose a lot more then a shingle or two if it was constructed on concrete that was not cured.
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."

If the wind takes it and it tilts, it's on the builder, not the taxpayer. They have to take it back down and put it back up so it doesn't tilt.
Got to love the poorly educated left. They claim that everyone that doesn't fall in line with climate change is stupid. That they need to listen to the experts. Well where immigration and the border is concerned the Border Patrol are the experts. They say that we need a wall instead of open border or a falling down fence but the left in all their poorly educated opinion thinks that they know more then those that deal with the border everyday.
We don't want a 40' concrete wall. Fencing would be far less expensive & do just about as well.

Not to worry because you're not getting concrete walls. Trump picked out some models but the border patrol didn't care for them very much. They wanted barriers they could see through because of tunnel building and those who approach the border. It would give them more time to react.
Lol I love it. I wouldn’t have expected the wind to blow it over, but I know it’s a useless idea so let this be a symbolic sign of the stupidity of the policy.

Portion of newly built wall on Mexico border collapses
Physics defies morons!

The fucking concrete was fresh ya nut. Tall object without a solid base because it hadn't yet cured catches the wind and is blown over.

And SOMEHOW this amuses you???

Lol what the fuck ever. The fucking wind blew this down. If someone tried to punch through it maybe you’d have a point. Either way, it’s a testament to how stupid this idea is.

Because an unexpected wind gust came along before the project was complete?

This article was designed for what I call Headline Voters; people who only read the headlines to come to a conclusion instead of reading the story and fully understand what's going on. It's a media trick.

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