The wind blew over Trump’s “wall”

I have breached walls. As a fixed fortification, any of them can be breached or avoided. This one was destroyed by a 37 mile per hour breeze after it was re-enforced. My house doesn't even lose shingles in a 37 mile per hour breeze. At least, nobody was hurt.

The Independent

We're going to have a wall, we're going to have safety: Trump
You house would lose a lot more then a shingle or two if it was constructed on concrete that was not cured.
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."

Let me get this straight...So our billionaire president is a complete dumbass, professional contractors building the wall are complete dumbasses but a bunch of TDS infected whackos spending their days in cyberspace badmouthing the Orange Guy and begging for free shit...are all brilliant motherfuckers?
Is that right Billy000
You were spot on about the president and this time, in this instance about the contractor. Don't know about TDS whackos or people asking for free shit. I learned from training and experience when the government sent to study and train as an accident investigator (ground and aviation), someone is usually to blame, acts of God are usually not primary reason for accidents. Have a nice rant, Bucko.
“I hate it when a president tries to protect the citizens of America from needy, dependent foreign filth.”
Read that to yourself several times and listen to how batshit loony you sound.
LOL- try rereading what you just typed and see how bat shit crazy it looks- sound vs look- do you see the difference? No? Well imagine that- LOL
Lol I love it. I wouldn’t have expected the wind to blow it over, but I know it’s a useless idea so let this be a symbolic sign of the stupidity of the policy.

Portion of newly built wall on Mexico border collapses

It's symbolic only of your desperation and ignorance of how things get built

Look carefully its the last section of the wall they were still putting up. The trench was not completely filled in, the concrete was still wet, ... you can see they had some bracing still down at the bottom. It was a construction set back that will be fixed. Once it is in place and the concrete dries it will be incredibly strong.My question is, how desperate is CNN to come up with a negative story on Trump, that they report on such a Non- story? Its a sorry excuse for news reporting
Portion of US border wall in California falls over in high winds and lands on Mexican side - CNNPolitics

I think that what you are saying is that the wall that they were building to replace the wall that did not work, fell down, because they didn't know how to build that one, either.
It's not stupid to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Why would you think it is?
Because it doesn’t fucking work. A) There is already a network of tunnels B) People just fucking climb over it C) A lot of the land is on private land so the court battle over such a thing would go on forever D) 25% of undocumented Mexicans living here came here legally initially but have overstayed their visas. E) The cost of maintaining the wall would go until the end of time.

You’re still on that “walls don’t work” bullshit? Haha
Meanwhile wetbacks in Mexico build walls to keep other wetbacks out...but, but, but...we’re stupid for building walls to keep wetbacks out...haha
bigoted fuck

The truth is bigoted eh?
Walls around homes are common in mehico.
It's not stupid to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Why would you think it is?
Because it doesn’t fucking work. A) There is already a network of tunnels B) People just fucking climb over it C) A lot of the land is on private land so the court battle over such a thing would go on forever D) 25% of undocumented Mexicans living here came here legally initially but have overstayed their visas. E) The cost of maintaining the wall would go until the end of time.

You’re still on that “walls don’t work” bullshit? Haha
Meanwhile wetbacks in Mexico build walls to keep other wetbacks out...but, but, but...we’re stupid for building walls to keep wetbacks out...haha

DHS Testing Of Steel Border Wall Prototype Proved It Could Be Cut Through | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Ya, what a great way to light billions of dollars on fire! Even when it goes right easy to get over and then the dumb fucks that are building the wall are not smart enough to butress the wall while cement is drying!

You wasted a bunch time posting four of those vids.
Those were all old sections.
You house would lose a lot more then a shingle or two if it was constructed on concrete that was not cured.
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."
Dude have you ever worked any type of construction?
Wind can come up at a moments notice. Worked on many projects. Have seen engineers tell companies things that have no bearing in real life. So an engineer could have claimed it was fine. No way to tell from the article since it is very short on any facts.
If you really think that Trump was personally responsible for hiring that contractor you need a serious mental evaluation. But it is fun to pretend that any failure is his fault right?
Trump personally approved the design.

Did he approve of wet concrete and wind?
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."
Dude have you ever worked any type of construction?
Wind can come up at a moments notice. Worked on many projects. Have seen engineers tell companies things that have no bearing in real life. So an engineer could have claimed it was fine. No way to tell from the article since it is very short on any facts.
If you really think that Trump was personally responsible for hiring that contractor you need a serious mental evaluation. But it is fun to pretend that any failure is his fault right?
Trump personally approved the design.

Did he approve of wet concrete and wind?

No, apparently the contractor did. We all know the President is not much on weather reports.
You house would lose a lot more then a shingle or two if it was constructed on concrete that was not cured.
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."
Dude have you ever worked any type of construction?
Wind can come up at a moments notice. Worked on many projects. Have seen engineers tell companies things that have no bearing in real life. So an engineer could have claimed it was fine. No way to tell from the article since it is very short on any facts.
If you really think that Trump was personally responsible for hiring that contractor you need a serious mental evaluation. But it is fun to pretend that any failure is his fault right?

Worked a lot of jobsites, while in outside sales for a wholesaler. Actually took a job after retirement as a department specialist for Lowes. Sold installed fencing among other things installed exterior and interior. If it is windy, the fencing contractor rescheduled and you called the customer. They would not start a job if the ground was soaked either. Picture I saw of the fence in question looked like 16 - 20 foot with the bottom, steel tubing, top 5 feet or so solid, taking complete wind load only at elevation furthest from the ground. Contractor Error. I don't actually think Trump personally awarded the contract, and frankly do not care. Contractor was a dumb ass. If you live in So Cal, maybe you can hire him for your fencing job, after he finishes the nice government contract. Good luck.
No way in hell I would live anywhere in California. Thirty or forty years ago diffrent story.
Still you are making assumptions. You have no facts. Maybe you might want to learn the old saying about assuming.
Other then that even if it was contractor error the fact you wanted to blame Trump for something he had no control over speaks volumes.
Probably why you cannot get Lowes to put up a 6 foot privacy fences with wind warnings out around here, of course that is not high dollar government contracts.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."
Dude have you ever worked any type of construction?
Wind can come up at a moments notice. Worked on many projects. Have seen engineers tell companies things that have no bearing in real life. So an engineer could have claimed it was fine. No way to tell from the article since it is very short on any facts.
If you really think that Trump was personally responsible for hiring that contractor you need a serious mental evaluation. But it is fun to pretend that any failure is his fault right?

Worked a lot of jobsites, while in outside sales for a wholesaler. Actually took a job after retirement as a department specialist for Lowes. Sold installed fencing among other things installed exterior and interior. If it is windy, the fencing contractor rescheduled and you called the customer. They would not start a job if the ground was soaked either. Picture I saw of the fence in question looked like 16 - 20 foot with the bottom, steel tubing, top 5 feet or so solid, taking complete wind load only at elevation furthest from the ground. Contractor Error. I don't actually think Trump personally awarded the contract, and frankly do not care. Contractor was a dumb ass. If you live in So Cal, maybe you can hire him for your fencing job, after he finishes the nice government contract. Good luck.
No way in hell I would live anywhere in California. Thirty or forty years ago diffrent story.
Still you are making assumptions. You have no facts. Maybe you might want to learn the old saying about assuming.
Other then that even if it was contractor error the fact you wanted to blame Trump for something he had no control over speaks volumes.
Agree about living in Califonia. Assumptions based on multiple article about it being a windy day. Not one article said a freak wind. Saw pictures of the sandy soil at jobsite of failure and understand about building on high sand content soil. Still think contractor should have not been attempting on strong wind day, unfit for tower work, or tall fencing. Luckily the tree lined street on the Mexico side prevented injury or death under tons of elevated metal fence.The Mexicans were lucky. The contract got by on dumb luck.
What part of "I don't actually think Trump personally awarded the contract, and frankly do not care." , did you not understand? For the Fkn record I DO NOT BLAME THE DUMB ASS DONALD TRUMP BECAUSE THIS CONTRACTOR SCREWED UP. Accidents do not just happen. Ask any safety officer or supervisor in military or civilian world.
Trump designed his wall against Mexicans, not winds
Not all Mexicans, Mr. RW, are drug pushers. The Coyotes were using their jobs to make the big bucks paid by the Drug Lord collaborators who recruited Coyotes for getting their wares over the border in secret. The net result on this end was that the drugs were so bad, 300 Americans per week died using one type of drug only, not to mention death from other substances of abuse. And children were the perfect cover for this tax and tariff-free transfer of drugs to sell to people who would die from it or saved in the ER if they were lucky enough to have specialists on hand to administer the right antidote, if one is available.

And you want to tear down the wall for a little wind that blew a section down? Don't hold yer breath. This President thinks it's a bad idea for American citizens to be dying off because good men did nothing to stop the flow of illegal drugs.
The reason they won't put up anything in high wind warnings is simply that materials like wood metal or others tend to be unmanageable and actually can hurt someone if a gust of wind moves them unexpectedly. Has nothing to due with concrete curing. Simple matter of they don't want someone hurt. Liability and perhaps a bit of caring about the people who work for them.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."
Dude have you ever worked any type of construction?
Wind can come up at a moments notice. Worked on many projects. Have seen engineers tell companies things that have no bearing in real life. So an engineer could have claimed it was fine. No way to tell from the article since it is very short on any facts.
If you really think that Trump was personally responsible for hiring that contractor you need a serious mental evaluation. But it is fun to pretend that any failure is his fault right?

Worked a lot of jobsites, while in outside sales for a wholesaler. Actually took a job after retirement as a department specialist for Lowes. Sold installed fencing among other things installed exterior and interior. If it is windy, the fencing contractor rescheduled and you called the customer. They would not start a job if the ground was soaked either. Picture I saw of the fence in question looked like 16 - 20 foot with the bottom, steel tubing, top 5 feet or so solid, taking complete wind load only at elevation furthest from the ground. Contractor Error. I don't actually think Trump personally awarded the contract, and frankly do not care. Contractor was a dumb ass. If you live in So Cal, maybe you can hire him for your fencing job, after he finishes the nice government contract. Good luck.
No way in hell I would live anywhere in California. Thirty or forty years ago diffrent story.
Still you are making assumptions. You have no facts. Maybe you might want to learn the old saying about assuming.
Other then that even if it was contractor error the fact you wanted to blame Trump for something he had no control over speaks volumes.
Agree about living in Califonia. Assumptions based on multiple article about it being a windy day. Not one article said a freak wind. Saw pictures of the sandy soil at jobsite of failure and understand about building on high sand content soil. Still think contractor should have not been attempting on strong wind day, unfit for tower work, or tall fencing. Luckily the tree lined street on the Mexico side prevented injury or death under tons of elevated metal fence.The Mexicans were lucky. The contract got by on dumb luck.
What part of "I don't actually think Trump personally awarded the contract, and frankly do not care." , did you not understand? For the Fkn record I DO NOT BLAME THE DUMB ASS DONALD TRUMP BECAUSE THIS CONTRACTOR SCREWED UP. Accidents do not just happen. Ask any safety officer or supervisor in military or civilian world.
So you went to the location and took soil samples. You checked to see if any rigging was used to tie the fencing structure to any supports or if there was internal structures that were in place to hold the fencing. You checked to make sure there was no failure of any rigging that might have been used. You spoke to the supervisor on site and heard what he had to say. You checked with workers to make sure that they were aware of any safety instructions or precautions they may have been given and were followed. You looked into the meteorological data for the day and know that the winds were in fact sustained winds.

In all probability you sat on your nice comfy chair watched the same video clip presented by few different news agencies and made the determination.

By the way when I asked if you had ever worked in construction I meant as in used equipment and worked with your hands.
Dude! It ain't rocket science. The contractor was a dumb ass. Materials, as you said are hard to manage, wind load pushes newly set sections over makes them lean before concrete in bottom of post holes can set. It's kind of basic to the task. I know that fence contractors will not set privacy fence in a 30 -37 mph around here, because it does not work. It guarantees they will have to go back out and redo the job or not get paid by Lowes. Small fence contractor are smarter than that, The contractor doing the border fence is apparently unfamiliar with wind load, probably just glad to get a government contract, more afraid of falling behind than doing a good job. I'm glad the administration hires "only the best people."
Dude have you ever worked any type of construction?
Wind can come up at a moments notice. Worked on many projects. Have seen engineers tell companies things that have no bearing in real life. So an engineer could have claimed it was fine. No way to tell from the article since it is very short on any facts.
If you really think that Trump was personally responsible for hiring that contractor you need a serious mental evaluation. But it is fun to pretend that any failure is his fault right?

Worked a lot of jobsites, while in outside sales for a wholesaler. Actually took a job after retirement as a department specialist for Lowes. Sold installed fencing among other things installed exterior and interior. If it is windy, the fencing contractor rescheduled and you called the customer. They would not start a job if the ground was soaked either. Picture I saw of the fence in question looked like 16 - 20 foot with the bottom, steel tubing, top 5 feet or so solid, taking complete wind load only at elevation furthest from the ground. Contractor Error. I don't actually think Trump personally awarded the contract, and frankly do not care. Contractor was a dumb ass. If you live in So Cal, maybe you can hire him for your fencing job, after he finishes the nice government contract. Good luck.
No way in hell I would live anywhere in California. Thirty or forty years ago diffrent story.
Still you are making assumptions. You have no facts. Maybe you might want to learn the old saying about assuming.
Other then that even if it was contractor error the fact you wanted to blame Trump for something he had no control over speaks volumes.
Agree about living in Califonia. Assumptions based on multiple article about it being a windy day. Not one article said a freak wind. Saw pictures of the sandy soil at jobsite of failure and understand about building on high sand content soil. Still think contractor should have not been attempting on strong wind day, unfit for tower work, or tall fencing. Luckily the tree lined street on the Mexico side prevented injury or death under tons of elevated metal fence.The Mexicans were lucky. The contract got by on dumb luck.
What part of "I don't actually think Trump personally awarded the contract, and frankly do not care." , did you not understand? For the Fkn record I DO NOT BLAME THE DUMB ASS DONALD TRUMP BECAUSE THIS CONTRACTOR SCREWED UP. Accidents do not just happen. Ask any safety officer or supervisor in military or civilian world.
So you went to the location and took soil samples. You checked to see if any rigging was used to tie the fencing structure to any supports or if there was internal structures that were in place to hold the fencing. You checked to make sure there was no failure of any rigging that might have been used. You spoke to the supervisor on site and heard what he had to say. You checked with workers to make sure that they were aware of any safety instructions or precautions they may have been given and were followed. You looked into the meteorological data for the day and know that the winds were in fact sustained winds.

In all probability you sat on your nice comfy chair watched the same video clip presented by few different news agencies and made the determination.

By the way when I asked if you had ever worked in construction I meant as in used equipment and worked with your hands.
Nope, just looked at still pictures, showing the sandy soil and the wall. If rigging was an issue or their internal bacing structure were substandard or improperly placed, as you infer the possibility, that is on the contractor's lack of supervision. Two different articles described a "windy day", nobody reported and freak winds, but no, I did not check meteorologiical data.
Yes, my desk chair is quite comfy.
Last I did hands on jobsite work was working for a bricking contractor, mixing mortar and slinging brick three scaffolds high, along with tossing shovels of mortar up to the same height, back in 1977. I did personally construct about 500 feet of decorative privacy fencing in my back yard, about 15 years ago and still standing strong.. In civilian life I was a millwork professional, often teaching application of product and demonstrating, sometimes at jobsites, or at the plant, a lot to do with proper stairway construction, the only structural aspect of the millwork trade. All of my safety investigations involved broken bones, crushed skulls, severe bleeding, etc, mostly not my personnel. All were a direct result of human error, many supervisory error. No injuries in this blown down wall incident, probably not resulting in an OSHA investigation. The contractor was a lucky dumb ass.
Trump designed his wall against Mexicans, not winds

He probably didn’t pay the guys putting up the replacement wall.
To the contrary, sir or ma'am. President Trump built many hotels for respite to people who needed a good, clean vacation. I've seen snakes accuse him of being the friend of a dead man who made his fortune off minor girls for pedophiles, when in truth, he banned the same man from ever coming on any properties when he found out he traded in little girls with hymen intact to make him a fortune off their subsequent rapes once his girl picked the pretty ones off the streets for the sole purpose of turning them into trained prostitutes to make their pimp a very wealthy man.

President Trump banned the creep for trying to use his hotel to rape little girls. It literally made him sick at his stomach for what was being done to innocent children. This man may annoy people with twittering, but in his heart, there is much love for the Almighty's Kingdom. His humiliation is on those who bore false witness against him and impeached him. They do not have God's love in their evil desire for power in what started out as a Christian nation that tolerated people of different backgrounds, so long as they adhered to the Constitution.

The men and women who have lied about President Trump will have to pay for their mischief. To their consternation, they can't win at the game of "gotcha" with this man whose heart is transformed and refined by obedience to the precepts of God's Kingdom. If he has offended others, he makes amends. Quite often, a killer shark lawyer sees that as a weakness and goes after him with extortion plots based on false witness and broken contracts broken by persons other than President Trump.

I pray that his enemies change their love for lies and unchecked power into obedience to the good book's advice for them to turn away from wrongful living and become transformed by God's mercy and pity upon sincere people. That may be difficult for persons who have entrenched themselves into the path of the deep state push to communism as better than Christianity. Doesn't hold a candle to living in the light of the Lord.

St. Paul as "Saul" went on a mission to kill Christians, but he saw the light when he was blinded by it on the road to Damascus. May those opposed to those who do right be transformed like St. Paul and turn their lives into giving, not taking.
Last I did hands on jobsite work was working for a bricking contractor, mixing mortar and slinging brick three scaffolds high, along with tossing shovels of mortar up to the same height, back in 1977.

Oh, you did, huh? Can you show me how you tossed shovels of mortar up three scaffolds high? Because I grew up laboring for my father on side jobs, and I've worked with a lot of laborers during that time. I even joined the bricklayers union when I was 18 and worked a summer building condominiums. I've never seen that done before.
Last I did hands on jobsite work was working for a bricking contractor, mixing mortar and slinging brick three scaffolds high, along with tossing shovels of mortar up to the same height, back in 1977.

Oh, you did, huh? Can you show me how you tossed shovels of mortar up three scaffolds high? Because I grew up laboring for my father on side jobs, and I've worked with a lot of laborers during that time. I even joined the bricklayers union when I was 18 and worked a summer building condominiums. I've never seen that done before.
pssssst - There seems to be no preventing people who believe they are Paul Bunyan from posting online....<giggle>
Last I did hands on jobsite work was working for a bricking contractor, mixing mortar and slinging brick three scaffolds high, along with tossing shovels of mortar up to the same height, back in 1977.

Oh, you did, huh? Can you show me how you tossed shovels of mortar up three scaffolds high? Because I grew up laboring for my father on side jobs, and I've worked with a lot of laborers during that time. I even joined the bricklayers union when I was 18 and worked a summer building condominiums. I've never seen that done before.
pssssst - There seems to be no preventing people who believe they are Paul Bunyan from posting online....<giggle>

I have tossed bricks up, but three scaffolds high takes some pretty good aim, and is a little dangerous. But you can't do that with cement. He's talking about the mid 70's, and the older laborers used a device called a Hud to transport cement and bricks. It's a V shaped object that they loaded the mortar on, and they put it on their shoulders and climbed the scaffold with it. Amazing to see really. I was too young to try it out myself.

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