The wind blew over Trump’s “wall”

The concrete had not cured before it was hit with the winds.

Anyone who knows anything about concrete knows structures need to be supported until the concrete cures enough to support it's load. Evidently the idiots who were given the contract to build that stupid wall didn't even have that much basic understanding of what was required.

I'm sure it was supported, but trust me, wind hitting an object that large is a lot of force, thus pulling the supports out.

We have a lot of wind here in Cleveland; more windy than Chicago. I'm a truck driver, and I can tell you that when that thing is loaded and weights 75,000 lbs and the wind hits you, it's tough to keep that truck in your lane. Being empty (about 31,000 lbs) is even worse. Think of how large an object that wall is compared to a 53' trailer.

A qualified company would know how much wind would load the wall and take precautions. Most calculations for things like that include at least a 100% safety factor for the highest expected load.
Yeah keep telling yourself that. Most things are only rated at 10% over.
Years ago a Exxon engineer assured a pipeline company that they could get a pig out of a newly welded quarter mile by using compressed air at 110 psi the pig did come out. It was found over six miles away. Someone later calculated that there was almost a half million pounds of force behind the thing. No one is infallible.

yes. Simple arithmetic is amazing.
You got the simple right.
For tossing brick, you lay of a smooth flat board 3 to 5 at a time, swing the board underhanded making the brick fly upward, they stay mostlly together because all accelerating at same rate. The bricklayer catches at the top, clamping in both hands at end bricks as a loose unit. Hard work in the heat, but faster than loading a pulley. As for mortar by the shovel, get as much on shovel as you can throw (shove and all) and throw it up, so that shovel stays approximately level, again faster than sending up buckets by pulley, hard on the guy at bottom, relatively easy on guy at top. Make you strong. Left for military. Pushups? No problem.
You would probably be arrested in NYC if you did that [at the very least your company would be fined and probably sued]...What happens when something goes wrong using this method? has anyone ever gotten seriously injured or killed? You describe the "brick toss" in such a manner that I don't doubt you really did this but even if I saw it with my own eyes I think I would doubt it...that's just crazy.
Definitely not OSHA approved, but don't think there was an OSHA back then.
OSHA was law in 1971.
This was mostly out in the county, residential new construction, mostly not even subdivisions. Did not get many inspections back then. OSHA was definitely not one of them.
Trump designed his wall against Mexicans, not winds

He probably didn’t pay the guys putting up the replacement wall.
To the contrary, sir or ma'am. President Trump built many hotels for respite to people who needed a good, clean vacation. I've seen snakes accuse him of being the friend of a dead man who made his fortune off minor girls for pedophiles, when in truth, he banned the same man from ever coming on any properties when he found out he traded in little girls with hymen intact to make him a fortune off their subsequent rapes once his girl picked the pretty ones off the streets for the sole purpose of turning them into trained prostitutes to make their pimp a very wealthy man.

President Trump banned the creep for trying to use his hotel to rape little girls. It literally made him sick at his stomach for what was being done to innocent children. This man may annoy people with twittering, but in his heart, there is much love for the Almighty's Kingdom. His humiliation is on those who bore false witness against him and impeached him. They do not have God's love in their evil desire for power in what started out as a Christian nation that tolerated people of different backgrounds, so long as they adhered to the Constitution.

The men and women who have lied about President Trump will have to pay for their mischief. To their consternation, they can't win at the game of "gotcha" with this man whose heart is transformed and refined by obedience to the precepts of God's Kingdom. If he has offended others, he makes amends. Quite often, a killer shark lawyer sees that as a weakness and goes after him with extortion plots based on false witness and broken contracts broken by persons other than President Trump.

I pray that his enemies change their love for lies and unchecked power into obedience to the good book's advice for them to turn away from wrongful living and become transformed by God's mercy and pity upon sincere people. That may be difficult for persons who have entrenched themselves into the path of the deep state push to communism as better than Christianity. Doesn't hold a candle to living in the light of the Lord.

St. Paul as "Saul" went on a mission to kill Christians, but he saw the light when he was blinded by it on the road to Damascus. May those opposed to those who do right be transformed like St. Paul and turn their lives into giving, not taking.

your blob is a lying whoremonger whom you should be ashamed to support
Trump designed his wall against Mexicans, not winds

He probably didn’t pay the guys putting up the replacement wall.
To the contrary, sir or ma'am. President Trump built many hotels for respite to people who needed a good, clean vacation. I've seen snakes accuse him of being the friend of a dead man who made his fortune off minor girls for pedophiles, when in truth, he banned the same man from ever coming on any properties when he found out he traded in little girls with hymen intact to make him a fortune off their subsequent rapes once his girl picked the pretty ones off the streets for the sole purpose of turning them into trained prostitutes to make their pimp a very wealthy man.

President Trump banned the creep for trying to use his hotel to rape little girls. It literally made him sick at his stomach for what was being done to innocent children. This man may annoy people with twittering, but in his heart, there is much love for the Almighty's Kingdom. His humiliation is on those who bore false witness against him and impeached him. They do not have God's love in their evil desire for power in what started out as a Christian nation that tolerated people of different backgrounds, so long as they adhered to the Constitution.

The men and women who have lied about President Trump will have to pay for their mischief. To their consternation, they can't win at the game of "gotcha" with this man whose heart is transformed and refined by obedience to the precepts of God's Kingdom. If he has offended others, he makes amends. Quite often, a killer shark lawyer sees that as a weakness and goes after him with extortion plots based on false witness and broken contracts broken by persons other than President Trump.

I pray that his enemies change their love for lies and unchecked power into obedience to the good book's advice for them to turn away from wrongful living and become transformed by God's mercy and pity upon sincere people. That may be difficult for persons who have entrenched themselves into the path of the deep state push to communism as better than Christianity. Doesn't hold a candle to living in the light of the Lord.

St. Paul as "Saul" went on a mission to kill Christians, but he saw the light when he was blinded by it on the road to Damascus. May those opposed to those who do right be transformed like St. Paul and turn their lives into giving, not taking.

your blob is a lying whoremonger whom you should be ashamed to support
<gong> You're wrong!

You're seven inquiries of lies have been discredited and all you can do is call the President names because he made mistakes when he was not a grown-up person. And Hillary's severely evil plan to frame President Trump with her paid for Steele Dossier which just so accidentally happened to contain the things Americans hate the most, to discredit Trump was believed by naive people like you who now have the mindset that President Trump is--what was that you called him above--a 'whoremonger' you ate the whole thing, because you think your Hillary is beyond reproach, when she wrote the book on dirty politics with her entire miserable life, dedicated to the destruction of anyone, male or female, who called her cheatin' spouse on his crimes against women he raped, had 10-year affairs with in Hillary's face, while she plotted his charming exterior would put her in the President's seat, because he had to have women to satisfy his illness for which he refused treatment and when he trampled their civil rights as human being, got himself a deserved impeachment. Hillary kept him in office as she corrupted the FBI into forking over their information on every one of his potential rivals, and with that knowledge, managed to threaten sinners with telling on them to their wives every sexual fantasy they acted out with the knowledge of her private eye FBI people she promised promotions and power to as chief of the Bill Clinton War Room. A more vicious human being has never been in the White House, and she did White House dirty tricks for four terms, which is sixteen years in our adult lifetimes for those here who were old enough to vote when Clinton won votes of a hell of a lot of dead people and nonvoters who had no intention of voting.

President Trump knows a lot more dirt on Hillary than she remembers in her elderly years for which she has no remorse, being a highly-trained political tyrant turned out by Princeton University communists who hated the Constitution that gave freedom to everybody. If she were tried for her crimes against humanity and the American voter, not to mention personally charging the most wicked of men in the war room for writing the salacious lies about President Trump, she'd be serving 3 life terms for treason. Sociopaths have no remorse. That's Hillary "I forget" Clinton in a nutshell. :cheeky-smiley-018: And that's what I think.
I have breached walls. As a fixed fortification, any of them can be breached or avoided. This one was destroyed by a 37 mile per hour breeze after it was re-enforced. My house doesn't even lose shingles in a 37 mile per hour breeze. At least, nobody was hurt.

The Independent

We're going to have a wall, we're going to have safety: Trump
The concrete had not cured before it was hit with the winds.

Anyone who knows anything about concrete knows structures need to be supported until the concrete cures enough to support it's load. Evidently the idiots who were given the contract to build that stupid wall didn't even have that much basic understanding of what was required.

I'm sure it was supported, but trust me, wind hitting an object that large is a lot of force, thus pulling the supports out.

We have a lot of wind here in Cleveland; more windy than Chicago. I'm a truck driver, and I can tell you that when that thing is loaded and weights 75,000 lbs and the wind hits you, it's tough to keep that truck in your lane. Being empty (about 31,000 lbs) is even worse. Think of how large an object that wall is compared to a 53' trailer.

A qualified company would know how much wind would load the wall and take precautions. Most calculations for things like that include at least a 100% safety factor for the highest expected load.
Let’s see, 100 miles built without incident, one small section gets hit with wind before cured and anchors set, and you want to imply the com0any is now unqualified? No, you just want to gripe as you have tds bad.
View attachment 303722

Fortunately, they were not building a bridge on the expressway, or something that actually would have been functional.
Trump designed his wall against Mexicans, not winds

He probably didn’t pay the guys putting up the replacement wall.
To the contrary, sir or ma'am. President Trump built many hotels for respite to people who needed a good, clean vacation. I've seen snakes accuse him of being the friend of a dead man who made his fortune off minor girls for pedophiles, when in truth, he banned the same man from ever coming on any properties when he found out he traded in little girls with hymen intact to make him a fortune off their subsequent rapes once his girl picked the pretty ones off the streets for the sole purpose of turning them into trained prostitutes to make their pimp a very wealthy man.

President Trump banned the creep for trying to use his hotel to rape little girls. It literally made him sick at his stomach for what was being done to innocent children. This man may annoy people with twittering, but in his heart, there is much love for the Almighty's Kingdom. His humiliation is on those who bore false witness against him and impeached him. They do not have God's love in their evil desire for power in what started out as a Christian nation that tolerated people of different backgrounds, so long as they adhered to the Constitution.

The men and women who have lied about President Trump will have to pay for their mischief. To their consternation, they can't win at the game of "gotcha" with this man whose heart is transformed and refined by obedience to the precepts of God's Kingdom. If he has offended others, he makes amends. Quite often, a killer shark lawyer sees that as a weakness and goes after him with extortion plots based on false witness and broken contracts broken by persons other than President Trump.

I pray that his enemies change their love for lies and unchecked power into obedience to the good book's advice for them to turn away from wrongful living and become transformed by God's mercy and pity upon sincere people. That may be difficult for persons who have entrenched themselves into the path of the deep state push to communism as better than Christianity. Doesn't hold a candle to living in the light of the Lord.

St. Paul as "Saul" went on a mission to kill Christians, but he saw the light when he was blinded by it on the road to Damascus. May those opposed to those who do right be transformed like St. Paul and turn their lives into giving, not taking.

your blob is a lying whoremonger whom you should be ashamed to support
<gong> You're wrong!

You're seven inquiries of lies have been discredited and all you can do is call the President names because he made mistakes when he was not a grown-up person. And Hillary's severely evil plan to frame President Trump with her paid for Steele Dossier which just so accidentally happened to contain the things Americans hate the most, to discredit Trump was believed by naive people like you who now have the mindset that President Trump is--what was that you called him above--a 'whoremonger' you ate the whole thing, because you think your Hillary is beyond reproach, when she wrote the book on dirty politics with her entire miserable life, dedicated to the destruction of anyone, male or female, who called her cheatin' spouse on his crimes against women he raped, had 10-year affairs with in Hillary's face, while she plotted his charming exterior would put her in the President's seat, because he had to have women to satisfy his illness for which he refused treatment and when he trampled their civil rights as human being, got himself a deserved impeachment. Hillary kept him in office as she corrupted the FBI into forking over their information on every one of his potential rivals, and with that knowledge, managed to threaten sinners with telling on them to their wives every sexual fantasy they acted out with the knowledge of her private eye FBI people she promised promotions and power to as chief of the Bill Clinton War Room. A more vicious human being has never been in the White House, and she did White House dirty tricks for four terms, which is sixteen years in our adult lifetimes for those here who were old enough to vote when Clinton won votes of a hell of a lot of dead people and nonvoters who had no intention of voting.

President Trump knows a lot more dirt on Hillary than she remembers in her elderly years for which she has no remorse, being a highly-trained political tyrant turned out by Princeton University communists who hated the Constitution that gave freedom to everybody. If she were tried for her crimes against humanity and the American voter, not to mention personally charging the most wicked of men in the war room for writing the salacious lies about President Trump, she'd be serving 3 life terms for treason. Sociopaths have no remorse. That's Hillary "I forget" Clinton in a nutshell. :cheeky-smiley-018: And that's what I think.

tl dr dc

your blob is a lying whoremonger
Trump designed his wall against Mexicans, not winds

He probably didn’t pay the guys putting up the replacement wall.
To the contrary, sir or ma'am. President Trump built many hotels for respite to people who needed a good, clean vacation. I've seen snakes accuse him of being the friend of a dead man who made his fortune off minor girls for pedophiles, when in truth, he banned the same man from ever coming on any properties when he found out he traded in little girls with hymen intact to make him a fortune off their subsequent rapes once his girl picked the pretty ones off the streets for the sole purpose of turning them into trained prostitutes to make their pimp a very wealthy man.

President Trump banned the creep for trying to use his hotel to rape little girls. It literally made him sick at his stomach for what was being done to innocent children. This man may annoy people with twittering, but in his heart, there is much love for the Almighty's Kingdom. His humiliation is on those who bore false witness against him and impeached him. They do not have God's love in their evil desire for power in what started out as a Christian nation that tolerated people of different backgrounds, so long as they adhered to the Constitution.

The men and women who have lied about President Trump will have to pay for their mischief. To their consternation, they can't win at the game of "gotcha" with this man whose heart is transformed and refined by obedience to the precepts of God's Kingdom. If he has offended others, he makes amends. Quite often, a killer shark lawyer sees that as a weakness and goes after him with extortion plots based on false witness and broken contracts broken by persons other than President Trump.

I pray that his enemies change their love for lies and unchecked power into obedience to the good book's advice for them to turn away from wrongful living and become transformed by God's mercy and pity upon sincere people. That may be difficult for persons who have entrenched themselves into the path of the deep state push to communism as better than Christianity. Doesn't hold a candle to living in the light of the Lord.

St. Paul as "Saul" went on a mission to kill Christians, but he saw the light when he was blinded by it on the road to Damascus. May those opposed to those who do right be transformed like St. Paul and turn their lives into giving, not taking.

your blob is a lying whoremonger whom you should be ashamed to support
<gong> You're wrong!

You're seven inquiries of lies have been discredited and all you can do is call the President names because he made mistakes when he was not a grown-up person. And Hillary's severely evil plan to frame President Trump with her paid for Steele Dossier which just so accidentally happened to contain the things Americans hate the most, to discredit Trump was believed by naive people like you who now have the mindset that President Trump is--what was that you called him above--a 'whoremonger' you ate the whole thing, because you think your Hillary is beyond reproach, when she wrote the book on dirty politics with her entire miserable life, dedicated to the destruction of anyone, male or female, who called her cheatin' spouse on his crimes against women he raped, had 10-year affairs with in Hillary's face, while she plotted his charming exterior would put her in the President's seat, because he had to have women to satisfy his illness for which he refused treatment and when he trampled their civil rights as human being, got himself a deserved impeachment. Hillary kept him in office as she corrupted the FBI into forking over their information on every one of his potential rivals, and with that knowledge, managed to threaten sinners with telling on them to their wives every sexual fantasy they acted out with the knowledge of her private eye FBI people she promised promotions and power to as chief of the Bill Clinton War Room. A more vicious human being has never been in the White House, and she did White House dirty tricks for four terms, which is sixteen years in our adult lifetimes for those here who were old enough to vote when Clinton won votes of a hell of a lot of dead people and nonvoters who had no intention of voting.

President Trump knows a lot more dirt on Hillary than she remembers in her elderly years for which she has no remorse, being a highly-trained political tyrant turned out by Princeton University communists who hated the Constitution that gave freedom to everybody. If she were tried for her crimes against humanity and the American voter, not to mention personally charging the most wicked of men in the war room for writing the salacious lies about President Trump, she'd be serving 3 life terms for treason. Sociopaths have no remorse. That's Hillary "I forget" Clinton in a nutshell. :cheeky-smiley-018: And that's what I think.

tl dr dc

your blob is a lying whoremonger
You can stop projecting any minute. All Hillary's false witness did not work against President Trump. She thought if she corrupted the entire brass in the FBI, she could unseat her rival. Here's a note for Hillary: enjoy your long prison term, vicious dowager.
Trump designed his wall against Mexicans, not winds

He probably didn’t pay the guys putting up the replacement wall.
To the contrary, sir or ma'am. President Trump built many hotels for respite to people who needed a good, clean vacation. I've seen snakes accuse him of being the friend of a dead man who made his fortune off minor girls for pedophiles, when in truth, he banned the same man from ever coming on any properties when he found out he traded in little girls with hymen intact to make him a fortune off their subsequent rapes once his girl picked the pretty ones off the streets for the sole purpose of turning them into trained prostitutes to make their pimp a very wealthy man.

President Trump banned the creep for trying to use his hotel to rape little girls. It literally made him sick at his stomach for what was being done to innocent children. This man may annoy people with twittering, but in his heart, there is much love for the Almighty's Kingdom. His humiliation is on those who bore false witness against him and impeached him. They do not have God's love in their evil desire for power in what started out as a Christian nation that tolerated people of different backgrounds, so long as they adhered to the Constitution.

The men and women who have lied about President Trump will have to pay for their mischief. To their consternation, they can't win at the game of "gotcha" with this man whose heart is transformed and refined by obedience to the precepts of God's Kingdom. If he has offended others, he makes amends. Quite often, a killer shark lawyer sees that as a weakness and goes after him with extortion plots based on false witness and broken contracts broken by persons other than President Trump.

I pray that his enemies change their love for lies and unchecked power into obedience to the good book's advice for them to turn away from wrongful living and become transformed by God's mercy and pity upon sincere people. That may be difficult for persons who have entrenched themselves into the path of the deep state push to communism as better than Christianity. Doesn't hold a candle to living in the light of the Lord.

St. Paul as "Saul" went on a mission to kill Christians, but he saw the light when he was blinded by it on the road to Damascus. May those opposed to those who do right be transformed like St. Paul and turn their lives into giving, not taking.

your blob is a lying whoremonger whom you should be ashamed to support
<gong> You're wrong!

You're seven inquiries of lies have been discredited and all you can do is call the President names because he made mistakes when he was not a grown-up person. And Hillary's severely evil plan to frame President Trump with her paid for Steele Dossier which just so accidentally happened to contain the things Americans hate the most, to discredit Trump was believed by naive people like you who now have the mindset that President Trump is--what was that you called him above--a 'whoremonger' you ate the whole thing, because you think your Hillary is beyond reproach, when she wrote the book on dirty politics with her entire miserable life, dedicated to the destruction of anyone, male or female, who called her cheatin' spouse on his crimes against women he raped, had 10-year affairs with in Hillary's face, while she plotted his charming exterior would put her in the President's seat, because he had to have women to satisfy his illness for which he refused treatment and when he trampled their civil rights as human being, got himself a deserved impeachment. Hillary kept him in office as she corrupted the FBI into forking over their information on every one of his potential rivals, and with that knowledge, managed to threaten sinners with telling on them to their wives every sexual fantasy they acted out with the knowledge of her private eye FBI people she promised promotions and power to as chief of the Bill Clinton War Room. A more vicious human being has never been in the White House, and she did White House dirty tricks for four terms, which is sixteen years in our adult lifetimes for those here who were old enough to vote when Clinton won votes of a hell of a lot of dead people and nonvoters who had no intention of voting.

President Trump knows a lot more dirt on Hillary than she remembers in her elderly years for which she has no remorse, being a highly-trained political tyrant turned out by Princeton University communists who hated the Constitution that gave freedom to everybody. If she were tried for her crimes against humanity and the American voter, not to mention personally charging the most wicked of men in the war room for writing the salacious lies about President Trump, she'd be serving 3 life terms for treason. Sociopaths have no remorse. That's Hillary "I forget" Clinton in a nutshell. :cheeky-smiley-018: And that's what I think.

tl dr dc

your blob is a lying whoremonger
Your short term memory deficit disorder is duly noted, not to even mention your supersized TDS affectations with aggravated misogynistic flamboyance. :rolleyes:


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