The Winning Message on Abortion: Boldly and Courageously Defend/Promote Human Life

"Defend Human Life"....when?

You people are all about the kid is born, then you do absolutely jack shit for it.

You do not want to fund health care.

You do not you do not fund education.

You do not want in sure the there food eat and a roof over it's head.

You sure do not do jack-fucking-shit the fact the leading cause of death for school children is gun violence.

You really love sending that child of to war when it is of military, but you want V.A. Care and Benefits when it is wounded or maimed.

You people so full shit.
In past threads, I have lamented the lost opportunity for Trump and Republicans of doing the right thing on the abortion issue and the folly of doing the seemingly safe but wrong thing. Unfortunately, our side chose the latter. The longtime GOP platform declared human life as sacred. That wording was changed this cycle. Major mistake. We have now ceded the false premise to the Democrats that abortion pertains to the woman, and not what it really is. Gone from the presidential debate is the question: "Do you think abortion is morally right?", It is now a given on both sides that abortion is permissible in the blue states. Here's what we should have done, and how we should pivot now:

1. Definitively and aggressively proclaim the sanctity of human life. Boldly and unequivocally denounce abortion as the destruction of living, growing developing babies in the womb. Show pictures of beautiful toddlers. Change the narrative. This is the way to change hearts and minds.

2. Constantly point out the Harris campaign's and Democrats' #1 agenda item is the destruction of little babies in the womb. Challenge any and all claims that abortion is about women, women's healthcare, etc.

3. Demonstrate that the ultimate goal of the left is forced abortion, like the Communists have done in China, North Korea, and Russia. Remind women that this shows the left has zero regard for their freedom or worth.

4. Work to change wording on all state abortion referenda to describe what abortion really is. Have it phrased: "Do you believe it should be illegal to kill human beings in the womb?" It's a leftwing lie that most people think killing their offspring is acceptable. Most people don't know what abortion really is because the leftwing and its media has convinced them it's a minor surgical procedure that somehow protects women's health. That needs to change.

5. Brand the Democrat leadership as racists for promoting abortion which disproportionately kills black children. Provide the history of racist Margaret Sanger and the founding of Planned Parenthood

6. Stigmatize abortion and sex outside marriage. Point out 85% of abortions are had by the unmarried.

7. Restore the strong pro-life statement to the GOP platform.

8. Demonize the abortion mill Planned Parenthood as the money-grubbing entity it is. Point out the vast $$$ involved in abortion, and the hypocrisy that PP is "about women".

Be actively pro-life, first and foremost, because it is the RIGHT thing. You can never go wrong doing the right thing. And don't be shy about it.
As the Bible commands in Joshua 1: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” People innately are drawn to good if God's perfect word is given to them. Good has a way of prevailing. Doing the right thing will not only send more people to Heaven, it will also eventually work in our favor politically.
Does this mean you aren't voting for Trump because he will accept abortions?
In past threads, I have lamented the lost opportunity for Trump and Republicans of doing the right thing on the abortion issue and the folly of doing the seemingly safe but wrong thing. Unfortunately, our side chose the latter. The longtime GOP platform declared human life as sacred. That wording was changed this cycle. Major mistake. We have now ceded the false premise to the Democrats that abortion pertains to the woman, and not what it really is. Gone from the presidential debate is the question: "Do you think abortion is morally right?", It is now a given on both sides that abortion is permissible in the blue states. Here's what we should have done, and how we should pivot now:

1. Definitively and aggressively proclaim the sanctity of human life. Boldly and unequivocally denounce abortion as the destruction of living, growing developing babies in the womb. Show pictures of beautiful toddlers. Change the narrative. This is the way to change hearts and minds.

2. Constantly point out the Harris campaign's and Democrats' #1 agenda item is the destruction of little babies in the womb. Challenge any and all claims that abortion is about women, women's healthcare, etc.

3. Demonstrate that the ultimate goal of the left is forced abortion, like the Communists have done in China, North Korea, and Russia. Remind women that this shows the left has zero regard for their freedom or worth.

4. Work to change wording on all state abortion referenda to describe what abortion really is. Have it phrased: "Do you believe it should be illegal to kill human beings in the womb?" It's a leftwing lie that most people think killing their offspring is acceptable. Most people don't know what abortion really is because the leftwing and its media has convinced them it's a minor surgical procedure that somehow protects women's health. That needs to change.

5. Brand the Democrat leadership as racists for promoting abortion which disproportionately kills black children. Provide the history of racist Margaret Sanger and the founding of Planned Parenthood

6. Stigmatize abortion and sex outside marriage. Point out 85% of abortions are had by the unmarried.

7. Restore the strong pro-life statement to the GOP platform.

8. Demonize the abortion mill Planned Parenthood as the money-grubbing entity it is. Point out the vast $$$ involved in abortion, and the hypocrisy that PP is "about women".

Be actively pro-life, first and foremost, because it is the RIGHT thing. You can never go wrong doing the right thing. And don't be shy about it.
As the Bible commands in Joshua 1: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” People innately are drawn to good if God's perfect word is given to them. Good has a way of prevailing. Doing the right thing will not only send more people to Heaven, it will also eventually work in our favor politically.
Fuck off.
"Defend Human Life"....when?

You people are all about the kid is born, then you do absolutely jack shit for it.

You do not want to fund health care.

You do not you do not fund education.

You do not want in sure the there food eat and a roof over it's head.

You sure do not do jack-fucking-shit the fact the leading cause of death for school children is gun violence.

You really love sending that child of to war when it is of military, but you want V.A. Care and Benefits when it is wounded or maimed.

You people so full shit.
So you think the two choices for a child are 1) to be aborted or 2) to become a ward of the state. Nothing about, say, the parents raising their children.
"Defend Human Life"....when?

You people are all about the kid is born, then you do absolutely jack shit for it.

You do not want to fund health care.

You do not you do not fund education.

You do not want in sure the there food eat and a roof over it's head.

You sure do not do jack-fucking-shit the fact the leading cause of death for school children is gun violence.

You really love sending that child of to war when it is of military, but you want V.A. Care and Benefits when it is wounded or maimed.

You people so full shit.

Pure sophistry.
Those developmental stages are irrelevant.

Sure they are. An embryo of tissue cells is no more a human being than a few uncracked eggs in a bowl is Eggs Benedict. I get where you are coming from but life is a balance of compromises. But it is your kind of rigid, inflexible morality that may end up costing Trump his reelection. A blastocyst is not a human being and you couldn't tell a human one from a pig or a horse's. A fetus is not reasonably human at least until the 10-12 week period.
Sure they are. An embryo of tissue cells is no more a human being than a few uncracked eggs in a bowl is Eggs Benedict. I get where you are coming from but life is a balance of compromises. But it is your kind of rigid, inflexible morality that may end up costing Trump his reelection. A blastocyst is not a human being and you couldn't tell a human one from a pig or a horse's. A fetus is not reasonably human at least until the 10-12 week period.
There is nothing scientific about what you're saying. A human embryo is fully a living growing developing human organism. An uncracked egg is not an organism. It is not developing. It is an egg, just like an unfertilized human egg. A fetus is a human being from the time of conception. As for Trump, unfortunately, he isn't showing that kind of 'rigidity'. He's still miles ahead of the woman whose central campaign theme is the killing of children in the womb.
There is nothing scientific about what you're saying.
Everything I'm saying is scientific.

A human embryo is fully a living growing developing human organism.
Only on a genetic level.

An uncracked egg is not an organism.
Of course it is! It is an unhatched chicken!

A fetus is a human being from the time of conception.
On a genetic level. But if it were really human, you would not be calling it a fetus. Do you understand what fetus means?

As for Trump, unfortunately, he isn't showing that kind of 'rigidity'. He's still miles ahead of the woman whose central campaign theme is the killing of children in the womb.
And unfortunately, you just don't get it. I've failed to reach you. And if Trump loses and the democrats reverse all restrictions on abortion, we will have people like YOU to thank for that. When millions more babies are aborted thanks to your pig-headed stupidity, what do you think God will say about that?!

No thanks, don't even bother replying, you are incapable of lucid, independent thought.
You're a moron. Two completely different issues that you managed to conflate.
Nope, men have been drafted without a choice, you’d consider it “the rape” and have been expected to die.

So, in todays “volunteer” military, they, the soldiers make a “choice” when they enlist, they don’t get to back out of that “choice”, when things get dangerous.

They are considered cowards if they try.

So what exactly is your point?

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