The Wise Obama

Somebody tell me why a non Christian President would be a bad thing?

He would not share the same values as the vast majority of Americans. It would be even worse if he lied about it.
I'm not trying to pick a fight, really, but I'm confused by what you mean by values.

I know some would consider belief in God an important value to share...but Muslims believe in God.

I'm also not sure that "Christian values" neccessarilly require someone to be a practicing Christian. Almost everyone I've ever known, regardless of their religion thinks lies, adultery, killing, and stealing are bad.

Less than 1/2 of Americans (42%) believe in creationism that excludes evolution

While 75% of Americans believe the bible is the word of God, only 28% believe it is the "literal" word of God.

I won't go on much longer, and I could, but I really want to know what values, that a Christian possesses, that are critical to being a President who represents the majority of Americans.
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.

Which is the PRECISE meaning of Christ's parable....regarding throwing stones at the woman who committed adultery....(probably with one of the very men waiting to cast a stone at her)

Can you guys please stop whining over the smallest of things.... it is so, UNMANLY....and very babyish....
Where does the glass house come into play?

Somebody make up something.... quick!
''Let He who is without sin, cast the first stone'', has the same meaning as don't throw stones in glass houses

people who live in glass houses shouldn t throw stones - definition in the British English Dictionary Thesaurus - Cambridge Dictionaries Online US

Says who, you?
the dictionary gives meaning to the term, if you live in a glass house, don't throw stones....I posted the link with the ''meaning'' that was in the dictionary:

people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.

That's not MY definition, it's the dictionary's, Cambridge.

And this is what Christ continually taught through these parables..

John 8, these men were criticizing this adulteress, and ready to stone her, as their religion required, (so they thought).... Jesus did not stop them by saying, NO, don't do that...don't kill her.

He said something much more powerful, He told them, ''Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone''.... and wrote something in the sand....many believe he wrote those among them who also committed adultery or the name of the man she committed adultery with.... either way, they got the point....don't throw stones in glass houses if you are in one.... or, don't be a hypocrite, clean up your own act, your own sin, before you cast down another sinner...(especially for the same sin, you have committed yourself, is the way it is interpreted by many of religious hierarchy)

The same with the parable about trying to pull a piece of sawdust out of another sinner's eye, when you have a plank of wood in your own... it's CHRIST'S Biblical message, to all of us.

He gave permission

You gave your opinion that it fit what was in the Bible
Somebody tell me why a non Christian President would be a bad thing?

He would not share the same values as the vast majority of Americans. It would be even worse if he lied about it.
I'm not trying to pick a fight, really, but I'm confused by what you mean by values.

I know some would consider belief in God an important value to share...but Muslims believe in God.

I'm also not sure that "Christian values" neccessarilly require someone to be a practicing Christian. Almost everyone I've ever known, regardless of their religion thinks lies, adultery, killing, and stealing are bad.

Less than 1/2 of Americans (42%) believe in creationism that excludes evolution

While 75% of Americans believe the bible is the word of God, only 28% believe it is the "literal" word of God.

I won't go on much longer, and I could, but I really want to know what values, that a Christian possesses, that are critical to being a President who represents the majority of Americans.
Apparently Obama and his supporters are in that almost everyone you know thinks lying is bad. He does and they enable him to continue to do so by covering for him when he does.
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.

Which is the PRECISE meaning of Christ's parable....regarding throwing stones at the woman who committed adultery....(probably with one of the very men waiting to cast a stone at her)

Can you guys please stop whining over the smallest of things.... it is so, UNMANLY....and very babyish....
Where does the glass house come into play?

Somebody make up something.... quick!
''Let He who is without sin, cast the first stone'', has the same meaning as don't throw stones in glass houses

people who live in glass houses shouldn t throw stones - definition in the British English Dictionary Thesaurus - Cambridge Dictionaries Online US

Bull. The left rushes in to clean up the mess when the golden boy craps.
It has the same dictionary has had this meaning, long before Obama ever made the comment.

IT IS YOU who is trying to change this meaning in to something else.

Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house,
(› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.)

has the same meaning as, Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.


"Before trying to remove a piece of sawdust out of another person's eye, remove the plank that is in your own first"

Nice try and pucker up to Obama's ass but all you got was chapped lips.
what are you a 5 year old? GROW UP, you're past due.
Where does the glass house come into play?

Somebody make up something.... quick!
''Let He who is without sin, cast the first stone'', has the same meaning as don't throw stones in glass houses

people who live in glass houses shouldn t throw stones - definition in the British English Dictionary Thesaurus - Cambridge Dictionaries Online US

Bull. The left rushes in to clean up the mess when the golden boy craps.
It has the same dictionary has had this meaning, long before Obama ever made the comment.

IT IS YOU who is trying to change this meaning in to something else.

Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house,
(› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.)

has the same meaning as, Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.


"Before trying to remove a piece of sawdust out of another person's eye, remove the plank that is in your own first"

Nice try and pucker up to Obama's ass but all you got was chapped lips.
what are you a 5 year old? GROW UP, you're past due.

The 5 year old is the person that feels the only answer to their problems is the government. That would be you.
''Let He who is without sin, cast the first stone'', has the same meaning as don't throw stones in glass houses

people who live in glass houses shouldn t throw stones - definition in the British English Dictionary Thesaurus - Cambridge Dictionaries Online US

Bull. The left rushes in to clean up the mess when the golden boy craps.
It has the same dictionary has had this meaning, long before Obama ever made the comment.

IT IS YOU who is trying to change this meaning in to something else.

Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house,
(› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.)

has the same meaning as, Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.


"Before trying to remove a piece of sawdust out of another person's eye, remove the plank that is in your own first"

Nice try and pucker up to Obama's ass but all you got was chapped lips.
what are you a 5 year old? GROW UP, you're past due.

The 5 year old is the person that feels the only answer to their problems is the government. That would be you.
And you get all of that by discussing meanings of Scripture? SEEK HELP!!!
What do you all think the meaning of let he who is without sin, cast the first stone is?
Bull. The left rushes in to clean up the mess when the golden boy craps.
It has the same dictionary has had this meaning, long before Obama ever made the comment.

IT IS YOU who is trying to change this meaning in to something else.

Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house,
(› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.)

has the same meaning as, Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.


"Before trying to remove a piece of sawdust out of another person's eye, remove the plank that is in your own first"

Nice try and pucker up to Obama's ass but all you got was chapped lips.
what are you a 5 year old? GROW UP, you're past due.

The 5 year old is the person that feels the only answer to their problems is the government. That would be you.
And you get all of that by discussing meanings of Scripture? SEEK HELP!!!

Nothing in the scriptures says it's the government place to do for you what you should be doing for yourself nor did Jesus once go to the government and say force those you think have too much to support those you think have too little. Jesus did teach that we should help our fellow man. He didn't say that it's your place or anyone else's place to determine who and to what I level I should help someone else.
What do you all think the meaning of let he who is without sin, cast the first stone is?

Why should we say. You, in your ultimate wisdom, have already told us what you think it means. Because you're a Liberal, aren't we supposed to bow down and simply accept what you say since you think the rest of us are too dumb to think for ourselves.

Please not the sarcasm.
It has the same dictionary has had this meaning, long before Obama ever made the comment.

IT IS YOU who is trying to change this meaning in to something else.

Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house,
(› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.)

has the same meaning as, Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.


"Before trying to remove a piece of sawdust out of another person's eye, remove the plank that is in your own first"

Nice try and pucker up to Obama's ass but all you got was chapped lips.
what are you a 5 year old? GROW UP, you're past due.

The 5 year old is the person that feels the only answer to their problems is the government. That would be you.
And you get all of that by discussing meanings of Scripture? SEEK HELP!!!

Nothing in the scriptures says it's the government place to do for you what you should be doing for yourself nor did Jesus once go to the government and say force those you think have too much to support those you think have too little. Jesus did teach that we should help our fellow man. He didn't say that it's your place or anyone else's place to determine who and to what I level I should help someone else.

Exactly. Also note the Good Samaritan. He used his own money to help the victim. The left would have signed him up for six government programs and told him to vote Democrat.
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.

Which is the PRECISE meaning of Christ's parable....regarding throwing stones at the woman who committed adultery....(probably with one of the very men waiting to cast a stone at her)

Can you guys please stop whining over the smallest of things.... it is so, UNMANLY....and very babyish....
Where does the glass house come into play?

Somebody make up something.... quick!
''Let He who is without sin, cast the first stone'', has the same meaning as don't throw stones in glass houses

people who live in glass houses shouldn t throw stones - definition in the British English Dictionary Thesaurus - Cambridge Dictionaries Online US

Says who, you?
the dictionary gives meaning to the term, if you live in a glass house, don't throw stones....I posted the link with the ''meaning'' that was in the dictionary:

people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.

That's not MY definition, it's the dictionary's, Cambridge.

And this is what Christ continually taught through these parables..

John 8, these men were criticizing this adulteress, and ready to stone her, as their religion required, (so they thought).... Jesus did not stop them by saying, NO, don't do that...don't kill her.

He said something much more powerful, He told them, ''Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone''.... and wrote something in the sand....many believe he wrote those among them who also committed adultery or the name of the man she committed adultery with.... either way, they got the point....don't throw stones in glass houses if you are in one.... or, don't be a hypocrite, clean up your own act, your own sin, before you cast down another sinner...(especially for the same sin, you have committed yourself, is the way it is interpreted by many of religious hierarchy)

The same with the parable about trying to pull a piece of sawdust out of another sinner's eye, when you have a plank of wood in your own... it's CHRIST'S Biblical message, to all of us.

You gave your opinion that it fit what was in the Bible
the glass house parable or 'saying' has the same meaning as the parable with stoning the adulteress and the parable about trying to pull a piece of sawdust out of anothers eye when you have a plank of wood in your own eye, remove the plank from your own eye, before trying to take anything out of another eye.

I agree the throwing stones in glass houses parable is not in the Bible, but its message is throughout the Gospel.
The leftist interpretation of scripture..... He who is without sin cast the first stone, but make sure you don't break any glass houses.
Somebody tell me why a non Christian President would be a bad thing?

He would not share the same values as the vast majority of Americans. It would be even worse if he lied about it.
I'm not trying to pick a fight, really, but I'm confused by what you mean by values.

I know some would consider belief in God an important value to share...but Muslims believe in God.

I'm also not sure that "Christian values" neccessarilly require someone to be a practicing Christian. Almost everyone I've ever known, regardless of their religion thinks lies, adultery, killing, and stealing are bad.

Less than 1/2 of Americans (42%) believe in creationism that excludes evolution

While 75% of Americans believe the bible is the word of God, only 28% believe it is the "literal" word of God.

I won't go on much longer, and I could, but I really want to know what values, that a Christian possesses, that are critical to being a President who represents the majority of Americans.
Apparently Obama and his supporters are in that almost everyone you know thinks lying is bad. He does and they enable him to continue to do so by covering for him when he does.
Just to make sure I understand....a critical value for a President would include not lieing?...and supporters of him/her, wouldn't cover for him/her?
Nice try and pucker up to Obama's ass but all you got was chapped lips.
what are you a 5 year old? GROW UP, you're past due.

The 5 year old is the person that feels the only answer to their problems is the government. That would be you.
And you get all of that by discussing meanings of Scripture? SEEK HELP!!!

Nothing in the scriptures says it's the government place to do for you what you should be doing for yourself nor did Jesus once go to the government and say force those you think have too much to support those you think have too little. Jesus did teach that we should help our fellow man. He didn't say that it's your place or anyone else's place to determine who and to what I level I should help someone else.

Exactly. Also note the Good Samaritan. He used his own money to help the victim. The left would have signed him up for six government programs and told him to vote Democrat.

At a costs 10x what the GS voluntarily did because he chose to do so.
Somebody tell me why a non Christian President would be a bad thing?

He would not share the same values as the vast majority of Americans. It would be even worse if he lied about it.
I'm not trying to pick a fight, really, but I'm confused by what you mean by values.

I know some would consider belief in God an important value to share...but Muslims believe in God.

I'm also not sure that "Christian values" neccessarilly require someone to be a practicing Christian. Almost everyone I've ever known, regardless of their religion thinks lies, adultery, killing, and stealing are bad.

Less than 1/2 of Americans (42%) believe in creationism that excludes evolution

While 75% of Americans believe the bible is the word of God, only 28% believe it is the "literal" word of God.

I won't go on much longer, and I could, but I really want to know what values, that a Christian possesses, that are critical to being a President who represents the majority of Americans.
Apparently Obama and his supporters are in that almost everyone you know thinks lying is bad. He does and they enable him to continue to do so by covering for him when he does.
Just to make sure I understand....a critical value for a President would include not lieing?...and supporters of him/her, wouldn't cover for him/her?

Sure. Now go on about how other Presidents do it so it's OK for Obama to do it.
Where does the glass house come into play?

Somebody make up something.... quick!
''Let He who is without sin, cast the first stone'', has the same meaning as don't throw stones in glass houses

people who live in glass houses shouldn t throw stones - definition in the British English Dictionary Thesaurus - Cambridge Dictionaries Online US

Says who, you?
the dictionary gives meaning to the term, if you live in a glass house, don't throw stones....I posted the link with the ''meaning'' that was in the dictionary:

people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
› This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.

That's not MY definition, it's the dictionary's, Cambridge.

And this is what Christ continually taught through these parables..

John 8, these men were criticizing this adulteress, and ready to stone her, as their religion required, (so they thought).... Jesus did not stop them by saying, NO, don't do that...don't kill her.

He said something much more powerful, He told them, ''Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone''.... and wrote something in the sand....many believe he wrote those among them who also committed adultery or the name of the man she committed adultery with.... either way, they got the point....don't throw stones in glass houses if you are in one.... or, don't be a hypocrite, clean up your own act, your own sin, before you cast down another sinner...(especially for the same sin, you have committed yourself, is the way it is interpreted by many of religious hierarchy)

The same with the parable about trying to pull a piece of sawdust out of another sinner's eye, when you have a plank of wood in your own... it's CHRIST'S Biblical message, to all of us.

You gave your opinion that it fit what was in the Bible
the glass house parable or 'saying' has the same meaning as the parable with stoning the adulteress and the parable about trying to pull a piece of sawdust out of anothers eye when you have a plank of wood in your own eye, remove the plank from your own eye, before trying to take anything out of another eye.

I agree the throwing stones in glass houses parable is not in the Bible, but its message is throughout the Gospel.
Obama said it was from the Bible.

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