The word "period"

PERIOD----no exceptions, no conditions, you can keep it PERIOD. A huge lie.

Face it libs, you elected a liar and a fraud.

Admit it so that the country can move ahead and fix some of the mess he caused.

Romney was a proven liar. Who did most conservatives vote for?

So you show your disdain for lying by voting for a world-class liar?

Talk about stupid.
PERIOD----no exceptions, no conditions, you can keep it PERIOD. A huge lie.

Face it libs, you elected a liar and a fraud.

Admit it so that the country can move ahead and fix some of the mess he caused.

Romney was a proven liar. Who did most conservatives vote for?

So you show your disdain for lying by voting for a world-class liar?

Talk about stupid.

So you're telling me, swearing on your loved ones lives, that if a liberal were running against a conservative,

and that liberal had an impeccable record of honesty, and that conservative had been caught in good many lies,

you would vote for the liberal, on that issue alone?

I want to hear you say that.
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PERIOD----no exceptions, no conditions, you can keep it PERIOD. A huge lie.

Face it libs, you elected a liar and a fraud.

Admit it so that the country can move ahead and fix some of the mess he caused.

Romney was a proven liar. Who did most conservatives vote for?

What does Romney have to do with Obama lying about ACA? Did I miss something?

nothing it is an attempt at distraction

one thing the people like less then a liar

is a politician using slight of hand tricks

the prezbo trying to walk this around

in a legal ease fashion

the "it was in the fine print"

is bad enough

it is even worse when the "fine print"

in a bill and law was forced down the

throats of most Americans

( i say most since certain friendlies are exempt from the law)

after negotiations behind locked doors

in the dead of the night on zero minute

with lobbyists

and other cronies

and if you wanted to know what was in the bill

you would have to pass it first
What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????

Let's set the framework for this debate. Were Bush's lies that got us into Iraq impeachable offenses?

OK, what were the lies?
Romney was a proven liar. Who did most conservatives vote for?

So you show your disdain for lying by voting for a world-class liar?

Talk about stupid.

So you're telling me, swearing on your loved ones lives, that if a liberal were running against a conservative,

and that liberal had an impeccable record of honesty, and that conservative had been caught in good many lies,

you would vote for the liberal, on that issue alone?

I want to hear you say that.

First you have to find one.

Right now you can't. In order to be a Democrat you have to buy into the collective or you get no money from the DNC.

BTW, I voted for our governor, he was a D. I didn't know anything about the GOP candidate.
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Romney was a proven liar. Who did most conservatives vote for?

So you show your disdain for lying by voting for a world-class liar?

Talk about stupid.

So you're telling me, swearing on your loved ones lives, that if a liberal were running against a conservative,

and that liberal had an impeccable record of honesty, and that conservative had been caught in good many lies,

you would vote for the liberal, on that issue alone?

I want to hear you say that.

I will let mud answer for himself, but lets turn it around. would you vote for a truthful conservative over a proven liberal liar?
Romney was a proven liar. Who did most conservatives vote for?

So you show your disdain for lying by voting for a world-class liar?

Talk about stupid.

So you're telling me, swearing on your loved ones lives, that if a liberal were running against a conservative,

and that liberal had an impeccable record of honesty, and that conservative had been caught in good many lies,

you would vote for the liberal, on that issue alone?

I want to hear you say that.

If I had to make that choice my answer is that I would not vote for either of them, period.
I don't think this question has been asked, so I'll start asking it.

Why did Republicans wait until NOW to make this an issue? This is four years after the debate on the bill.

When was the first time the discrepancy between the President's promises and the content of the bill was brought up by the opposition?

Some did. You do remember that the ACA bill was passed with no floor debate in either house don't you?

The bill was introduced in the house in September of 2009. No one was allowed to read it until last week?

I don't think this question has been asked, so I'll start asking it.

Why did Republicans wait until NOW to make this an issue? This is four years after the debate on the bill.

When was the first time the discrepancy between the President's promises and the content of the bill was brought up by the opposition?

Some did. You do remember that the ACA bill was passed with no floor debate in either house don't you?

The bill was introduced in the house in September of 2009. No one was allowed to read it until last week?


The bill that was passed was not available for anyone to read until a few hours before the dems voted it into law and obozo signed it. NO ONE had read it before it became law. NO ONE had time to digest over 2000 pages and understand what it would do to the economy or individual insurance.

it is a terrible law, passed in the most corrupt way--------but its the way dictators operate and you silly fucks voted for a dictator---------you deserve it, but the rest of us don't.
That's all good and well, Flopper, as it applies to what he said prior to his signing the bill in to law. But by the time the bill reached his desk the clause that has caused so much dismay and controversy with regard to keeping your plan was there. If he didn't know about it, what the hell is he doing signing the damn thing? Furthermore, he continued to proclaim that people who were happy with their plan, with their doctor, they would be able to keep them. No caveats, no exceptions. It was a line he continued to use through out 2012 and as recently as Sept. 26 of this year. You will not be able to convince me that, more than three years after signing that POS he didn't know...

Because if he didn't know three years in, he's not as smart as so many claim he is... Or he doesn't have a fucking clue as to what going on around him... Or he was flat out lying to the American people...

No matter how you slice it, it stinks.
There is nothing in the law that forces insurance companies to cancel policies. The law grandfathers all plans that existed prior to 10/23/2010. So when Obama signed the bill into law, everyone could keep their current plan. So he did not lie. However, there is more to story so read on.

The law says plans that are significantly changed after 10/23/2010 can not be grandfathered. At the time the bill became law, significant had not been defined. Later in the year and in 2011 regulations were drafted and requests for comments were sent to insurance companies. After meeting with insurance companies and the IRS, it was determined that most changes to plans such as premiums or even changes required by state law would be considered a significant change thus making the plan inelligble for grandfathering.

Since grandfathered plans could not be sold after 2014 and the plans would have be cancelled or updated sometime in the future, many insurance companies made a business decision to cancel many of the old plans and move people to new a new plan. I doubt Obama knew that insurance companies would be cancelling plans. If so he would have never made the statement after the law was passed because he surely would know that millions of cancellations would be a public relations nightmare.

BTW, anyone who wants individual insurance for 2014 without any of the ACA changes, can purchase a grandfathered plan now. They're listed on insurer web sites with a note that they are not ACA compliant and can not be sold in 2014 but will meet the ACA individual mandate requirement for 2014.

Then you should have no problem explaining this:

While a substantial fraction of individual policies are in force for less than one year, a small group of individuals maintain their policies over longer time periods. One study found that 17 percent of individuals maintained their policies for more than two years, while another found that nearly 30 percent maintained policies for more than three years.
Using these turnover estimates, a reasonable range for the percentage of individual policies that would terminate, and therefore relinquish their grandfather status, is 40 percent to 67 percent. These estimates assume that the policies that terminate are replaced by new individual policies, and that these new policies are not, by definition, grandfathered. In addition, the coverage that some individuals maintain for long periods might lose its grandfather status because the cost-sharing parameters in policies change by more than the limits specified in these interim final regulations. The frequency of this outcome cannot be gauged due to lack of data, but as a result of it, the Departments estimate that the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 percent to 67 percent range that is estimated based on the fraction of individual policies that turn over from one year to the next.

And also explain why Obama didn't know this.
Hmmm...pointing out that the President of the United States consistently lied to the American people over a five year period is being "sanctimonious"? Really?

I'm curious, you ever hold Barry accountable for his actions? This isn't some trivial thing that Barack Obama did...he deliberately misled the American people over what would happen to their healthcare once the ACA kicked in because he knew that if they KNEW what was going to happen they would have risen up against it. That's a pretty sleazy thing to do with something as important as people's health care.

How do you want me to hold Obama accountable? Vote Republican? Vote for the liar Romney?

A good start would be for you to call Obama out for telling the lies that he did instead of repeatedly trying to divert attention to Romney. Mitt Romney has NOTHING to do with the lies that Obama told! Barack Obama deliberately misled the American people in order to get ObamaCare passed and get reelected. He looked into the cameras and lied about something that affects the lives of real people.

What I find amusing is that progressives were HOWLING several months ago about how the GOP was holding the country "hostage" because they asked that ObamaCare be delayed until some of the provisions in it were fixed. Now DEMOCRATS are having secret meetings with the President...begging him to delay ObamaCare's roll out until the problems with it are fixed. So were the Republicans right all along when they said this was going to be a train wreck? If so then would someone from the Left like to apologize for demonizing the GOP for simply recognizing the ACA is terrible legislation?
What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

TK aptly illustrates the answer to that in this post:

yeah, I know this has already been covered, but I am looking for one dem/lib who is honest enough to admit that obama lied. probably like looking for rubies in my garden.
And what I find particularly disturbing is that it's becoming obvious that Barry, Harry and Nancy have known all along that the ACA won't work as constituted yet they pushed it through anyways. Why? Because when it doesn't work...they will blame the failure on the insurance industry and call for a government run single payer system...which is what they wanted in the first place.

This was all a political GAME to them...a game that disrupts the lives of millions of Americans. They were quite willing to make America suffer through this in order to arrive at their "end game".
He lied, end of your defense.

As if the GOP haven't?

Stop the press......:lol:

I am not trying to defend the GOP, am I?

You, however, are trying to defend Obama.

Wait, I forgot, you think everyone is either Republican or Democrat.

Nah I've stated he made a promise that he didn't/couldn't keep. If the GOP controlled house want to impeach him for it they can, they have the majority and the speaker can bring it up if he wants. Both sides are guilty of misrepresenting the facts surrounding the AHCA.
As if the GOP haven't?

Stop the press......:lol:

I am not trying to defend the GOP, am I?

You, however, are trying to defend Obama.

Wait, I forgot, you think everyone is either Republican or Democrat.

Nah I've stated he made a promise that he didn't/couldn't keep. If the GOP controlled house want to impeach him for it they can, they have the majority and the speaker can bring it up if he wants. Both sides are guilty of misrepresenting the facts surrounding the AHCA.

Oh, for God's sake stop the nonsense about "impeachment"! You've got about as much of a chance of winning the Powerball Jackpot two months in a row as you do seeing Barry impeached by the Democratically controlled Senate or a split House. Why waste time even talking about something that will never EVER happen!
I don't think this question has been asked, so I'll start asking it.

Why did Republicans wait until NOW to make this an issue? This is four years after the debate on the bill.

When was the first time the discrepancy between the President's promises and the content of the bill was brought up by the opposition?

Some did. You do remember that the ACA bill was passed with no floor debate in either house don't you?

The bill was introduced in the house in September of 2009. No one was allowed to read it until last week?


No debate. No amendments. Signed into law before what it contained became available to the public. No time to read and obsorb it or find out the consequences.

Another lie by Osama.
I am not trying to defend the GOP, am I?

You, however, are trying to defend Obama.

Wait, I forgot, you think everyone is either Republican or Democrat.

Nah I've stated he made a promise that he didn't/couldn't keep. If the GOP controlled house want to impeach him for it they can, they have the majority and the speaker can bring it up if he wants. Both sides are guilty of misrepresenting the facts surrounding the AHCA.

Oh, for God's sake stop the nonsense about "impeachment"! You've got about as much of a chance of winning the Powerball Jackpot two months in a row as you do seeing Barry impeached by the Democratically controlled Senate or a split House. Why waste time even talking about something that will never EVER happen!

The House has the power of impeachment not the Senate. A simple majority is all that is required. The GOP controls the House.

Why? What was the last sentence of the OP?

But in reality I don't think the GOP is that stupid as a stunt like that would be another nail in their coffin.
Nah I've stated he made a promise that he didn't/couldn't keep. If the GOP controlled house want to impeach him for it they can, they have the majority and the speaker can bring it up if he wants. Both sides are guilty of misrepresenting the facts surrounding the AHCA.

Oh, for God's sake stop the nonsense about "impeachment"! You've got about as much of a chance of winning the Powerball Jackpot two months in a row as you do seeing Barry impeached by the Democratically controlled Senate or a split House. Why waste time even talking about something that will never EVER happen!

The House has the power of impeachment not the Senate. A simple majority is all that is required. The GOP controls the House.

Why? What was the last sentence of the OP?

But in reality I don't think the GOP is that stupid as a stunt like that would be another nail in their coffin.


Too many would feel sorry for the worthless prick.
And what I find particularly disturbing is that it's becoming obvious that Barry, Harry and Nancy have known all along that the ACA won't work as constituted yet they pushed it through anyways. Why? Because when it doesn't work...they will blame the failure on the insurance industry and call for a government run single payer system...which is what they wanted in the first place.

This was all a political GAME to them...a game that disrupts the lives of millions of Americans. They were quite willing to make America suffer through this in order to arrive at their "end game".

It's not been proven it won't work.

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