The Words "I'm From The Government And I Want To Help You" Is Not As Dangerous As


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
"I don't believe in government and I want to govern you."

We've seen what years and years of the latter has done to the country. And its said to see so many low-information voters duped into it once more.

I pray that there's enough left to salvage after this crop is done pillaging and destroying.
"I don't believe in government and I want to govern you."

We've seen what years and years of the latter has done to the country. And its said to see so many low-information voters duped into it once more.

I pray that there's enough left to salvage after this crop is done pillaging and destroying.

"Five days until we totally transform this country" ... (from a representative republic to tyrannical dictatorship that bows to Islam)
You talking about the dems and Fannie/Freddie I presume. Their cash cows need another $300b or so of taxpayer money. Look who got the most money from them....
"I don't believe in government and I wan't to govern you."

And the dumb low-information voters fall for it....EVERY. STINKIN'. TIME!


"I don't believe in government and I want to govern you."

We've seen what years and years of the latter has done to the country. And its said to see so many low-information voters duped into it once more.

I pray that there's enough left to salvage after this crop is done pillaging and destroying.

I always thought Reagan did people a huge disservice by using that as a sound bite. He certainly didn't govern that way and has left us with two generations of extremists who actually believe that...

people who hate government and what it can do shouldn't run government.
"I don't believe in government and I want to govern you."

We've seen what years and years of the latter has done to the country. And its said to see so many low-information voters duped into it once more.

I pray that there's enough left to salvage after this crop is done pillaging and destroying.

I always thought Reagan did people a huge disservice by using that as a sound bite. He certainly didn't govern that way and has left us with two generations of extremists who actually believe that...

people who hate government and what it can do shouldn't run government.

Who was it that said "Government is a necessary Evil?"

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."

Thomas Paine, aka, one of the Founding Father's of the USA.

If it makes you feel any better only six people attended his funeral as he had been ostracized due to his criticism and ridicule of Christianity.
"I don't believe in government and I want to govern you."

We've seen what years and years of the latter has done to the country. And its said to see so many low-information voters duped into it once more.

I pray that there's enough left to salvage after this crop is done pillaging and destroying.

I always thought Reagan did people a huge disservice by using that as a sound bite. He certainly didn't govern that way and has left us with two generations of extremists who actually believe that...

people who hate government and what it can do shouldn't run government.

Who was it that said "Government is a necessary Evil?"

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."

Thomas Paine, aka, one of the Founding Father's of the USA.

If it makes you feel any better only six people attended his funeral as he had been ostracized due to his criticism and ridicule of Christianity.

thomas paine was one politician among many politicians

why would that make me feel anything? i just want other people's religion away from me. i don't care what people believe if they don't try to use their religious beliefs to run my government or brainwash my son.
I always thought Reagan did people a huge disservice by using that as a sound bite. He certainly didn't govern that way and has left us with two generations of extremists who actually believe that...

people who hate government and what it can do shouldn't run government.

Who was it that said "Government is a necessary Evil?"

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."

Thomas Paine, aka, one of the Founding Father's of the USA.

If it makes you feel any better only six people attended his funeral as he had been ostracized due to his criticism and ridicule of Christianity.

thomas paine was one politician among many politicians

why would that make me feel anything? i just want other people's religion away from me. i don't care what people believe if they don't try to use their religious beliefs to run my government or brainwash my son.

Well, you said, "people who hate government and what it can do shouldn't run government."

But Thomas Paine was a "person"

And a Founding Father of our government.

And thought even the BEST government was a necessary evil.

Obviously, people can both believe government is evil AND run government, but also found governments.
"I don't believe in government and I wan't to govern you."

And the dumb low-information voters fall for it....EVERY. STINKIN'. TIME!



And is it really our fault that you fall for straw men?
"I don't believe in government and I want to govern you."

We've seen what years and years of the latter has done to the country. And its said to see so many low-information voters duped into it once more.

I pray that there's enough left to salvage after this crop is done pillaging and destroying.

You have such a diluted idea of Reality my friend. Limited Government types like my self. Believe in Government. We just believe in limiting its power.

Not sure why you find that so hard to grasp.
Well, you said, "people who hate government and what it can do shouldn't run government."

But Thomas Paine was a "person"

And a Founding Father of our government.

And thought even the BEST government was a necessary evil.

Obviously, people can both believe government is evil AND run government, but also found governments.

You have to remember, the people you are discussing this with have no concept of self government. Nor do they seem to have a problem with taxing our children and grandchildren without representing them. Because that's exactly what borrowing trillions of dollars is.

We should not be bound by the obligations made 3/4 of a century ago. Nor should those 100 years from now be bound by our obligations. It's just morally wrong.
You thinking that conservatives "hate government" is just as stupid as us thinking that lefties "hate corporations"

The fact is, we hate an intrusive and all powerful central government telling 300+ million people to comply, just as lefties hate a multi national corporation that will screw the little man just to make a buck.... All of which I would like to think that all people would tend to disagree with.

You have nothing but stereotypes of conservatives...

Let me tell you this once and for all. We do not want to abolish the federal goverment. We just think the world's problems are best solved in the local communities and at a maximum the state government. We believe the federal government is there to keep those communities from fighting against each other, to protect the citizens from invasion and harm. I have no problem with Massachusetts' socialist health care program. Its their right to do it. I have no problem with California giving massive pensions to its public employees. Its their right to do it. I do have a problem with legislators from another state telling me that I have to buy something to just be in good legal standing.
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The Words "I'm From The Government And I Want To Help You" Is (are :eusa_shhh:) Not As Dangerous As

"I'm MarcATL, and I'm here to esssssplain things to you."

At least to your psychological well-being. :cuckoo:

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