The Words of Reagan:


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Interesting how the GOP has now turned it’s back on Reagan as well as all of the decent men and women who are members of that party:

You don't understand the difference between immigrants that came here to be Americans. They obeyed the law and were naturalized. They made their kids speak English at home, and learned English from them. They worked at becoming as American as they could. They waved the American flag because now it was their flag. And they worked. They clung to the American dream of a good job, a nice home, opportunities for their children.

They were the antithesis of what is sneaking into our country now. Apples and Oranges, and btw Reagan wouldn't have put up with this insanity either...
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You don't understand the difference between immigrants that came here to be Americans. They obeyed the law and were naturalized. They made their kids speak English at home, and learned English from them. They worked at becoming as American as they could. They waved the American flag because now it was their flag. And they worked. They clung to the American dream of a good job, a nice home, opportunities for their children.

They were the antithesis of what is sneaking into our country now. Apples and Oranges, and Regan wouldn't have put up with this insanity either...

Reagan made a deal to grant 3 million illegal Mexicans amnesty in exchange for a wall.

Well? Where's the fucking wall, Congress?

Bush 1 didn't care to build any

Clinton did build some, good on him.

Bush 2 didn't care to build any either.

Obama? Forget it!

Fun fact: The 9/11 terrorists rode down from Canada on 4 wheelers and trained to fly in Tampa.
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You don't understand the difference between immigrants that came here to be Americans. They obeyed the law and were naturalized. They made their kids speak English at home, and learned English from them. They worked at becoming as American as they could. They waved the American flag because now it was their flag. And they worked. They clung to the American dream of a good job, a nice home, opportunities for their children.

They were the antithesis of what is sneaking into our country now. Apples and Oranges, and Regan wouldn't have put up with this insanity either...

Reagan made a deal to grant 3 million illegal Mexicans amnesty in exchange for a wall.

Well? Where's the fucking wall, Congress?

Dem's lied and welshed on the agreement like they always do. You can't negotiate with Dem's because they plan on fucking you over the first chance they get.

It's amazing how you can explain something basic and logical a thousand fucking times but people still don't get it. Do these clowns have any respect for the law at all? There are extremely intelligent people in my own family that just don't seem to have any respect for the rule of law on this issue, but they want to nail Trump to a fucking cross for having financial connections to Russia.
You don't understand the difference between immigrants that came here to be Americans. They obeyed the law and were naturalized. They made their kids speak English at home, and learned English from them. They worked at becoming as American as they could. They waved the American flag because now it was their flag. And they worked. They clung to the American dream of a good job, a nice home, opportunities for their children.

They were the antithesis of what is sneaking into our country now. Apples and Oranges, and Regan wouldn't have put up with this insanity either...

Reagan made a deal to grant 3 million illegal Mexicans amnesty in exchange for a wall.

Well? Where's the fucking wall, Congress?

Dem's lied and welshed on the agreement like they always do. You can't negotiate with Dem's because they plan on fucking you over the first chance they get.

They tried to build a wall. The State of Texas doesn’t want it. There are still “eminent domain” cases before the courts where the government tried to appropriate the lands they were crossing.

A wall is both unnecessary and a big waste of money. As has been proven time and time again.
A wall is both unnecessary and a big waste of money. As has been proven time and time again.

Millions of illegals have poured across our border RAPING and KILLING Americans, destroying our kids with drugs, costing us billions of dollars to support their worthless asses, and your brilliant analysis is we don't need a wall? If Conservatives were pouring across the border by the millions the wall would be 100 foot high. :itsok:
You don't understand the difference between immigrants that came here to be Americans. They obeyed the law and were naturalized. They made their kids speak English at home, and learned English from them. They worked at becoming as American as they could. They waved the American flag because now it was their flag. And they worked. They clung to the American dream of a good job, a nice home, opportunities for their children.

They were the antithesis of what is sneaking into our country now. Apples and Oranges, and btw Reagan wouldn't have put up with this insanity either...

Great post and spot the fuck on.

I couldn't have said it better myself.
A wall is both unnecessary and a big waste of money. As has been proven time and time again.

Millions of illegals have poured across our border RAPING and KILLING Americans, destroying our kids with drugs, costing us billions of dollars to support their worthless asses, and your brilliant analysis is we don't need a wall? If Conservatives were pouring across the border by the millions the wall would be 100 foot high. :itsok:

yet illegal border crossings are at the lowest level in 46 years - FACT !

The number of people caught trying to sneak over the border from Mexico has fallen to the lowest level in 46 years, according to Department of Homeland Security statistics released Tuesday that offer the first comprehensive look at how immigration enforcement is changing under the Trump administration.

During the government's 2017 fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30, U.S. border agents made 310,531 arrests, a decline of 24 percent from the previous year and the fewest overall since 1971.

another fact is you're a F'n moron POS.
A wall is both unnecessary and a big waste of money. As has been proven time and time again.

Millions of illegals have poured across our border RAPING and KILLING Americans, destroying our kids with drugs, costing us billions of dollars to support their worthless asses, and your brilliant analysis is we don't need a wall? If Conservatives were pouring across the border by the millions the wall would be 100 foot high. :itsok:

yet illegal border crossings are at the lowest level in 46 years - FACT !

another fact is you're a F'n moron POS.

Your just mad that I pointed out if conservatives were crossing the border by the millions Dem's would be squealing like stuck pigs and demanding 100 foot high walls.

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