The words "to bear arms" is a military term

But it does not give you the right to have military grade heavy weapons.

You are the only person who keeps mentioning heavy weapons. I am talking about M-16' m-4 m-60's m-203's not artillary or tanks.

Thank you for that. You can have civilian versions of such weapons. But why do you need a grenade launcher? At least you are moving out of 'militiababble' finally.
But it does not give you the right to have military grade heavy weapons.

You are the only person who keeps mentioning heavy weapons. I am talking about M-16' m-4 m-60's m-203's not artillary or tanks.

Thank you for that. You can have civilian versions of such weapons. But why do you need a grenade launcher? At least you are moving out of 'militiababble' finally.

Nope cockroach the militia needs the grenade launcher the M-60 the m203 the m-16 that is what the U.S. SUPERME COURT RULED.

Remember U.S. v. Miller
Thus, for the keeping and bearing of a firearm to be constitutionally protected, the firearm should be a militia-type arm.

Remember U.S. vs. Emerson "Although, as we have held, the Second Amendment does
protect individual rights, that does not mean that those rights may
never be made subject to any limited, narrowly tailored specific
exceptions or restrictions for particular cases that are reasonable and
not inconsistent with the right of Americans generally to individually
keep and bear their private arms as historically understood in this

Remember Lewis v. United States(1980). , Lewis recognized -- in summarizing the holding of Miller, supra, as "the Second Amendment guarantees no right to keep and bear a firearm that does not have 'some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia'" (emphasis added)

Remeber the Militia is the people.
TITLE 10 > Subtitle A > PART I > CHAPTER 13 > § 311
Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey View Post
yota5 and bigrebnc are in a mutual jerk. Mental masturbation is fun but sterile. As are your reasons.

bigrebnc, do you ever get the feeling that you're talking to a stonewall when you're conversing with a lib? You always know when you're winning the argument when they start making stupid statements like the one posted by jstarky. This is an attempt at the liberal rope-a-dope. When libs are backed into a corner, and don't have anything to say they always try to get you to focus on their own stupidity instead of the thesis of the thread. Judging from what I've just read I'd say you've won this argument hands down. Good job.
Yota5, you are not rational and I am not a liberal. You hide far far far to the right pretending to be conservative or libertarian when really you are nothing at all like such folks. I know folks like you are losing because you keep making silly and even more extreme comments with each post. When you have something worthwhile to add, please do so and I will respond in kind.

In the meantime, your extreme wacky psychobabble reveals a very strange and disturbed inner map to your thinking.
Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey View Post
yota5 and bigrebnc are in a mutual jerk. Mental masturbation is fun but sterile. As are your reasons.

bigrebnc, do you ever get the feeling that you're talking to a stonewall when you're conversing with a lib? You always know when you're winning the argument when they start making stupid statements like the one posted by jstarky. This is an attempt at the liberal rope-a-dope. When libs are backed into a corner, and don't have anything to say they always try to get you to focus on their own stupidity instead of the thesis of the thread. Judging from what I've just read I'd say you've won this argument hands down. Good job.

He's pissed because I call him what he is, not what he wants other to think he is. It's been that way since the 3rd week I joined this board.
Yota5, you are not rational and I am not a liberal. You hide far far far to the right pretending to be conservative or libertarian when really you are nothing at all like such folks. I know folks like you are losing because you keep making silly and even more extreme comments with each post. When you have something worthwhile to add, please do so and I will respond in kind.

In the meantime, your extreme wacky psychobabble reveals a very strange and disturbed inner map to your thinking.

:eek::lol::lmao::rofl: Not a liberal? NOW THATS FUNNY
I am mainstream, not a liberal, while you are not a conservative and not a libertarian. You and T and the others are continually caught out on your lies.

Why do you need a grenade launcher?
Starky, you're a riot. Larry the Cable guy would have a hard time keeping up with you. Now that we've had all this fun let's refocus our attention back onto the thesis of this thread. In doing so it becomes abundantly clear that you don't know what you're talking about. Your frustration in not being able to adequately argue your position is showing. That is why you're trying to focus attention on your own stupidity in stead of this debate. No one is right 100% of the time. When you're wrong just man up. No one will hold that against you. What you're doing right now is only earning you a fools reputation.
yota5, you are blathering again, and that does not cover your foolishness.
I am mainstream, not a liberal, while you are not a conservative and not a libertarian. You and T and the others are continually caught out on your lies.

Why do you need a grenade launcher?

Why do you need a grenade launcher
This whole thread has answered that question. Why do you need to keep asking it?
Says a pretend conservative and or libertarian, a tool of the wack militia right. Right, bigreb.

By the by, why do you need a grenade launcher?
Says a pretend conservative and or libertarian, a tool of the wack militia right. Right, bigreb.

By the by, why do you need a grenade launcher?

I have already answered your question.

I am mainstream, not a liberal, while you are not a conservative and not a libertarian. You and T and the others are continually caught out on your lies.

Why do you need a grenade launcher?

Why do you need a grenade launcher
This whole thread has answered that question. Why do you need to keep asking it?
Jake sees people to the left of him, so he delares himself "main stream" and anyone two steps to his righ, a wacko.
A clue for you, Jake, you're a far left liberal who surrounds himself with like minded people. Main stream is not in the center of the leftist dolts you hang out with. Main stream wants the borders closed, carry laws open, health care the responsibility of the individual and government out of our pockets.
You, sir, are just right of Al Frankin, but that in no way puts you in the middle.
ErnieS, your posting clearly reveals either you can't read or you are lying.

I am not a liberal. I agree with a secure border, I agree with conceal carry, and I do know that we will pay up front or on the back end, as we are now, for health care.

You, sir, fifteen steps to the right of Bachmann and just fell over the edge. You are not mainstream..

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