The World Is Ending Soon!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I've quickly lost all respect for PBS News, which is sad to say as it was my last venue for broadcast news on television. Last night I clicked it on and they are discussing Bolton's book with a former political appointee and no mention of questions or contradictions with the book's veracity is mentioned whatsoever made by foreign nationals. Instead, they literally laid out this picture.

If Trump is reelected:
  1. America will come to an end.
  2. Democracy will come to an end.
  3. We will become an autocracy.
  4. It will be the end of freedom.
  5. Trump will become a ruthless, brutal, lawless tyrant and autocratic leader.
  6. It is the end of life as we know it.
I sat there slack jawed in disbelief. The Left have absolutely left the planet.
I'm sure you can find some sort of garbage news somewhere that tells you exactly what you want to hear rather than the awful truth.
If Trump is reelected:
  1. America will come to an end.
  2. Democracy will come to an end.
  3. We will become an autocracy.
  4. It will be the end of freedom.
  5. Trump will become a ruthless, brutal, lawless tyrant and autocratic leader.
  6. It is the end of life as we know it.

They've been saying this for five years.
I'm sure you can find some sort of garbage news somewhere that tells you exactly what you want to hear rather than the awful truth.
Good! Good! That means that when Trump is reelected (even the Dems believe he'll win), the first thing Trump is likely to do is end life as you know it for people LIKE YOU.
I've quickly lost all respect for PBS News, which is sad to say as it was my last venue for broadcast news on television. Last night I clicked it on and they are discussing Bolton's book with a former political appointee and no mention of questions or contradictions with the book's veracity is mentioned whatsoever made by foreign nationals. Instead, they literally laid out this picture.

If Trump is reelected:
  1. America will come to an end.
  2. Democracy will come to an end.
  3. We will become an autocracy.
  4. It will be the end of freedom.
  5. Trump will become a ruthless, brutal, lawless tyrant and autocratic leader.
  6. It is the end of life as we know it.
I sat there slack jawed in disbelief. The Left have absolutely left the planet.
If Trump were to become a ruthless, brutal, lawless tyrant and autocratic leader, he would have done it already, because of the chaos in the Democrat led cities. Instead, he's sitting back and abiding by the Constitution and trying to let the Governors and Mayors solve the issues that they are supposed to.
What will actually end freedom in the USA:
Electing far-left politicians that seek to replace our Constitution with Marxist/Leninist rule that would allow for only a one-party system to exist, like China, Vietnam, North Korea or, Cuba.
I'm sure you can find some sort of garbage news somewhere that tells you exactly what you want to hear rather than the awful truth.
Good! Good! That means that when Trump is reelected (even the Dems believe he'll win), the first thing Trump is likely to do is end life as you know it for people LIKE YOU.
Don't you get tired of always having to defend Trump? He's not doing a good job and it just keeps getting worse.
I've quickly lost all respect for PBS News, which is sad to say as it was my last venue for broadcast news on television. Last night I clicked it on and they are discussing Bolton's book with a former political appointee and no mention of questions or contradictions with the book's veracity is mentioned whatsoever made by foreign nationals. Instead, they literally laid out this picture.

If Trump is reelected:
  1. America will come to an end.
  2. Democracy will come to an end.
  3. We will become an autocracy.
  4. It will be the end of freedom.
  5. Trump will become a ruthless, brutal, lawless tyrant and autocratic leader.
  6. It is the end of life as we know it.
I sat there slack jawed in disbelief. The Left have absolutely left the planet.
If Trump were to become a ruthless, brutal, lawless tyrant and autocratic leader, he would have done it already, because of the chaos in the Democrat led cities. Instead, he's sitting back and abiding by the Constitution and trying to let the Governors and Mayors solve the issues that they are supposed to.
What will actually end freedom in the USA:
Electing far-left politicians that seek to replace our Constitution with Marxist/Leninist rule that would allow for only a one-party system to exist, like China, Vietnam, North Korea or, Cuba.
He's not doing a good job
You say that as if Obama ever did! Trump was doing a GREAT job by every measure until this virus hit us. Barry was the one who wanted to mobilize his own private army of brown shirts as his personal police force made up of college students working for him to pay off their free student loans!

I think Obama's Gestapo has arrived in democrat cities across America and are soon to be put down like a rabid dog.

Wisconsin has begun the bug spraying.
I'm sure you can find some sort of garbage news somewhere that tells you exactly what you want to hear rather than the awful truth.
Good! Good! That means that when Trump is reelected (even the Dems believe he'll win), the first thing Trump is likely to do is end life as you know it for people LIKE YOU.
Don't you get tired of always having to defend Trump? He's not doing a good job and it just keeps getting worse.
Not in the least.
He's not doing a good job
You say that as if Obama ever did! Trump was doing a GREAT job by every measure until this virus hit us. Barry was the one who wanted to mobilize his own private army of brown shirts as his personal police force made up of college students working for him to pay off their free student loans!

I think Obama's Gestapo has arrived in democrat cities across America and are soon to be put down like a rabid dog.

Wisconsin has begun the bug spraying.
Trump's lack of effective leadership has made every crisis way worse. The country was in decent shape when Trump took over and now everything is coming apart at the seams. By any metric you care to use Trump is a failure as a president and has done more to destroy conservatism than any militant leftist could have ever dreamed of.
I've quickly lost all respect for PBS News, which is sad to say as it was my last venue for broadcast news on television. Last night I clicked it on and they are discussing Bolton's book with a former political appointee and no mention of questions or contradictions with the book's veracity is mentioned whatsoever made by foreign nationals. Instead, they literally laid out this picture.

If Trump is reelected:
  1. America will come to an end.
  2. Democracy will come to an end.
  3. We will become an autocracy.
  4. It will be the end of freedom.
  5. Trump will become a ruthless, brutal, lawless tyrant and autocratic leader.
  6. It is the end of life as we know it.
I sat there slack jawed in disbelief. The Left have absolutely left the planet.
If Trump were to become a ruthless, brutal, lawless tyrant and autocratic leader, he would have done it already, because of the chaos in the Democrat led cities. Instead, he's sitting back and abiding by the Constitution and trying to let the Governors and Mayors solve the issues that they are supposed to.
What will actually end freedom in the USA:
Electing far-left politicians that seek to replace our Constitution with Marxist/Leninist rule that would allow for only a one-party system to exist, like China, Vietnam, North Korea or, Cuba.
I thought they would at least try Trotskyism communism..
I've quickly lost all respect for PBS News, which is sad to say as it was my last venue for broadcast news on television. Last night I clicked it on and they are discussing Bolton's book with a former political appointee and no mention of questions or contradictions with the book's veracity is mentioned whatsoever made by foreign nationals. Instead, they literally laid out this picture.

If Trump is reelected:
  1. America will come to an end.
  2. Democracy will come to an end.
  3. We will become an autocracy.
  4. It will be the end of freedom.
  5. Trump will become a ruthless, brutal, lawless tyrant and autocratic leader.
  6. It is the end of life as we know it.
I sat there slack jawed in disbelief. The Left have absolutely left the planet.
America is already over.

Get over it.
The best has already been.

It's all downhill from no matter who or what the president is.
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, nothing ain't worth nothing but it's free-

Free is unencumbered- Liberty, on the other hand, is pursuing Life, freely- in search of Happiness of ones own accord- which is a Right! Not an entitlement managed by a fucking Empty Suit bureaucrat.

This Country is NOT a Democracy- the Piss Poor Public Education system, (unconstitutonal BTW) is subscribed to by ALL politicians from the so-called right and/or left-

Servants (elected re presentatives) are NOT leaders (no matter their title)- Thank you Piss Poor Public Education, subscribed to by BOTH Party's of the Duopoly- the argument between the two sides of the same coin is who can best manage- THAT is NOT their job, per the constitution- it is to RE presnt the wants, wishes and desires of "we the people", aka "stinky tourist" who offend the in the clouds noses of the self-serving Empty Suit brigade(s) around the Country- they are not omnipotent, not indispensable and they certainly aren't special- they are servants, we are the masters- what did you learn in your Public Education? That they're not just people? By what authority have they been anointed to specialdom?

The media, even the NPR crowd, are merely pseudo intellectuals pretending to be erudite- they ain't. They are, however, acolyte(s)- educated waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy beyond their intellect. None of them are intellectually honest- they are wanna be celebrities and congregation members of the Church of GODvernment afford them that opportunity by worshiping whatever they spew- right, left, indiscernible by results- results, not rhetoric is Big Picture-

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