The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

Read more carefully. You're missing the context of what I am saying.

Also - ethnic cleansing is not always genocide.

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

If you support forcing the Palestinians out of Palestine - then that is ethnic cleansing.

Well, why don't you accuse Palestine of it then? They WANT ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the region, and they are willing to kill them all too.

The Palestinians are guilty of a lot of things but at the moment ethnic cleansing isn't one of them. What they "want" and "rhetoric" isn't action taken.

If you want to get incensed about ethnic cleansing done by others towards Jews - look at what occurred during the establishment of Israel when Jews were expelled from Arab nations where they had resided for centuries more more. And ask yourself - was that right? Humane? Ethical? If the answer is "no" then how can you support similar expulsions?

More ethnic cleansing: ISIS - religious minorities, Christians, Azidi's, Muslims without the proper credentials. Recent history - Rwanda, Bosnia...all examples that included genocide. Longer back - Stalin's forced relocations of people to dilute ethnic populations. Lots of examples but right now - the Palestionians aren't.

Then who has ethnically cleansed 10% of palestines population in recent years, mostly from gaza. Most of the living population ended up in Israel were they were welcomed and given safety. Look it up they are the Christians of Palestine who tell the world that they were beaten, murdered, forced to convert and raped by the arab muslims of Palestine as they ethnically cleansed the land of all Christians

What are you talking about? Why do you make things up? Here is the truth:

ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA, the fact is the Christian population of Palestine has declined in recent years due to arab muslim ethnic cleansing.

Here you go monti the evidence

Ethnic Cleansing Christians Middle East Gaza Islamists

"The story about Hamas and other Islamists the Western media is not telling"

Anytime I see that sort of statement I have serious doubts about the source.

The examples of ethnic cleansing I gave are well documented: Bosnia, Arab expulsions of Jews, Rwanda and even Israel's ethnic cleansing of Arabs from East Jeruselum.
This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?

If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

Palestine, including Gaza, was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jews invaded from Europe. They gave back nothing.

What Jews invaded Palestine then monti, or are you talking about the legal land owners coming and evicting the squatters from their land. At no time was any part of Palestine bequeathed to the arab muslims by its legal owners, so were was this fictional land ?

Right, I don't have a deed or any proof, but this is "my" land. What a crock! Like I said above, it's akin to a Native American demanding you give up your home because that was his families lands generations ago.

These people are unrealistic and ridiculous expectations, and I wonder what they think the region would be like then? Do they actually think these people are going to be "peaceful" suddenly? Good grief! :rolleyes-41:

In the camps in beirut, palestinians were handed old keys and the publishing house were printing fake deed for those keys.
Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

You mean like how every last Jew has been clensed from Gaza despite the fact that Jews were living there millenia before the Palestinians were invented or how over 99% of Jews living in Arab lands have been clensed?

Quoting a definition of ethnic clensing is one thing. Apply the term properly is another.

Were they forceably expelled by the Palestinians?

How about putting to rest the faux meme about Palestinians being"invented" - the name might be new but the people have been there as long as the Jews.

How can muslims who were invented in 625 C.E. have been around 4,500 years ago. That is almost as comical as the team Palestine claims that muslims have been around for
I already brought up the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries as an example (several times).

Do you support ethnic cleansing?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.

They are in their native country. Some of the Jews are as well, siintermarriage was so common place as stated in the book of Ezra and ever since. Some of the Jewish are part Persian, Polish , Russian, and yes even German. No one is a purebred anymore.

Since when has Palestine been part or Arabia peninsular. This makes any arab muslim and INVADER and an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. The Jews are the LEGAL OWNERS of Palestine under Customary International Law if you bother to check, the arab muslims are illegal aliens squatting on Jewish land.

Well the 700,000 Pals and their kids and grandkids are are legal citizens of pals if the Zionist like it or not, very few of them are.

So does this make me a Palestinian then because my father once walked the streets of Jerusalem before I was born. ( he served in the British army and was stationed in the M.E. for a short time ) Or will you invoke the Palestinian version of right of return and make any one who was not born in Palestine before the Zionist immigration to Palestine in 1850 an illegal immigrant. No children or grandchildren just the men born before 1850. ( PLO charter )

I believe the Palestinians are forging copies of the title deeds to claim land ownership, and then finding out that the archives contain copies of the true land owners
Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

You mean like how every last Jew has been clensed from Gaza despite the fact that Jews were living there millenia before the Palestinians were invented or how over 99% of Jews living in Arab lands have been clensed?

Quoting a definition of ethnic clensing is one thing. Apply the term properly is another.

Were they forceably expelled by the Palestinians?

How about putting to rest the faux meme about Palestinians being"invented" - the name might be new but the people have been there as long as the Jews.

How can muslims who were invented in 625 C.E. have been around 4,500 years ago. That is almost as comical as the team Palestine claims that muslims have been around for
I already brought up the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries as an example (several times).

Do you support ethnic cleansing?
No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.

They are in their native country. Some of the Jews are as well, siintermarriage was so common place as stated in the book of Ezra and ever since. Some of the Jewish are part Persian, Polish , Russian, and yes even German. No one is a purebred anymore.

Since when has Palestine been part or Arabia peninsular. This makes any arab muslim and INVADER and an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. The Jews are the LEGAL OWNERS of Palestine under Customary International Law if you bother to check, the arab muslims are illegal aliens squatting on Jewish land.

Well the 700,000 Pals and their kids and grandkids are are legal citizens of pals if the Zionist like it or not, very few of them are.

So does this make me a Palestinian then because my father once walked the streets of Jerusalem before I was born. ( he served in the British army and was stationed in the M.E. for a short time ) Or will you invoke the Palestinian version of right of return and make any one who was not born in Palestine before the Zionist immigration to Palestine in 1850 an illegal immigrant. No children or grandchildren just the men born before 1850. ( PLO charter )

I believe the Palestinians are forging copies of the title deeds to claim land ownership, and then finding out that the archives contain copies of the true land owners

The land registries don't lie. Christians and Muslims owned 90% of the land of Palestine as per the British Survey of Palestine in 1946:
This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?

If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

Palestine, including Gaza, was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jews invaded from Europe. They gave back nothing.

What Jews invaded Palestine then monti, or are you talking about the legal land owners coming and evicting the squatters from their land. At no time was any part of Palestine bequeathed to the arab muslims by its legal owners, so were was this fictional land ?

There were no "squatters".

They were never land owners and were just travelling nomadic farm workers in the main. They acted just like the muslims of old and took what land they wanted until they had worn it out and then discarded it and moved on. 3 Times they stole Hebron from the Jews and 3 times they destroyed the land through lack of intelligence and laziness.

Now produce the treaty by the ottomans or LoN that gives the land of Palestine to the arab muslims..............
You mean like how every last Jew has been clensed from Gaza despite the fact that Jews were living there millenia before the Palestinians were invented or how over 99% of Jews living in Arab lands have been clensed?

Quoting a definition of ethnic clensing is one thing. Apply the term properly is another.

Were they forceably expelled by the Palestinians?

How about putting to rest the faux meme about Palestinians being"invented" - the name might be new but the people have been there as long as the Jews.

How can muslims who were invented in 625 C.E. have been around 4,500 years ago. That is almost as comical as the team Palestine claims that muslims have been around for
I already brought up the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries as an example (several times).

Do you support ethnic cleansing?
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.

They are in their native country. Some of the Jews are as well, siintermarriage was so common place as stated in the book of Ezra and ever since. Some of the Jewish are part Persian, Polish , Russian, and yes even German. No one is a purebred anymore.

Since when has Palestine been part or Arabia peninsular. This makes any arab muslim and INVADER and an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. The Jews are the LEGAL OWNERS of Palestine under Customary International Law if you bother to check, the arab muslims are illegal aliens squatting on Jewish land.

Well the 700,000 Pals and their kids and grandkids are are legal citizens of pals if the Zionist like it or not, very few of them are.

So does this make me a Palestinian then because my father once walked the streets of Jerusalem before I was born. ( he served in the British army and was stationed in the M.E. for a short time ) Or will you invoke the Palestinian version of right of return and make any one who was not born in Palestine before the Zionist immigration to Palestine in 1850 an illegal immigrant. No children or grandchildren just the men born before 1850. ( PLO charter )

I believe the Palestinians are forging copies of the title deeds to claim land ownership, and then finding out that the archives contain copies of the true land owners

The land registries don't lie. Christians and Muslims owned 90% of the land of Palestine as per the British Survey of Palestine in 1946:

That is not the land registry at all it is just how much land was worked by the different people. table on shows how much land was legally owned and it was 0.8% arab muslims and 4.8% Jewish.

Do you even know were the land register is situated and how much it costs to search the title deed for one parcel of land ?
If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

Palestine, including Gaza, was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jews invaded from Europe. They gave back nothing.

What Jews invaded Palestine then monti, or are you talking about the legal land owners coming and evicting the squatters from their land. At no time was any part of Palestine bequeathed to the arab muslims by its legal owners, so were was this fictional land ?

Right, I don't have a deed or any proof, but this is "my" land. What a crock! Like I said above, it's akin to a Native American demanding you give up your home because that was his families lands generations ago.

These people are unrealistic and ridiculous expectations, and I wonder what they think the region would be like then? Do they actually think these people are going to be "peaceful" suddenly? Good grief! :rolleyes-41:

In the camps in beirut, palestinians were handed old keys and the publishing house were printing fake deed for those keys.

There is fraud on the other side as well.

Israeli court orders settlers to return land to Palestinian owners - Diplomacy Defense Israel News Haaretz
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Then ok lets deal. We will take the Palestinians and the Zionist and Jews living in the US move to Israel , to make room for the Pals here , and the Israel lobby in the US is abolished (no reason for them to be here since there are no Jews living here), and so is any aid going to Israel , as now we need to use it to help the Palestinians get homes and education.

Sound good?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Oh, make no mistake, I am under no illusion that I am speaking for any other nation or any other people.

And, I understand that you don't think so (you don't think that relocation of the Palestinians is the answer).

My point is that there is no other choice, in the long run.

I serve-up a way to cut the Gordian Knot, so that Israel is left intact and strong, and so that the Palestinians get something out of it as well, and a new lease on life, elsewhere.

The Palestinians can relocate, and build new lives, or they can slowly (or quickly) die in-place.

Why subject yourselves (the Palestinian side) to such a miserable fate?

You are hanging onto a few postage-stamp -sized scraps of land by the skin of your teeth.

All it will take is a fart in the wind to blow you away.

Plead with the UN and neighboring countries to take you in, to help you to relocate, and to help you to establish the basis for new and happier and peaceful lives.

Or stubbornly and stupidly stay in-place and die.

Either outcome is fine, to much of the rest of the world.

There is no Arab (nor UN) cavalry coming over the hill this time to rescue you.

You are on your own now, and you are dying (as a failed nation-state wannabe, and, to a lesser extent, as individuals).

Snap out of it, regain your sanity, admit you've lost, run up the white flag, and ask for help in getting a fresh start, elsewhere.

You'll be surprised at how much of the world will be willing to step up to the plate to help you do just that.

Or be stupid, and continue to die - as a nation-state and as individuals - for no good purpose, and to no useful end.

Palestinian Mentality - God help those infected with it.

Patient: "Hi, I'm Walid, and I'm a recovering Palestinian Mentality victim."

Group: "Hi, Walid, and welcome!"
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I don't think there is any doubt that this resolution will pass, even AIPAC influenced America may support it. The world is sick of Israeli atrocities...

Palestinians Israeli occupation must end in 2016 - Yahoo News
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Palestinians are asking the U.N. Security Council to set a deadline of November 2016 for an Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 including East Jerusalem in a new push to achieve independence.
Related Stories
  1. Abbas demands end to Israeli occupation 'now' AFP
  2. Palestinian leader in new UN bid to end occupation Associated Press
  3. Israel-Palestinian 'solution' to be put to UN Security Council AFP
  4. West Bank settler group boasts rapid growth Associated Press
  5. How Palestinian divisions undercut call for a UN deadline on statehood Christian Science Monitor
The circulation of the draft resolution to council members follows Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' announcement to the U.N. General Assembly last Friday that he would ask the council to set a deadline for a pullout and dictate the ground rules for any talks with Israel.
The draft resolution, obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, would affirm the Security Council's determination to contribute to attaining a peaceful solution that ends the Israeli occupation "without delay" and fulfill the vision of two states — "an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable state of Palestine" living side by side with Israel in peace and security in borders based on those before the 1967 Mideast war.

PBel must be losing his marbles. Thread title says "The World Is Sick Of Israel Attrocities." And yet in his post, the links only show that the Palestinians are pissed with Israel. Oh well, want another VICTORY, keep them rocket missiles comin' boys.
World grows tired of Israel crying wolf – When it's the wolf ...
Feb 27, 2014 - World grows tired of Israel crying wolf – When it's the wolf ... Crimes Against Humanity in Israel not only carries no social stigma,but is the ...
We veterans get irked when you and your tribe quote Veterans Today, a site of anti-American communistic deadbeats who are no better than terrorist supporters.

Hey pansy ass, you are no veteran. You are just a little Nazi wannabe.

This is a veteran.

"Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.

Gordon Duff is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.

Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries.

Gordon Duff is a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration.

Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology."
Then ok lets deal. We will take the Palestinians and the Zionist and Jews living in the US move to Israel , to make room for the Pals here , and the Israel lobby in the US is abolished (no reason for them to be here since there are no Jews living here), and so is any aid going to Israel , as now we need to use it to help the Palestinians get homes and education.

Sound good?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Oh, make no mistake, I am under no illusion that I am speaking for any other nation or any other people.

And, I understand that you don't think so (you don't think that relocation of the Palestinians is the answer).

My point is that there is no other choice, in the long run.

I serve-up a way to cut the Gordian Knot, so that Israel is left intact and strong, and so that the Palestinians get something out of it as well, and a new lease on life, elsewhere.

The Palestinians can relocate, and build new lives, or they can slowly (or quickly) die in-place.

Why subject yourselves (the Palestinian side) to such a miserable fate?

You are hanging onto a few postage-stamp -sized scraps of land by the skin of your teeth.

All it will take is a fart in the wind to blow you away.

Plead with the UN and neighboring countries to take you in, to help you to relocate, and to help you to establish the basis for new and happier and peaceful lives.

Or stubbornly and stupidly stay in-place and die.

Either outcome is fine, to much of the rest of the world.

There is no Arab (nor UN) cavalry coming over the hill this time to rescue you.

You are on your own now, and you are dying (as a failed nation-state wannabe, and, to a lesser extent, as individuals).

Snap out of it, regain your sanity, admit you've lost, run up the white flag, and ask for help in getting a fresh start, elsewhere.

You'll be surprised at how much of the world will be willing to step up to the plate to help you do just that.

Or be stupid, and continue to die - as a nation-state and as individuals - for no good purpose, and to no useful end.

Palestinian Mentality - God help those infected with it.

Palestinians only need to be patient, demographics will rule the day.
If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

Palestine, including Gaza, was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jews invaded from Europe. They gave back nothing.

What Jews invaded Palestine then monti, or are you talking about the legal land owners coming and evicting the squatters from their land. At no time was any part of Palestine bequeathed to the arab muslims by its legal owners, so were was this fictional land ?

There were no "squatters".

They were never land owners and were just travelling nomadic farm workers in the main. They acted just like the muslims of old and took what land they wanted until they had worn it out and then discarded it and moved on. 3 Times they stole Hebron from the Jews and 3 times they destroyed the land through lack of intelligence and laziness.

Now produce the treaty by the ottomans or LoN that gives the land of Palestine to the arab muslims..............

For all practical purposes they were landowners and many of them were indiginous to the area. As you may recall, even though there was an indiginous Jewish population in Palestine prior to immigration, there was a larger Arab population.

Land has shifted back and forth over the centuries if you have to attempt to go back that far it's meaningless. If people have been living on land for generations - it is theirs for all effective purposes.
There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before 1850 and several hundred thousand Christians and Muslims.
...Land has shifted back and forth over the centuries...
Indeed. Just as it has since 1948.

...If people have been living on land for generations - it is theirs for all effective purposes.
Indeed. Just ask the 2nd and 3rd and 4th -generation Israelis now in possession of that land.

Agree - when you get to that point, the original owners are dead and there is no sense in displacing people. But the land theft that occurred in 1967 and later - the original people are still alive, and return of the land or compensation should be addressed as well as a complete stop to more taking of land through "settlements".
...Land has shifted back and forth over the centuries...
Indeed. Just as it has since 1948.

...If people have been living on land for generations - it is theirs for all effective purposes.
Indeed. Just ask the 2nd and 3rd and 4th -generation Israelis now in possession of that land.

The problem is, there are more non-Jews than Jews among the people the Jews have control over. That almost never works out well for the minority in the long run.
There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before 1850 and several hundred thousand Christians and Muslims.

It may have been small - I think the Ottoman census around then placed it around 15,000 but it was none the less a significant enough population not to be counted as "zero".
TBH, The fascist Zionist are the problem in the world today. Middle America, we aren't even taking care of the America we have as we are too invested in the ME for Israel and SA and our neocons who love war.

I for one do not want 1 cent of my tax dollars going to Israel anymore.


Those are just cartoons you know. :biggrin:

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