The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

Then ok lets deal. We will take the Palestinians and the Zionist and Jews living in the US move to Israel , to make room for the Pals here , and the Israel lobby in the US is abolished (no reason for them to be here since there are no Jews living here), and so is any aid going to Israel , as now we need to use it to help the Palestinians get homes and education.

Sound good?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.
So...if you consider this ethnic cleansing, you are effectively accusing Israel of ethnically cleansing Gaza...

The problem though lies in "intent".

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?

If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

What has that got to do with what I said?

As an aside: Gaza was occupied territory under international law. You can't "give up" something that never belonged to you in the first place.

Israel handed back control of gaza to the P.A. in August 2005 which meant it was no longer occupied. The Palestinians decided to celebrate by lobbing bombs at Israel causing an iron wall to be built to protect Israel. Even the ruling faction in gaza says that it is no longer occupied by Israel.

For the record the Jews were promised all of Palestine including gaza and the Golan heights by the then LEGAL LAND OWNERS, the UN illegally gave half of this land to the arab muslims.
the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

By Israel.

Are you serious? Do you actually believe that Israel is the one who is a country of genocidal maniacs? Really? You seem like an intelligent person, and I find it stunning that anyone with half a brain would believe this line of crap!!!???

Read more carefully. You're missing the context of what I am saying.

Also - ethnic cleansing is not always genocide.

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

If you support forcing the Palestinians out of Palestine - then that is ethnic cleansing.

Well, why don't you accuse Palestine of it then? They WANT ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the region, and they are willing to kill them all too.

The Palestinians are guilty of a lot of things but at the moment ethnic cleansing isn't one of them. What they "want" and "rhetoric" isn't action taken.

If you want to get incensed about ethnic cleansing done by others towards Jews - look at what occurred during the establishment of Israel when Jews were expelled from Arab nations where they had resided for centuries more more. And ask yourself - was that right? Humane? Ethical? If the answer is "no" then how can you support similar expulsions?

More ethnic cleansing: ISIS - religious minorities, Christians, Azidi's, Muslims without the proper credentials. Recent history - Rwanda, Bosnia...all examples that included genocide. Longer back - Stalin's forced relocations of people to dilute ethnic populations. Lots of examples but right now - the Palestionians aren't.

Then who has ethnically cleansed 10% of palestines population in recent years, mostly from gaza. Most of the living population ended up in Israel were they were welcomed and given safety. Look it up they are the Christians of Palestine who tell the world that they were beaten, murdered, forced to convert and raped by the arab muslims of Palestine as they ethnically cleansed the land of all Christians
Then ok lets deal. We will take the Palestinians and the Zionist and Jews living in the US move to Israel , to make room for the Pals here , and the Israel lobby in the US is abolished (no reason for them to be here since there are no Jews living here), and so is any aid going to Israel , as now we need to use it to help the Palestinians get homes and education.

Sound good?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.

They are in their native country. Some of the Jews are as well, since intermarriage was so common place as stated in the book of Ezra and ever since. Some of the Jewish are part Persian, Polish , Russian, and yes even German. No one is a purebred anymore.

PS: I take that back, I bet some of these people are purebreds,

Survival International - The movement for tribal peoples
Last edited:
By Israel.

Are you serious? Do you actually believe that Israel is the one who is a country of genocidal maniacs? Really? You seem like an intelligent person, and I find it stunning that anyone with half a brain would believe this line of crap!!!???

Read more carefully. You're missing the context of what I am saying.

Also - ethnic cleansing is not always genocide.

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

If you support forcing the Palestinians out of Palestine - then that is ethnic cleansing.

Well, why don't you accuse Palestine of it then? They WANT ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the region, and they are willing to kill them all too.

The Palestinians are guilty of a lot of things but at the moment ethnic cleansing isn't one of them. What they "want" and "rhetoric" isn't action taken.

If you want to get incensed about ethnic cleansing done by others towards Jews - look at what occurred during the establishment of Israel when Jews were expelled from Arab nations where they had resided for centuries more more. And ask yourself - was that right? Humane? Ethical? If the answer is "no" then how can you support similar expulsions?

More ethnic cleansing: ISIS - religious minorities, Christians, Azidi's, Muslims without the proper credentials. Recent history - Rwanda, Bosnia...all examples that included genocide. Longer back - Stalin's forced relocations of people to dilute ethnic populations. Lots of examples but right now - the Palestionians aren't.

Then who has ethnically cleansed 10% of palestines population in recent years, mostly from gaza. Most of the living population ended up in Israel were they were welcomed and given safety. Look it up they are the Christians of Palestine who tell the world that they were beaten, murdered, forced to convert and raped by the arab muslims of Palestine as they ethnically cleansed the land of all Christians

What are you talking about? Why do you make things up? Here is the truth:

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?

If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

What has that got to do with what I said?

As an aside: Gaza was occupied territory under international law. You can't "give up" something that never belonged to you in the first place.

Israel handed back control of gaza to the P.A. in August 2005 which meant it was no longer occupied. The Palestinians decided to celebrate by lobbing bombs at Israel causing an iron wall to be built to protect Israel. Even the ruling faction in gaza says that it is no longer occupied by Israel.

For the record the Jews were promised all of Palestine including gaza and the Golan heights by the then LEGAL LAND OWNERS, the UN illegally gave half of this land to the arab muslims.


The Mandate states clearly that the rights of the non-Jews could not be prejudiced. Giving their land to Jews certainly prejudices their civil rights you nitwit.

Per the Mandate:

"it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,"

The Avalon Project The Palestine Mandate
By Israel.

Are you serious? Do you actually believe that Israel is the one who is a country of genocidal maniacs? Really? You seem like an intelligent person, and I find it stunning that anyone with half a brain would believe this line of crap!!!???

Read more carefully. You're missing the context of what I am saying.

Also - ethnic cleansing is not always genocide.

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

If you support forcing the Palestinians out of Palestine - then that is ethnic cleansing.

Well, why don't you accuse Palestine of it then? They WANT ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the region, and they are willing to kill them all too.

The Palestinians are guilty of a lot of things but at the moment ethnic cleansing isn't one of them. What they "want" and "rhetoric" isn't action taken.

If you want to get incensed about ethnic cleansing done by others towards Jews - look at what occurred during the establishment of Israel when Jews were expelled from Arab nations where they had resided for centuries more more. And ask yourself - was that right? Humane? Ethical? If the answer is "no" then how can you support similar expulsions?

More ethnic cleansing: ISIS - religious minorities, Christians, Azidi's, Muslims without the proper credentials. Recent history - Rwanda, Bosnia...all examples that included genocide. Longer back - Stalin's forced relocations of people to dilute ethnic populations. Lots of examples but right now - the Palestionians aren't.

Then who has ethnically cleansed 10% of palestines population in recent years, mostly from gaza. Most of the living population ended up in Israel were they were welcomed and given safety. Look it up they are the Christians of Palestine who tell the world that they were beaten, murdered, forced to convert and raped by the arab muslims of Palestine as they ethnically cleansed the land of all Christians

You tell me.

Was there a systemic program of removing a population? If so - show it to me a link.

Like I said, there is plenty to condemn the Palestinians for, but I haven't yet seen Ethnic Cleansing on the list.
Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

You mean like how every last Jew has been clensed from Gaza despite the fact that Jews were living there millenia before the Palestinians were invented or how over 99% of Jews living in Arab lands have been clensed?

Quoting a definition of ethnic clensing is one thing. Apply the term properly is another.

Were they forceably expelled by the Palestinians?

How about putting to rest the faux meme about Palestinians being"invented" - the name might be new but the people have been there as long as the Jews.

How can muslims who were invented in 625 C.E. have been around 4,500 years ago. That is almost as comical as the team Palestine claims that muslims have been around for
I already brought up the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries as an example (several times).

Do you support ethnic cleansing?
Then ok lets deal. We will take the Palestinians and the Zionist and Jews living in the US move to Israel , to make room for the Pals here , and the Israel lobby in the US is abolished (no reason for them to be here since there are no Jews living here), and so is any aid going to Israel , as now we need to use it to help the Palestinians get homes and education.

Sound good?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.

They are in their native country. Some of the Jews are as well, since intermarriage was so common place as stated in the book of Ezra and ever since. Some of the Jewish are part Persian, Polish , Russian, and yes even German. No one is a purebred anymore.

Since when has Palestine been part or Arabia peninsular. This makes any arab muslim and INVADER and an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. The Jews are the LEGAL OWNERS of Palestine under Customary International Law if you bother to check, the arab muslims are illegal aliens squatting on Jewish land.
the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?

If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

What has that got to do with what I said?

As an aside: Gaza was occupied territory under international law. You can't "give up" something that never belonged to you in the first place.

Israel handed back control of gaza to the P.A. in August 2005 which meant it was no longer occupied. The Palestinians decided to celebrate by lobbing bombs at Israel causing an iron wall to be built to protect Israel. Even the ruling faction in gaza says that it is no longer occupied by Israel.

For the record the Jews were promised all of Palestine including gaza and the Golan heights by the then LEGAL LAND OWNERS, the UN illegally gave half of this land to the arab muslims.

When you control air space, territorial sea and land border and occasionally lob bombs into the place murdering hundreds of children, it is an occupation. The UN considers it occupied territory and so does the law.

Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

You mean like how every last Jew has been clensed from Gaza despite the fact that Jews were living there millenia before the Palestinians were invented or how over 99% of Jews living in Arab lands have been clensed?

Quoting a definition of ethnic clensing is one thing. Apply the term properly is another.

Were they forceably expelled by the Palestinians?

How about putting to rest the faux meme about Palestinians being"invented" - the name might be new but the people have been there as long as the Jews.

How can muslims who were invented in 625 C.E. have been around 4,500 years ago. That is almost as comical as the team Palestine claims that muslims have been around for
I already brought up the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries as an example (several times).

Do you support ethnic cleansing?
Then ok lets deal. We will take the Palestinians and the Zionist and Jews living in the US move to Israel , to make room for the Pals here , and the Israel lobby in the US is abolished (no reason for them to be here since there are no Jews living here), and so is any aid going to Israel , as now we need to use it to help the Palestinians get homes and education.

Sound good?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.

They are in their native country. Some of the Jews are as well, siintermarriage was so common place as stated in the book of Ezra and ever since. Some of the Jewish are part Persian, Polish , Russian, and yes even German. No one is a purebred anymore.

Since when has Palestine been part or Arabia peninsular. This makes any arab muslim and INVADER and an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. The Jews are the LEGAL OWNERS of Palestine under Customary International Law if you bother to check, the arab muslims are illegal aliens squatting on Jewish land.

Well the 700,000 Pals and their kids and grandkids are are legal citizens of pals if the Zionist like it or not, very few of them are.
Are you serious? Do you actually believe that Israel is the one who is a country of genocidal maniacs? Really? You seem like an intelligent person, and I find it stunning that anyone with half a brain would believe this line of crap!!!???

Read more carefully. You're missing the context of what I am saying.

Also - ethnic cleansing is not always genocide.

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

If you support forcing the Palestinians out of Palestine - then that is ethnic cleansing.

Well, why don't you accuse Palestine of it then? They WANT ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the region, and they are willing to kill them all too.

The Palestinians are guilty of a lot of things but at the moment ethnic cleansing isn't one of them. What they "want" and "rhetoric" isn't action taken.

If you want to get incensed about ethnic cleansing done by others towards Jews - look at what occurred during the establishment of Israel when Jews were expelled from Arab nations where they had resided for centuries more more. And ask yourself - was that right? Humane? Ethical? If the answer is "no" then how can you support similar expulsions?

More ethnic cleansing: ISIS - religious minorities, Christians, Azidi's, Muslims without the proper credentials. Recent history - Rwanda, Bosnia...all examples that included genocide. Longer back - Stalin's forced relocations of people to dilute ethnic populations. Lots of examples but right now - the Palestionians aren't.

Then who has ethnically cleansed 10% of palestines population in recent years, mostly from gaza. Most of the living population ended up in Israel were they were welcomed and given safety. Look it up they are the Christians of Palestine who tell the world that they were beaten, murdered, forced to convert and raped by the arab muslims of Palestine as they ethnically cleansed the land of all Christians

What are you talking about? Why do you make things up? Here is the truth:

ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA, the fact is the Christian population of Palestine has declined in recent years due to arab muslim ethnic cleansing.

Here you go monti the evidence

Ethnic Cleansing Christians Middle East Gaza Islamists

Then ok lets deal. We will take the Palestinians and the Zionist and Jews living in the US move to Israel , to make room for the Pals here , and the Israel lobby in the US is abolished (no reason for them to be here since there are no Jews living here), and so is any aid going to Israel , as now we need to use it to help the Palestinians get homes and education.

Sound good?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.

Their native country is Palestine. The Jew's native countries are in Europe, North Africa and elsewhere.
Do you support ethnic cleansing?

Look how you try to use this word as if it's a weapon. Your liberal tactics are completely transparent. Lol! It's like "have you stopped beating your wife?"

FAIL bucket.

Try something else.

Do you support ethnic cleansing? It's a straightforward question.

You know what? Since it is the stated goal of the Hamas Charter to commit genocide, and you seem to support the people who elected MURDERERS who clearly want to kill Jews, then it is YOU who supports genocide.

I don't support Hamas. Nice try though.

But still no answer to my question:rolleyes-41:

You sure could have fooled me.

Show me where I have EVER supported terrorist tactics or Hamas or the murder of innocent civilians.

You have been defending their atrocious actions this whole time, while trying to make Israel look like they're the bad guys.
Show me where I've defended atrocious actions.

Well, I think people with normally functioning brains can see WHO the real problem in this situation is, and it's certainly not the Israelis.

It takes two to tango. In this conflict there are NO angel and a lot of wrongs committed by both sides.

I already spelled out to you several times that, YES, I support Israel driving the troublemakers back into Egypt. Let them become THEIR problem. I couldn't THINK of a better gift for them!! :D

Then be honest. Say you support ethnic cleansing. ;)
This is akin to a Native American knocking on your door, telling you that your house sits on property that his family once owned back in the 1800s, and that you must leave now or he is going to shoot your children every time they go outside to play.

Except unlike the Native American in the 1800's there are people alive who owned property that's been stolen. It's in living memory not ancient history.
the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?

If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

Palestine, including Gaza, was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jews invaded from Europe. They gave back nothing.

What Jews invaded Palestine then monti, or are you talking about the legal land owners coming and evicting the squatters from their land. At no time was any part of Palestine bequeathed to the arab muslims by its legal owners, so were was this fictional land ?

There were no "squatters".
This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?

If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

What has that got to do with what I said?

As an aside: Gaza was occupied territory under international law. You can't "give up" something that never belonged to you in the first place.

Israel handed back control of gaza to the P.A. in August 2005 which meant it was no longer occupied. The Palestinians decided to celebrate by lobbing bombs at Israel causing an iron wall to be built to protect Israel. Even the ruling faction in gaza says that it is no longer occupied by Israel.

For the record the Jews were promised all of Palestine including gaza and the Golan heights by the then LEGAL LAND OWNERS, the UN illegally gave half of this land to the arab muslims.


The Mandate states clearly that the rights of the non-Jews could not be prejudiced. Giving their land to Jews certainly prejudices their civil rights you nitwit.

Per the Mandate:

"it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,"

The Avalon Project The Palestine Mandate

And the rights of the arab muslims were kept intact by the Jews it was the arab league that took them away when it refused to allow the Palestinians to declare independence. As I keep telling you the arab muslims had no legal right to the land under International law, the legal owners did not grant them any land in Palestine other than trans Jordan. And as the Jewish declaration of independence states the arab muslims are welcome to stay as full citizens on the understanding they do so as peaceful inhabitants.
Then ok lets deal. We will take the Palestinians and the Zionist and Jews living in the US move to Israel , to make room for the Pals here , and the Israel lobby in the US is abolished (no reason for them to be here since there are no Jews living here), and so is any aid going to Israel , as now we need to use it to help the Palestinians get homes and education.

Sound good?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.

Their native country is Palestine. The Jew's native countries are in Europe, North Africa and elsewhere.

No. Israel is their native country too.

They all need to learn to share Palestine and recognize each other's rights without murder, terrorism and ethnic cleansing.
This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?

If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

What has that got to do with what I said?

As an aside: Gaza was occupied territory under international law. You can't "give up" something that never belonged to you in the first place.

Israel handed back control of gaza to the P.A. in August 2005 which meant it was no longer occupied. The Palestinians decided to celebrate by lobbing bombs at Israel causing an iron wall to be built to protect Israel. Even the ruling faction in gaza says that it is no longer occupied by Israel.

For the record the Jews were promised all of Palestine including gaza and the Golan heights by the then LEGAL LAND OWNERS, the UN illegally gave half of this land to the arab muslims.

When you control air space, territorial sea and land border and occasionally lob bombs into the place murdering hundreds of children, it is an occupation. The UN considers it occupied territory and so does the law.

And the rulers of gaza say that they are not occupied and they should know being on the ground and in control of gaza. Israel no more occupies gaza than the USA or UK does. and they have the same laws governing transit from and to gaza into the USA and UK as Israel has.
If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.

Israel gave up the Gaza strip. I'm saying they should take it back. Why shouldn't they?

What has that got to do with what I said?

As an aside: Gaza was occupied territory under international law. You can't "give up" something that never belonged to you in the first place.

Israel handed back control of gaza to the P.A. in August 2005 which meant it was no longer occupied. The Palestinians decided to celebrate by lobbing bombs at Israel causing an iron wall to be built to protect Israel. Even the ruling faction in gaza says that it is no longer occupied by Israel.

For the record the Jews were promised all of Palestine including gaza and the Golan heights by the then LEGAL LAND OWNERS, the UN illegally gave half of this land to the arab muslims.


The Mandate states clearly that the rights of the non-Jews could not be prejudiced. Giving their land to Jews certainly prejudices their civil rights you nitwit.

Per the Mandate:

"it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,"

The Avalon Project The Palestine Mandate

And the rights of the arab muslims were kept intact by the Jews it was the arab league that took them away when it refused to allow the Palestinians to declare independence. As I keep telling you the arab muslims had no legal right to the land under International law, the legal owners did not grant them any land in Palestine other than trans Jordan. And as the Jewish declaration of independence states the arab muslims are welcome to stay as full citizens on the understanding they do so as peaceful inhabitants.
Then ok lets deal. We will take the Palestinians and the Zionist and Jews living in the US move to Israel , to make room for the Pals here , and the Israel lobby in the US is abolished (no reason for them to be here since there are no Jews living here), and so is any aid going to Israel , as now we need to use it to help the Palestinians get homes and education.

Sound good?

Move the Palestinians to Jordan and/or Lebanon and/or Egypt and/or some other place(s) in that region or in coastal Africa, once the UN negotiates all those arrangements.

No need (or desire) to do any such thing on our own shores.

The Jews (Israelis) are the winners.

Losers do not dictate terms.

No don't think so, its a give and take. No deal with me then. You live in the US as I do, but your unwilling to relocate the Pals here.

You can't speak for another nation , only as a citizen of the US and what you'd accept.
Kondor is saying relocate them to their native countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and various other Paradises.

Their native country is Palestine.
Read more carefully. You're missing the context of what I am saying.

Also - ethnic cleansing is not always genocide.

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

If you support forcing the Palestinians out of Palestine - then that is ethnic cleansing.

Well, why don't you accuse Palestine of it then? They WANT ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the region, and they are willing to kill them all too.

The Palestinians are guilty of a lot of things but at the moment ethnic cleansing isn't one of them. What they "want" and "rhetoric" isn't action taken.

If you want to get incensed about ethnic cleansing done by others towards Jews - look at what occurred during the establishment of Israel when Jews were expelled from Arab nations where they had resided for centuries more more. And ask yourself - was that right? Humane? Ethical? If the answer is "no" then how can you support similar expulsions?

More ethnic cleansing: ISIS - religious minorities, Christians, Azidi's, Muslims without the proper credentials. Recent history - Rwanda, Bosnia...all examples that included genocide. Longer back - Stalin's forced relocations of people to dilute ethnic populations. Lots of examples but right now - the Palestionians aren't.

Then who has ethnically cleansed 10% of palestines population in recent years, mostly from gaza. Most of the living population ended up in Israel were they were welcomed and given safety. Look it up they are the Christians of Palestine who tell the world that they were beaten, murdered, forced to convert and raped by the arab muslims of Palestine as they ethnically cleansed the land of all Christians

What are you talking about? Why do you make things up? Here is the truth:

ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA, the fact is the Christian population of Palestine has declined in recent years due to arab muslim ethnic cleansing.

Here you go monti the evidence

Ethnic Cleansing Christians Middle East Gaza Islamists

How about some news from CBS instead of propaganda.

Christians are leaving becuase of the Israeli occupation, not because of the Muslims.

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" background="#333333" width="425" height="279" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="si=254&contentValue=50123562&shareUrl=Christians of the Holy Land - 60 Minutes Videos - CBS News" />

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