The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

Why do you just spout propaganda? Are really that thick that you believe we don't have access to the facts?

For example:

"Jewish leadership begged the local Palestinian Arabs not to abandon their homes"

Do you realize what a bunch of horseshit that is?

The facts:

" a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled “The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948”. This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. “At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations.” To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which “directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration”. A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to “fears” and “a crisis of confidence” affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

It isn't propaganda, but your links are certainly propaganda. Here is another link with the same exact information because this is EXACTLY how it happened. Also, this is an unbiased link. Too bad for you that Israel won. That's that. They won. The land is theirs. End of story.

Palestine 1918 to 1948

In 1947, the newly formed United Nations accepted the idea to partition Palestine into a zone for the Jews (Israel) and a zone for the Arabs (Palestine). With this United Nations proposal, the British withdrew from the region on May 14th 1948. Almost immediately, Israel was attacked by Arab nations that surrounded in a war that lasted from May 1948 to January 1949. Palestinian Arabs refused to recognise Israel and it became the turn of the Israeli government itself to suffer from terrorist attacks when fedayeen (fanatics) from the Palestinian Arabs community attacked Israel. Such attacks later became more organised with the creation of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO). To the Palestinian Arabs, the area the Jews call Israel, will always be Palestine. To the Jews it is Israel. There have been very few years of peace in the region since 1948.

My links are usually to official reports by the Mandatory to the League of Nations. You are posting propaganda pieces.

The fact is that European Jews implemented a plan to ethnically cleanse the non-Jews and were successful.

There really can't be any question of the facts.

Why would anyone recognize the establishment of a state created through their expulsion from their homes?

Are you saying this is not what happened? You are so full of it. Anyone can google it themselves to see. The above which I linked to is completely accurate and truthful. WHO do you think you're fooling?

It's propaganda it's not accurate at all. I provided a link to a scholarly work, not propaganda.

Scholarly work? its a bunch of crap posted on Youtube like every random moron can do - and does - bringing pictures like from Sefad battle during the War of Independence when the Arab hostiles [Arab Legion(of Palestinians), and Syrians] attacked a 4,000 city - Jewish one of course - completely unarmed, when the Haganah forces came miraculously to aid Sefad at the last minute, and won the Arab hostiles, or for example quoting Mordecai Maklef FROM Haifa ordering IDF to retaliate the Fadeyeen Palestinian raiders who slaughtered, stole, and rape hundreds of Jews, it happened in Hebron, Jerusalem, and many small Jewish settlements.
This is a very poor propaganda-ad, when first you read about something you never heard of, so you get curious, next you see a baby crying because mommy taking the louse out of his hair, but on first thought you think hey why is he crying and of course you see a picture of a soldier dressed like the SS, black uniforms [in the middle of the desert] heavily armed with guns Israel didn't have but who cares its for killing Palestinians so its fine to write the 'ZIONIST COMMANDO' - I can go on explaining why this is a propaganda, and a lie, but lets be honest montelitici, this video is probably yours, correct?

Exactly, all of his sources have been based on propaganda sites. And a YouTube video? :biggrin: I can't believe he would refer to it as "scholarly work." Another one who seems to have an agenda.
Indeed. Just as it has since 1948.

Indeed. Just ask the 2nd and 3rd and 4th -generation Israelis now in possession of that land.

Agree - when you get to that point, the original owners are dead and there is no sense in displacing people. But the land theft that occurred in 1967 and later - the original people are still alive, and return of the land or compensation should be addressed as well as a complete stop to more taking of land through "settlements".
Right of Return will no longer work, in connection with 1948-1949.

Return to the 1967 borders will no longer work, in connection with Israeli security and safety.

Compensation has marvelous possibilities.

But there is no longer enough land with which to make-up a sustainable nation-state.

That leaves population transfer - relocation - as the only practical outcome.

I know that this does not sit well, but the Losing Side is just going to have to suck it up, eventually, and move on.

If they did so voluntarily and with the blessing and large-scale assistance of the outside world, that would be best.

But, sooner or later, it's going to happen.

The Palestinians might as well leverage that as best they can, while they still can.

I sense time running out for the Palestinians to get anything whatsoever.

Yes there is.

Start negotiations at the 1967 borders and negotiate landswaps.

Israel needs to give up some things too.
Where exactly are there any '67 borders? I can't seem to find them on a map.

Green Line Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Green Line is often referred to as the "pre-1967 borders", the "1967 borders" by the United States president Barack Obama,[2] Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas,[3] and by the United Nations in informal texts[4] and in the text of UN GA Resolutions.[5]

just a cease fire line not a national border. There was no palestine to have a border with. Jordan and egypt occupied territory they invaded in their attack on Israel.
TBH, The fascist Zionist are the problem in the world today. Middle America, we aren't even taking care of the America we have as we are too invested in the ME for Israel and SA and our neocons who love war.

I for one do not want 1 cent of my tax dollars going to Israel anymore.
Meanwhile, the majority of voting taxpayers who DO support Israel, thank you for your tax dollars, tasked for that purpose.

Many taxpayers do not know we are paying Israel aid and supplying extra money for weapons.:( and some don't even know where Israel is.:eek:

Anyone can find out online. It's not a secret. :rolleyes-41:
The British - very pointedly - refused to hand over a state or a territory to the Zionist organisations, as that had never been the deal, and was only foisted upon the world by Zionist terrorists. With US & Russian support the UN then ratified what had already been done by force of arms, and granted a state to those same terrorists.

By that do you mean Israel, West Bank and Gaza?

If so - then I disagree. By what authority? Do you mean the Balfour Declaration?

I will be the first to admit I know less about that period of history than some here (and I suspect you also don't know as much).

The member here who has posted the most comprehensive understanding of it (even if I don't always agree with his opinions) is RoccoR and I respect his historical knowledge.

In this post of his - he described the what the Balfour Declaration and succeeding mandates/declarations meant: Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual Page 16 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No where do I see where the entire area was given to the Jews or, it was it seems to be non-binding and superceded by other agreements.

They didn't want to give it up to either side, and they were made to on a mandate. It doesn't change the facts.

They were not made to.
They were offered - asked - maybe pleaded with - to extend the mandate and continue British control of the region by the UN, but refused, as there was no good end in sight with all the terrorist activity by the Jewish immigrants and US agitating against British overseas influence, and what with having no money to fund the enterprise (with no offers from anyone to pay).

So Britain left. It did not hand over the land. It did not agree to set up a Zionist state. It did not facilitate the Zionist state. It just failed to prevent it.

I have little doubt that Britain fully expected Zionism to get its comeuppance from the surrounding arab states / tribes soon after, which would have had some poetic justice (Create a state through invasion and the sword / Die by the sword). But Britain was against the Zionist enterprise. If compromised by elements in Britain who ran their own agenda.

The UN set it up as a resolution mandate. It does not matter who agreed and who didn't agree. What matters is that Israel "stole" nothing. That is an outright lie.

No its not, and they are continuously stealing the Pals land, why do you think everyone is so upset about the 2400 new builds they are starting on. Thieves. plan and simple.

:boohoo: The only reason why they are there is because Israel ALLOWS them to be there. Probably not for much longer though, and who could blame them?
...Land has shifted back and forth over the centuries...
Indeed. Just as it has since 1948.

...If people have been living on land for generations - it is theirs for all effective purposes.
Indeed. Just ask the 2nd and 3rd and 4th -generation Israelis now in possession of that land.

The problem is, there are more non-Jews than Jews among the people the Jews have control over. That almost never works out well for the minority in the long run.

The Palestinians only have two choices left make peace under the UN charter or be wiped out in the fullness of time. They need to acquire weapons for the demographics to be in their favour and you cant hide tanks when you are occupied. So how will increased population help them when they outstrip the natural resources and destroy the land. Then nature will start killing the Palestinians to level the playing field again. The problem with gaza is they are surrounded by armed soldiers who can just stand back and fire from long range at targets pinpointed by satellite technology. One hamas mine under a Jewish school and all of gaza will be flattened with the world cheering on the Israelis. And you will be in hiding because no muslim would be ever safe again in the west.

Ask the non-whites in South Africa how they did it, without tanks.
The British - very pointedly - refused to hand over a state or a territory to the Zionist organisations, as that had never been the deal, and was only foisted upon the world by Zionist terrorists. With US & Russian support the UN then ratified what had already been done by force of arms, and granted a state to those same terrorists.

They didn't want to give it up to either side, and they were made to on a mandate. It doesn't change the facts.

They were not made to.
They were offered - asked - maybe pleaded with - to extend the mandate and continue British control of the region by the UN, but refused, as there was no good end in sight with all the terrorist activity by the Jewish immigrants and US agitating against British overseas influence, and what with having no money to fund the enterprise (with no offers from anyone to pay).

So Britain left. It did not hand over the land. It did not agree to set up a Zionist state. It did not facilitate the Zionist state. It just failed to prevent it.

I have little doubt that Britain fully expected Zionism to get its comeuppance from the surrounding arab states / tribes soon after, which would have had some poetic justice (Create a state through invasion and the sword / Die by the sword). But Britain was against the Zionist enterprise. If compromised by elements in Britain who ran their own agenda.

The UN set it up as a resolution mandate. It does not matter who agreed and who didn't agree. What matters is that Israel "stole" nothing. That is an outright lie.

No its not, and they are continuously stealing the Pals land, why do you think everyone is so upset about the 2400 new builds they are starting on. Thieves. plan and simple.

:boohoo: The only reason why they are there is because Israel ALLOWS them to be there. Probably not for much longer though, and who could blame them?

There's a price to pay for ethnic cleansing of indiginous peoples. South Africa tried that with it's so-called African "homelands" - islands of semi-autonomous (resource poor) areas where the blacks could live seperate from the whites. Stalin tried that when he forceably moved ethnic groups out of areas and ethnic-Russians into those areas to dilute populations. It leaves a long term stain on the national character of a nation particularly when land theft is also involved as would be the case in West Bank and Gaza. People are tied to their lands by generations of habitation and culture. That is something the Jews themselves reiterate. How can you then justify doing that to another people? You can't. Israel has been no angel in this affair either. They need to stop the settlement building and both sides need t negotiate for a long term solution that most likely will involve two states and land swaps. I don't see any other way that would not produce a humanitarian nightmare by forcing a diaspora on a people that the Jews themselves experienced. It's so ironic.
Yes there is.

Start negotiations at the 1967 borders and negotiate landswaps.

Israel needs to give up some things too.
Where exactly are there any '67 borders? I can't seem to find them on a map.

Green Line Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Green Line is often referred to as the "pre-1967 borders", the "1967 borders" by the United States president Barack Obama,[2] Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas,[3] and by the United Nations in informal texts[4] and in the text of UN GA Resolutions.[5]
The Green Line is a demarcation line that is not and never was an International border. It merely shows where the front lines were at the end of fighting.

It is what is referred to as the 1967 borders.
Only by the Arabs and not by the Israelis.

The term Green Line is used to refer to the 1949 Armistice lines established between Israel and its neighbours (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon andSyria) after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Demarcation line - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

From wikipedia: The Green Line is often referred to as the "pre-1967 borders", the "1967 borders" by the United States president Barack Obama,[2] Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas,[3] and by the United Nations in informal texts[4] and in the text of UN GA Resolutions.[5]

Not just the Arabs.
Agree - when you get to that point, the original owners are dead and there is no sense in displacing people. But the land theft that occurred in 1967 and later - the original people are still alive, and return of the land or compensation should be addressed as well as a complete stop to more taking of land through "settlements".
Right of Return will no longer work, in connection with 1948-1949.

Return to the 1967 borders will no longer work, in connection with Israeli security and safety.

Compensation has marvelous possibilities.

But there is no longer enough land with which to make-up a sustainable nation-state.

That leaves population transfer - relocation - as the only practical outcome.

I know that this does not sit well, but the Losing Side is just going to have to suck it up, eventually, and move on.

If they did so voluntarily and with the blessing and large-scale assistance of the outside world, that would be best.

But, sooner or later, it's going to happen.

The Palestinians might as well leverage that as best they can, while they still can.

I sense time running out for the Palestinians to get anything whatsoever.

Yes there is.

Start negotiations at the 1967 borders and negotiate landswaps.

Israel needs to give up some things too.
Where exactly are there any '67 borders? I can't seem to find them on a map.

Green Line Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Green Line is often referred to as the "pre-1967 borders", the "1967 borders" by the United States president Barack Obama,[2] Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas,[3] and by the United Nations in informal texts[4] and in the text of UN GA Resolutions.[5]
The Green Line is a demarcation line that is not and never was an International border. It merely shows where the front lines were at the end of fighting.
That is correct. The green line (also called the 1967 borders) were specifically not to be political or territorial borders.
It isn't propaganda, but your links are certainly propaganda. Here is another link with the same exact information because this is EXACTLY how it happened. Also, this is an unbiased link. Too bad for you that Israel won. That's that. They won. The land is theirs. End of story.

Palestine 1918 to 1948

My links are usually to official reports by the Mandatory to the League of Nations. You are posting propaganda pieces.

The fact is that European Jews implemented a plan to ethnically cleanse the non-Jews and were successful.

There really can't be any question of the facts.

Why would anyone recognize the establishment of a state created through their expulsion from their homes?

Are you saying this is not what happened? You are so full of it. Anyone can google it themselves to see. The above which I linked to is completely accurate and truthful. WHO do you think you're fooling?

It's propaganda it's not accurate at all. I provided a link to a scholarly work, not propaganda.

Scholarly work? its a bunch of crap posted on Youtube like every random moron can do - and does - bringing pictures like from Sefad battle during the War of Independence when the Arab hostiles [Arab Legion(of Palestinians), and Syrians] attacked a 4,000 city - Jewish one of course - completely unarmed, when the Haganah forces came miraculously to aid Sefad at the last minute, and won the Arab hostiles, or for example quoting Mordecai Maklef FROM Haifa ordering IDF to retaliate the Fadeyeen Palestinian raiders who slaughtered, stole, and rape hundreds of Jews, it happened in Hebron, Jerusalem, and many small Jewish settlements.
This is a very poor propaganda-ad, when first you read about something you never heard of, so you get curious, next you see a baby crying because mommy taking the louse out of his hair, but on first thought you think hey why is he crying and of course you see a picture of a soldier dressed like the SS, black uniforms [in the middle of the desert] heavily armed with guns Israel didn't have but who cares its for killing Palestinians so its fine to write the 'ZIONIST COMMANDO' - I can go on explaining why this is a propaganda, and a lie, but lets be honest montelitici, this video is probably yours, correct?

Exactly, all of his sources have been based on propaganda sites. And a YouTube video? :biggrin: I can't believe he would refer to it as "scholarly work." Another one who seems to have an agenda.

Le Monde Diplomatique is a propaganda site? It is clear who has an agenda, it is you brainwashed clowns that have only read Zionist propaganda.
My links are usually to official reports by the Mandatory to the League of Nations. You are posting propaganda pieces.

The fact is that European Jews implemented a plan to ethnically cleanse the non-Jews and were successful.

There really can't be any question of the facts.

Why would anyone recognize the establishment of a state created through their expulsion from their homes?

Are you saying this is not what happened? You are so full of it. Anyone can google it themselves to see. The above which I linked to is completely accurate and truthful. WHO do you think you're fooling?

It's propaganda it's not accurate at all. I provided a link to a scholarly work, not propaganda.

Scholarly work? its a bunch of crap posted on Youtube like every random moron can do - and does - bringing pictures like from Sefad battle during the War of Independence when the Arab hostiles [Arab Legion(of Palestinians), and Syrians] attacked a 4,000 city - Jewish one of course - completely unarmed, when the Haganah forces came miraculously to aid Sefad at the last minute, and won the Arab hostiles, or for example quoting Mordecai Maklef FROM Haifa ordering IDF to retaliate the Fadeyeen Palestinian raiders who slaughtered, stole, and rape hundreds of Jews, it happened in Hebron, Jerusalem, and many small Jewish settlements.
This is a very poor propaganda-ad, when first you read about something you never heard of, so you get curious, next you see a baby crying because mommy taking the louse out of his hair, but on first thought you think hey why is he crying and of course you see a picture of a soldier dressed like the SS, black uniforms [in the middle of the desert] heavily armed with guns Israel didn't have but who cares its for killing Palestinians so its fine to write the 'ZIONIST COMMANDO' - I can go on explaining why this is a propaganda, and a lie, but lets be honest montelitici, this video is probably yours, correct?

Exactly, all of his sources have been based on propaganda sites. And a YouTube video? :biggrin: I can't believe he would refer to it as "scholarly work." Another one who seems to have an agenda.

Le Monde Diplomatique is a propaganda site? It is clear who has an agenda, it is you brainwashed clowns that have only read Zionist propaganda.

!!!!! you are so full of it !!!!!
About LMD - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
They didn't want to give it up to either side, and they were made to on a mandate. It doesn't change the facts.

They were not made to.
They were offered - asked - maybe pleaded with - to extend the mandate and continue British control of the region by the UN, but refused, as there was no good end in sight with all the terrorist activity by the Jewish immigrants and US agitating against British overseas influence, and what with having no money to fund the enterprise (with no offers from anyone to pay).

So Britain left. It did not hand over the land. It did not agree to set up a Zionist state. It did not facilitate the Zionist state. It just failed to prevent it.

I have little doubt that Britain fully expected Zionism to get its comeuppance from the surrounding arab states / tribes soon after, which would have had some poetic justice (Create a state through invasion and the sword / Die by the sword). But Britain was against the Zionist enterprise. If compromised by elements in Britain who ran their own agenda.

The UN set it up as a resolution mandate. It does not matter who agreed and who didn't agree. What matters is that Israel "stole" nothing. That is an outright lie.

No its not, and they are continuously stealing the Pals land, why do you think everyone is so upset about the 2400 new builds they are starting on. Thieves. plan and simple.

:boohoo: The only reason why they are there is because Israel ALLOWS them to be there. Probably not for much longer though, and who could blame them?

There's a price to pay for ethnic cleansing of indiginous peoples. South Africa tried that with it's so-called African "homelands" - islands of semi-autonomous (resource poor) areas where the blacks could live seperate from the whites. Stalin tried that when he forceably moved ethnic groups out of areas and ethnic-Russians into those areas to dilute populations. It leaves a long term stain on the national character of a nation particularly when land theft is also involved as would be the case in West Bank and Gaza. People are tied to their lands by generations of habitation and culture. That is something the Jews themselves reiterate. How can you then justify doing that to another people? You can't. Israel has been no angel in this affair either. They need to stop the settlement building and both sides need t negotiate for a long term solution that most likely will involve two states and land swaps. I don't see any other way that would not produce a humanitarian nightmare by forcing a diaspora on a people that the Jews themselves experienced. It's so ironic.

There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.
Are you saying this is not what happened? You are so full of it. Anyone can google it themselves to see. The above which I linked to is completely accurate and truthful. WHO do you think you're fooling?

It's propaganda it's not accurate at all. I provided a link to a scholarly work, not propaganda.

Scholarly work? its a bunch of crap posted on Youtube like every random moron can do - and does - bringing pictures like from Sefad battle during the War of Independence when the Arab hostiles [Arab Legion(of Palestinians), and Syrians] attacked a 4,000 city - Jewish one of course - completely unarmed, when the Haganah forces came miraculously to aid Sefad at the last minute, and won the Arab hostiles, or for example quoting Mordecai Maklef FROM Haifa ordering IDF to retaliate the Fadeyeen Palestinian raiders who slaughtered, stole, and rape hundreds of Jews, it happened in Hebron, Jerusalem, and many small Jewish settlements.
This is a very poor propaganda-ad, when first you read about something you never heard of, so you get curious, next you see a baby crying because mommy taking the louse out of his hair, but on first thought you think hey why is he crying and of course you see a picture of a soldier dressed like the SS, black uniforms [in the middle of the desert] heavily armed with guns Israel didn't have but who cares its for killing Palestinians so its fine to write the 'ZIONIST COMMANDO' - I can go on explaining why this is a propaganda, and a lie, but lets be honest montelitici, this video is probably yours, correct?

Exactly, all of his sources have been based on propaganda sites. And a YouTube video? :biggrin: I can't believe he would refer to it as "scholarly work." Another one who seems to have an agenda.

Le Monde Diplomatique is a propaganda site? It is clear who has an agenda, it is you brainwashed clowns that have only read Zionist propaganda.

!!!!! you are so full of it !!!!!
About LMD - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

It is a respected publication. You are the one that's full of it.

LMD provides a cool, reasoned, different view of the world’s most pressing issues”
New York Review of Books
The thread title is inaccurate.

A suggestion to correct it:

Loons marinated in multiculturalism cannot tell the difference between good and evil.
More from the link above. . .

The Modern Day Conflict

From the 1948 Israeli War of Independence, "Palestinian Arabs"have been sacrificed as pawns by all other Arab countries as they are to this day. No other Arab country has ever offered to accept any of these people into their own countries even though they are well able to do so. To the Arab countries and the rest of the anti-Semitic world, the "Palestinian Arabs" are useful only as a tool to exterminate Israel and the rest of the Jews in the Middle East. Otherwise, their welfare is of no concern to the rest of the Arab world.

What about the ingrained notion that the Palestinians are fighting for their ancient homeland annexed by the Jews? The truth about this matter has been so deliberately obscured that even to raise the issue seems strange to many people.

In the 1967 war, also known as the Six Day War, did Israel annex territory from a Palestinian nation? No, Israel did not take a single inch of territory from Palestine. That is because there is not, nor has there ever been, a Palestinian nation. Israel captured the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem from Jordan's King Hussein and the Gaza Strip from Egypt, after they declared war against the Jewish State. It was only following the Six-day War in 1967 that Arab refugees living in these territories began identifying themselves as the "Palestinian People"because the global media labeled them as such. One cannot help but wonder why these Palestinians suddenly discovered a national identity after Israel won the war, but not during the "Jordanian Occupation" or the "Egyptian Occupation"?
They were not made to.
They were offered - asked - maybe pleaded with - to extend the mandate and continue British control of the region by the UN, but refused, as there was no good end in sight with all the terrorist activity by the Jewish immigrants and US agitating against British overseas influence, and what with having no money to fund the enterprise (with no offers from anyone to pay).

So Britain left. It did not hand over the land. It did not agree to set up a Zionist state. It did not facilitate the Zionist state. It just failed to prevent it.

I have little doubt that Britain fully expected Zionism to get its comeuppance from the surrounding arab states / tribes soon after, which would have had some poetic justice (Create a state through invasion and the sword / Die by the sword). But Britain was against the Zionist enterprise. If compromised by elements in Britain who ran their own agenda.

The UN set it up as a resolution mandate. It does not matter who agreed and who didn't agree. What matters is that Israel "stole" nothing. That is an outright lie.

No its not, and they are continuously stealing the Pals land, why do you think everyone is so upset about the 2400 new builds they are starting on. Thieves. plan and simple.

:boohoo: The only reason why they are there is because Israel ALLOWS them to be there. Probably not for much longer though, and who could blame them?

There's a price to pay for ethnic cleansing of indiginous peoples. South Africa tried that with it's so-called African "homelands" - islands of semi-autonomous (resource poor) areas where the blacks could live seperate from the whites. Stalin tried that when he forceably moved ethnic groups out of areas and ethnic-Russians into those areas to dilute populations. It leaves a long term stain on the national character of a nation particularly when land theft is also involved as would be the case in West Bank and Gaza. People are tied to their lands by generations of habitation and culture. That is something the Jews themselves reiterate. How can you then justify doing that to another people? You can't. Israel has been no angel in this affair either. They need to stop the settlement building and both sides need t negotiate for a long term solution that most likely will involve two states and land swaps. I don't see any other way that would not produce a humanitarian nightmare by forcing a diaspora on a people that the Jews themselves experienced. It's so ironic.

There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.

LOL. Repeating the Zionist propaganda. Nobody believes that crap anymore. The Zionists didn't believe it either. Don't post propaganda, it's embarrassing. It makes you look like a fool.

"In 1891, Ha'am had made his first visit to the Jewish settlements in Palestine. It resulted in an important essay, The Truth from the Land of Israel. What distinguished his report from the gushing accounts of other Jewish visitors was the sober realism with which he noted the many problems. High among them was the existence of an indigenous population. "We tend to believe abroad that Palestine is nowadays almost completely deserted, an uncultivated wilderness, and anyone can come there and buy as much land as his heart desires. But in reality this is not the case. It is difficult to find anywhere in the country Arab land which lies fallow."

David Goldberg The 1907 writings of one traveller to Palestine vividly describe the roots of the region s enmity Comment is free The Guardian
The UN set it up as a resolution mandate. It does not matter who agreed and who didn't agree. What matters is that Israel "stole" nothing. That is an outright lie.

No its not, and they are continuously stealing the Pals land, why do you think everyone is so upset about the 2400 new builds they are starting on. Thieves. plan and simple.

:boohoo: The only reason why they are there is because Israel ALLOWS them to be there. Probably not for much longer though, and who could blame them?

There's a price to pay for ethnic cleansing of indiginous peoples. South Africa tried that with it's so-called African "homelands" - islands of semi-autonomous (resource poor) areas where the blacks could live seperate from the whites. Stalin tried that when he forceably moved ethnic groups out of areas and ethnic-Russians into those areas to dilute populations. It leaves a long term stain on the national character of a nation particularly when land theft is also involved as would be the case in West Bank and Gaza. People are tied to their lands by generations of habitation and culture. That is something the Jews themselves reiterate. How can you then justify doing that to another people? You can't. Israel has been no angel in this affair either. They need to stop the settlement building and both sides need t negotiate for a long term solution that most likely will involve two states and land swaps. I don't see any other way that would not produce a humanitarian nightmare by forcing a diaspora on a people that the Jews themselves experienced. It's so ironic.

There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.

LOL. Repeating the Zionist propaganda. Nobody believes that crap anymore. The Zionists didn't believe it either. Don't post propaganda, it's embarrassing. It makes you look like a fool.

"In 1891, Ha'am had made his first visit to the Jewish settlements in Palestine. It resulted in an important essay, The Truth from the Land of Israel. What distinguished his report from the gushing accounts of other Jewish visitors was the sober realism with which he noted the many problems. High among them was the existence of an indigenous population. "We tend to believe abroad that Palestine is nowadays almost completely deserted, an uncultivated wilderness, and anyone can come there and buy as much land as his heart desires. But in reality this is not the case. It is difficult to find anywhere in the country Arab land which lies fallow."

David Goldberg The 1907 writings of one traveller to Palestine vividly describe the roots of the region s enmity Comment is free The Guardian

Unfortunately for you, it is not propaganda but the truth. The things you and others are posting is what is propaganda, and that much is obvious. The territories captured were NOT Palestine. They were territories owned by the King of Jordan. There was no independent Palestine. There was no such place! You are lying!
The UN set it up as a resolution mandate. It does not matter who agreed and who didn't agree. What matters is that Israel "stole" nothing. That is an outright lie.

No its not, and they are continuously stealing the Pals land, why do you think everyone is so upset about the 2400 new builds they are starting on. Thieves. plan and simple.

:boohoo: The only reason why they are there is because Israel ALLOWS them to be there. Probably not for much longer though, and who could blame them?

There's a price to pay for ethnic cleansing of indiginous peoples. South Africa tried that with it's so-called African "homelands" - islands of semi-autonomous (resource poor) areas where the blacks could live seperate from the whites. Stalin tried that when he forceably moved ethnic groups out of areas and ethnic-Russians into those areas to dilute populations. It leaves a long term stain on the national character of a nation particularly when land theft is also involved as would be the case in West Bank and Gaza. People are tied to their lands by generations of habitation and culture. That is something the Jews themselves reiterate. How can you then justify doing that to another people? You can't. Israel has been no angel in this affair either. They need to stop the settlement building and both sides need t negotiate for a long term solution that most likely will involve two states and land swaps. I don't see any other way that would not produce a humanitarian nightmare by forcing a diaspora on a people that the Jews themselves experienced. It's so ironic.

There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.

LOL. Repeating the Zionist propaganda. Nobody believes that crap anymore. The Zionists didn't believe it either. Don't post propaganda, it's embarrassing. It makes you look like a fool.
The Palestinians are not Israelis, they don't deserve to be Israelis, and you are just proving this point based on opposed claims, you can either stop comparing the conflict to South Africa because I believe its not only racism but its about religion majorly, and even that is far more complicated than you can ever imagine, try explaining otherwise why the Palestinians DO deserve to be Israelis if you actually want to go on with your comparison.
They were given the land by the British. If you want to argue that point, you can argue it all day long. It doesn't change the facts.

By that do you mean Israel, West Bank and Gaza?

If so - then I disagree. By what authority? Do you mean the Balfour Declaration?

I will be the first to admit I know less about that period of history than some here (and I suspect you also don't know as much).

The member here who has posted the most comprehensive understanding of it (even if I don't always agree with his opinions) is RoccoR and I respect his historical knowledge.

In this post of his - he described the what the Balfour Declaration and succeeding mandates/declarations meant: Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual Page 16 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No where do I see where the entire area was given to the Jews or, it was it seems to be non-binding and superceded by other agreements.

I'm not sure about this...@RoccoR - if you have time could you clarify? Is it as simple as Britain gave it to the Jews?

You should read post 354. It explains what went on in detail.

Ah...I missed that post. Sometimes I dislike this new formatting.

Then what you are saying is that Israel was given the land as exists in the partition plan?
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No they were originally given all of Palestine later amended to what is now Palestine

See these


Ammended to this


Based on what?

The treaties signed by the LoN and called the Mandate of Palestine.

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The British sought legitimacy for their continued control of the region and this was achieved by obtaining a mandate from the League of Nations in June 1922. The formal objective of the League of Nations Mandate system was to administer parts of the defunct Ottoman Empire, which had been in control of the Middle East since the 16th century, "until such time as they are able to stand alone."[3] The civil Mandate administration was formalized with the League of Nations' consent in 1923 under the British Mandate for Palestine, which covered two administrative areas. The land west of the Jordan River, known as Palestine, was under direct British administration until 1948, while the land east of the Jordan was a semi-autonomous region known as Transjordan, under the rule of the Hashemite family from the Hijaz, and gained independence in 1946.[4]
The divergent tendencies regarding the nature and purpose of the mandate is visible already in the discussions concerning the name for this new entity. According to the Minutes of the Ninth Session of the League of Nations' Permanent Mandate Commission:
"Colonel Symes explained that the country was described as 'Palestine' by Europeans and as 'Falestin' by the Arabs. The Hebrew name for the country was the designation 'Land of Israel', and the Government, to meet Jewish wishes, had agreed that the word "Palestine" in Hebrew characters should be followed in all official documents by the initials which stood for that designation. As a set-off to this, certain of the Arab politicians suggested that the country should be called 'Southern Syria' in order to emphasise its close relation with another Arab State".[5
They were not made to.
They were offered - asked - maybe pleaded with - to extend the mandate and continue British control of the region by the UN, but refused, as there was no good end in sight with all the terrorist activity by the Jewish immigrants and US agitating against British overseas influence, and what with having no money to fund the enterprise (with no offers from anyone to pay).

So Britain left. It did not hand over the land. It did not agree to set up a Zionist state. It did not facilitate the Zionist state. It just failed to prevent it.

I have little doubt that Britain fully expected Zionism to get its comeuppance from the surrounding arab states / tribes soon after, which would have had some poetic justice (Create a state through invasion and the sword / Die by the sword). But Britain was against the Zionist enterprise. If compromised by elements in Britain who ran their own agenda.

The UN set it up as a resolution mandate. It does not matter who agreed and who didn't agree. What matters is that Israel "stole" nothing. That is an outright lie.

No its not, and they are continuously stealing the Pals land, why do you think everyone is so upset about the 2400 new builds they are starting on. Thieves. plan and simple.

:boohoo: The only reason why they are there is because Israel ALLOWS them to be there. Probably not for much longer though, and who could blame them?

There's a price to pay for ethnic cleansing of indiginous peoples. South Africa tried that with it's so-called African "homelands" - islands of semi-autonomous (resource poor) areas where the blacks could live seperate from the whites. Stalin tried that when he forceably moved ethnic groups out of areas and ethnic-Russians into those areas to dilute populations. It leaves a long term stain on the national character of a nation particularly when land theft is also involved as would be the case in West Bank and Gaza. People are tied to their lands by generations of habitation and culture. That is something the Jews themselves reiterate. How can you then justify doing that to another people? You can't. Israel has been no angel in this affair either. They need to stop the settlement building and both sides need t negotiate for a long term solution that most likely will involve two states and land swaps. I don't see any other way that would not produce a humanitarian nightmare by forcing a diaspora on a people that the Jews themselves experienced. It's so ironic.

There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.

Multiple people have posted repeated links to historical data indicating that area was by no means inhabited by only "occasional nomads" but had a significant permanent population that had been there for centuries. They myth that it was largely "uninhabited" other than "occassional nomads" is just that, a myth that has been thoroughly debunked.

Look at the source you are using and what it has to say about itself:
Target Of Opportunity
This website is a list and record of people that betray and endanger America by their Seditious, Treasonous, and/or Terrorist activities. Operating under the false illusion of Peaceful and Non-Violent activism, their methods are anything but Peaceful and Non-Violent. These people present a serious threat to all Americans. Each and every one of them should be considered a

What the heck kind of site is that and why should anything it says be taken seriously?
They were given the land by the British. If you want to argue that point, you can argue it all day long. It doesn't change the facts.

By that do you mean Israel, West Bank and Gaza?

If so - then I disagree. By what authority? Do you mean the Balfour Declaration?

I will be the first to admit I know less about that period of history than some here (and I suspect you also don't know as much).

The member here who has posted the most comprehensive understanding of it (even if I don't always agree with his opinions) is RoccoR and I respect his historical knowledge.

In this post of his - he described the what the Balfour Declaration and succeeding mandates/declarations meant: Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual Page 16 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No where do I see where the entire area was given to the Jews or, it was it seems to be non-binding and superceded by other agreements.

I'm not sure about this...@RoccoR - if you have time could you clarify? Is it as simple as Britain gave it to the Jews?

You should read post 354. It explains what went on in detail.

No, post 354 is just a spouting of Zionist propaganda. My post recapitulates an Israeli Army intelligence report written at the time of the events.

Strange as it can be found alongside your reports that you claim are valid. So which of the UNISPAL archives are propaganda and which are valid ?

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