The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

Coyote, et al,

What are the pre-conditions?

Again. What does this have to do with the false claim that Israel had no preconditions?

Netanyahu Reiterates Israeli Preconditions For “Peace”
Monday October 28, 2013 05:42
by Saed Bannoura -
[Sunday October 27, 2013] Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, stated that Tel Aviv is seeking peace with the Palestinians, but reiterated Israeli preconditions and demands to recognize Israel as a Jewish State, and drop the internationally guaranteed Right of Return of the Palestinian Refugees.​


Is there such a thing as an "internationally guaranteed Right of Return of the Palestinian Refugees?" And if so, what does that guarantee say?

Most Respectfully,
Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,

1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:

(a) The right to self-determination without external interference;

(b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;

2. Reaffirms also the inalienable right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced and uprooted, and calls for their return;

3. Emphasizes that full respect for and the realization of these inalienable rights of the Palestinian people are indispensable for the solution of the question of Palestine;

4. Recognizes that the Palestinian people is a principal party in the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East;

5. Further recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to regain its rights by all means in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations;

A RES 3236 XXIX of 22 November 1974
Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this
Then there should be no problem to provide a link.

Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this
Then there should be no problem to provide a link.

What's the point of providing a link for you? You're till going to deny it and claim you're right.

But here you go ( I cannot believe you didn't know this):

1948 Arab Israeli War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Israel keeps area allotted to it byPartition Plan, captures 50% of area allotted to Arab state
I don't refute that but there needs to be some documentation showing that Israel gets to keep the land it captured militarily.

It is illegal to keep land captured in war.
It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this
Then there should be no problem to provide a link.

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this
Then there should be no problem to provide a link.

What's the point of providing a link for you? You're till going to deny it and claim you're right.

But here you go ( I cannot believe you didn't know this):

1948 Arab Israeli War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Israel keeps area allotted to it byPartition Plan, captures 50% of area allotted to Arab state
I don't refute that but there needs to be some documentation showing that Israel gets to keep the land it captured militarily.

It is illegal to keep land captured in war.

Who says there needs to be documentation? They captured land ALLOTTED to the Palestinian in the partition plan. It doesn't say they captured Palestinian Territory.
That land is now inside the green line and inside Israel's internationally recognized borders. Recognized by the U.N AND the P.A .
Coyote, et al,

What are the pre-conditions?

Again. What does this have to do with the false claim that Israel had no preconditions?

Netanyahu Reiterates Israeli Preconditions For “Peace”
Monday October 28, 2013 05:42
by Saed Bannoura -
[Sunday October 27, 2013] Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, stated that Tel Aviv is seeking peace with the Palestinians, but reiterated Israeli preconditions and demands to recognize Israel as a Jewish State, and drop the internationally guaranteed Right of Return of the Palestinian Refugees.​


Is there such a thing as an "internationally guaranteed Right of Return of the Palestinian Refugees?" And if so, what does that guarantee say?

Most Respectfully,
Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,

1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:

(a) The right to self-determination without external interference;

(b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;

2. Reaffirms also the inalienable right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced and uprooted, and calls for their return;

3. Emphasizes that full respect for and the realization of these inalienable rights of the Palestinian people are indispensable for the solution of the question of Palestine;

4. Recognizes that the Palestinian people is a principal party in the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East;

5. Further recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to regain its rights by all means in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations;

A RES 3236 XXIX of 22 November 1974

That't not a guarantee. Israel will never allow ROR. It's just not going to happen.

Man you're stupid. ANYONE is allowed to edit wikipedia. Not to mention pro Palestinians here use it all the time.
The issue with you is that you cannot handle the truth, so you always make bullshit excuses. It's the pro Palestinians way

I wish folks here could learn how to cut down the length of the quotes . . . . . like me, because I know I am sooo awesome, LOL.

But seriously, like toastman says, anyone is allowed to edit wikipedia. When any thinking person reads an article there, it only takes a moment to see how impartial it is.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Nothing is ever as simple as you present it. It is a Arab Palestinian imperative that they downplay or disavow the Partition Plan; otherwise they loose a great deal of their validity in the armed struggle stance they have taken.

That is the Propaganda version. We have all heard the story a gazillion times.

The UN voted to partition Palestine. The Jews accepted their state. The Arabs rejected their state. Too bad for them.​


There are some problems with this scenario as it leaves out important information.

The UN did approve the partition of Palestine, however, Resolution 181 was a non binding General Assembly resolution that recommended that the Security Council implement the partition.

General Assembly Resolution 181(II) was --- in fact --- non-binding, as are all resolutions simply pasted by the General Assembly.

However, it was not merely a recommendation. The recommendation was passed to the General Assembly by the UN Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP). And that recommendation was adopted by the General Assembly.

The instructions in the resolution were that the UN Palestine Commission (UNPC) was to be created and be the action arm for the Security Council in the implementation process. That did happen.

Britain, as the mandate, refused to implement the plan because it was not approved by both sides. The Security Council failed to implement the plan voicing the same concerns. The US withdrew its support and was drafting an alternate plan.

Without regard to what the US might have done or what position the UK might have taken, the UNPC did act and did set the stage for the creation of the Jewish State of Israel.

During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."

Section B. STEPS PREPARATORY TO INDEPENDENCE General Assembly Resolution 181(II) said:
14. The Commission shall be guided in its activities by the recommendations of the General Assembly and by such instructions as the Security Council may consider necessary to issue.

The measures taken by the Commission, within the recommendations of the General Assembly, shall become immediately effective unless the Commission has previously received contrary instructions from the Security Council.

The Commission shall render periodic monthly progress reports, or more frequently if desirable, to the Security Council.

SOURCE: A/RES/181(II) 29 November 1947
SOURCE: PAL/169 17 May 1948

Resolution 181 was not implemented. No states were authorized or created. The land allotted for the Jewish state was never transferred.

No matter how you frame it, the Resolution was "implemented." and it was acknowledged. There is no such thing as a transfer of land or property in the establishment of sovereignty. This is a fictitious assumption. Sovereignty is a right and evidenced by an overt act on the part of the people exercising that right. It is not, as you suggest, a real estate venture involving deeds and transfers.

The implementation was a reality. A war was fought over it. Armistice lines drawn, treaties concluded, and a state that everyone can point to today, was created; economically prosperous, thriving, and one that can stand alone --- on its own.

Resolution 181 didn't happen.

I recommend you take your blinders off.

Letter dated 25 March 1999 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General[U said:
][/U]For the Palestinian side, and since the strategic decision to forge a peace on the basis of coexistence, resolution 181 (II) has become acceptable. The resolution provides the legal basis for the existence of both the Jewish and the Arab States in Mandated Palestine. According to the resolution, Jerusalem should become a corpus separatum, which the Palestinian side is willing to take into consideration and to reconcile with the Palestinian position that East Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian territory and the capital of the Palestinian State. The Palestinian side adheres to international legitimacy and respects General Assembly resolution 181 (II), as well as Security Council resolution 242 (1967), the implementation of which is the aim of the current Middle East peace process.

EXCERPT Palestinian Declaration of Independence said:
Despite the historical injustice done to the Palestinian Arab people in its displacement and in being deprived of the right to self-determination following the adoption of General Assembly resolution 181 (II) of 1947, which partitioned Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish State, that resolution nevertheless continues to attach conditions to international legitimacy that guarantee the Palestinian Arab people the right to sovereignty and national independence.

---- ---- ----

By virtue of the natural, historical and legal right of the Palestinian Arab people to its homeland, Palestine, and of the sacrifices of its succeeding generations in defence of the freedom and independence of that homeland,

Pursuant to the resolutions of the Arab Summit Conferences and on the basis of the international legitimacy embodied in the resolutions of the United Nations since 1947, and

Through the exercise by the Palestinian Arab people of its right to self-determination, political independence and sovereignty over its territory:

The Palestine National Council hereby declares, in the Name of God and on behalf of the Palestinian Arab people, the establishment of the State of Palestine in the land of Palestine with its capital at Jerusalem.
SOURCE: A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988
SOURCE: A/53/879 S/1999/334 25 March 1999

As recent as December 2012, the Resolution was remembered by the UN in the 67/19. Status of Palestine in the United Nations, which --- recalling its resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947, decided to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations.

You can claim, all you want, that the Resolution didn't happen, doesn't exist, is non-binding, has no impact, was never implemented --- all you want. The fact of the matter is --- in reality --- those that are not irreparably harmed and blinded by the by the need to continually justify Jihad and violence, can plainly see that it did exist, it had both documentary form, deed and action behind it. It was used by both the Jewish and the Palestinian to make legitimate their states. It is use still in contemporary times to advance the cause of Palestinian recognition.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, verbosity extraordinaire.

Even with all that you failed to mention a few points.

By the time Israel mentioned the partition plan in its declaration:

It had already violated the proposed borders.

It had already violated territory allotted to the Arabs.

It had already violated the international city of Jerusalem.

It had already violated the rights of the non Jewish population by expelling about 300,000 Palestinians from their homes.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Nothing is ever as simple as you present it. It is a Arab Palestinian imperative that they downplay or disavow the Partition Plan; otherwise they loose a great deal of their validity in the armed struggle stance they have taken.

That is the Propaganda version. We have all heard the story a gazillion times.

The UN voted to partition Palestine. The Jews accepted their state. The Arabs rejected their state. Too bad for them.​


There are some problems with this scenario as it leaves out important information.

The UN did approve the partition of Palestine, however, Resolution 181 was a non binding General Assembly resolution that recommended that the Security Council implement the partition.

General Assembly Resolution 181(II) was --- in fact --- non-binding, as are all resolutions simply pasted by the General Assembly.

However, it was not merely a recommendation. The recommendation was passed to the General Assembly by the UN Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP). And that recommendation was adopted by the General Assembly.

The instructions in the resolution were that the UN Palestine Commission (UNPC) was to be created and be the action arm for the Security Council in the implementation process. That did happen.

Britain, as the mandate, refused to implement the plan because it was not approved by both sides. The Security Council failed to implement the plan voicing the same concerns. The US withdrew its support and was drafting an alternate plan.

Without regard to what the US might have done or what position the UK might have taken, the UNPC did act and did set the stage for the creation of the Jewish State of Israel.

During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."

Section B. STEPS PREPARATORY TO INDEPENDENCE General Assembly Resolution 181(II) said:
14. The Commission shall be guided in its activities by the recommendations of the General Assembly and by such instructions as the Security Council may consider necessary to issue.

The measures taken by the Commission, within the recommendations of the General Assembly, shall become immediately effective unless the Commission has previously received contrary instructions from the Security Council.

The Commission shall render periodic monthly progress reports, or more frequently if desirable, to the Security Council.

SOURCE: A/RES/181(II) 29 November 1947
SOURCE: PAL/169 17 May 1948

Resolution 181 was not implemented. No states were authorized or created. The land allotted for the Jewish state was never transferred.

No matter how you frame it, the Resolution was "implemented." and it was acknowledged. There is no such thing as a transfer of land or property in the establishment of sovereignty. This is a fictitious assumption. Sovereignty is a right and evidenced by an overt act on the part of the people exercising that right. It is not, as you suggest, a real estate venture involving deeds and transfers.

The implementation was a reality. A war was fought over it. Armistice lines drawn, treaties concluded, and a state that everyone can point to today, was created; economically prosperous, thriving, and one that can stand alone --- on its own.

Resolution 181 didn't happen.

I recommend you take your blinders off.

Letter dated 25 March 1999 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General[U said:
][/U]For the Palestinian side, and since the strategic decision to forge a peace on the basis of coexistence, resolution 181 (II) has become acceptable. The resolution provides the legal basis for the existence of both the Jewish and the Arab States in Mandated Palestine. According to the resolution, Jerusalem should become a corpus separatum, which the Palestinian side is willing to take into consideration and to reconcile with the Palestinian position that East Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian territory and the capital of the Palestinian State. The Palestinian side adheres to international legitimacy and respects General Assembly resolution 181 (II), as well as Security Council resolution 242 (1967), the implementation of which is the aim of the current Middle East peace process.

EXCERPT Palestinian Declaration of Independence said:
Despite the historical injustice done to the Palestinian Arab people in its displacement and in being deprived of the right to self-determination following the adoption of General Assembly resolution 181 (II) of 1947, which partitioned Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish State, that resolution nevertheless continues to attach conditions to international legitimacy that guarantee the Palestinian Arab people the right to sovereignty and national independence.

---- ---- ----

By virtue of the natural, historical and legal right of the Palestinian Arab people to its homeland, Palestine, and of the sacrifices of its succeeding generations in defence of the freedom and independence of that homeland,

Pursuant to the resolutions of the Arab Summit Conferences and on the basis of the international legitimacy embodied in the resolutions of the United Nations since 1947, and

Through the exercise by the Palestinian Arab people of its right to self-determination, political independence and sovereignty over its territory:

The Palestine National Council hereby declares, in the Name of God and on behalf of the Palestinian Arab people, the establishment of the State of Palestine in the land of Palestine with its capital at Jerusalem.
SOURCE: A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988
SOURCE: A/53/879 S/1999/334 25 March 1999

As recent as December 2012, the Resolution was remembered by the UN in the 67/19. Status of Palestine in the United Nations, which --- recalling its resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947, decided to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations.

You can claim, all you want, that the Resolution didn't happen, doesn't exist, is non-binding, has no impact, was never implemented --- all you want. The fact of the matter is --- in reality --- those that are not irreparably harmed and blinded by the by the need to continually justify Jihad and violence, can plainly see that it did exist, it had both documentary form, deed and action behind it. It was used by both the Jewish and the Palestinian to make legitimate their states. It is use still in contemporary times to advance the cause of Palestinian recognition.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, verbosity extraordinaire.

Even with all that you failed to mention a few points.

By the time Israel mentioned the partition plan in its declaration:

It had already violated the proposed borders.

It had already violated territory allotted to the Arabs.

It had already violated the international city of Jerusalem.

It had already violated the rights of the non Jewish population by expelling about 300,000 Palestinians from their homes.
You'll be saddened to know that the Pope has forgiven the Israelis all those indiscressions, Tinny. Go find another bone to gnaw on.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is an important concept --- one that needs to be read and understood correctly.

2. Reaffirms also the inalienable right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced and uprooted, and calls for their return;
A RES 3236 XXIX of 22 November 1974

There are four key factors here:
  • Palestinians ---
  • Their homes and property ---
  • displaced and uprooted ---
  • return ---
This does not apply to descendants. Only those that were displaced and uprooted. That is a considerably different set of people. It is a number of less than 80,000; all of which are 60 years old (or more).

Most Respectfully,
Arabs owned more than 90%.
Our honorable montelatici may keep telling himself that, of course.
Our honorable montelatici may keep telling himself that too, of course.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is an important concept --- one that needs to be read and understood correctly.

2. Reaffirms also the inalienable right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced and uprooted, and calls for their return;
A RES 3236 XXIX of 22 November 1974

There are four key factors here:
  • Palestinians ---
  • Their homes and property ---
  • displaced and uprooted ---
  • return ---
This does not apply to descendants. Only those that were displaced and uprooted. That is a considerably different set of people. It is a number of less than 80,000; all of which are 60 years old (or more).

Most Respectfully,

I am sure it extends to their families Rocco, quit playing silly games.
Hmmm, Wiki Zionist tainted material as opposed to source documents. Well done Phoney, you really know how to make a point. Now let's get the facts from the Report of the Mandatory:

As can be seen below in the table included in His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Council of the League of Nations of 1937, Muslim increase via migration was 25,168 during the period Jewish increase through migration was 245,433.

"6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937

You are just making a fool of yourself. Facts are facts. Lying or using tainted backup like you do is easily discovered.

Ah, so now wikipedia is a Zionist source hahha. You have a pathetic excuse for everything

You're a glutton for punishment:

" two Israeli groups seeking to gain the upper hand in the online debate have launched a course in "Zionist editing" for Wikipedia, the online reference site.

Yesha Council, representing the Jewish settler movement, and the rightwing Israel Sheli (My I srael) movement, ran their first workshop this week in Jerusalem, teaching participants how to rewrite and revise some of the most hotly disputed pages of the online reference site."

Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups World news The Guardian

"This example demonstrates how good articles full of useful information are systematically edited to remove material from reputable sources (if it does not suit the Zionist aims) and add information from other, often dubious sources. No matter what the topic, the Israeli version must come first and there are constant problems trying to maintain neutral tone and avoid weasel words."'s_Hasbara

"u.s. department of justice caught editing wikipedia for zionist benefit

US Dept of Justice IP address blocked after 'vandalism' edits to Wikipediaexcerpt:Wikinews has learned that a United States Department of Justice (DOJ) IP Address has been blocked on Wikipedia after making edits to an article which were considered "vandalism". In two separate instances, the IP address from the DOJ removed information from the Wikipedia article about the organization Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), regarding an attempt by the organization to secretly gain influence on the site. The IP address has been confirmed by Wikinews to be registered and used by the DOJ located in Washington, D.C."

we saw that... u.s. department of justice caught editing wikipedia for zionist benefit....2013

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

"Troll editing on Wikipedia has been linked directly to such quasi-Israeli government entities as the media "watchdog" operation "CAMERA," or Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America." CAMERA, formed in 1982 by a group of Jewish activists in Boston tied to the Israeli government, has been the bane of many a newspaper editor or television news reporter. The group had a vendetta against ABC's Peter Jennings and the formerly rather unbiased National Public Radio for their even-handed Middle East reporting. At least five Wikipedia editors were found to be trolling for CAMERA and they were suspended. However, the rules governing Wikipedia permit many other CAMERA and pro-Israel trolls to operate with impunity.

Outside the CAMERA infrastructure, other Israeli groups also troll Wikipedia. Special Wikipedia editing classes have been sponsored on illegal settlements in the West Bank by the organizations Yesha Council and Israel Sheli. CAMERA's efforts were joined by the Hasbara Foundation (Hasbara is the term used for any Jew around the world who advances the propaganda of Israel). In 2007, the Hasbara Foundation, decrying the presence of unbiased information on Israel on Wikipedia, targeted certain editors' entries. The Hasbara Foundation claimed, "These authors have systematically yet subtly rewritten key passages of thousands of Wikipedia entries to portray Israel in a negative light. You have the opportunity to stop this dangerous trend! If you are interested in joining a team of Wikipedians to make sure Israel is presented fairly and accurately, please contact [the Hasbara Foundation] director."

zionists manipulating wiki - Google Search

Man you're stupid. ANYONE is allowed to edit wikipedia. Not to mention pro Palestinians here use it all the time.
The issue with you is that you cannot handle the truth, so you always make bullshit excuses. It's the pro Palestinians way

You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against, that's what drives you crazy, I make you look like a fool. I just present facts with backup, like the Hasbara initiative to edit WIKI.

"Zionist editing' on Wikipedia"


"Wikipedia Editing for Zionists"

"You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against"

:lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol:

Stop it just stop !! Hahahahahahaha ! Don't flater yourself brainwashed sheep
Fo schizzle! Faith and begorrah!
montelatici, et al,

I'm not so hasty to agree with you.

Arabs owned more than 90%.
Our honorable montelatici may keep telling himself that, of course.
Our honorable montelatici may keep telling himself that too, of course.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is an important concept --- one that needs to be read and understood correctly.

2. Reaffirms also the inalienable right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced and uprooted, and calls for their return;
A RES 3236 XXIX of 22 November 1974

There are four key factors here:
  • Palestinians ---
  • Their homes and property ---
  • displaced and uprooted ---
  • return ---
This does not apply to descendants. Only those that were displaced and uprooted. That is a considerably different set of people. It is a number of less than 80,000; all of which are 60 years old (or more).

Most Respectfully,

I am sure it extends to their families Rocco, quit playing silly games.

I don't consider it a silly game at all.

Only those family members that were displaced and uprooted. If you are born outside the State of Israel, you are not a Palestinian Refugee; you are a Palestinian Citizen. Refugee status doesn't grow and is not an inherited status. The only people that think that are Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
You just don't get it...It may take hundreds of years...Israel will never pacify the region even if they succeed in killing all the Palestinians.

You just don't get it. Israel doesn't want to pacify (or should I say conquer because that is where your ilk goes with that) the whole middle east (if that is what you meant), they just want peace in what was little was left to the Jews of the original Mandate for Palestine.
Last edited:
You just don't get it...It may take hundreds of years...Israel will never pacify the region even if they succeed in killing all the Palestinians.

You just don't get it. Israel doesn't want to pacify the whole middle east (if that is what you meant), they just want peace in what was little was left to the Jews of the original Mandate for Palestine.

To have peace the Jews in Palestine have two choices. Agree to the establishment of a secular democracy where all the people of Palestine have equal rights, or return to where their parents, grand parents and great grand parents came from. The demographics are not conducive to exclusive Jewish rule or Apartheid for the long term. If a Jewish state had been established in a part of Germany, for example, they would be part of the EU and there would probably be few problems as the Germans would have little to complain about.

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