The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

Ah, so now wikipedia is a Zionist source hahha. You have a pathetic excuse for everything

You're a glutton for punishment:

" two Israeli groups seeking to gain the upper hand in the online debate have launched a course in "Zionist editing" for Wikipedia, the online reference site.

Yesha Council, representing the Jewish settler movement, and the rightwing Israel Sheli (My I srael) movement, ran their first workshop this week in Jerusalem, teaching participants how to rewrite and revise some of the most hotly disputed pages of the online reference site."

Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups World news The Guardian

"This example demonstrates how good articles full of useful information are systematically edited to remove material from reputable sources (if it does not suit the Zionist aims) and add information from other, often dubious sources. No matter what the topic, the Israeli version must come first and there are constant problems trying to maintain neutral tone and avoid weasel words."'s_Hasbara

"u.s. department of justice caught editing wikipedia for zionist benefit

US Dept of Justice IP address blocked after 'vandalism' edits to Wikipediaexcerpt:Wikinews has learned that a United States Department of Justice (DOJ) IP Address has been blocked on Wikipedia after making edits to an article which were considered "vandalism". In two separate instances, the IP address from the DOJ removed information from the Wikipedia article about the organization Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), regarding an attempt by the organization to secretly gain influence on the site. The IP address has been confirmed by Wikinews to be registered and used by the DOJ located in Washington, D.C."

we saw that... u.s. department of justice caught editing wikipedia for zionist benefit....2013

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

"Troll editing on Wikipedia has been linked directly to such quasi-Israeli government entities as the media "watchdog" operation "CAMERA," or Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America." CAMERA, formed in 1982 by a group of Jewish activists in Boston tied to the Israeli government, has been the bane of many a newspaper editor or television news reporter. The group had a vendetta against ABC's Peter Jennings and the formerly rather unbiased National Public Radio for their even-handed Middle East reporting. At least five Wikipedia editors were found to be trolling for CAMERA and they were suspended. However, the rules governing Wikipedia permit many other CAMERA and pro-Israel trolls to operate with impunity.

Outside the CAMERA infrastructure, other Israeli groups also troll Wikipedia. Special Wikipedia editing classes have been sponsored on illegal settlements in the West Bank by the organizations Yesha Council and Israel Sheli. CAMERA's efforts were joined by the Hasbara Foundation (Hasbara is the term used for any Jew around the world who advances the propaganda of Israel). In 2007, the Hasbara Foundation, decrying the presence of unbiased information on Israel on Wikipedia, targeted certain editors' entries. The Hasbara Foundation claimed, "These authors have systematically yet subtly rewritten key passages of thousands of Wikipedia entries to portray Israel in a negative light. You have the opportunity to stop this dangerous trend! If you are interested in joining a team of Wikipedians to make sure Israel is presented fairly and accurately, please contact [the Hasbara Foundation] director."

zionists manipulating wiki - Google Search

Man you're stupid. ANYONE is allowed to edit wikipedia. Not to mention pro Palestinians here use it all the time.
The issue with you is that you cannot handle the truth, so you always make bullshit excuses. It's the pro Palestinians way

You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against, that's what drives you crazy, I make you look like a fool. I just present facts with backup, like the Hasbara initiative to edit WIKI.

"Zionist editing' on Wikipedia"


"Wikipedia Editing for Zionists"

"You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against"

:lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol:

Stop it just stop !! Hahahahahahaha ! Don't flater yourself brainwashed sheep

Lot's of bravado, do you think it impresses anyone? It makes you look even more foolish than usual. LOL

Have you seen your own posts and how many times they have been picked clean and destroyed.
Man you're stupid. ANYONE is allowed to edit wikipedia. Not to mention pro Palestinians here use it all the time.
The issue with you is that you cannot handle the truth, so you always make bullshit excuses. It's the pro Palestinians way

You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against, that's what drives you crazy, I make you look like a fool. I just present facts with backup, like the Hasbara initiative to edit WIKI.

"Zionist editing' on Wikipedia"


"Wikipedia Editing for Zionists"

"You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against"

:lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol:

Stop it just stop !! Hahahahahahaha ! Don't flater yourself brainwashed sheep

Lot's of bravado, do you think it impresses anyone? It makes you look even more foolish than usual. LOL

You think too highly of yourself.

Even a one-eyed man is King in the Valley of the Blind.

In your case you are the multitude of blind men.
We've been through this many many many times. Acquiring land is a real estate issue and not related to this. The need for their to be documentation to show how Israel acquired land is a 'Tinmore Pre - requisite'
Oh really. Then what does this mean? "Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war..."S RES 242 1967 of 22 November 1967
So, then, it's no trouble for palistanians to present their collective deed to the territory with a signature of that one, who made that bulk sale of it to them, isn't it?

Easy, the British already audited the deeds: The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land:
You're a glutton for punishment:

" two Israeli groups seeking to gain the upper hand in the online debate have launched a course in "Zionist editing" for Wikipedia, the online reference site.

Yesha Council, representing the Jewish settler movement, and the rightwing Israel Sheli (My I srael) movement, ran their first workshop this week in Jerusalem, teaching participants how to rewrite and revise some of the most hotly disputed pages of the online reference site."

Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups World news The Guardian

"This example demonstrates how good articles full of useful information are systematically edited to remove material from reputable sources (if it does not suit the Zionist aims) and add information from other, often dubious sources. No matter what the topic, the Israeli version must come first and there are constant problems trying to maintain neutral tone and avoid weasel words."'s_Hasbara

"u.s. department of justice caught editing wikipedia for zionist benefit

US Dept of Justice IP address blocked after 'vandalism' edits to Wikipediaexcerpt:Wikinews has learned that a United States Department of Justice (DOJ) IP Address has been blocked on Wikipedia after making edits to an article which were considered "vandalism". In two separate instances, the IP address from the DOJ removed information from the Wikipedia article about the organization Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), regarding an attempt by the organization to secretly gain influence on the site. The IP address has been confirmed by Wikinews to be registered and used by the DOJ located in Washington, D.C."

we saw that... u.s. department of justice caught editing wikipedia for zionist benefit....2013

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

"Troll editing on Wikipedia has been linked directly to such quasi-Israeli government entities as the media "watchdog" operation "CAMERA," or Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America." CAMERA, formed in 1982 by a group of Jewish activists in Boston tied to the Israeli government, has been the bane of many a newspaper editor or television news reporter. The group had a vendetta against ABC's Peter Jennings and the formerly rather unbiased National Public Radio for their even-handed Middle East reporting. At least five Wikipedia editors were found to be trolling for CAMERA and they were suspended. However, the rules governing Wikipedia permit many other CAMERA and pro-Israel trolls to operate with impunity.

Outside the CAMERA infrastructure, other Israeli groups also troll Wikipedia. Special Wikipedia editing classes have been sponsored on illegal settlements in the West Bank by the organizations Yesha Council and Israel Sheli. CAMERA's efforts were joined by the Hasbara Foundation (Hasbara is the term used for any Jew around the world who advances the propaganda of Israel). In 2007, the Hasbara Foundation, decrying the presence of unbiased information on Israel on Wikipedia, targeted certain editors' entries. The Hasbara Foundation claimed, "These authors have systematically yet subtly rewritten key passages of thousands of Wikipedia entries to portray Israel in a negative light. You have the opportunity to stop this dangerous trend! If you are interested in joining a team of Wikipedians to make sure Israel is presented fairly and accurately, please contact [the Hasbara Foundation] director."

zionists manipulating wiki - Google Search

Man you're stupid. ANYONE is allowed to edit wikipedia. Not to mention pro Palestinians here use it all the time.
The issue with you is that you cannot handle the truth, so you always make bullshit excuses. It's the pro Palestinians way

You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against, that's what drives you crazy, I make you look like a fool. I just present facts with backup, like the Hasbara initiative to edit WIKI.

"Zionist editing' on Wikipedia"


"Wikipedia Editing for Zionists"

"You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against"

:lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol:

Stop it just stop !! Hahahahahahaha ! Don't flater yourself brainwashed sheep

Lot's of bravado, do you think it impresses anyone? It makes you look even more foolish than usual. LOL

Have you seen your own posts and how many times they have been picked clean and destroyed.

No, they have demonstrated that you Israel Firsters are liars (and fools). The facts betray your lot.
P F Tinmore, et al,

There is some truth here, but the interpretation is wrong.

Tinmore, even the Palestinians used resolution 181 to declare independence.

"The Declaration contains an overt acceptance that "the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, of 1947, which partitioned Palestine into two states [...] provides the legal basis for the right of the Palestinian Arab people to national sovereignty and independence."

November 15 1988 The Declaration of Independence of the State of Palestine
You can't say "the Palestinians" when it is only some who are around Ramallah.

They already had the right to national sovereignty and independence without the resolution.

The PLO (the sole representative of the Palestinians) declared independence. This is recognized throughout the Arab World.

As for the "right to national sovereignty and independence:" I have the right to own a "Pot of Gold" --- but I have to work for it. Having a "right" and exercising that "right" are two different things. The Arab Palestinian have been not been able to establish a country that can stand on its own for the last quarter of a century. And don't blame Israel. All it would have taken in 1988 was a Peace Treaty. But no --- they couldn't even do that. They could do it then and they can't do it now. They couldn't even remain loyal to the King of Jordan; who was trying to protect them.

Most Respectfully,
"The Arab Palestinian have been not been able to establish a country that can stand on its own for the last quarter of a century."

Indeed, it is called illegal external interference.
Internal not external.

What he forgets is that it is the arab league that are exerting the illegal external interference
P F Tinmore, et al,

The undisclosed intent behind the Arab League intervention was to disrupt the implementation of the Partition Plan, and for each neighboring Arab Nation to grab as much territory as they could for their own; using massacres as Deiryasseen as political cover.

The following telegram has been received today [4 MAY 1948 said:
by Secretary-General Trygve Lie from King Abdullah Ibn Hussein of Transjordan:]

  • "Secretary United Nations Organization Lake Success, N.Y.

    "The calamities occuring in Palestine are beyond belief and after May the 15th will reach the pinnacle of horror. I deplore and reprobate the useless killing and attacks the one upon the other and vehemently protest against such unparalleled massacres as Deiryasseen, wherein the wombs of pregnant women were ripped open as the Jewish Agency confirmed to me by telegram but laid to the book of their dissident elements. I am nevertheless persuaded that the Jewish people as a whole desire to live in amity with the Arabs. Everything cries for intervention to halt this butchery. We now declare our readiness to give the Jews in Palestine full Arab nationality in a unitary State sharing all that we share while yet enjoying a special administration in particular areas. Thus will end the slaughter and the people will live in peace and security for ever.
    Abdullah Ibn Hussein."
    - See more at: Palestine question - Telegram from King Abdullah - Press release 4 May 1948
The Jordanians did seize the West Bank, and the Egyptians seized the Gaza Strip. The Syrians and Lebanese were unable to secure any meaningful objectives.

Most Respectfully,

The intent was to stop the slaughter and eviction of the non-Jews within the partition.

Nope as they stated they were out to destroy Israel and exterminate the Jews, and stated this in 1921, then again in 1947 for the world to hear.
The intent was to stop the slaughter and eviction of the non-Jews within the partition.
Arabs always seem to never run out of excuses, don't they?

How can it be an excuse. There were Europeans flooding into the area intending on creating a state for themselves with the eviction of non-Jews. That's what happened. Do you deny history too.

Sorry but they were promised the land by the LEGAL OWNERS and so they did nothing wrong. It is you that is denying history.
I gave you a link showing that Israel captured that territory . The fact that you asked for documentation is another 'Tinmore Pre requisite'

"It is Palestine on both sides"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

Keep telling yourself that. Everything inside the green line is Israels land. And Israel has internationally recognized boundaries with Egypt and Jordan. .
So, you're wrong. Again. For like the 500th time.

If that is Israel's land why does it not have a border? Not even Israel recognized the green line as its border.

If that is Israel's land there should be documents showing when it acquired the land.

First off, Israel has internationally recognized borders with Egypt and Jordan. This is just a simple fact that you cannot deny:

The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel in the recognized international boundary

Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt - Non-UN document 26 March 1979

The international boundary between Israel and Jordan

A 50 73-S 1995 83 of 27 January 1995


If that is Israel's land there should be documents showing when it acquired the land

We've been through this many many many times. Acquiring land is a real estate issue and not related to this. The need for their to be documentation to show how Israel acquired land is a 'Tinmore Pre - requisite'
Oh really. Then what does this mean?

"Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war..."

S RES 242 1967 of 22 November 1967
The attempts Palestinians does to claim Israel.
You have that backwards.
(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine,...
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949

4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

In 1949 that territory was Palestine. When did Israel acquire that territory?

1949 when the UN accepted them as a nation under the UN charter, it was the signing of the armistice that swung it. It is still referred to as Palestine today as it denotes an undefined area in the M.E. that is for ever changing.
P F Tinmore, et al,

There is some truth here, but the interpretation is wrong.

Tinmore, even the Palestinians used resolution 181 to declare independence.

"The Declaration contains an overt acceptance that "the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, of 1947, which partitioned Palestine into two states [...] provides the legal basis for the right of the Palestinian Arab people to national sovereignty and independence."

November 15 1988 The Declaration of Independence of the State of Palestine
You can't say "the Palestinians" when it is only some who are around Ramallah.

They already had the right to national sovereignty and independence without the resolution.

The PLO (the sole representative of the Palestinians) declared independence. This is recognized throughout the Arab World.

As for the "right to national sovereignty and independence:" I have the right to own a "Pot of Gold" --- but I have to work for it. Having a "right" and exercising that "right" are two different things. The Arab Palestinian have been not been able to establish a country that can stand on its own for the last quarter of a century. And don't blame Israel. All it would have taken in 1988 was a Peace Treaty. But no --- they couldn't even do that. They could do it then and they can't do it now. They couldn't even remain loyal to the King of Jordan; who was trying to protect them.

Most Respectfully,
"The Arab Palestinian have been not been able to establish a country that can stand on its own for the last quarter of a century."

Indeed, it is called illegal external interference.
Internal not external.

What he forgets is that it is the arab league that are exerting the illegal external interference
That may be true with Jordan. Jordan accepted a deal from the Zionists/Britain to get $3M a year for five years and the West Bank to not attack Israel in a pre war agreement.

However, that just means that Jordan was in cahoots with the Zionists/Britain in their illegal external interference.
We've been through this many many many times. Acquiring land is a real estate issue and not related to this. The need for their to be documentation to show how Israel acquired land is a 'Tinmore Pre - requisite'
Oh really. Then what does this mean? "Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war..."S RES 242 1967 of 22 November 1967
So, then, it's no trouble for palistanians to present their collective deed to the territory with a signature of that one, who made that bulk sale of it to them, isn't it?

Easy, the British already audited the deeds: The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land:

Wrong as the deeds were lodged in Turkey and not in Palestine until the UN took over in 1946. The links you provide do not show 90% ownership at all they show 0.8% ownership
Who says there needs to be documentation? They captured land ALLOTTED to the Palestinian in the partition plan. It doesn't say they captured Palestinian Territory.
That land is now inside the green line and inside Israel's internationally recognized borders. Recognized by the U.N AND the P.A .
Still ducking out on providing that link?

It is true. Allotted only means set aside for a purpose. The allotted land for the Jewish state and the Arab state were to be given to the respective states in the implementation of resolution 181 that didn't happen.

The Green Line is the international recognized de facto border. It is not a real border so it is Palestine on both sides.
I gave you a link showing that Israel captured that territory . The fact that you asked for documentation is another 'Tinmore Pre requisite'

"It is Palestine on both sides"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

Keep telling yourself that. Everything inside the green line is Israels land. And Israel has internationally recognized boundaries with Egypt and Jordan. .
So, you're wrong. Again. For like the 500th time.

If that is Israel's land why does it not have a border? Not even Israel recognized the green line as its border.

If that is Israel's land there should be documents showing when it acquired the land.

First off, Israel has internationally recognized borders with Egypt and Jordan. This is just a simple fact that you cannot deny:

The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel in the recognized international boundary

Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt - Non-UN document 26 March 1979

The international boundary between Israel and Jordan

A 50 73-S 1995 83 of 27 January 1995


If that is Israel's land there should be documents showing when it acquired the land

We've been through this many many many times. Acquiring land is a real estate issue and not related to this. The need for their to be documentation to show how Israel acquired land is a 'Tinmore Pre - requisite'
Oh really. Then what does this mean?

"Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war..."

S RES 242 1967 of 22 November 1967
Calling something inadmissible is one thing.

Acting upon something called inadmissible is quite another.

As will be evident in observing what the UN did to back up its resolution of that date.

Left unchallenged, eventually, the inadmissible become the admissible, de facto and de jour.
Man you're stupid. ANYONE is allowed to edit wikipedia. Not to mention pro Palestinians here use it all the time.
The issue with you is that you cannot handle the truth, so you always make bullshit excuses. It's the pro Palestinians way

You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against, that's what drives you crazy, I make you look like a fool. I just present facts with backup, like the Hasbara initiative to edit WIKI.

"Zionist editing' on Wikipedia"


"Wikipedia Editing for Zionists"

"You know I am the smartest poster you have come up against"

:lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol:

Stop it just stop !! Hahahahahahaha ! Don't flater yourself brainwashed sheep

Lot's of bravado, do you think it impresses anyone? It makes you look even more foolish than usual. LOL

Have you seen your own posts and how many times they have been picked clean and destroyed.

No, they have demonstrated that you Israel Firsters are liars (and fools). The facts betray your lot.

What facts, you keep amending them as they are picked clean, now you no longer gins links because the links show you are manipulating the figures.
If that is Israel's land why does it not have a border? Not even Israel recognized the green line as its border.

If that is Israel's land there should be documents showing when it acquired the land.

First off, Israel has internationally recognized borders with Egypt and Jordan. This is just a simple fact that you cannot deny:

The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel in the recognized international boundary

Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt - Non-UN document 26 March 1979

The international boundary between Israel and Jordan

A 50 73-S 1995 83 of 27 January 1995


If that is Israel's land there should be documents showing when it acquired the land

We've been through this many many many times. Acquiring land is a real estate issue and not related to this. The need for their to be documentation to show how Israel acquired land is a 'Tinmore Pre - requisite'
Oh really. Then what does this mean?

"Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war..."

S RES 242 1967 of 22 November 1967
The attempts Palestinians does to claim Israel.
You have that backwards.
(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine,...
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949

4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

In 1949 that territory was Palestine. When did Israel acquire that territory?

1949 when the UN accepted them as a nation under the UN charter, it was the signing of the armistice that swung it. It is still referred to as Palestine today as it denotes an undefined area in the M.E. that is for ever changing.
An undefined area with international borders.

Good one!:lol::lol::lol:
P F Tinmore, et al,

There is some truth here, but the interpretation is wrong.

You can't say "the Palestinians" when it is only some who are around Ramallah.

They already had the right to national sovereignty and independence without the resolution.

The PLO (the sole representative of the Palestinians) declared independence. This is recognized throughout the Arab World.

As for the "right to national sovereignty and independence:" I have the right to own a "Pot of Gold" --- but I have to work for it. Having a "right" and exercising that "right" are two different things. The Arab Palestinian have been not been able to establish a country that can stand on its own for the last quarter of a century. And don't blame Israel. All it would have taken in 1988 was a Peace Treaty. But no --- they couldn't even do that. They could do it then and they can't do it now. They couldn't even remain loyal to the King of Jordan; who was trying to protect them.

Most Respectfully,
"The Arab Palestinian have been not been able to establish a country that can stand on its own for the last quarter of a century."

Indeed, it is called illegal external interference.
Internal not external.

What he forgets is that it is the arab league that are exerting the illegal external interference
That may be true with Jordan. Jordan accepted a deal from the Zionists/Britain to get $3M a year for five years and the West Bank to not attack Israel in a pre war agreement.

However, that just means that Jordan was in cahoots with the Zionists/Britain in their illegal external interference.

Nope the arab league denied the Palestinians the right to declare independence until after the cut off date. Then denied them the right of return when it was offered by Israel. Since 1948 it has been the arab league that has been the external illegal interference
The intent was to stop the slaughter and eviction of the non-Jews within the partition.
Arabs always seem to never run out of excuses, don't they?
How can it be an excuse. There were Europeans flooding into the area intending on creating a state for themselves with the eviction of non-Jews. That's what happened. Do you deny history too.
Arabs always seem to never run out of excuses, indeed.
We've been through this many many many times. Acquiring land is a real estate issue and not related to this. The need for their to be documentation to show how Israel acquired land is a 'Tinmore Pre - requisite'
Oh really. Then what does this mean? "Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war..."S RES 242 1967 of 22 November 1967
So, then, it's no trouble for palistanians to present their collective deed to the territory with a signature of that one, who made that bulk sale of it to them, isn't it?
Easy, the British already audited the deeds: The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land:
But forgot to present the original of the collective deed for a review. Audit fail.
P F Tinmore, et al,

There is some truth here, but the interpretation is wrong.


The PLO (the sole representative of the Palestinians) declared independence. This is recognized throughout the Arab World.

As for the "right to national sovereignty and independence:" I have the right to own a "Pot of Gold" --- but I have to work for it. Having a "right" and exercising that "right" are two different things. The Arab Palestinian have been not been able to establish a country that can stand on its own for the last quarter of a century. And don't blame Israel. All it would have taken in 1988 was a Peace Treaty. But no --- they couldn't even do that. They could do it then and they can't do it now. They couldn't even remain loyal to the King of Jordan; who was trying to protect them.

Most Respectfully,
"The Arab Palestinian have been not been able to establish a country that can stand on its own for the last quarter of a century."

Indeed, it is called illegal external interference.
Internal not external.

What he forgets is that it is the arab league that are exerting the illegal external interference
That may be true with Jordan. Jordan accepted a deal from the Zionists/Britain to get $3M a year for five years and the West Bank to not attack Israel in a pre war agreement.

However, that just means that Jordan was in cahoots with the Zionists/Britain in their illegal external interference.

Nope the arab league denied the Palestinians the right to declare independence until after the cut off date. Then denied them the right of return when it was offered by Israel. Since 1948 it has been the arab league that has been the external illegal interference
What is the cut off date for inalienable rights?

First off, Israel has internationally recognized borders with Egypt and Jordan. This is just a simple fact that you cannot deny:

The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel in the recognized international boundary

Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt - Non-UN document 26 March 1979

The international boundary between Israel and Jordan

A 50 73-S 1995 83 of 27 January 1995


If that is Israel's land there should be documents showing when it acquired the land

We've been through this many many many times. Acquiring land is a real estate issue and not related to this. The need for their to be documentation to show how Israel acquired land is a 'Tinmore Pre - requisite'
Oh really. Then what does this mean?

"Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war..."

S RES 242 1967 of 22 November 1967
The attempts Palestinians does to claim Israel.
You have that backwards.
(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine,...
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949

4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

In 1949 that territory was Palestine. When did Israel acquire that territory?

1949 when the UN accepted them as a nation under the UN charter, it was the signing of the armistice that swung it. It is still referred to as Palestine today as it denotes an undefined area in the M.E. that is for ever changing.
An undefined area with international borders.

Good one!:lol::lol::lol:

So were are the treaties signed by the representatives of Palestine that designate these international borders, without this in place the so called international borders can not exist under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW. I could not sign for the Palestinian people on the matter of International borders.
So once again as far as INTERNATIONAL LAW is concerned Palestine for 2000 years has been an undefined area in the M.E. that changes all the time.
We've been through this many many many times. Acquiring land is a real estate issue and not related to this. The need for their to be documentation to show how Israel acquired land is a 'Tinmore Pre - requisite'
Oh really. Then what does this mean? "Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war..."S RES 242 1967 of 22 November 1967
So, then, it's no trouble for palistanians to present their collective deed to the territory with a signature of that one, who made that bulk sale of it to them, isn't it?
Easy, the British already audited the deeds: The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land:
But forgot to present the original of the collective deed for a review. Audit fail.

He cant as none exists.
First off, Israel has internationally recognized borders with Egypt and Jordan. This is just a simple fact that you cannot deny:

The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel in the recognized international boundary

Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt - Non-UN document 26 March 1979

The international boundary between Israel and Jordan

A 50 73-S 1995 83 of 27 January 1995


If that is Israel's land there should be documents showing when it acquired the land

We've been through this many many many times. Acquiring land is a real estate issue and not related to this. The need for their to be documentation to show how Israel acquired land is a 'Tinmore Pre - requisite'
Oh really. Then what does this mean?

"Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war..."

S RES 242 1967 of 22 November 1967
The attempts Palestinians does to claim Israel.
You have that backwards.
(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine,...
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949
4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949
In 1949 that territory was Palestine. When did Israel acquire that territory?
1949 when the UN accepted them as a nation under the UN charter, it was the signing of the armistice that swung it. It is still referred to as Palestine today as it denotes an undefined area in the M.E. that is for ever changing.
An undefined area with international borders.
Good one!:lol::lol::lol:
What's even better Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria have no borders!

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