The World Occupy Made: DeBlasio Wins in NY


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Former city's public advocate, Bill de Blasio became New York City's first Democratic mayor in twenty years by crushing his Republican opponent 73 percent to 24 percent last Tuesday.

Six months ago, the new mayor was mired in fourth place in the Democratic primary when he began to Occupy the moral high ground:

"But it wasn't until August that de Blasio hit upon the winning strategy: making his mixed-race family, and in particular his children, the public face of his campaign.

"It started with an ad starring his teenage son Dante, who, sporting a large afro, praised his father's positions on affordable housing and New York's controversial stop-and-frisk policy.

"With his solidly liberal agenda, including opposition to stop-and-frisk, and pledge to raise taxes in order to pay for universal pre-kindergarten, de Blasio has promised voters a departure from the 12-year-long Bloomberg era.

"In particular, he stressed a desire to narrow New York's widening gap between the haves and the have-nots.

"'This election is a very stark contrast between two very different candidates. Mr. Lhota clearly wants to maintain the status quo in the city. I'm calling for fundamental change,' de Blasio told reporters Tuesday after voting in Brooklyn.

"The Quinnipiac poll showed that voters are divided on whether he'll be able to keep his campaign promises. Forty-two percent say yes; 43 percent say no."

Bill de Blasio wins New York City mayoral race in landslide - CBS News

73% to 24% is a long way from 99% to 1% however, it very likely would not have turned out that way absent Occupy Wall Street coining the latter slogan.
I told my wife we'll give DeBlasio a year to work his class warfare magic and we might want to sell to some executive fleeing NYC. Our low tax Republican country executive just won big here. We're in the best school district and 10 minutes from HPN airport
I wonder if it some point it will hit New Yorker's in the face who they've voted for ?
"Bill de Blasio (born Warren Wilhelm, Jr.;[1] Monday May 8, 1961) is the Mayor-elect of New York City. Since 2010, he has held the citywide office of New York City Public Advocate, which serves as an ombudsman between the electorate and the city government and is first in line to succeed the mayor. He formerly served as a New York City Council member representing the 39th District in Brooklyn (Borough Park, Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill, Gowanus, Kensington, Park Slope, and Windsor Terrace). He was the Democratic Party nominee in the 2013 election to become Mayor of New York City. On November 5, 2013, De Blasio won the mayoral election by a landslide, receiving over 73% of the vote and will become the first Democratic mayor of the city in nearly 20 years.[2]"

Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What do you imagine NY voters will be hit with, a debate about redefining property taxes?
I told my wife we'll give DeBlasio a year to work his class warfare magic and we might want to sell to some executive fleeing NYC. Our low tax Republican country executive just won big here. We're in the best school district and 10 minutes from HPN airport
Best public or private school district?

"During his campaign, De Blasio’s signature message focused on what he called a "tale of two cities." Last year, the poorest 20 percent of New York’s households earned about $9,000, and the richest 5 percent earned an average of nearly $437,000. During his victory speech in Brooklyn, de Blasio vowed to tax the rich to pay for universal pre-kindergarten classes."

"We Are Living in the World Occupy Made": New York City Voters Elect Mayor Who Vows to Tax the Rich | Democracy Now!
first Democratic mayor in twenty years ?

what was bloomburg? a full blown commie?
"Tuesday’s election signaled a political sea change in New York City as voters chose a candidate who repeatedly emphasized his progressive vision. The city’s public advocate, Bill de Blasio, crushed Republican Joe Lhota in the mayoral race to replace billionaire mayor Mike Bloomberg."

What ever else he is, Bloomberg isn't someone the Working Families Party would have ever supported.

"Mayor-elect de Blasio rose to power with the help of the Working Families Party, an independent political coalition sponsored by labor unions and focused on reducing social and political inequality.

"The party’s grassroots organizing efforts are not limited to New York. It recently won landmark legislation to tackle the student debt crisis in Oregon; fought the corporate education reform agenda in Bridgeport, Connecticut; and won paid sick days in Jersey City, New Jersey."

"We Are Living in the World Occupy Made": New York City Voters Elect Mayor Who Vows to Tax the Rich | Democracy Now!
The World Occupy Made: DeBlasio Wins in NY

Wait a minute...I thought the wingnuts said that Occupy was a complete failure?
Wing-nuts have been known to jump to conclusions:

"MAYRO-ELECT BILL DE BLASIO: 'The best and the brightest are born in every neighborhood. We all have a shared responsibility and a shared stake in making sure their destiny is defined by how hard they work and how big they dream, and not by their zip code. So, when we call on the wealthiest among us to pay just a little bit more in taxes to fund universal pre-K and after-school programs, we aren’t threatening anyone’s success. We are asking those who have done very well to ensure that every child has the same opportunity to do just as well as they have. That’s how we all rise together.'"

"We Are Living in the World Occupy Made": New York City Voters Elect Mayor Who Vows to Tax the Rich | Democracy Now!
If someone is very wealthy and do not mind giving up half their fortune, I can understand why they might live in NYC, but people earning say around 500K, I can't for the life of me understand how they could stand living there.
The World Occupy Made: DeBlasio Wins in NY

Wait a minute...I thought the wingnuts said that Occupy was a complete failure?

Just because one of their own won a mayoral race doesn't mean the movement was successful. In fact it was a colossal failure.
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The World Occupy Made: DeBlasio Wins in NY

Wait a minute...I thought the wingnuts said that Occupy was a complete failure?

Just because one of their own won a mayoral race doesn't mean the movement was successful. In fact it was a colossal failure.
In fact, Occupy coined a slogan that contrasted the gains the richest 1% of Americans have made over the last forty years at the expense of 99% of working families. De Blasio supported Occupy Wall Street and 73% of New York voters endorsed him against a knee-jerk status quo Republican. How is that a colossal failure for anyone except rich parasites at Goldman Sachs and Citi Bank?
The World Occupy Made: DeBlasio Wins in NY

Wait a minute...I thought the wingnuts said that Occupy was a complete failure?

Just because one of their own won a mayoral race doesn't mean the movement was successful. In fact it was a colossal failure.
In fact, Occupy coined a slogan that contrasted the gains the richest 1% of Americans have made over the last forty years at the expense of 99% of working families. De Blasio supported Occupy Wall Street and 73% of New York voters endorsed him against a knee-jerk status quo Republican. How is that a colossal failure for anyone except rich parasites at Goldman Sachs and Citi Bank?

Nationwide the Occubaggers changed nothing.
How is he with dealing with real thugs on the street?
How is he with economics and promoting innovation?

Only someone without a clue of economics or reality can be as dumb as a full blown socialist.
How will he deal with the thugs on Wall Street is a better question since the banksters have proven over and over again the best way to rob a bank is to own one. De Blasio has endorsed Democratic Socialism in the past as one possible solution:

"Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

"Democracy and socialism go hand in hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States. Because of this, many false ideas about socialism have developed in the US. With this pamphlet, we hope to answer some of your questions about socialism."

Working people in the US spend the majority of their waking hours as wage slaves to employers who expect their workers to give up most democratic rights upon entering the workplace. US workers need to understand there are alternatives that don't require the government to own and run everything.
I wonder if it some point it will hit New Yorker's in the face who they've voted for ?
Like a full blown supporter of the Sandinistas movement and holds "a vision of the possibilities of an unfettered leftist government." Who had his honeymoon in Cuba against US law.
Bloomburg is a full blown Capitalist compared to this guy.
Bloomberg is a capitalist by any definition which makes him opposed to virtually everything the Sandinistas accomplished in Nicaragua. De Blasio seems to recognize the democratic gains made in Nicaragua under the FSLN while admitting their imperfections.

"Mr. de Blasio remained supportive of the Sandinistas, often referred to by their acronym, F.S.L.N., even after they lost power. 'People who had shallow party sympathies with the F.S.L.N. pretty much dropped everything when they lost,' said Jane Guskin, a fellow activist in the solidarity group. 'Bill wasn’t like that.'”

"He has remained interested in Latin America — he even honeymooned in Cuba (in violation of a United States travel ban). To this day, he speaks admiringly of the Sandinistas’ campaign, noting advances in literacy and health care. 'They had a youthful energy and idealism mixed with a human ability and practicality that was really inspirational,' he said.

"But Mr. de Blasio said he was also not blind to the party’s imperfections. He said the revolutionary leaders were 'not free enough by any stretch of the imagination,' pointing to their efforts to crack down on dissent by shuttering newspapers and radio stations."
The World Occupy Made: DeBlasio Wins in NY

Wait a minute...I thought the wingnuts said that Occupy was a complete failure?

Just because one of their own won a mayoral race doesn't mean the movement was successful. In fact it was a colossal failure.
Winning a mayoral race on Wall Street's home turf 73% to 24% in America's largest city counts as a good start. If more Americans make the connection between big money and big government, de Blasio could be the first of many Democratic Socialists elected to high public office.

"1. Put the question of economic inequality in the center of national discourse for the first time since the 1960’s, even though such inequality has been growing dramatically for the last 20 years. The vocabulary the movement has developed to describe this inequality, 'the 1 % and the 99%,' have become a permanent part of our political discourse and has focused great attention on how the maldistribution of wealth has undermined democracy and eroded the living standards of the great majority of Americans."

Eleven Things Occupy Wall Street Has Accomplished | Solidarity
pointing to their efforts to crack down on dissent by shuttering newspapers and radio stations."

This happens in every country that experiments with Socialism and Communism, both of which are failed Economic principles. Crush dissent. For all the evil that the Leftists like to accuse the wealthy of, the fact remains that despite the imperfections of Capitalism, it is still to date the one Economic theory that has risen more from poverty than any other economic system. Even China is experimenting with it along the coastal cities and citizens of those areas are seeing a rise in their income level.
If someone is very wealthy and do not mind giving up half their fortune, I can understand why they might live in NYC, but people earning say around 500K, I can't for the life of me understand how they could stand living there.
Especially when they're in the same tax bracket as those making 5000K a year, excluding those millionaires and billionaires who pay taxes at a 15% rate.

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