The World Occupy Made: DeBlasio Wins in NY

pointing to their efforts to crack down on dissent by shuttering newspapers and radio stations."

This happens in every country that experiments with Socialism and Communism, both of which are failed Economic principles. Crush dissent. For all the evil that the Leftists like to accuse the wealthy of, the fact remains that despite the imperfections of Capitalism, it is still to date the one Economic theory that has risen more from poverty than any other economic system. Even China is experimenting with it along the coastal cities and citizens of those areas are seeing a rise in their income level.
Not every country that experiments with Social Democracy resorts to crushing dissent.

"The list of democratic socialist countries includes the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Finland, and the Netherlands. Interestingly, these three countries led the list of the world's happiest countries three years ago. The list also includes countries such as Russia, where the emphasis is more on being socialist than democratic."

And as the Occupy Movement proved, US capitalists are not above using the state to crush those protesting the unequal distribution of wealth and resources.

List of Democratic Socialist Countries? -
New York will turn into either Chicago or Detroit or a composite of both. I feel sorry for New York. For one thing, it was my hometown. I grew up there, back when it was still worth living in even if it had its bad points.

It's gone downhill steadily and this might be the killing blow. On the other hand, it could drain off the scum from some surrounding areas making them more habitable.
Yep......New York now on the fast track to Detroit!!:lol::lol: Awesome......and I only live about 40 minutes away!! If you live in the 5 boroughs, lock and load!!!
"The Denver Post, on February 15th, ran an Associated Press article entitled Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice. It confirmed that the Department of Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition."

How much ammo in the five boroughs?

"As reported elsewhere, some of this purchase order is for hollow-point rounds, forbidden by international law for use in war, along with a frightening amount specialized for snipers. Also reported elsewhere, at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America."

1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A National Conversation - Forbes
The World Occupy Made: DeBlasio Wins in NY

Wait a minute...I thought the wingnuts said that Occupy was a complete failure?

Just because one of their own won a mayoral race doesn't mean the movement was successful. In fact it was a colossal failure.
Because no one talks about income inequality? :lol:

I want more success and rich ;) BIGGER MIDDLE CLASS. = good.

Smaller middle class with less rich = bad.

Big difference ;)
New York will turn into either Chicago or Detroit or a composite of both. I feel sorry for New York. For one thing, it was my hometown. I grew up there, back when it was still worth living in even if it had its bad points.

It's gone downhill steadily and this might be the killing blow. On the other hand, it could drain off the scum from some surrounding areas making them more habitable.
Point out the "scum" in the following sketch:

"On May 30th, at the New School, the candidate (de Blasio) sketched a powerful picture of the issue that he wanted to put at the center of the race: the city’s 'inequality crisis.' 'Right now, as we’re gathered this morning, one New Yorker is rushing past an attended desk in the lobby of a majestic skyscraper,' de Blasio began. 'A few miles away, a single mother is also rushing, holding her two young children by the hands as they hurry down the steps of the subway entrance…'

"The first New Yorker is thinking about how to profit from the bull market in stocks; the second is trying to figure out how to pay her grocery bill."

Do you see how private profit making bankers guarantee the misery of the single mother?

The Unequal Cities: Bill de Blasio's Vision of Two New Yorks : The New Yorker

The way to do it is to reform education and fund it right. What the goal should be is to grow the middle class....


We don't want to destroy success or allow thugs to control the streets of new York. That wouldn't help anyone.
The World Occupy Made: DeBlasio Wins in NY

Wait a minute...I thought the wingnuts said that Occupy was a complete failure?

Just because one of their own won a mayoral race doesn't mean the movement was successful. In fact it was a colossal failure.
Because no one talks about income inequality? :lol:
Bill does.
The big question is what can he do about it?

"As to de Blasio, he has pledged to do five major things to promote equality and fairness. Two will be tough to deliver, but are clearly in his power: a dramatic expansion of affordable housing, which would also create thousands of construction jobs, and a new direction for police-community relations.

"But his other three promises lay largely beyond the authority of his new office: preservation of community hospitals and a dramatic expansion of accessible health care; increasing taxes on the wealthy to fund early childhood and after-school programs, and job creation in all five boroughs.

De Blasio's inequality challenge - NY Daily News
If someone is very wealthy and do not mind giving up half their fortune, I can understand why they might live in NYC, but people earning say around 500K, I can't for the life of me understand how they could stand living there.

Because not everything is about money and low cost of living.

If it were, Mississippi would be the place to be.
Just because one of their own won a mayoral race doesn't mean the movement was successful. In fact it was a colossal failure.
Because no one talks about income inequality? :lol:
Bill does.
The big question is what can he do about it?

"As to de Blasio, he has pledged to do five major things to promote equality and fairness. Two will be tough to deliver, but are clearly in his power: a dramatic expansion of affordable housing, which would also create thousands of construction jobs, and a new direction for police-community relations.

"But his other three promises lay largely beyond the authority of his new office: preservation of community hospitals and a dramatic expansion of accessible health care; increasing taxes on the wealthy to fund early childhood and after-school programs, and job creation in all five boroughs.

De Blasio's inequality challenge - NY Daily News

How about demanding the banks to rent out homes taken away from people for $100 dollars/month.

I sure hope he won't be soft on gangs :(

How about increasing funding for education in general? Maybe college(higher education) reform within new York...This would help the poor more.

The way to do it is to reform education and fund it right. What the goal should be is to grow the middle class....


We don't want to destroy success or allow thugs to control the streets of new York. That wouldn't help anyone.
De Blasio seems uniquely qualified to reform education, at least when compared to his predecessors:

"De Blasio — the first Democrat elected mayor in 20 years and the first in recent memory with a child in public school — wants to pause or reverse many of Bloomberg’s policies.

"He has said he will impose a moratorium on school closings, ditch Bloomberg’s A-to-F report cards for schools and stop relying on test scores as a basis for judging schools and teachers.

“'We have to be willing to reverse so many mistakes of the Bloomberg years, especially the focus on test prep and teaching to the test that has really undermined our educational system,' de Blasio told a labor forum during the campaign. 'What the mayor has done is failed our children. . . . It’s not the fault of the teachers. They haven’t been given what they need to succeed and they’ve been under attack the whole time.'”

Apparently de Blasio plans to fund some of his reforms with a tax on those earning in excess of $500,000 a year, including the alpha thugs "working" on Wall Street.

De Blasio aims to reverse education policies in New York - The Washington Post
New York will turn into either Chicago or Detroit or a composite of both. I feel sorry for New York. For one thing, it was my hometown. I grew up there, back when it was still worth living in even if it had its bad points.

It's gone downhill steadily and this might be the killing blow. On the other hand, it could drain off the scum from some surrounding areas making them more habitable.
Point out the "scum" in the following sketch:

"On May 30th, at the New School, the candidate (de Blasio) sketched a powerful picture of the issue that he wanted to put at the center of the race: the city’s 'inequality crisis.' 'Right now, as we’re gathered this morning, one New Yorker is rushing past an attended desk in the lobby of a majestic skyscraper,' de Blasio began. 'A few miles away, a single mother is also rushing, holding her two young children by the hands as they hurry down the steps of the subway entrance…'

"The first New Yorker is thinking about how to profit from the bull market in stocks; the second is trying to figure out how to pay her grocery bill."

Do you see how private profit making bankers guarantee the misery of the single mother?

The Unequal Cities: Bill de Blasio's Vision of Two New Yorks : The New Yorker

Um, no I don't see it, can you explain it to me?
Nationwide the Occubaggers changed nothing.
The damage done to this Nation beginning with the "Reagan Revolution" is so vast it will take much longer than one election cycle to repair. What the Occupy movement has achieved has been the awakening of public awareness of what has been done to them -- and by whom.

The election of this DiBlasio fellow is evidence of that awareness. He represents a very wide swing of the political pendulum.
Nationwide the Occubaggers changed nothing.
The damage done to this Nation beginning with the "Reagan Revolution" is so vast it will take much longer than one election cycle to repair. What the Occupy movement has achieved has been the awakening of public awareness of what has been done to them -- and by whom.

The election of this DiBlasio fellow is evidence of that awareness. He represents a very wide swing of the political pendulum.

New York will turn into either Chicago or Detroit or a composite of both. I feel sorry for New York. For one thing, it was my hometown. I grew up there, back when it was still worth living in even if it had its bad points.

It's gone downhill steadily and this might be the killing blow. On the other hand, it could drain off the scum from some surrounding areas making them more habitable.
Point out the "scum" in the following sketch:

"On May 30th, at the New School, the candidate (de Blasio) sketched a powerful picture of the issue that he wanted to put at the center of the race: the city’s 'inequality crisis.' 'Right now, as we’re gathered this morning, one New Yorker is rushing past an attended desk in the lobby of a majestic skyscraper,' de Blasio began. 'A few miles away, a single mother is also rushing, holding her two young children by the hands as they hurry down the steps of the subway entrance…'

"The first New Yorker is thinking about how to profit from the bull market in stocks; the second is trying to figure out how to pay her grocery bill."

Do you see how private profit making bankers guarantee the misery of the single mother?

The Unequal Cities: Bill de Blasio's Vision of Two New Yorks : The New Yorker

Um, no I don't see it, can you explain it to me?
Sure, let me know if you're confused about control accounting fraud.

"Many individuals have also been affected by the financial crisis because of its effects on their employers. At the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009, the gross domestic product of the US, which is the total amount of goods and services produced by the country, was reduced by about six percent compared to the previous year.

"As many companies shave struggled to cope with the crisis, large numbers of people have lost their jobs.

"The unemployment rate grew to 10.1 percent in 2009, which was the highest it had been since 1983 and about twice the rate immediately before the crisis. Losing your income can be difficult at any time, but the financial crisis has made unemployment worse for many people because it has become more difficult to find a new job..."

The 2008-2010 Financial Crisis and How It Affected US Citizens - USDTA
Nationwide the Occubaggers changed nothing.
The damage done to this Nation beginning with the "Reagan Revolution" is so vast it will take much longer than one election cycle to repair. What the Occupy movement has achieved has been the awakening of public awareness of what has been done to them -- and by whom.

The election of this DiBlasio fellow is evidence of that awareness. He represents a very wide swing of the political pendulum.
Considering he was buried in fourth place in the Democratic Primary last spring and won the general election 73% to 24% on Wall Street's 1% home turf, the upside for next November's mid-terms seems much higher than it has lately.
Because not everything is about money and low cost of living.

lol, he plans to make everyone POOR so they will all be EQUAL..and here comes the your wallets

whoa, what a hero

something wrong with the people in New York...damn

the op love Socialist/commies I believe
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Because not everything is about money and low cost of living.

lol, he plans to make everyone POOR so they will all be EQUAL..and here comes the your wallets

whoa, what a hero

something wrong with the people in New York...damn

the op love Socialist/commies I believe
Ever wonder how a "Socialist/commie" won the election for New York's mayor?
Here's the short answer from Democracy Now!:

"AMY GOODMAN: He won by 73—


AMY GOODMAN: —against Joe Lhota, who was 24 percent. This 73 percent, this is one of the largest margins in the country.

DAN CANTOR: Yeah, I can’t remember one this large in a long time in a major race. Now, you know, it is New York City, and it’s got a pretty progressive-minded electorate. And we have a public financing system. And that’s one of the things that—all the candidates had the same amount of money. And when the candidates have the same amount of money, it means the best ideas have a better chance of being heard."
Because not everything is about money and low cost of living.

lol, he plans to make everyone POOR so they will all be EQUAL..and here comes the your wallets

whoa, what a hero

something wrong with the people in New York...damn

the op love Socialist/commies I believe
Ever wonder how a "Socialist/commie" won the election for New York's mayor?
Here's the short answer from Democracy Now!:

"AMY GOODMAN: He won by 73—


AMY GOODMAN: —against Joe Lhota, who was 24 percent. This 73 percent, this is one of the largest margins in the country.

DAN CANTOR: Yeah, I can’t remember one this large in a long time in a major race. Now, you know, it is New York City, and it’s got a pretty progressive-minded electorate. And we have a public financing system. And that’s one of the things that—all the candidates had the same amount of money. And when the candidates have the same amount of money, it means the best ideas have a better chance of being heard."

I said something wrong with the people of NY...they re-elected Bloomingidiot didn't they...and then just sit while their elected masters tell them what size soda cups they should have...
now they went and elected a full blown commie...I had hoped they learned something from electing Bloomberg...guess not..
just glad I don't live there...would never either
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