The world would be a lot more peaceful


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The world would be a lot more peaceful if it was illegal to teach our sons to be violent, mucho and to push them towards such idiotic thought processes. I am not just talking about us Americans, but all of humanity including the middle eastern men that that teach there's violence. My friends,,,this creates never ending war and death of our sons.

It makes perfect sense to raise our sons to be peaceful, loving and caring instead.

Secondly, lets teach our sons to take care of babies and children. Yes, men Make up half of the baby so we should do half of the work.

Maybe when we're no longer violent and have real beef in the game of raising our kids...We'll value their life a little more in our thought process.
so , you are a wusse eh No Nads Science Rocks , when are you getting yer vagina installed eh ??
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Humanity needs to get away from conservatism and accept that teaching our sons violence either us or the middle eastern is wrong.

We need to focus on education, self betterment and creating a better world for our children instead.

It is smart.
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And if it is the gangs that you're talking about. Well, why do you think they're violent? Because of a culture of muchoism and violence that is pounded into our sons head. I certainly didn't make them violent but I am asking them to change their ways and to raise their children to not be this way.
possum thinks the world would be a lot more peaceful...

... if ever'body would just sit down together...

... an' have a balogna sammich anna root beer.
Sorry, but all the teaching the OP requests will not stop the violence, even if he gets everyone to sing kumbaya together. The only thing it will accomplish is to make our country easier to conquer and enslave. I am constantly astounded by the naivete of those who can't bring themselves to live in the real world. I would rather teach my son to protect his family since too many like the OP want to make it easier to harm them.
And if it is the gangs that you're talking about. Well, why do you think they're violent? .....

Because they are hopeless and have come to believe their own lives have no value, not because some androgynous drone failed to treat them as if they were another gender.
And if it is the gangs that you're talking about. Well, why do you think they're violent? Because of a culture of muchoism and violence that is pounded into our sons head. I certainly didn't make them violent but I am asking them to change their ways and to raise their children to not be this way.
---------------------------------------------------- marie harf would recommend that they need jobs .

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