The worse case---Earth 2100


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I want all of you to watch the worse case...This is what happens if we keep adding 2-3% more co2 into the Atmosphere until 2100.

100gt a year of co2 like case this is....

I think it makes a good case for the very worse. Agree?

This happens if we listen to the conservatives!

[ame=]Earth 2100(full documentary)HD - YouTube[/ame]
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I want all of you to watch the worse case...This is what happens if we keep adding 2-3% more co2 into the Atmosphere until 2100.

100gt a year of co2 like case this is....

I think it makes a good case for the very worse. Agree?

This happens if we listen to the conservatives!

Pure fantasy.
Americans or liberal Americans do not give a damn about the future, if they did they would not leave their grand children with a debt they created.
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Americans or liberal Americans do not give a damn about the future, if they did they would not leave their grand children with a debt they created.


They wouldn't vote for assholes that destroy and rebuild entire foreign nations like yourside.

What you want is NO infrastructure, education or science programs for those children. Why fuck over our people??? Oh'yesss your side likes to pound your chest about how great this country is but don't want to keep it so.
Americans or liberal Americans do not give a damn about the future, if they did they would not leave their grand children with a debt they created.


They wouldn't vote for assholes that destroy and rebuild entire foreign nations like yourside.

What you want is NO infrastructure, education or science programs for those children. Why fuck over our people??? Oh'yesss your side likes to pound your chest about how great this country is but don't want to keep it so.

Your side has left the future indebted they left them taxes they cannot pay. Your side has created slaves for the government.
Americans or liberal Americans do not give a damn about the future, if they did they would not leave their grand children with a debt they created.


They wouldn't vote for assholes that destroy and rebuild entire foreign nations like yourside.

What you want is NO infrastructure, education or science programs for those children. Why fuck over our people??? Oh'yesss your side likes to pound your chest about how great this country is but don't want to keep it so.

Your side has left the future indebted they left them taxes they cannot pay. Your side has created slaves for the government.

Actually, the corporations and the banks did that. You didn't know this? Huh.
Americans or liberal Americans do not give a damn about the future, if they did they would not leave their grand children with a debt they created.

That's not fair.

Medicare, medicaid, and Social Security are helping conservative oldtimers, the military is a neoconservative project, and the right-wing has abandoned trying to handle educational policy, throwing it to the birds of feminist, multiculturalist, unionized labor in the name of emotivist, relativist, consumerism.

The left is backlashing against the right's insistence on ruggedly individualist pragmatic conformity to norms in families, churches, and businesses, and it's picking away at conservatism's base by victimizing its social outcasts. Conservatism's establishment abandons those who are outcast because it judges them as too impractical, dysfunctional, useless, or cost-prohibitive to be protected. It isn't willing to confront liberalism's destruction of social values, cohesion, or fabric, but rather anti-intellectually concedes to it while destroying its own intellectual base.

There is an ever-increasing amount of people who are originally victimized by the right, and later victimized by the left. You see this especially among half of the up and coming libertarian movement which doesn't sympathize with either conservative rugged individualism or liberal cultural relativism, but rather believes in objective morality.

I say half here though because the other half actually believes in synthesizing rugged individualism with cultural relativism in a dark compromise, and takes the same conservative excuse of "who's going to change things" as an excuse to not take the time, energy, and attention to discuss ideas. Libertarianism itself is not the answer, but there is an element within libertarianism which is.
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They wouldn't vote for assholes that destroy and rebuild entire foreign nations like yourside.

What you want is NO infrastructure, education or science programs for those children. Why fuck over our people??? Oh'yesss your side likes to pound your chest about how great this country is but don't want to keep it so.

Your side has left the future indebted they left them taxes they cannot pay. Your side has created slaves for the government.

Actually, the corporations and the banks did that. You didn't know this? Huh.

Corporations and banks don't sign legislation, or create taxes.
Oh, I suspect that the feces will hit the fan for most Americans long before Global Warming is really a major problem.

While I suspect that the climate is changing dramatically, that is truly NOT the primary thing threatening most of us for the next couple of decades.
Americans or liberal Americans do not give a damn about the future, if they did they would not leave their grand children with a debt they created.

that's why they have to focus on myths how we are going to destroy earth because we are the cause of globull warming, things like abortion, etc etc
It's easier than looking at the reality they helped create with their so called superior ideas and policies
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5 years ago Al Whore said the north pole would be iceless by now

Every year for 15 years, you people have predicted the worst hurricane season ever is coming. In that time 3 records were set, for the mildest years on record.

Same for tornadoes. You did get one really bad week, but that's it

So take your prediction and shove it up your ass where you got it from.

the fearmongering days of you global warming kooks is over, you've been lied to. Please just admit you're wrong and move the fuck on.

They wouldn't vote for assholes that destroy and rebuild entire foreign nations like yourside.

What you want is NO infrastructure, education or science programs for those children. Why fuck over our people??? Oh'yesss your side likes to pound your chest about how great this country is but don't want to keep it so.

Your side has left the future indebted they left them taxes they cannot pay. Your side has created slaves for the government.

Actually, the corporations and the banks did that. You didn't know this? Huh.

who did they create a national debt w/o spending the money?

I gotta know how companies, that must make profit, created government debt.

I want all of you to watch the worse case...This is what happens if we keep adding 2-3% more co2 into the Atmosphere until 2100.

100gt a year of co2 like case this is....

I think it makes a good case for the very worse. Agree?

This happens if we listen to the conservatives!

Earth 2100(full documentary)HD - YouTube

Really? Leftists need fictional characters and Hollywood effects behind a theatrical attempt to sell the destruction of the planet?

Save it.. Already been done with "The Day After Tomorrow" and Sharknado and Inconvienient Truth.. 3 of my favorite ways to end civilization as we know it. Sorry guy --- cut me out a couple FACTS from the 2 hour fantasy --- and you got a deal.. ((If any FACTS are in that mess)) Smells like an old-timey holy-roller revival hit for you guys..

WAS there any BOILING OCEANS as CBS portrayed it just a couple months ago?? I'd tune in for that...
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I want all of you to watch the worse case...This is what happens if we keep adding 2-3% more co2 into the Atmosphere until 2100.

100gt a year of co2 like case this is....

I think it makes a good case for the very worse. Agree?

This happens if we listen to the conservatives!

Earth 2100(full documentary)HD - YouTube

This is what happens in your wee feverish imaginative alternate reality.
I want all of you to watch the worse case...This is what happens if we keep adding 2-3% more co2 into the Atmosphere until 2100.

100gt a year of co2 like case this is....

I think it makes a good case for the very worse. Agree?

This happens if we listen to the conservatives!

Earth 2100(full documentary)HD - YouTube

It won't happen and here's what the AGW faithful will say:

"See, if it wasn't for us, global warming wouldn't have been stopped."

When we all know it wasn't happening anyway.

They wouldn't vote for assholes that destroy and rebuild entire foreign nations like yourside.

What you want is NO infrastructure, education or science programs for those children. Why fuck over our people??? Oh'yesss your side likes to pound your chest about how great this country is but don't want to keep it so.

Your side has left the future indebted they left them taxes they cannot pay. Your side has created slaves for the government.

Actually, the corporations and the banks did that. You didn't know this? Huh.

No one knows that because it's bull shit.


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