The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
isn't ObamaNation grand

US President Barack Obama (C) speaks from Erik...
(Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife)

In February, 2009, I wrote for the Wall Street Journal an article entitled Reaganomics versus Obamanomics. The article explained that the emerging Obamanomics was pursuing exactly the opposite of every policy of the enormously successful Reaganomics, and predicted that it would produce exactly the opposite results.

Well, the results are in, and under President Obama the American people have now suffered the worst 5 years since the Great Depression, as first explained by Steve McCann of the American Thinker on January 25. McCann writes,

“From 2009 through 2012, the Obama cabal, and their allegiance to statist policies, has been in charge for four years. The global financial crisis took place in the previous year, 2008 [remember the Democrat majority Congress was elected in 2006], and based on the historical pattern of American economic recovery since the depression years, the United States should have been experiencing broad and significant economic and job growth by year three at the latest.”

Instead what America got by year five was fewer jobs than before. Even though the employment age population has increased by nearly 12 million since January, 2008, there are now 3 million fewer Americans working, with employment declining from 146.3 million in January, 2008 to 143.3 million in December, 2012. If America enjoyed the same labor force participation rate as in 2008, the unemployment rate in December, 2012 would have been 11.4%, compared to 4.9% in December, 2007, under President George Bush and his “failed” economic policies of the past. We won’t see 4.9% unemployment in America again until the statest takeover of America is purged.

As I have previously recounted here, before this latest spooky downturn, since the Great Depression recessions in America have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest previously at 16 months. The latest recession began in December, 2007. Yet here we are 62 months after the recession began, and there is hardly any recovery at all.

all of it here
The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression - Forbes
Sure he did.

Democrats don't believe recovery will help them. Once we're on our own and doing well what do we need a nanny state for?

Josef Stalin had a conference of Soviet Leaders at the Kremlin in the mid 1930's. In a cage at the end of the conference table was a single chicken, and none of the other leaders could imagine the point the eccentric, all powerful Stalin was trying to make. After keeping his senior leaders waiting for his arrival the "Man of Steel" Stalin had a quick announcement: "Comrades, I am going to give a demonstration of how to treat the Russian People."

With that, Stalin went to the cage and plucked the bird clean while it was alive. The bird hysterically squealed and squirmed as Stalin plucked its feathers away and let them fall to the floor. He began a tirade of complaints against each of his ministers as he did this which left each man scared to death for his own survival. The leaders could not believe their eyes although none of them were strangers to cruelty, that the bird could long survive this. Once plucked, Stalin released the bloodied, fear ridden animal, reached into his greatcoat and threw a few kernels of corn on the floor that the bird slowly and quietly ate at the feet of its torturer.

Stalin proceeded to the rest of his demands of his leaders. Frequently he stood and paced as he walked describing which food rations would be cut, the number of people who were to be arrested in his purges, and the instructions how they were to be slaughtered, tortured, or merely sent to Siberia to be worked to death. As he walked, following him closely was the chicken.

The message was clear. Strip people of all health, prosperity, security, humanity and keep them fearful, and they will follow you.

Are you a Chicken? The lesson of Stalin and a Chicken | The Bilerico Project

Democrats are of the mind-set that hindering the people instead of helping them makes them more appreciative of you. So they have no intention on improving our lot in life. None.
Funny thing is, the Democrats aren't the ones who destroyed good paying union jobs, signed bad trade treaties that moved the manufacturing overseas, made states "right to work" and "at will" employment, and so on.

That would be the Plutocrats and their goons in the Republican Party who did the plucking.

But you still have your gun and your bible, that's the important thing.
Funny thing is, the Democrats aren't the ones who destroyed good paying union jobs, signed bad trade treaties that moved the manufacturing overseas, made states "right to work" and "at will" employment, and so on.

That would be the Plutocrats and their goons in the Republican Party who did the plucking.

But you still have your gun and your bible, that's the important thing.

I don't know how many times the Dems have been responsible for something and used their state run media to blame it on Bush or the GOP. Their usual response once they are caught is "Everybody had a hand in this". If they can't completely wash their hands of any responsibility, as in the case of sequester, they simply blame everyone equally, which adds to the blame that is placed on Republicans. The party of "NO" is what they call them.

The economy didn't start going downhill till they started harping about how bad it was back in 2006. They gave speeches encouraging a run on banks. They spoke in front of La Raza and other Hispanic groups giving them encouragement saying that everyone should be welcome in this country, illegals, everyone. Then when they took over Congress in just over a year a strong economy became "The Worst Economy Since The Great Depression" blaming it all on Bush. Bush warned them not to send him garbage and all they sent him was protest bills. If Bush submitted a budget that spent X amount of dollars their automatic response was "It doesn't go far enough". Funny, since Bush left office the Dems haven't passed a budget yet which is why the sequester law kicked in.

Ok......carry on.
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I don't know how many times the Dems have been responsible for something and used their state run media to blame it on Bush or the GOP. Their usual response once they are caught is "Everybody had a hand in this". If they can't completely wash their hands of any responsibility, as in the case of sequester, they simply blame everyone equally, which adds to the blame that is placed on Republicans. The party of "NO" is what they call them.

The economy didn't start going downhill till they started harping about how bad it was back in 2006. They gave speeches encouraging a run on banks. They spoke in front of La Raza and other Hispanic groups giving them encouragement saying that everyone should be welcome in this country, illegals, everyone. Then when they took over Congress in just over a year a strong economy became "The Worst Economy Since The Great Depression" blaming it all on Bush. Bush warned them not to send him garbage and all they sent him was protest bills. If Bush submitted a budget that spent X amount of dollars their automatic response was "It doesn't go far enough". Funny, since Bush left office the Dems haven't passed a budget yet which is why the sequester law kicked in.

Ok......carry on.

Guy, I'm not just talking about the current recession, dumbass. We've always had recessions and always will.

The problem is, the GOP destroyed the firewalls of a strong middle class, which is what made this recession worse than most of the others.

The problem really began when that senile old fuck Reagan fired the PATCO workers because they dared to ask for better pay and better working conditions for doing a stressful job.

That sent the signal that you can screw your workers, and government will have your back. And, yes, in this context, Clinton wasn't much better than the Bushes.

So when the storm hit, the storm caused by the fact the banksters were building a house of cards while Chris Cox's staff watched porn on the internet, it was particularly bad.

Now here's the thing. I think it's pretty horrible that we have so many people dependent on unemployment, food stamps, section 8 housing. But at least they are doing something to help.

The Plutocrats and teh GOP are thinking, "What can we do to take advantage."

I don't know how many times the Dems have been responsible for something and used their state run media to blame it on Bush or the GOP. Their usual response once they are caught is "Everybody had a hand in this". If they can't completely wash their hands of any responsibility, as in the case of sequester, they simply blame everyone equally, which adds to the blame that is placed on Republicans. The party of "NO" is what they call them.

The economy didn't start going downhill till they started harping about how bad it was back in 2006. They gave speeches encouraging a run on banks. They spoke in front of La Raza and other Hispanic groups giving them encouragement saying that everyone should be welcome in this country, illegals, everyone. Then when they took over Congress in just over a year a strong economy became "The Worst Economy Since The Great Depression" blaming it all on Bush. Bush warned them not to send him garbage and all they sent him was protest bills. If Bush submitted a budget that spent X amount of dollars their automatic response was "It doesn't go far enough". Funny, since Bush left office the Dems haven't passed a budget yet which is why the sequester law kicked in.

Ok......carry on.

Guy, I'm not just talking about the current recession, dumbass. We've always had recessions and always will.

The problem is, the GOP destroyed the firewalls of a strong middle class, which is what made this recession worse than most of the others.

The problem really began when that senile old fuck Reagan fired the PATCO workers because they dared to ask for better pay and better working conditions for doing a stressful job.

That sent the signal that you can screw your workers, and government will have your back. And, yes, in this context, Clinton wasn't much better than the Bushes.

So when the storm hit, the storm caused by the fact the banksters were building a house of cards while Chris Cox's staff watched porn on the internet, it was particularly bad.

Now here's the thing. I think it's pretty horrible that we have so many people dependent on unemployment, food stamps, section 8 housing. But at least they are doing something to help.

The Plutocrats and teh GOP are thinking, "What can we do to take advantage."

Okay,.....if Democrats are such a solution why did everything get much worse once they had total control? Only now are we finding out the full extent of the damage.
Who signed NAFTA?

Who negotiated NAFTA?

And frankly, NAFTA isn't really the problem, because Canada and the US are almost on an equal footing.

It was trade treaties with China, GATT, WTO and the whole alphabet soup Republicans signed on to.

I do blame Clinton for going along with a lot of it. On economic issues, he wasn't much better than a Republican.
Okay,.....if Democrats are such a solution why did everything get much worse once they had total control? Only now are we finding out the full extent of the damage.

You can't undo 30 years of damage in 4, guy.

And Democrat "total control" was less than 2 years. Republicans had "total control" for six.
Who signed NAFTA?

Who negotiated NAFTA?

And frankly, NAFTA isn't really the problem, because Canada and the US are almost on an equal footing.

It was trade treaties with China, GATT, WTO and the whole alphabet soup Republicans signed on to.

I do blame Clinton for going along with a lot of it. On economic issues, he wasn't much better than a Republican.

Signing agreements with dishonest parties is a serious mistake. Doing it over and over again only re-affirms you're an idiot.
Who signed NAFTA?

Who negotiated NAFTA?

And frankly, NAFTA isn't really the problem, because Canada and the US are almost on an equal footing.

It was trade treaties with China, GATT, WTO and the whole alphabet soup Republicans signed on to.

I do blame Clinton for going along with a lot of it. On economic issues, he wasn't much better than a Republican.

Signing agreements with dishonest parties is a serious mistake. Doing it over and over again only re-affirms you're an idiot.

Oh, I think that the treaties were very honest about what they were doing.

Giving away our national soverignty.

But here's the thing. BOTH Parties are for the stupidity that is free trade.

The only difference is, those other countries, those dishonest parties, as you say, are still looking out for their workers. Which is why you have strong middle classes in Europe and Japan and CEO's don't make 12 figures for fucking up.

This country. Meh, just wave a flag and a bible in front of them, the stupid rubes will go along iwth it.
Who negotiated NAFTA?

And frankly, NAFTA isn't really the problem, because Canada and the US are almost on an equal footing.

It was trade treaties with China, GATT, WTO and the whole alphabet soup Republicans signed on to.

I do blame Clinton for going along with a lot of it. On economic issues, he wasn't much better than a Republican.

Signing agreements with dishonest parties is a serious mistake. Doing it over and over again only re-affirms you're an idiot.

Oh, I think that the treaties were very honest about what they were doing.

Giving away our national soverignty.

But here's the thing. BOTH Parties are for the stupidity that is free trade.

The only difference is, those other countries, those dishonest parties, as you say, are still looking out for their workers. Which is why you have strong middle classes in Europe and Japan and CEO's don't make 12 figures for fucking up.

This country. Meh, just wave a flag and a bible in front of them, the stupid rubes will go along iwth it.

Yup........that's why the Tea Party formed. Because we are willing to go along with just about anything.

This country. Meh, just wave a flag and a bible in front of them, the stupid rubes will go along iwth it.

Yup........that's why the Tea Party formed. Because we are willing to go along with just about anything.

No, the TEA Party formed because the Koch Brothers know you guys are a bunch of rubes.

Look at the shiny thing. The pretty thing.

"What, my insurance company can't cancel my insurance due to a pre-existing condition? Bunch of fucking Communists!!!!"
Lets see...

Republicans give Obama the worst economy since the great Depression........

Then do everything they can to prevent him from fixing it

This country. Meh, just wave a flag and a bible in front of them, the stupid rubes will go along iwth it.

Yup........that's why the Tea Party formed. Because we are willing to go along with just about anything.

No, the TEA Party formed because the Koch Brothers know you guys are a bunch of rubes.

Look at the shiny thing. The pretty thing.

"What, my insurance company can't cancel my insurance due to a pre-existing condition? Bunch of fucking Communists!!!!"

Dog, you're not dealing with idiots here. Some of us can wade through all of the stereotypical BS your MSM constantly pumps out to keep you folks happy. Seems a lib can't keep their eye on the big picture because they're too easily distracted.
Yup........that's why the Tea Party formed. Because we are willing to go along with just about anything.

No, the TEA Party formed because the Koch Brothers know you guys are a bunch of rubes.

Look at the shiny thing. The pretty thing.

"What, my insurance company can't cancel my insurance due to a pre-existing condition? Bunch of fucking Communists!!!!"

Dog, you're not dealing with idiots here. Some of us can wade through all of the stereotypical BS your MSM constantly pumps out to keep you folks happy. Seems a lib can't keep their eye on the big picture because they're too easily distracted.

Actually, I have concluded I'm dealing with idiots.

I mean, I figured it out, eventually, but most of the rest of you are deluded.

The big picture is the rich are getting richer and the rest of us are getting poorer.
Who signed NAFTA?

Who negotiated NAFTA?

And frankly, NAFTA isn't really the problem, because Canada and the US are almost on an equal footing.

It was trade treaties with China, GATT, WTO and the whole alphabet soup Republicans signed on to.

I do blame Clinton for going along with a lot of it. On economic issues, he wasn't much better than a Republican.

One time President Clinton looked at his advisers and said with a touch of resignation, "We are Eisenhower Democrats." He would have rather been a Roosevelt Democrat presiding over an expansion of the public sector of the economy, but he felt the political climate was not right for it.
If there's been no recovery, how come stocks have gone up ~40% over the last five years? What are the "job creators" doing with all that cash? If they're not going to hire people, the least they can do is help out with the deficit. Isn't that why we were supposed to keep their rates low, so they'd create jobs?
If there's been no recovery, how come stocks have gone up ~40% over the last five years? What are the "job creators" doing with all that cash? If they're not going to hire people, the least they can do is help out with the deficit. Isn't that why we were supposed to keep their rates low, so they'd create jobs?

Pumping 85 billion dollars a month into wall st. and government pet sectors will do that. Wall st. looks great, but main st. struggles on.

Funny how whiners about the 1% look at the stock market as an indicator that the "economy" is recovering. Before, they were the ones who destroyed the economy, but now it's an indication od recovery.

I'd call it hypocracy, but really these types are simply con-fucking-fused. Sad really.

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