The Year Of Inaction


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Obama said this would be the year of action, but it seems that he is really pushing a year of inaction on us.

The CBO report said that rules in the ACA are going to encourage people to cut their own hours to be able to qualify for subsidies on their health insurance. Earlier this year Obama was complaining about "Income Inequality", yet now he's actually encouraging us to earn less. How can he reconcile this stupidity? Easy. He's a Democrat. It's what they do.

According to the newly released CBO report this could cause the cutting of the equivalent of 2.5 million full-time jobs over a 10 year period. Right when we are seeing heating bills skyrocketing and food prices going up Obama is trying to put a silver-lining on this by claiming it just gives you more time to spend with your families, as if all of the unemployment we suffer from doesn't already do that. Add to this the fact that it has been clear to anyone who is paying attention that this administration isn't very good at taking care of business. What would make anyone think that Obama will actually take care of anyone. I know Obamacare doesn't do that.


Obamacare Will Kill Jobs, Worsen Poverty, Slow Economic Growth and Drive Up Your Medical Costs - Donald Lambro - Page 1

AOL is latest to blame Obamacare - Feb. 6, 2014
The dem spin machine is in high gear.

It's actually funny to hear these O-bots say that working less. earning less and getting more government handouts is a good thing.
For real... In will come all the Obama drones blaming Bush for everything that does not get blamed on Congress.. Then, when Obama gets caught with his hands in the cookie jar it's yet again someone elses fault.

What a 3-ring circus

The trick is to break it to us slowly so we won't go nuts and cause a revolt.

Poverty is the quickest way to dependency, and dependency helps win elections for Democrats.
Thank You Obama!!
Without the EBT, rent assistance, permanent unemployment for my husband and now free healthcare - we would never have been able to afford five kids!!
The absence of liberals on this thread is illuminating.
Literally tens of millions are yet to be signed up with the ACA.
We haven't seen anything yet.

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