Thee Liberal Embarrassment;The DOW Surges On March 1. Hmm, The End Of The World?

It lost half it's value under Bush and the Republicans. Thanks for making my point.

Last two years of the Bush term the Democrats controlled the house....

Things don't happen overnight. It takes years to undo GOP damage. Look at the mess they made of Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention the debt. They needed to use reconciliation THREE TIMES to build up the debt to 10 trillion. They helped companies move jobs to China and then complain when Democrats can't fix the enormous damage they caused "fast enough". Republicans are so brain damaged, I've heard some say Iraq was Obama's fault.
You can just imagine how Rush will open his show tomorrow. all the parodys of end of the world disasters! The sea levels have risen 7 feet, the canary islands have collapsed! plumbing has come to an end! blackouts IN ALL 57 STATES!!!

Looking forward to Rush's show tomorrow...
He had some good stuff on today.

Obama was going on and on listing all the catastrophic events that were going to happen if an agreement wasn't reached by tomorrow...
Then he played an Obama speech saying we would not see the effects of this.

The first week.
The second week
The third week
The fourth week......

Funniest thing you ever heard.
This president is so full of shit it's not funny....

One day it's the end of the world.
The next day no one will see the effect of it for maybe a few months down the line.

GOOD STUFF???? Good grief! Rush is a moron. Something is seriously wrong with you.
You can just imagine how Rush will open his show tomorrow. all the parodys of end of the world disasters! The sea levels have risen 7 feet, the canary islands have collapsed! plumbing has come to an end! blackouts IN ALL 57 STATES!!!

Yep. And I can sure see you kissing his fat whited doped up ass.
I think Obama is going to end up looking really bad on this.

Hmmmm................ Were you one of the idjits that were predicting that Obama would not get 150 electorial votes? Predicting that in October, yet. Then came 6Nov12. LOL.

Well, November, 2014 will be here soon enough. Guess we will see what the GOP looks like then.
You can just imagine how Rush will open his show tomorrow. all the parodys of end of the world disasters! The sea levels have risen 7 feet, the canary islands have collapsed! plumbing has come to an end! blackouts IN ALL 57 STATES!!!

Yep. And I can sure see you kissing his fat whited doped up ass.

I don't much care for Rush. We've got little in common.

For example, I'm a fat whited boozed up ass. :D

If there was ever a day for the DOW to break it's record, please let it be March 1! Then over half of Americans will be laughing at every Democrat who has been crying wolf since early February. And who can't wait for "Press Secretary Sparky" to explain away the great day the DOW had on Friday March 1. Gee, will Bambi run for cover in Florida to his little friend "Tiger" for cover?
And why hasn't Obama told the world that the FED Prints up 85 Billion a month, yet his panties are in a bunch over 44 Billion?

Now it's a Liberal "Embarassment"?

I suppose that conservatives eventually are going to start taking credit for this..soon.

Of course the DOW is surging, the Fed Reserve is printing more money than ever, sky rocketing inflation. However, when you measure how much money they are making to a STANDARD like GOLD, the stock market is still LOSING.
the DOW has gone up considerably, yet unemployment has remained stagnant. can anyone explain?

Read the news sometime.

Jobless claims fall to another 5-year low ? This Just In - Blogs
First-time claims for unemployment benefits fell by 5,000 last week to 330,000, down from 335,000 the previous week. That's the lowest level since January 2008.
^^^That highlights two weeks in January 2013^^

Jobless claims bounced higher last week, after falling to a five-year low earlier in January.
Jobless claims bounce higher - Jan. 31, 2013
Economists often prefer to smooth out the volatility by looking at a four week moving average, which was 352,000 last week, a slight increase from the week before.

February 2013:
Jobless claims fall sharply
Jobless claims fall sharply - Feb. 28, 2013
The average number of people seeking help over the past four weeks totaled 355,000,

I can't reconcile the headlines vs the numbers.

Regardless, new claims are just bouncing around.
Of course the DOW is surging, the Fed Reserve is printing more money than ever, sky rocketing inflation. However, when you measure how much money they are making to a STANDARD like GOLD, the stock market is still LOSING.

Actually, today the DOW came within 15 points of it's all time record EVER. (But that first record was set artifically by Jr. repealing the regulations and artifically helping to inflate the market). Obama taking it from half of what it was (remember, under Jr. the DOW dropped to under 7,000), and bringing it back to within 15 points of it's all time high? Pretty good.

As far as sky rocketing inflation? Really? Wanna provide a link for that, because the last I heard, inflation is not rising as fast as you'd think.

And oh the way...................this month the dollar made gains against other currencies in the world. The dollar is getting stronger.
Well I am watching Crotch, I mean Squak-Box now, oil is around 90.00 a barrel, lowest in weeks! If we were to be in such a crisis, wouldn't oil be closer to 100 a barrel?

Amazing how many people think the stock market is the economy.

right, for the last three years the dems/libs were bragging about great the stock market was compared to the Obama Crash of 2009, yet they had no explanation of why unemployment was always around 15%? shows u how dumbfounded they are. hey, who said we were gonna lose 117 Million Jobs? and didn't queen Pelosi mention something about 500 Million People unemployed a few years ago?
Well I am watching Crotch, I mean Squak-Box now, oil is around 90.00 a barrel, lowest in weeks! If we were to be in such a crisis, wouldn't oil be closer to 100 a barrel?

Actually, the prospect of a crashing economy would drive the price down.

Amazing how many people think the stock market is the economy.


If it were then the economy would be rocking.

Its not so the economy is still in the toilet and UE is at what, 8%?

Wonder if anything will improve through another four years of inept in the WH??

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