Thee Liberal Embarrassment;The DOW Surges On March 1. Hmm, The End Of The World?

Oh, and what if March takes off to a great start in the stock market? Will Obama take all of the credit, yet at the same time claimed that we were about to go off the cliff in the prior week?

it must be nice on pluto, when you want to come back to earth we can begin talking about who can take credit for what.
Thank you Mr. President, you did it

Record number of people on food stamps.[/QUOTE]

Yes sir ree them food stamp recipients are big BIG stock market investors. Sure they are dude.

But from what I have read of your posts, you are a big fan of the ultra rich. And a big fan of reduced tax rates for the ultra rich. Is that still true?

So, the players on the stock market are the very people that you hold in such high esteem. The big traders will only be taxed at the capital gains rate.

Why are you not in awe of what has happened on the stock market. The very people that you care about the most will be doing very well. Again.

The only thing about this run up that pisses me off is that I pulled 50K from a bond fund and put it in cash before the last debacle. I keep waiting for the drop in the stock market to buy back in.

Maybe during our next self imposed financial disaster there will be a big correction.
Just have to wait about 30 days.

If there was ever a day for the DOW to break it's record, please let it be March 1! Then over half of Americans will be laughing at every Democrat who has been crying wolf since early February. And who can't wait for "Press Secretary Sparky" to explain away the great day the DOW had on Friday March 1. Gee, will Bambi run for cover in Florida to his little friend "Tiger" for cover?
And why hasn't Obama told the world that the FED Prints up 85 Billion a month, yet his panties are in a bunch over 44 Billion?

The Dow is down about a hundred points.
Thank you Mr. President, you did it...

Unemployment is still close to 8%
Where is the call to thank the President....

The real estate markets are recovering, prices are up, sales are up and inventory will soon follow. Factory orders are up as is construction. Unemployed has always been the last piece of an economic recovery; those who focus on this one statistic do so out of ignorance or partisan hackery.
Don't know what you're crowing about. The DOW has been going up steadily since the beginning of the year, while CONS on the board have been predicting the iminent demise of the country. If it goes over the all-time high tomorrow, fine. It's just the culmination of the recovery that's been going on for the last five years. Thank you Mr. President, you did it even though the "job creators" kept their tax cuts but stayed on the sidelines anyway.

DOW has been going up steadily since QE started.
One time the unemployment numbers that were released were way lower then expected...
The Dow Jones industrial average tanked that day....
I wondered why on the release of good news would the Dow tank.
The best answer I got was that the analysts were concerned that the economy was not ready to accept such good news and needed to slow things down....

The stock market is a weird animal and responds in strange ways...

To give this president credit for making this happen is the one of the stupidest things I have seen on this board.

It lost half it's value under Bush and the Republicans. Thanks for making my point.

Last two years of the Bush term the Democrats controlled the house....

So you refuse to give Obama credit for the market going up but you are blaming the Democrats for the crash. Makes sense.
One time the unemployment numbers that were released were way lower then expected...
The Dow Jones industrial average tanked that day....
I wondered why on the release of good news would the Dow tank.
The best answer I got was that the analysts were concerned that the economy was not ready to accept such good news and needed to slow things down....

The stock market is a weird animal and responds in strange ways...

To give this president credit for making this happen is the one of the stupidest things I have seen on this board.

It lost half it's value under Bush and the Republicans. Thanks for making my point.

Last two years of the Bush term the Democrats controlled the house....

So you refuse to give Obama credit for the market going up but you are blaming the Democrats for the crash. Makes sense.

Typical. It's called "cognitive dissonance".
so do we have any horror stories? like, when u woke up this morning you found your rooster dead, maybe your dog began speaking Spanish? or did the sky fall in your home town? I can tell you that the sun never rose here in Florida. Where did it go? China?

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