Their Blood Is On the Hands of All Illegal Drug Users

This isn't caused by just pot.

There was some sort of glitch in this site. When I signed in with my password, this name showed up and I kept it.

Boy, nuthin gets past the drunk cat lover.

BTW, Tipsycatlover As nasty as you are, you do have one redeeming quality - that you like dogs and cats.
I don't drink and I don't even own a cat. You like to lie.

Mass graves like the one found have very little to do with pot. Using this to justify pot use is silly. Probably thought of by a pot head.

Why would a pot head think of that?
Tipsycatlover is an odd name for a non-drinking cat less person.
Legalize pot.

It was some odd glitch in this system a long time ago. I signed in with my password and this name showed up. I just kept it.
This isn't caused by just pot.

There was some sort of glitch in this site. When I signed in with my password, this name showed up and I kept it.

Boy, nuthin gets past the drunk cat lover.

BTW, Tipsycatlover As nasty as you are, you do have one redeeming quality - that you like dogs and cats.
I don't drink and I don't even own a cat. You like to lie.

Mass graves like the one found have very little to do with pot. Using this to justify pot use is silly. Probably thought of by a pot head.

Why would a pot head think of that?
Tipsycatlover is an odd name for a non-drinking cat less person.
Legalize pot.

It was some odd glitch in this system a long time ago. I signed in with my password and this name showed up. I just kept it.
You idiots smoke too much pot to know reality.

Huge pot bust at California border nets 15 tons -
600 bucks a pound?
Lol. Do people still pay that? Must taste like dirt.
Irrelevant. Tons of pot and other illegal drugs cross the border every week.
Their blood is on your hands.
My smoke comes from one of our 50 states.
If it wasn't illegal, do you still think there would be a big black market for it?

Yes, pot included.

Mexico drug war investigators unearth 47 more skulls in mass graves.

Veracruz, on Mexico’s Gulf coast, has long been a stomping ground for criminal gangs, who fight over lucrative drug and migrant smuggling routes.

Giving details on the latest grisly find, Jorge Winckler said the skulls and remains of multiple body parts were unearthed from eight unmarked graves, clustered in a 120 sq metre area, about 10 kilometres (6 miles) from the town of Alvarado.

So far, Winckler said, investigators had positively identified one three-person family, missing since September 2016, and the remains of two other men.

“The work continues,” Winckler told a news conference, vowing to track down the perpetrators.

Just days earlier, investigators recovered more than 250 skulls from another unmarked grave 60 kilometres (37 miles)further north in the Gulf state of Veracruz.

That burial site was uncovered by relatives of missing family members, impatient with officials’ apathetic response, who launched their own search for missing family members.

It is on the hands of all who would have pot be illegal.

There would be no killings over pot- if pot was not illegal.

Something everyone else learned during our Prohibition Fiasco.

Why do you want a law that enriches crooks, leads to innocent civilians being killed, and results in the corruption of foreign governments?
Like the mafia disbanded at the end of prohibition.
Only drug addicts like potheads use organized crime as an excuse to legalize their habit.
How about this excuse?

"I don't fucking care, I'm still smoking it and if you don't like it, tough shit."
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600 bucks a pound?
Lol. Do people still pay that? Must taste like dirt.
Irrelevant. Tons of pot and other illegal drugs cross the border every week.
Their blood is on your hands.
My smoke comes from one of our 50 states.
If it wasn't illegal, do you still think there would be a big black market for it?
Which drains the supply making it profitable to smuggle in illegal drugs from Mexico.
Spin all you want, their blood is on your hands.
Lol, well...
If no one smoked pot those people would be alive today.
If it wasn't illegal, there wouldn't be a black market and people killing each other over it.
Like the mafia disbanded at the end of prohibition.
Only drug addicts like potheads use organized crime as an excuse to legalize their habit.
How about this excuse?

"I don't fucking care, I'm still smoking it and if you don't like it, tough shit."
If my pepper spray gets in your eyes, tough shit. If my poison ivy dust lands all over your body, tough shit.
Like the mafia disbanded at the end of prohibition.
Only drug addicts like potheads use organized crime as an excuse to legalize their habit.
How about this excuse?

"I don't fucking care, I'm still smoking it and if you don't like it, tough shit."
If my pepper spray gets in your eyes, tough shit. If my poison ivy dust lands all over your body, tough shit.
That's cute and all but, i don't worry about things that will never happen.

Well, its time for me to go smoke a bowl. Have a nice day!
Skunk weed and burn the lungs. People that have no clue about pot are usually the same ones that believe booze is not as or more dangerous as pot!
Do you know how many Americans die each year from and are made very sick from booze-related causes? The quick answer is hundreds of thousands. If you don't know, look it up.

Do you know how many Americans (and others) die each year from and are made sick from using marijuana? The answer is none! Look it up.
The only answer to this problem is clearly more nanny-state government here in the United States. lol.

Let's face it, the War on Drugs has been a miserable failure and it is time to take a serious look at our current dug laws b/c at the present they are not working.
Actually the drug laws have never worked.

"Attempting to solve a problem by doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result is one definition of insanity." (Albert Einstein)
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Like the mafia disbanded at the end of prohibition.
Only drug addicts like potheads use organized crime as an excuse to legalize their habit.
It's not an excuse. It happens to be a fact that both alcohol Prohibition and marijuana prohibition are responsible for the rise of criminal empires.
600 bucks a pound?
Lol. Do people still pay that? Must taste like dirt.
Irrelevant. Tons of pot and other illegal drugs cross the border every week.
Their blood is on your hands.
My smoke comes from one of our 50 states.
If it wasn't illegal, do you still think there would be a big black market for it?
Which drains the supply making it profitable to smuggle in illegal drugs from Mexico.
Spin all you want, their blood is on your hands.
Lol, well...
If no one smoked pot those people would be alive today.
Making it legal would have saved their lives, which would be a lot more practical than getting everyone to quit smoking. Look at all of the lives that would be saved if no one drank.
Legalizing pot would do nothing at all to the cartels. They have moved on to other drugs and other crimes.

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