Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to the pigs

With all do respect, I just hit your link, and....well, let’s be honest- that woman(?) looks like a dude wearing a wig, so the fact that she is angry with men is not at all shocking. She clearly has RMS (Rachel Maddow Syndrome).

Maybe she is Paul Bunyan. The tale keeps getting taller every time it’s told.

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How so? Looks the same too me. You must be lying to protect a lib criminal.
And the tweet is still up by the way. So we know when twitter bans Alex Jones it isnt for "hate". It is because he opposes the elites.

(((Christine Fair))) on Twitter

She is Jewish too. Who would have guessed?
That woman's statement was mean. Everybody knows right wingers have no balls to speak of. Those pigs would starve.
With all do respect, I just hit your link, and....well, let’s be honest- that woman(?) looks like a dude wearing a wig, so the fact that she is angry with men is not at all shocking. She clearly has RMS (Rachel Maddow Syndrome).

Maybe she is Paul Bunyan. The tale keeps getting taller every time it’s told.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually, she looks more like his blue ox, Babe.

Well did you expect anything less from a looney left college professor??

Every one of them is a liberal idiot. Just think. They are teaching the college kids.
I finally figured out how Trek's salt vampire Michelle Obama can finally make herself look mildly attractive! I have solved this problem! She should pay these woman-like creatures to stand next to her at all times.....well, either that or she should shave her head, tattoo an attractive face on the back of her head, and learn to walk backwards.
Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown said white GOP Senators deserve to die miserable deaths “while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”
This wasn’t enough for Dr. Fair, she said once the white Republican Senators die miserable deaths, their corpses should be castrated and fed to pigs. (screenshot below in case of deletion)

Last week, Christine Fair went on a profanity-laced tirade against Kavanaugh, calling him a “rapist” and “perjurer.” She described the Republican party as a “f*cking death cult” and “filthy swine.”

CHRISTINE FAIR TWEETED: “Look at thus (sic) chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” she wrote. “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve 'Miserable Deaths' - Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs

Will she start the killing?

This is what.....the fourth thread on this one lady?

You guys are kinda raising the logical fallacy of argument by anecdote to an art form.
Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown said white GOP Senators deserve to die miserable deaths “while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”
This wasn’t enough for Dr. Fair, she said once the white Republican Senators die miserable deaths, their corpses should be castrated and fed to pigs. (screenshot below in case of deletion)

Last week, Christine Fair went on a profanity-laced tirade against Kavanaugh, calling him a “rapist” and “perjurer.” She described the Republican party as a “f*cking death cult” and “filthy swine.”

CHRISTINE FAIR TWEETED: “Look at thus (sic) chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” she wrote. “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve 'Miserable Deaths' - Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs

Will she start the killing?

This is what.....the fourth thread on this one lady?

You guys are kinda raising the logical fallacy of argument by anecdote to an art form.

Deal with t honey, mine was the first. You agree with her don't you?
Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown said white GOP Senators deserve to die miserable deaths “while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”
This wasn’t enough for Dr. Fair, she said once the white Republican Senators die miserable deaths, their corpses should be castrated and fed to pigs. (screenshot below in case of deletion)

Last week, Christine Fair went on a profanity-laced tirade against Kavanaugh, calling him a “rapist” and “perjurer.” She described the Republican party as a “f*cking death cult” and “filthy swine.”

CHRISTINE FAIR TWEETED: “Look at thus (sic) chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” she wrote. “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve 'Miserable Deaths' - Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs

Will she start the killing?'es a loony.
Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown said white GOP Senators deserve to die miserable deaths “while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”
This wasn’t enough for Dr. Fair, she said once the white Republican Senators die miserable deaths, their corpses should be castrated and fed to pigs. (screenshot below in case of deletion)

Last week, Christine Fair went on a profanity-laced tirade against Kavanaugh, calling him a “rapist” and “perjurer.” She described the Republican party as a “f*cking death cult” and “filthy swine.”

CHRISTINE FAIR TWEETED: “Look at thus (sic) chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” she wrote. “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve 'Miserable Deaths' - Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs

Will she start the killing?

This is what.....the fourth thread on this one lady?

You guys are kinda raising the logical fallacy of argument by anecdote to an art form.

Deal with t honey, mine was the first. You agree with her don't you?

If you believe I agree with her, quote me saying as much.

With 4 threads on this ONE woman.......we're kinda reaching snowflake triggered territory now.
Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown said white GOP Senators deserve to die miserable deaths “while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”
This wasn’t enough for Dr. Fair, she said once the white Republican Senators die miserable deaths, their corpses should be castrated and fed to pigs. (screenshot below in case of deletion)

Last week, Christine Fair went on a profanity-laced tirade against Kavanaugh, calling him a “rapist” and “perjurer.” She described the Republican party as a “f*cking death cult” and “filthy swine.”

CHRISTINE FAIR TWEETED: “Look at thus (sic) chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” she wrote. “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve 'Miserable Deaths' - Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs

Will she start the killing?'es a loony.


There's a conservative poster on this board that insists that Christine Blasey Ford should be executed. Is that 'conservatives' now? Or is it just one person.
Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown said white GOP Senators deserve to die miserable deaths “while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”
This wasn’t enough for Dr. Fair, she said once the white Republican Senators die miserable deaths, their corpses should be castrated and fed to pigs. (screenshot below in case of deletion)

Last week, Christine Fair went on a profanity-laced tirade against Kavanaugh, calling him a “rapist” and “perjurer.” She described the Republican party as a “f*cking death cult” and “filthy swine.”

CHRISTINE FAIR TWEETED: “Look at thus (sic) chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” she wrote. “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve 'Miserable Deaths' - Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs

Will she start the killing?

This is what.....the fourth thread on this one lady?

You guys are kinda raising the logical fallacy of argument by anecdote to an art form.

Deal with t honey, mine was the first. You agree with her don't you?

If you believe I agree with her, quote me saying as much.

With 4 threads on this ONE woman.......we're kinda reaching snowflake triggered territory now.

LOL, mine was the first. You are a man hater...well unless you think you can dominate them. Which is why I piss you off so easily. You aren't intellectually able to dominate me. I don't trigger sweet cheeks, I've seen too much and more than ever care to have done.
Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown said white GOP Senators deserve to die miserable deaths “while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”
This wasn’t enough for Dr. Fair, she said once the white Republican Senators die miserable deaths, their corpses should be castrated and fed to pigs. (screenshot below in case of deletion)

Last week, Christine Fair went on a profanity-laced tirade against Kavanaugh, calling him a “rapist” and “perjurer.” She described the Republican party as a “f*cking death cult” and “filthy swine.”

CHRISTINE FAIR TWEETED: “Look at thus (sic) chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” she wrote. “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve 'Miserable Deaths' - Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs

Will she start the killing?

This is what.....the fourth thread on this one lady?

You guys are kinda raising the logical fallacy of argument by anecdote to an art form.

Deal with t honey, mine was the first. You agree with her don't you?

If you believe I agree with her, quote me saying as much.

With 4 threads on this ONE woman.......we're kinda reaching snowflake triggered territory now.

LOL, mine was the first. You are a man hater...well unless you think you can dominate them.

Says you, citing the wasteland of your imagination.

Again, this is one lady with one mean tweet. And yet we have at least 4 threads on the topic?

It apparently doesn't take much to trigger you snowflakes.
Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown said white GOP Senators deserve to die miserable deaths “while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”
This wasn’t enough for Dr. Fair, she said once the white Republican Senators die miserable deaths, their corpses should be castrated and fed to pigs. (screenshot below in case of deletion)

Last week, Christine Fair went on a profanity-laced tirade against Kavanaugh, calling him a “rapist” and “perjurer.” She described the Republican party as a “f*cking death cult” and “filthy swine.”

CHRISTINE FAIR TWEETED: “Look at thus (sic) chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” she wrote. “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve 'Miserable Deaths' - Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs

Will she start the killing?

This is what.....the fourth thread on this one lady?

You guys are kinda raising the logical fallacy of argument by anecdote to an art form.

Deal with t honey, mine was the first. You agree with her don't you?

If you believe I agree with her, quote me saying as much.

With 4 threads on this ONE woman.......we're kinda reaching snowflake triggered territory now.

LOL, mine was the first.

Oh, and no. It wasn't.

A vicious, hateful Liberal~Georgetown Prof. Says White Republicans Should Be Castrated, Fed To Swine

Make that 5 threads on this one crazy woman with one mean tweet.

And we have literally *dozens* of pages of triggered snow flakes, freaking out about it.

And apparently this ONE scary lady has you poor souls triggering since at least 2017.

Professor Watchlist ... Great Idea!!

Here she is again, sending your ilk into a frothing lather in January.

American tourist being sued by Germany police for calling them ‘Nazi’s’

Here's yet another thread where you poor, triggered little snow flakes are freaking out about this one lady.

Anti Pakistan protest in Washington DC
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