Then And Now


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
I lived in Arlington County, VA as a young kid back in the late 50s - early 60s.

George Rockwell's American Nazi Party HQ was just a few blocks up the road, and quite often on the weekends they'd all be out front with Nazi flags fluttering, wearing their playtime uniforms with George at the podium at the top of the stairs spewing white this and white that, and so on and so forth.

There was never any trouble, because no one showed up to oppose them. People would walk by and shrug, maybe stop to point and laugh and say "no thank you" to their literature, but mostly they were ignored.

Key - There was no media coverage. None. They rarely made the papers even as a freak show.

After awhile, they'd get bored and go back inside, and all was forgotten. No muss no fuss.

Just sayin'.

Ignore the bastards, on both sides. Just don't show up.

All publicity is good publicity. Don't give it to them.
The media has long controlled who we follow as well as who we hate. They need an enemy to focus on.

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