Theodore Roosevelt Statue to be Removed from Museum of Natural History

They've been getting complaints about that statue for years, and rightfully so. Jesus, look at it! White massa honored by his subdued subjects. WTF?
It is the MUSEUM that decided to remove it.

How in the hell does the National History Museum not know the HISTORY of the statue that's been standing there for 80 years?
"Subservience," Old Crow, or were they there is SUPPORT of him? Maybe BECAUSE of him? Maybe they helped him on his horse. Maybe they were just "beneath" him because they didn't have a horse? Maybe Teddy had them there to show that he was uniting and standing in unity leading the way for all men to be equals?

Eye of the Beholder, Old Crow. Too bad the only thing you see is the frosted donuts of your bigotry and hate.

See my post #22
Then it's time to start taking down statues and monuments to FDR as well we can't honor anyone who did what he did to Japanese Americans.
Ignoring inanimate objects does not equate to ignoring criminal activity you fucking water head.
It is smack in front of their entrance. Hard to ignore, I'd say. The symbolism in that statue is a lot more offensive than Robert E. Lee sitting on a horse. This is downright Victorian Era Smut.
Remember how the conservatives are always saying the goddamn Satan worshiping progressive liberal pukes do not have any knowledge of history? Well, this time the bastards have proven it. That bumbling fool DeBlasio needs his ass whipped with a barbed wire wrapped Louisville slugger. Here's what the brain dead protesters are howling about.

Remember when museums used to preserve history? New Yorkers should ask for their tax dollars back.

The statue depicts Teddy Roosevelt dressed in hunting garb atop a horse that is flanked by two hunting guides, an African American man on one side and a Native American on the other. Roosevelt, a renowned hunter, traveled extensively throughout Africa and the Americas.

It's REVOLTING. He should have been down on his feet same as them or they should have been on horses, too. The optics of that are just terrible.
How in the hell does the National History Museum not know the HISTORY of the statue that's been standing there for 80 years?
They can SEE it. Don't matter it's "hunting guides." It was erected in 1940, when we were ignorant crackers. We're not now. Put it in someone's garage. Or melt it down.
Isn't Teddy on Mt. Rushmore? What next? Hoardes are foaming heathens storming the mountain with picks and shovels to tear down the whole fucking thing?

Reading another article it seems there's a black guy and an indian guy as part of the monument, thus Teddy being on horseback is superior to them, and thus the statue has to go.

By that logic the Robert Gould Shaw/54th Mass Memorial is also doomed.
The statue shows him seated on a horse while a Native American and an African stand suberviently below him. It's a celebration of imperialism at it's worst. The Museum said they still honor Teddy as a pioneering conservationist.
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He had a lot of spunk, that Teddy, but he's never been one of my faves. Big game hunter.

Then just rip out the two other statues. problem solved.
They've been getting complaints about that statue for years, and rightfully so. Jesus, look at it! White massa honored by his subdued subjects. WTF?
It is the MUSEUM that decided to remove it.

They want to remove it because A) they have no balls and B) because smarmy whiny SJW twats like you bitch, moan about them, then deface them, and then crow like spoiled children when they get their way.

It is smack in front of their entrance. Hard to ignore, I'd say. The symbolism in that statue is a lot more offensive than Robert E. Lee sitting on a horse. This is downright Victorian Era Smut.

Good god how do you walk down the street in anything more than 3 MPH wind?
They can SEE it. Don't matter it's "hunting guides." It was erected in 1940, when we were ignorant crackers. We're not now. Put it in someone's garage. Or melt it down.

Or leave it there and stop being such fucking pussies.
Did Teddy Roosevelt run in a three way race in 1912 against Taft and Wilson? And because of it, He cost Taft many votes giving Wilson the election And then we know what happened after.

Yah, it allowed the most Racist President EVER to take over the office; Wilson.
Leftardism is in full glory mode these days.

“I think that Teddy Roosevelt was a great American.”

“It’s time to take a page from Teddy Roosevelt’s book and get our economy working for Americans again. That’s what I’ll do as president.”

—Hillary Clinton in a May 1, 2008 interview with Bill O’Reilly.

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