Theory of evolution question

Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?

Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

Evolutionists freely admit we don't have all the answers. Bible thumpers think they have all the answers.
Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?

Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

Evolutionists freely admit we don't have all the answers. Bible thumpers think they have all the answers.
Evolution is a FACT

God is a Theory
Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?

Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

The common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans are called hominins. There is fossil, genetic, and immunological evidence of these organisms and of their ancestry to both us and chimpanzees. The evolutionary divergence happened approximately 7mya.

Early Primate Evolution:  The First Primates
I believe life is either guided or programmed to do its' thing. Everywhere life can possibly exist, it does. Even in hostile environments we once thought impossible, like the ocean thermal vents. Life is aggressive, hardy and has to be beaten to death. Plus, there's no way a single cell can live without all the parts working together. They couldn't have just evolved simultaneously. I believe apes and man had a common ancestor that got replaced.
Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?
Why would they? There's no goal or direction for evolution. Millions of years ago there was a species of tailless primates. Different groups moved apart and changed based mostly on environmental factors. First the group that became orangutans, then gorillas, then chimpanzees/bonobos, then humans. All changed, some species died out, etc.

Can you provide any proof of your mad ramblings? Where exactly were these to be found? Why did they move apart from one another? Why did their evolution stop at all? What environmental factors are you speaking of? What was that species of tailless primates called?

Science doesn't "prove" theories. That isn't how scientific theories work.

Fossil remains of primates are found all over the world. Human ancestors' fossils are found primarily in Africa, then southern Asia and Europe.

Evolution hasn't stopped - such a thing can't happen. Time must stop for evolution to stop.

Many environmental factors, too numerous to list, effected the evolution of primates. Other factors include sexual selection, social selection, genetic drift, random mutation, and epigenetics.

There are many tail-less primate species that are extant and extinct. To which one are you referring?
Oh, it's still going on. Last evening as we drove home from having dinner, a half-bird, half-man swooped down from the overhead electrical wires beside the highway and smashed into my windshield. I had feathers and guts all over the front of the car.
Republican bird brain, eh?
I really don't know what his politics were but I must conclude he was a Democrat. He had a little KKK hoodie over his head.
Another Republican bird brain living in the past!
You are so stupid that you constantly open yourself up to a bitch slap.
How so? You're the one living in the past. :laugh2:
there's no way a single cell can live without all the parts working together. They couldn't have just evolved simultaneously.
Why would they have had to? There are ways cells could live without having all the parts of a modern cell. The fact that there are prokaryotes and eukaryotes supports that.
Dogs are the result of intelligent design with the designer being man

Off to the cornfield with you!

Can you provide any proof of your mad ramblings?

Darwin. You may yet win one of his awards.

Where exactly were these to be found?

Here and there.

Why did they move apart from one another?

Like California, the rent was way too high.

Why did their evolution stop at all?

They became "progressive".

What environmental factors are you speaking of?

I never speaked of any.

What was that species of tailless primates called?

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Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?

Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

Bob- Great Grandfather Bob to be exact.
Generally people that don't understand or believe evolution are looking for a black and white answer. The universe is far more complicated but they reject complicated.

This is why believing in a 'god' is so attractive. One thing, you believe, and no more thinking. Simple.
there's no way a single cell can live without all the parts working together. They couldn't have just evolved simultaneously.
Why would they have had to? There are ways cells could live without having all the parts of a modern cell. The fact that there are prokaryotes and eukaryotes supports that.
All working harmoniously to create a life form and reproduce? I don't have that amount of faith.
Generally people that don't understand or believe evolution are looking for a black and white answer. The universe is far more complicated but they reject complicated.

This is why believing in a 'god' is so attractive. One thing, you believe, and no more thinking. Simple.
It's even simpler to say it just happened.
It's even simpler to say it just happened.

Who is saying that? Evolution is a complex, iterative process. I will acknowledge this though, there is an intelligence to evolution. Adaptation means that there is some sort of grasp of the environment. What that intelligence is, I have no clue. It isn't an old goat herder looking to punish sinners. but there is some mechanism that makes animals in colder climates develop thicker coats and heavier fat layers, and there is no fossil support for the idea of trial and error from random mutation. Life evolves in specific directions.
Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?

Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

Bob- Great Grandfather Bob to be exact.
Did he make you pull his finger?
It's even simpler to say it just happened.

Who is saying that? Evolution is a complex, iterative process. I will acknowledge this though, there is an intelligence to evolution. Adaptation means that there is some sort of grasp of the environment. What that intelligence is, I have no clue. It isn't an old goat herder looking to punish sinners. but there is some mechanism that makes animals in colder climates develop thicker coats and heavier fat layers, and there is no fossil support for the idea of trial and error from random mutation. Life evolves in specific directions.
We were discussing origins, i.e., the "simple cell", which is far from simple.
Generally people that don't understand or believe evolution are looking for a black and white answer. The universe is far more complicated but they reject complicated.

This is why believing in a 'god' is so attractive. One thing, you believe, and no more thinking. Simple.

Oh libtard, stop it! People who believe in God don't stop thinking. You are confusing Christianity with islam.
Generally people that don't understand or believe evolution are looking for a black and white answer. The universe is far more complicated but they reject complicated.

This is why believing in a 'god' is so attractive. One thing, you believe, and no more thinking. Simple.
It's even simpler to say it just happened.

You require no proof.
"A flying grandpa that does magic?" Your in.
Generally people that don't understand or believe evolution are looking for a black and white answer. The universe is far more complicated but they reject complicated.

This is why believing in a 'god' is so attractive. One thing, you believe, and no more thinking. Simple.
It's even simpler to say it just happened.

You require no proof.
"A flying grandpa that does magic?" Your in.
I said nothing close to that. You have no proof either. You're an idiot.
Evolution is 100% real. Guno evolved from an ape no later than last Spring

True story

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