There can only be 1 distinction between fraud anti establishment politicians and real


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I made a video to help us distinguish between fraud anti establishment movements, politicians, activists, and genuine - if we can unite behind one genuine leadership against the establishment, then that is all it takes to liberate ourselves from the disease. this is a part of my series liberating humanity which I'm working on, another important factor is the "name of the enemy" but this is the one I just released. next I will talk about new world order...

Please watch the video below and let me know your thoughts...
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Here is the transcript of the speech:

By the power invested in me through common sense, I pronounce any politician, activist or group that ever went on the main stream media to talk about politics, an absolute fraud. Let me explain:

All of the things that I have said in my speeches, aside from my biography, any politician, any puppet of the establishment, can go on the main stream media and recite these same exact things... And it will grab people's attention and it can help them gain recognition and even win elections... But there is ONE THING they can NOT do: They can not afford to NOT go on the main stream media because they are nothing without it, no one would know who they are. And so, here I am, a man who decided to take a stand against the establishment purely out of love for humanity, and I am looked upon as a crazy lunatic, insane, a nobody, arrogant for proclaiming myself to be the leader of the world. But all your humble politicians, where would they all be without the publicity of the establishment media?
And they always make it look, like the media discovers them AFTER they already become popular - THAT is the deception!
It's like what came first the chicken or the egg? - without the chicken there would be no egg, and without media publicity there would be no politicians that we have today - they are all a fraud, and if you show me any anti establishment movement or politician, and if I can then show you that anti establishment movement or politician has been showcasing on the establishment media, then take away your stinking movement or politician from my face, I do not want to see it - it is a fraud.

And you may believe that people such as Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber become famous and THEN the media lathes onto them, but I am telling you that you are very wrong - I am telling you that FIRST they are being displayed on the media, over and over and over again, and THEN they become cool and popular, people are not that sophisticated, not that intelligent to discover their own celebrities... In North Philadelphia where I lived, I saw crack heads like that EVERY SINGLE DAY, on every street corner. where they ever put on the media? no! do you know who they are? NO. But of course it hurts your pride to admit that you are a monkey, you would rather believe that YOU discover those artists that you love, well then why don't you discover an artist that is NOT displayed on the MSM? I may not have as powerful a voice as Adolf Hitler or Louis Farrakhan, but I am convinced that I have a lot more to offer to humanity than any of them.

Often times you yourself do not even see that latest hot movement on the main stream media - someone else sees it on television, and then shares it on your facebook or you hear about it from your friends, and you check it out, and you see so many likes, and you go "WOW" this is a popular new movement, this might be it. And then you share that movement with your friends, because you consider it as happening movement. You do not know that friends of your friends heard about it on the establishment media. But then when you hear someone like me, and you see that my videos have only about 5 or 10 views and, you say to yourself "this is not serious, i mean I agree with what he's saying,'s not even worth sharing, I will just embarrass myself" That is the way my dogs are: they go crazy about the stick that I throw, but there are hundreds of sticks all over the place, we live in the woods, they don't care about those other sticks. If you are more intelligent than my dogs, do not go after the stick that the establishment media throws at you, follow me,

I will never participate on any debates or discussions on that political prostitute stage, because, doing so, would only give them credibility to later destroy us after we become big enough threat to them, and we will then NOT be invited back onto their shows to defend ourselves, as they quote us out of context, without our presence. Who are they to be our eyes and ears to the outside world? they lost that credibility a long time ago. And any person within my movement who decides to go on any talk show on any establishment media network, I denounce them as a fraud and they are no longer a part of my movement. because that is the ONLY distinction.
I was wondering if anyone else has any ideas on how to move forward that we can discuss?

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