There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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And except for the pathetic brain fart at the end of the Obama administration, these are all good things. There has also been considerable US criticism of Israel over the years which shows the US does not blindly support everything Israel does, but only the things the US agrees with.

As was pointed out, except for one time during the Obama administration the US blindly went along with anything that Israel did.
That's not what was pointed out. You chose to ignore all the times the US criticized Israel because you wanted to make a statement you knew wasn't true.
That's not what was pointed out. You chose to ignore all the times the US criticized Israel because you wanted to make a statement you knew wasn't true.

Words are cheap, point out except the one time Obama abstained, that the US didn't stop a resolution criticizing Israel. Point to one time the US cut AID to Israel.

Those are actions not words.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Update: Death toll at 43, including 6 children.
Death toll on Gaza border at 52, says Hamas-run Health Ministry

Fifty-two Palestinians have been killed in the border region by Israeli forces, according to Ashraf al-Qidra, the Hamas-run Health Ministry spokesman.

Gaza death toll climbs to 52 as U.S. embassy move escalates protests

But of course a high body count was the whole purpose of the riots - who would have paid attention to a peaceful protest? The question is, is this enough death to satisfy Hamas and its supporters?
Does it bother uou that your own attitude is no different? Congratulations on delegitimizing a people. That makes them easier to kill.

The shit I have seen carpet pilots do makes them easy to hate and kill.

If you don't hate people who want to kill you, and I assure you, they would love to saw your dense skull off your body with a dull piece of rusty steel, that's your choice.

I hate pieces of shit who believe blowing themselves up in crowds of innocent people at a market or voting location will get them into heaven where they can rape 72 virgins and little boys for eternity.

Does it bother uou that your own attitude is no different? Congratulations on delegitimizing a people. That makes them easier to kill.

The shit I have seen carpet pilots do makes them easy to hate and kill.

If you don't hate people who want to kill you, and I assure you, they would love to saw your dense skull off your body with a dull piece of rusty steel, that's your choice.

I hate pieces of shit who believe blowing themselves up in crowds of innocent people at a market or voting location will get them into heaven where they can rape 72 virgins and little boys for eternity.

i dont think anyone likes terrorists. Hope that clears up your confusion.
Does it bother uou that your own attitude is no different? Congratulations on delegitimizing a people. That makes them easier to kill.

The shit I have seen carpet pilots do makes them easy to hate and kill.

If you don't hate people who want to kill you, and I assure you, they would love to saw your dense skull off your body with a dull piece of rusty steel, that's your choice.

I hate pieces of shit who believe blowing themselves up in crowds of innocent people at a market or voting location will get them into heaven where they can rape 72 virgins and little boys for eternity.

i dont think anyone likes terrorists. Hope that clears up your confusion.

Q. What would today's conservatives have called those who tossed all that tea in the Boston Harbor

A. Terrorists
Does it bother uou that your own attitude is no different? Congratulations on delegitimizing a people. That makes them easier to kill.

The shit I have seen carpet pilots do makes them easy to hate and kill.

If you don't hate people who want to kill you, and I assure you, they would love to saw your dense skull off your body with a dull piece of rusty steel, that's your choice.

I hate pieces of shit who believe blowing themselves up in crowds of innocent people at a market or voting location will get them into heaven where they can rape 72 virgins and little boys for eternity.

i dont think anyone likes terrorists. Hope that clears up your confusion.

Q. What would today's conservatives have called those who tossed all that tea in the Boston Harbor

A. Terrorists

Real patriots.
i dont think
you should have stopped there
anyone likes terrorists. Hope that clears up your confusion.

You're the one who seems confused.

Carpet pilots all over the world engage in terrorism, fund it, encourage it and enable it.

Otherwise it would not happen multiple times every day, everywhere there is a significant number of "people" banging their heads on the ground 5 times a day.

Hope that clears something up for you, but I remain skeptical.

Please. Donnie Dangerously was never in the running for a peace prize like the Great President Obama.

That was just talk from his butt hurt racist base who can't stand the fact that President Obama received it and glowing praise when he received it.

"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts."

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Of course only time will tell if the Oafs Bull in a China shop works out for the better......
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Oh my! Are the Palestinians angry? How unusual.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
the same prize that was awarded to Yassir Arafat?
Please. Donnie Dangerously was never in the running for a peace prize like the Great President Obama.

That was just talk from his butt hurt racist base who can't stand the fact that President Obama received it and glowing praise when he received it.

"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts."

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Of course only time will tell if the Oafs Bull in a China shop works out for the better......

Except....he never resolved anything. He did only what W could ever dream of in terms of war adventures in the ME.
Please. Donnie Dangerously was never in the running for a peace prize like the Great President Obama.

That was just talk from his butt hurt racist base who can't stand the fact that President Obama received it and glowing praise when he received it.

"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts."

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Of course only time will tell if the Oafs Bull in a China shop works out for the better......


Just as I expected. I had to look though.

Thanks for not disappointing me.

Exactly what did your moonbat messiah DO TO EARN A NP?

This ought to be the most profoundly ignorant thing I will read until Deanturd posts another thread.

That's not what was pointed out. You chose to ignore all the times the US criticized Israel because you wanted to make a statement you knew wasn't true.

Words are cheap, point out except the one time Obama abstained, that the US didn't stop a resolution criticizing Israel. Point to one time the US cut AID to Israel.

Those are actions not words.
You seem to think that the only things that matter happen in the UNSC, but what goes on there makes no difference in the world.

There has never been a time when US aid to Israel should have been cut or when cutting aid to Israel would not have harmed US ME policy, nevertheless Bush41 refused to guarantee Israeli bonds in protest to construction in Judea and Samaria, and Kissinger did threaten twice to cut US aid to Israel, once over the Israeli raid to free hostages in Uganda using US supplied aircraft and again during negotiations with Egypt after the Yom KIppur war. It was the US that forced Israel to accept ceasefires at the end of the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur wars and to give back some of the land it captured during the Yom Kippur war. It was the US that forced an Israel PM, Shamir, from office because he wouldn't endorse Clinton's support for a Palestinian state, and got Rabin elected. Later Clinton forced Netanyahu from office.

So there is no rational basis in fact, logic or history for claiming the US has blindly backed Israel no matter what it did.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Yeah, Trump is really gonna be heartbroken at not getting the same award given to Barry for achieving absolutely nothing. But I’m predicting from way out on a limb that president Trump won’t lose a wink of sleep over it.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

The more dead terrorists there are, the safer the world is.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Yeah, Trump is really gonna be heartbroken at not getting the same award given to Barry for achieving absolutely nothing. But I’m predicting from way out on a limb that president Trump won’t lose a wink of sleep over it.
I dunno. If the President is successful in denuclearizing NK it will be difficult for the Scandinavians not to give him the prize, especially after they gave Obama the prize simply for being black.
Does it bother uou that your own attitude is no different? Congratulations on delegitimizing a people. That makes them easier to kill.

The shit I have seen carpet pilots do makes them easy to hate and kill.

If you don't hate people who want to kill you, and I assure you, they would love to saw your dense skull off your body with a dull piece of rusty steel, that's your choice.

I hate pieces of shit who believe blowing themselves up in crowds of innocent people at a market or voting location will get them into heaven where they can rape 72 virgins and little boys for eternity.

i dont think anyone likes terrorists. Hope that clears up your confusion.

Q. What would today's conservatives have called those who tossed all that tea in the Boston Harbor

A. Terrorists

Real patriots.

You are no authority on patriotism. Don't pretend to be a patriot, your posts suggest otherwise.
Please. Donnie Dangerously was never in the running for a peace prize like the Great President Obama.

That was just talk from his butt hurt racist base who can't stand the fact that President Obama received it and glowing praise when he received it.

"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts."

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Of course only time will tell if the Oafs Bull in a China shop works out for the better......

Except....he never resolved anything. He did only what W could ever dream of in terms of war adventures in the ME.

Please note the date he received it. How many invasions and occupations did he order? I mean at that time he hadn't even implemented any of Bushes Bug Out plan yet!
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