There has been no "global warming" for eight years

Of the ten warmest years on record, eight have occurred in the last eight years. But to "Conservatives" facts are irrelevant, all that matters is adhering to the party lies.

Once you adjust the dataset by adding in the imaginary heat trapped (like a rat!) in the deep ocean, of the ten warmest years on record, eight have occurred in the last eight years.

There, fixed it for you.

I'm glad to see that Bernie Madoff's accountant got rehired as a Climate change expert
And what do you believe has caused global warming to cease?

That period from 1945 to 1965 - 20 years with no warming - surely that should have marked the end. What makes you think 8 years is long enough to disregard the 150 year, accelerating warming trend we've all observed?

No one has claimed global warming is over just a factual report of an 8-year cooling trend which its factual reality upsets you so much.

It was from the early 1940's to the late 1970's as a cooling period which ended quickly into a warming trend since then which no one disputes at the trend is about .13C/decade.

There is no warming acceleration happening which I have shown several times already which you always ignore.

There is a NO climate crisis developing either which you ignore all the time.

No Hot spot exists.

No Positive Feedback Loop exists.

Your lies are old and worn out try new lies to amuse us.
Crick writes:

That period from 1945 to 1965 - 20 years with no warming - surely that should have marked the end. What makes you think 8 years is long enough to disregard the 150 year, accelerating warming trend we've all observed?

Which is false as the warming trend RATE since the early 1990's has been in a slow decline and despite the ongoing CO2 increase in the atmosphere for decades:


Figure 2. Evolution of the warming rate for 15-year periods between 1979 and 2022 in °C/decade and its linear trend, from monthly UAH 6.0 satellite temperature data.
Each point on the curve in Figure 2 is the warming rate for the 15 years before that month. The Pause shows up prominently as the only period with a negative rate. For the current cooling period to appear on that graph with a negative rate would require the global temperature to remain below the 2016 level at the end of 2030.

But the good news that no one is telling us is that global warming is slowing down. The 15-year rate was very high from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s, reaching 0.35 °C/decade. The average over the entire period of satellite records is 1.3 °C per century or 0.13 °C/decade, but the long-term trend has fallen from 1.6 °C/century to 1 °C/century today. The current cooling period is contributing to this decline in the long-term warming rate.


Red bolding mine
Brace yourselves, Greenies. Your whole nonsense about "man-made global warming" has been put to rest once and for all.

"Recently published data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that there has not been global warming for the past eight years. And NASA satellite data reportedly confirms that evidence, showing no global warming for eight years and five months, according to JunkScience’s Steve Milloy. But leftists are quick to warn people against drawing the obvious conclusion that the world isn’t about to become a burning ball of fire.

Recently published evidence also showed that there was actually a near-record low of major hurricanes in 2022, indicating that weather isn’t getting progressively and exponentially worse globally, despite the climate frenzy of the media and governments. And the Northeast is currently experiencing record cold in a harsh winter, with Mt. Washington, N.H., yesterday dropping to -45.5 degrees Fahrenheit and -107 degree wind chill.

Axios, which normally loves to scare-monger about global warming, reported today, “Arctic outbreak shatters records in Northeast.” I’m going to go out on a limb — or a glacier — and say that the Northeastern U.S. is definitely not about to suffer devastating effects from “global warming.”

Hot Air: No Global Warming for Eight Years
Summer will be here soon, so global warming will start again, apparently.
The OP only wants to talk about the past 8 years and you don't want to talk about global data or look at time spans where AGW can even be seen. So, who's being dishonest here?


here is the threads title again:

There has been no "global warming" for eight years​

This is the second time I have corrected you first time was post 18

Meanwhile you never addressed the 8 years of cooling because you are to upset over it.

You are the one being dishonest.

here is the threads title again:

There has been no "global warming" for eight years​

This is the second time I have corrected you first time was post 18

Meanwhile you never addressed the 8 years of cooling because you are to upset over it.

You are the one being dishonest.
I have given the 8 years of "cooling" all the attention it deserves. I know how the thread title reads. That's why I said "the OP only wants to talk about the past 8 years". Again, where have I been dishonest?

All you demonstrated in post #18 is that you failed to comprehend a one line post. The idea is that we have a warming trend that has gone far too long to say after 8 years of a very questionable pause, "it has stopped", particularly when not one of you has provided the slightest hint of WHY your think it might have stopped. None of the factors that mainstream science credits with the warming have stopped and none of the alternative factors YOU folks have tried to show is the cause has stopped. So WHY HAS IT STOPPED? These fucking things don't happen for no reason.
Again, where have I been dishonest?
You mean like besides ignoring that the geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing? Tons.
I have given the 8 years of "cooling" all the attention it deserves. I know how the thread title reads. That's why I said "the OP only wants to talk about the past 8 years". Again, where have I been dishonest?

All you demonstrated in post #18 is that you failed to comprehend a one line post. The idea is that we have a warming trend that has gone far too long to say after 8 years of a very questionable pause, "it has stopped", particularly when not one of you has provided the slightest hint of WHY your think it might have stopped. None of the factors that mainstream science credits with the warming have stopped and none of the alternative factors YOU folks have tried to show is the cause has stopped. So WHY HAS IT STOPPED? These fucking things don't happen for no reason.

You just keep LYING over and over no one here says warming has stopped it is merely a short-term cooling a simple FACT you don't try to counter which means YOU KNOW it is true.

La-Nina is the main cause of this cooling that will eventually stop but the very existence of cooling that lasts for years based on ocean conditions easily overcomes your overrated gas propaganda.

Over and over you were given charts showing obvious underlying long-term warming trend in them, yet you get upset when a cooling trend shows up which indicates that you are very worried that one of these times a cooling trend will become more permanent that will destroy the stupid CO2 propaganda you irrationally cherish and defend.
I have given the 8 years of "cooling" all the attention it deserves. I know how the thread title reads. That's why I said "the OP only wants to talk about the past 8 years". Again, where have I been dishonest?

You LIE like a dog, fuckhead ... the subject is weather, we all know you have nothing to add ... STUPID MOTHERFUCKER ...
You LIE like a dog, fuckhead ... the subject is weather, we all know you have nothing to add ... STUPID MOTHERFUCKER ...
Do you ever worry how language like that will reflect on you? You have yet to identify a single, actual lie from me and I think its quite obvious from our conversations that I'm not stupid.
Do you ever worry how language like that will reflect on you? You have yet to identify a single, actual lie from me and I think its quite obvious from our conversations that I'm not stupid.

But you are a chronic liar and stupid too since you constantly ignore base information and bypass evidence that you can't counter which is also the same as living a lie.


There has been no "global warming" for eight years​

He is correct this is weather stuff which you can't even digest that obvious reality rationally.
But you are a chronic liar and stupid too since you constantly ignore base information and bypass evidence that you can't counter which is also the same as living a lie.


There has been no "global warming" for eight years​

He is correct this is weather stuff which you can't even digest that obvious reality rationally.
And yet the present interglacial is 2C cooler than the previous interglacial with 120 ppm more CO2.

Not to mention the planet cooled with CO2 above 600 ppm.

This is called empirical evidence.

LOL you going to call the NOAA a liar?



The trend is -.11C/decade




.75C lower than in 2015.

You can't be that stupid.....
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LOL you going to call the NOAA a liar?



The trend is -.11C/decade




.75C lower than in 2015.

You can't be that stupid.....

I'm going to say that if you're looking for significance, you need to stop cherry picking



  • 1675902806776.png
    14.5 KB · Views: 6
Global temperature, being a parameter of a large, complex system, has a chaotic trend to it. It still shows long term trends. And so what would such a system with a long term upward trend do over the short term. It would go up and it would go down, it would go up a little more, it would go down, it would go up a little more, it would go down. Just prior to your eight year period, from 2010 to 2016, temperatures climbed at a radical rate. You are all, rather pathetically I'm sorry to say, grasping at the whispiest of straws.
Do you ever worry how language like that will reflect on you? You have yet to identify a single, actual lie from me and I think its quite obvious from our conversations that I'm not stupid.

You never heard a goddam carpenter swear ... must be pussy innocent ears ... You lie about Milankovitch Cycles ... and climate change ... and your education ... you don't know what an integral is, so you lied about having a science degree ...
I'm going to say that if you're looking for significance, you need to stop cherry picking

View attachment 755209


The classic goal post move reply since I never said it was significant or that the long running warming trend stopped.

Now he whines that it is a cherrypick but the hypocritical asshole screams about hottest day, month, year on record before as if it is a concern which is never made clear why we should worry while this same LYING asshole continues to ignore this article that utterly destroys the warmist/alarmist climate crisis lies they promote despite no evidence for it exist.

Where is the Climate Emergency?


The fact remains that it has been COOLING for over 8 years there is nothing YOU can do about that indisputable fact.

The RATE of warming is in decline which you have ignored twice already here it is for the third time:


Which is false as the warming trend RATE since the early 1990's has been in a slow decline and despite the ongoing CO2 increase in the atmosphere for decades:


Figure 2. Evolution of the warming rate for 15-year periods between 1979 and 2022 in °C/decade and its linear trend, from monthly UAH 6.0 satellite temperature data.

Each point on the curve in Figure 2 is the warming rate for the 15 years before that month. The Pause shows up prominently as the only period with a negative rate. For the current cooling period to appear on that graph with a negative rate would require the global temperature to remain below the 2016 level at the end of 2030.

But the good news that no one is telling us is that global warming is slowing down. The 15-year rate was very high from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s, reaching 0.35 °C/decade. The average over the entire period of satellite records is 1.3 °C per century or 0.13 °C/decade, but the long-term trend has fallen from 1.6 °C/century to 1 °C/century today. The current cooling period is contributing to this decline in the long-term warming rate.


You ignored the UAH chart.


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