There Has Never Been A Greater Betrayal By A President

About betrayal by a president as the OP asks ----

Does anyone else think Trump's speech last night, of which I watched a few minutes, basically throws all his supporters under the bus? They came because he called, they marched on the Capitol because he said to, and now he says it's all their fault.


Color me disappointed. :sad:
If it brings you any comfort, he didn't really want to read that speech.
Who told you that Assflap?
4 years of watching how Twice Impeached Trump operates.
Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday that there might not have been any Capitol riot if the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa rioters had been prosecuted “with the same determination” as impeachment.

How would that have deterred Trumpybear from lying and squealing about his loss for more than two months, while stoking his crowd that he specially gather in DC on the day that Congress was in joint session counting the votes that would remove him from office.
I agree with Liz Cheney about as often as I agreed with her father.
But I would never question her conservative bonafides or her patriotism.
I question her judgement. It appears she has gotten drunk on the media Kool-Aid.

Hey Erica - Are you STILL of the belief that it ain't over yet?
Meh .. Trust me, Trump tries to declare martial law and engage the military as a last ditch coup?
GUESS WHAT? :laugh:

Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday that there might not have been any Capitol riot if the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa rioters had been prosecuted “with the same determination” as impeachment.

How would that have deterred Trumpybear from lying and squealing about his loss for more than two months, while stoking his crowd that he specially gather in DC on the day that Congress was in joint session counting the votes that would remove him from office.
It wouldn't . The two issues are not connected
Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday that there might not have been any Capitol riot if the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa rioters had been prosecuted “with the same determination” as impeachment.

How would that have deterred Trumpybear from lying and squealing about his loss for more than two months, while stoking his crowd that he specially gather in DC on the day that Congress was in joint session counting the votes that would remove him from office.
Massive fraud would make anyone squeal. Big tech has admitted guilt by censoring any talk of fraud. The more they censor the more obvious it becomes. The election was stolen. Covered up by corrupt judges, election officials and our own FBI.

You can keep lying but only the other gutless gullible worms here believe you.
Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday that there might not have been any Capitol riot if the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa rioters had been prosecuted “with the same determination” as impeachment.

How would that have deterred Trumpybear from lying and squealing about his loss for more than two months, while stoking his crowd that he specially gather in DC on the day that Congress was in joint session counting the votes that would remove him from office.
Massive fraud would make anyone squeal. Big tech has admitted guilt by censoring any talk of fraud. The more they censor the more obvious it becomes. The election was stolen. Covered up by corrupt judges, election officials and our own FBI.

You can keep lying but only the other gutless gullible worms here believe you.
Big tech is refusing to allow their platforms being used for insurrections.

That's not a bad thing...unless insurrection is what you want
Even NYC warned them before.

This was all planned MAGArats
I bet a quarter of them were from ANTIFA.......The professionals stirred the drink.
No one cares about your worthless wager -- prove it....

This was coordinated you fucking dumb ass. The facts ain't going your way sir doosh a lot
I never seen much of you in the putrid time I've been here. Read a couple posts. I've come to the conclusion you are an asshole first.

Second. All you liberals who have post counts near 100k are the biggest fucking nut cases here. I bet you're on 3 other boards talking to probably most of the same libtards.......LOL

Get a fucking life punk. Posts that need an abacus to count means you need a team of shrinks.

you're a waste of time so shove it up your fucking ass
Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday that there might not have been any Capitol riot if the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa rioters had been prosecuted “with the same determination” as impeachment.

How would that have deterred Trumpybear from lying and squealing about his loss for more than two months, while stoking his crowd that he specially gather in DC on the day that Congress was in joint session counting the votes that would remove him from office.
Massive fraud would make anyone squeal. Big tech has admitted guilt by censoring any talk of fraud. The more they censor the more obvious it becomes. The election was stolen. Covered up by corrupt judges, election officials and our own FBI.

You can keep lying but only the other gutless gullible worms here believe you.
It is so incredible isn't it?
Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday that there might not have been any Capitol riot if the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa rioters had been prosecuted “with the same determination” as impeachment.

How would that have deterred Trumpybear from lying and squealing about his loss for more than two months, while stoking his crowd that he specially gather in DC on the day that Congress was in joint session counting the votes that would remove him from office.
Massive fraud would make anyone squeal. Big tech has admitted guilt by censoring any talk of fraud. The more they censor the more obvious it becomes. The election was stolen. Covered up by corrupt judges, election officials and our own FBI.

You can keep lying but only the other gutless gullible worms here believe you.

The election was completely Constitutional. Unsubstantiated claims of fraud or stolen election only contribute to the volatile nature of this Trump inspired violent transfer of power.
Even NYC warned them before.

This was all planned MAGArats
I bet a quarter of them were from ANTIFA.......The professionals stirred the drink.
No one cares about your worthless wager -- prove it....

This was coordinated you fucking dumb ass. The facts ain't going your way sir doosh a lot
I never seen much of you in the putrid time I've been here. Read a couple posts. I've come to the conclusion you are an asshole first.

Second. All you liberals who have post counts near 100k are the biggest fucking nut cases here. I bet you're on 3 other boards talking to probably most of the same libtards.......LOL

Get a fucking life punk. Posts that need an abacus to count means you need a team of shrinks.

you're a waste of time so shove it up your fucking ass

Oh my! What have they done?

  1. The Democrats have dissed this guy, insulted him, lied about him, ridiculed him, pushed him, bullied him, threatened him since DAY ONE before he even took office. They wanted him to blow his top, claimed he'd blow his top, and never let up until they finally got what they wanted. The Democrats are the political equivalent of the social media bully that causes someone else to finally take their life in a last ditch effort to escape the non-stop torment. NO president has ever had to take the mile-deep shit they put this guy through. And through it all, the guy accomplished an amazing list of great things.

I entirely agree with you. The left has behaved horrendously and Trump accomplished great things.
I watched the rally and never once heard him say anything that I took as him trying, intending or wanting a "coup" or "insurrection." When the speech was over, I expected those people to march down there and protest like most protesters do, as they originally started--- waving flags and signs and chanting supporting words for Trump or Pence, or for the Congress to really review the evidence of fraud or something. Just this morning PBS again confirmed it started that way then a mob came from another direction from the House side and started yelling and firing things up and started trying to force their way in.
I guess.. . . . . but if they had not rioted or entered the Capitol, then no one would have paid any attention to Trump's rally. Same speech, but now invisible. I did see some of the Ellipse speech and he did seem to be asking the crowd to "stop the steal," to undo the election being called for Biden.
If Trump has seen what I've seen, and I assume he knows a lot more, then he is justified in believing he is the real winner of the election and it has been stolen from him. So the coup has already happened, what happened on Jan 6 wasn't an insurrection but an attempt to stop a coup in progress and the media has predictably totally buried the real truth behind the matter. As such, I wouldn't blame him for finding a little sweet justice in his final act as president ending up blowing up Nancy Pelosi's world after her blowing his up for four solid years.
I believe that he has no proof the election was stolen and that nothing much happened. That does not mean I am your enemy: a whole lot of people incl. my daughter and son-in-law and husband think as you do, that there was a steal of the vote.

What I think is that the calamity that is going on of the epidemic plus the government-caused deep recession and the abrogation of everyone's most obvious normal civil liberties, will cause governments around the world to fall and Trump was first. Renzi's government in Italy just went down today, I read. I expect Boris Johnson's next and then perhaps Merkel's. Something this bad cannot happen without some push-back against the governments in charge when it did happen. I'm amazed people stayed that loyal to Trump that it was a mere Biden scrape-by. This is force majeure and there is nothing anyone can do about that.

Trump is a passionate guy and just as the Left and people like Obumma, Bernie and AOC have their own following of nutjobs, no doubt there are some nutjobs who follow Trump or use his following as an umbrella or justification to launch their own crazy activities. No one can predict or control such people and if a crazy goes off following watching a movie or a speech to commit some crazy act, if Trump is to be held accountable and blamed for these people, then we must hold accountable and blame every retailer if they sell a tool or a weapon and the buyer then goes off and does something illegal with it.

I don't think Trump intended or wanted what happened. Whatever Trump said, he said against the people who went in there and broke windows and property and hurt people or stole things, and they should not be conflated with Trump's real supporters. Nancy and the media have built Trump up into this toxic maniac and so along with him, everyone and thing connected with him! But the Trump that Trump ended up being, at least from what the media allows us to hear and see, is exactly what the Democrats have been trying to build him into since 2016. NONE of this crap ever would have happened if the Democrats wouldn't have FORCED this crazy election down our throats with its highly specious outcome then added fuel to the fire by totally quashing all efforts to really investigate it what REALLY happened and how.

I believe Trump would have been re-elected in a landslide without the coronavirus epidemic. ALL signs pointed to that.
I think Nancy Pelosi impeached Trump again to validate her original impeachment of him, which was very unpopular and much derided and the so-called evidence stunk. But now the Dems come out of this yelling, "SEE? He was a criminal all along! We were right from the beginning!"

I don't think we should underestimate the confusion value of this.

Trump didn't make this, where America is today is 100% the doing of the Democrats and they are still at it pushing ahead still trying to stick a dagger in this guy even after winning the election and only days away from taking over. They want Trump's head, then they want to destroy his family, then they want to ruin his businesses, burn his home down and drive him out of the country. They want to deny him what all presidents get out of office. Six months from now, they will still be following him, suing him, trying to beat him in court and celebrating. The Left are totally unhinged, they are the real terrorists, and their insanity has brought America to where it stands today.

Optimist. I think they'll try to imprison him for life, and I think he thinks so, too: ergo the speeches throwing us under the bus. Which I don't care for. He said, over and over, "Stop the Steal!" And then when people tried, he called them violent criminals. Darn. Loyalty should go both ways, maybe.
January 6 was less of an insurrection and all about a repudiation of what the Left are doing to this country.

Then we needed to win, and I am not sure we did. Maybe we did because now they are afraid of us, but it's all up in the air now. I think we have to hang in there defending our positions and stay loyal to each other, or the left WILL break us up and rule even more aspects of everyone's lives than they do right now, which is more than ever before anywhere in the world.
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I question her judgement. It appears she has gotten drunk on the media Kool-Aid.
Liz Cheney is another one running for president. I don't think this stance will work for her, however.

As for Hawley and Ted Cruz, they sure didn't expect all that to happen. Time will have to sort out whether the right goes with them or without them.
One or two Republicans will peel off and vote to impeach

The rest are still prepared to look the other way while he shoots someone on Fifth Ave
Trump has ready shot someone on 5th Avenue. A cop lies dead because of Trump’s incitement of insurrection. The rest of the Pubs supporting Trump are now dancing on his corpse.
Hey idiot, the cops family has told you left wing communist assholes to STFU. The family's own statement. He died of natural causes. So STFU asshole

Like you creeps ever care what the families say. Think Seth Ritch. Or Kate Steinle.
We had actually proof of the REAL happenings there idiot. Your bullshit about a fire extinguisher causing death has been debunked countless times. Seth Rich was murdered per the medical examiner. This cop died of natural causes peen the medical examiner and the family. So you and anybody thanking you can all fuck off and shut the fuck up. NOW.
Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday that there might not have been any Capitol riot if the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa rioters had been prosecuted “with the same determination” as impeachment.

How would that have deterred Trumpybear from lying and squealing about his loss for more than two months, while stoking his crowd that he specially gather in DC on the day that Congress was in joint session counting the votes that would remove him from office.
Massive fraud would make anyone squeal. Big tech has admitted guilt by censoring any talk of fraud. The more they censor the more obvious it becomes. The election was stolen. Covered up by corrupt judges, election officials and our own FBI.

You can keep lying but only the other gutless gullible worms here believe you.

The election was completely Constitutional. Unsubstantiated claims of fraud or stolen election only contribute to the volatile nature of this Trump inspired violent transfer of power.
Unsubstantiated because evidence was never heard, hidden or destroyed. Enough emerged that it had to be censored. That is an admission of guilt. There was massive fraud.
They were terrorists and insurrectionists who killed, vandalized and looted our citadel of democracy.
The only person shot down in cold blood was an unarmed Air Force vet. That's murder in any court.

A couple of police died due to their own
medical issues. Stop with your moronic lies.

So the cop who had his skull crushed by a fire extinguisher, another who will likely lose an eye, and the dude who was smacked silly with an American flag don't count? Fuck you
No. Fuck you you lying sack of shit. That cop did not die from your bogus fire extinguisher bash. Per family and medical examiner he died of natural causes. So fuck off asshole.
Hey Erica - Are you STILL of the belief that it ain't over yet?
Meh .. Trust me, Trump tries to declare martial law and engage the military as a last ditch coup?
What makes you think I haven't accepted the theft of the presidency in an unprecedented act of
The election was completely Constitutional. Unsubstantiated claims of fraud or stolen election only contribute to the volatile nature of this Trump inspired violent transfer of power.
Bullshit! You must think everyone is blind!
That makes you a fool and a liar.
They were terrorists and insurrectionists who killed, vandalized and looted our citadel of democracy.
The only person shot down in cold blood was an unarmed Air Force vet. That's murder in any court.

A couple of police died due to their own
medical issues. Stop with your moronic lies.

So the cop who had his skull crushed by a fire extinguisher, another who will likely lose an eye, and the dude who was smacked silly with an American flag don't count? Fuck you
No. Fuck you you lying sack of shit. That cop did not die from your bogus fire extinguisher bash. Per family and medical examiner he died of natural causes. So fuck off asshole.
For those who think a fire extinguisher off the head is natural

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