There has never been more massive gaslighting than what The Swamp is doing over voter fraud

The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Wrong. How is an affidavit any different than testimony?
Testimony is subject to cross examination affidavits are not
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
No they are not you stupid fool
Wrong, turd:

An affidavit is a self made willing declaration in writing, signed by the deponent (person who makes the affidavit) and accompanied by an oath. “Affidavit” has originated from a Latin word which means to “pledge ones faith.” It is to be signed and witnessed by a notary authority. It is to be signed without any cross-examination by the affiant.
Another way of thinking of an affidavit is as a kind of written court testimony. In the court of law, you are asked to take an oath on a Holy Book and swear that you’re telling the truth, likewise on an affidavit, you do this same thing in writing. You’re under oath, but your testimony is on paper. They are necessary in a way that the oral submission/testimony/evidence is only admissible before a judge but an affidavit can also be used as an alternative to this.
Misleading information in an affidavit can result to criminal penalties against the affiant, but if the affiant fails to recall something or misses something then he cannot be charged for such omission. If the affiant includes something in the affidavit which is not an fully established fact or is not backed up by any evidence, then he will have to state that it is his ‘opinion’.
The law on affidavits in India is usually governed by Section 139, Order XIX of the Code of Civil Procedure and Order XI of the Supreme Court Rules also. Judiciary at several instances have upheld the importance of the authencity of an affidavit by the means of the above mentioned rules and sections.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
Even if they were ( they are not ) you can ONLY show a tiny handful of such affidavits which have been discreidited.

That does not constitute evidence of nation wide cheating or any cheating which would swing the election results
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Wrong. How is an affidavit any different than testimony?
Testimony is subject to cross examination affidavits are not
Sure they are. They can be discredited in court.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
No they are not you stupid fool
Wrong, turd:

An affidavit is a self made willing declaration in writing, signed by the deponent (person who makes the affidavit) and accompanied by an oath. “Affidavit” has originated from a Latin word which means to “pledge ones faith.” It is to be signed and witnessed by a notary authority. It is to be signed without any cross-examination by the affiant.
Another way of thinking of an affidavit is as a kind of written court testimony. In the court of law, you are asked to take an oath on a Holy Book and swear that you’re telling the truth, likewise on an affidavit, you do this same thing in writing. You’re under oath, but your testimony is on paper. They are necessary in a way that the oral submission/testimony/evidence is only admissible before a judge but an affidavit can also be used as an alternative to this.
Misleading information in an affidavit can result to criminal penalties against the affiant, but if the affiant fails to recall something or misses something then he cannot be charged for such omission. If the affiant includes something in the affidavit which is not an fully established fact or is not backed up by any evidence, then he will have to state that it is his ‘opinion’.
The law on affidavits in India is usually governed by Section 139, Order XIX of the Code of Civil Procedure and Order XI of the Supreme Court Rules also. Judiciary at several instances have upheld the importance of the authencity of an affidavit by the means of the above mentioned rules and sections.
They are not evidence you total retard
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Wrong. How is an affidavit any different than testimony?
Testimony is subject to cross examination affidavits are not
Sure they are. They can be discredited in court.
DIscredited but not subject to cross examination
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
Even if they were ( they are not ) you can ONLY show a tiny handful of such affidavits which have been discreidited.

That does not constitute evidence of nation wide cheating or any cheating which would swing the election results
Giuliani has accumulated thousands of affidavits, dumbass.

You're totally full of shit. You need to quit watching the fake news.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Wrong. How is an affidavit any different than testimony?
Testimony is subject to cross examination affidavits are not
Sure they are. They can be discredited in court.
DIscredited but not subject to cross examination
I just proved that Affidavits are evidence, moron.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Wrong. How is an affidavit any different than testimony?
Testimony is subject to cross examination affidavits are not
Sure they are. They can be discredited in court.
DIscredited but not subject to cross examination
I just proved that Affidavits are evidence, moron.
You failed massively you uneducated turd
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
No they are not you stupid fool
Wrong, turd:

An affidavit is a self made willing declaration in writing, signed by the deponent (person who makes the affidavit) and accompanied by an oath. “Affidavit” has originated from a Latin word which means to “pledge ones faith.” It is to be signed and witnessed by a notary authority. It is to be signed without any cross-examination by the affiant.
Another way of thinking of an affidavit is as a kind of written court testimony. In the court of law, you are asked to take an oath on a Holy Book and swear that you’re telling the truth, likewise on an affidavit, you do this same thing in writing. You’re under oath, but your testimony is on paper. They are necessary in a way that the oral submission/testimony/evidence is only admissible before a judge but an affidavit can also be used as an alternative to this.
Misleading information in an affidavit can result to criminal penalties against the affiant, but if the affiant fails to recall something or misses something then he cannot be charged for such omission. If the affiant includes something in the affidavit which is not an fully established fact or is not backed up by any evidence, then he will have to state that it is his ‘opinion’.
The law on affidavits in India is usually governed by Section 139, Order XIX of the Code of Civil Procedure and Order XI of the Supreme Court Rules also. Judiciary at several instances have upheld the importance of the authencity of an affidavit by the means of the above mentioned rules and sections.
They are not evidence you total retard
I just proved that they are.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Wrong. How is an affidavit any different than testimony?
Testimony is subject to cross examination affidavits are not
Sure they are. They can be discredited in court.
DIscredited but not subject to cross examination
I just proved that Affidavits are evidence, moron.
You failed massively you uneducated turd
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
No they are not you stupid fool
Wrong, turd:

An affidavit is a self made willing declaration in writing, signed by the deponent (person who makes the affidavit) and accompanied by an oath. “Affidavit” has originated from a Latin word which means to “pledge ones faith.” It is to be signed and witnessed by a notary authority. It is to be signed without any cross-examination by the affiant.
Another way of thinking of an affidavit is as a kind of written court testimony. In the court of law, you are asked to take an oath on a Holy Book and swear that you’re telling the truth, likewise on an affidavit, you do this same thing in writing. You’re under oath, but your testimony is on paper. They are necessary in a way that the oral submission/testimony/evidence is only admissible before a judge but an affidavit can also be used as an alternative to this.
Misleading information in an affidavit can result to criminal penalties against the affiant, but if the affiant fails to recall something or misses something then he cannot be charged for such omission. If the affiant includes something in the affidavit which is not an fully established fact or is not backed up by any evidence, then he will have to state that it is his ‘opinion’.
The law on affidavits in India is usually governed by Section 139, Order XIX of the Code of Civil Procedure and Order XI of the Supreme Court Rules also. Judiciary at several instances have upheld the importance of the authencity of an affidavit by the means of the above mentioned rules and sections.
They are not evidence you total retard
I just proved that they are.

You have PROVED nothing.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
No they are not you stupid fool
Wrong, turd:

An affidavit is a self made willing declaration in writing, signed by the deponent (person who makes the affidavit) and accompanied by an oath. “Affidavit” has originated from a Latin word which means to “pledge ones faith.” It is to be signed and witnessed by a notary authority. It is to be signed without any cross-examination by the affiant.
Another way of thinking of an affidavit is as a kind of written court testimony. In the court of law, you are asked to take an oath on a Holy Book and swear that you’re telling the truth, likewise on an affidavit, you do this same thing in writing. You’re under oath, but your testimony is on paper. They are necessary in a way that the oral submission/testimony/evidence is only admissible before a judge but an affidavit can also be used as an alternative to this.
Misleading information in an affidavit can result to criminal penalties against the affiant, but if the affiant fails to recall something or misses something then he cannot be charged for such omission. If the affiant includes something in the affidavit which is not an fully established fact or is not backed up by any evidence, then he will have to state that it is his ‘opinion’.
The law on affidavits in India is usually governed by Section 139, Order XIX of the Code of Civil Procedure and Order XI of the Supreme Court Rules also. Judiciary at several instances have upheld the importance of the authencity of an affidavit by the means of the above mentioned rules and sections.
They are not evidence you total retard
I just proved that they are.

You have PROVED nothing.
You must be looking in the mirror.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Wrong. How is an affidavit any different than testimony?
Testimony is subject to cross examination affidavits are not
Sure they are. They can be discredited in court.
DIscredited but not subject to cross examination
I just proved that Affidavits are evidence, moron.
You failed massively you uneducated turd
Yes you failed and you know you did.

You have not and cannot present any evidence to supporty the caim that the election was stolen

I owned you like a BITCH
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No, they are not. They offer potential evidence after cross-examination. Standing alone they are only hearsay.
you got that from the people who fed you four years of lies.

Yes. Trump has lied for four years
You finally admitted that trump and his minions have lied for FOUR years.
you got that from the people who fed you four years of lies.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
No they are not you stupid fool
Yes they are you dumb son of a bitch
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
No they are not you stupid fool
Yes they are you dumb son of a bitch
No they are not ndgthatb is settled fact you uneducated coward now grow up and deal with it.

NO one especuallty you can produce ANY FUCKING evidence of fraud or cheating which would have swung the election


SUCK on it
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
No they are not you stupid fool
Wrong, turd:

An affidavit is a self made willing declaration in writing, signed by the deponent (person who makes the affidavit) and accompanied by an oath. “Affidavit” has originated from a Latin word which means to “pledge ones faith.” It is to be signed and witnessed by a notary authority. It is to be signed without any cross-examination by the affiant.
Another way of thinking of an affidavit is as a kind of written court testimony. In the court of law, you are asked to take an oath on a Holy Book and swear that you’re telling the truth, likewise on an affidavit, you do this same thing in writing. You’re under oath, but your testimony is on paper. They are necessary in a way that the oral submission/testimony/evidence is only admissible before a judge but an affidavit can also be used as an alternative to this.
Misleading information in an affidavit can result to criminal penalties against the affiant, but if the affiant fails to recall something or misses something then he cannot be charged for such omission. If the affiant includes something in the affidavit which is not an fully established fact or is not backed up by any evidence, then he will have to state that it is his ‘opinion’.
The law on affidavits in India is usually governed by Section 139, Order XIX of the Code of Civil Procedure and Order XI of the Supreme Court Rules also. Judiciary at several instances have upheld the importance of the authencity of an affidavit by the means of the above mentioned rules and sections.
They are not evidence you total retard
I just proved that they are.

You have PROVED nothing.
you dumb asses were bad during the russia lie and the schiff sham you believed to be true
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
ROFL! Says the douchebag who spits "no fraud" every time evidence is presented that there was fraud:

No pone has presented evidence of fraud
affidavits are EVIDENCE
No they are not they are just claims
Do you know what an affidavit is?
Yes and they are routinely proven wrong by evidence.

Does Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown ring a bell?
Affidavits are evidence the evidence is what the eye witnesses saw
They are not evidence they are statements and people routinely lie in them.

Once again affidavits were submitted saying Micheal Brown was shot while he was on his knees with hands in the air saying " hands up don't shoot "

The evidence proved beyond question that those aqffidavits were false and it was a legal justified shooting.

Affidavits are evidence, moron.
No they are not you stupid fool
Yes they are you dumb son of a bitch
No they are not ndgthatb is settled fact you uneducated coward now grow up and deal with it.

NO one especuallty you can produce ANY FUCKING evidence of fraud or cheating which would have swung the election


SUCK on it
An affidavit is a type of verified statement or showing, or in other words, it contains a verification, which means that it is made under oath on penalty of perjury, and this serves as evidence for its veracity and is required in court proceedings.

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