There HAS to be life on other planets..

Humans are also brainwashed with Science Fiction.

We are convinced that we can go star trekking across the universe and screw Orion Slave girls. After all, didn't we see Cpt Kirk do it on TV?

The harsh reality is that we absolutely no proof of any life outside earth and that any speculation that it might be elsewhere is nothing more speculation. Nothing based on fact. The only thing we have is "it gotta be elsewhere".

The other reality is that the distance between the stars is so great that the chances of us ever getting to another star is so remote as to be impossible. It is very probable that the human race will die out before we ever answer the question of if there is life elsewhere.

About the only hope is if we make it to Mars and find evidence of ancient microbial life.

It doesn't look good.
Mars was populated and had a technologically advanced civilization
There is another fact that puts a damper on the speculation of life elsewhere.

After decades and decades of high level research humans have not been able to create life in a lab.

That means that the creation of life is extremely complex. The more complex it is the lesser chance of it being elsewhere.

We may have won the lottery here on earth. Whatever the number of factors that must have some together to produce life we got them here on earth but that doesn't mean life is elsewhere. If the universe is finite then it will have unique things in it. We may be unique with life.

Then on top of the creation of microbial life we have some very unique things on earth hat allowed advance evolution. That didn't even happen until the earth was four billion years old.
There is another fact that puts a damper on the speculation of life elsewhere.

After decades and decades of high level research humans have not been able to create life in a lab.

That means that the creation of life is extremely complex. The more complex it is the lesser chance of it being elsewhere.

We may have won the lottery here on earth. Whatever the number of factors that must have some together to produce life we got them here on earth but that doesn't mean life is elsewhere. If the universe is finite then it will have unique things in it. We may be unique with life.

Then on top of the creation of microbial life we have some very unique things on earth hat allowed advance evolution. That didn't even happen until the earth was four billion years old.

You also have to look at how rare the development of intelligent life is.
Even under ideal conditions on earth, only one creature evolved into an intelligent creature
I think life depends on water and water requires a given climate range. Too hot or too cold and life will not survive.

That would mean limited numbers of planets that can sustain life. Complex life is not a given with most life probably being some type of slime or single cell.

The bigger question is not is it possible for life in the vastness of the universe, but could we ever reach them?

That is doubtful
For life like we would relate to, that range would be a certain orbit depending on the sun in that solar system. Other planets may have life in those systems, it would have to be vastly different than looking different. In our solar system supposedly, there are a few moons with potential oceans under the crust of them.
Why judge a civilisation , that might be many millions of years older, by our technological standards and achievements ?

A fallacious approach . You are "thinking " matters from our perspective and not their possible one .
For us to get to the point of thinking that there are civilizations out there that are superior in technology to us then we need more than one data point for life.

We don't have any proof that life exist outside of earth and any conjecture that there are other civilizations is nothing more than speculation tainted by being brainwashed with 100 years of Science Fiction.

We don't even know the factors for chemistry to change to biology because we can't do it in a lab so we have no idea if it exist elsewhere.

Until we can either create life in a lab so we know the parameters or until we discover life elsewhere we have nothing but Star Trek reruns.

I know everybody wants to believe but the science doesn't support it. Saying that "there has to be other life" doesn't hack it.
... The more complex it is the lesser chance of it being elsewhere ...

... but still not zero ... not unless we're looking for infinite complexity, then we'd have a infinitely small probability (= 0) ...

I agree the odds of life on any given planet is unimaginably small ... but not zero ... now consider how many planets there are in the universe ...well ... one in a trillion trillion is "likely" over a trillion trillion trillion trillion planets ...

Did you hesitate for a second there? ... that civilization is 150,000,000 miles further away now ... just one second of wait-time ... that's half-way across the visible universe (Z=3/4) ...

No, we haven't produced life in the lab ... and that is a BIG problem for science ... however, it hasn't been proven that it CAN'T be done either ... so there's still room for science to expand her understanding ... the chemistry is very complex and it'll take awhile to sort out existing life ... maybe then we'll have a better grasp on how it all came about ...

Every second that passes, E.T. is 150 million miles further away, on average ... will we ever send a rocket to catch up? ... it will be of critical important to see which extraterrestrial chloroplasts have two cellular membranes ... zero is primitive, two is advanced ... an amazing amount of ToE depends on that answer ...
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Danger lurks in space!

We'll never find intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, in our own lifetimes! However, they may have found us! "They" could be billions of years ahead of us....!
It's up to God to create life. When planets are formed they are void of life.
Distant relatives! 😁

Or not so distant
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... but still not zero ...
We don't know if it is zero or some other number.

We just don't have the facts to say anything.

Until we have another data point we really don't have anything.

The problem we all have (myself included) is we think there just has to be life elsewhere because we have seen it in books, TV and movies. Our evaluation of science when it comes to extraterrestrial life is really tainted by being exposed to science fiction all our lives.

We all think "there has to be life elsewhere" because we see it depicted in movies and TV all the time. The reality is that we can't turn chemistry into biology in a lab and we have not seen any life outside of earth so that means we have nothing of substance to conjecture upon.
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