There HAS to be life on other planets..

It all comes down to speed and biology.

Those Solar Systems are multiple light years away. Meaning that even traveling at the speed of light, it would take years to reach another Solar System.

We have tried to accelerate particles at near the speed of light and seen what happens. The particles expand and extensive heat is generated.
Not the conditions under which organic creatures survive.
Still the possibility of worm holes to travel through....perhaps? Plus, they could have started a few million or a billion years ago, to reach us....They could be cyborgs?? :). To withstand years in space? They could have been created before earth was even formed, no? We are billions of years younger than the universe a planet, I think?

Yes, this is absolutely, all just speculation! 😁
Still the possibility of worm holes to travel through....perhaps? Plus, they could have started a few million or a billion years ago, to reach us....They could be cyborgs?? :). To withstand years in space? They could have been created before earth was even formed, no? We are billions of years younger than the universe a planet, I think?

Yes, this is absolutely, all just speculation! 😁
I agree that the reality of deep space travel involves some type of robot, not trying to sustain humans in space for generations
Statistics doesn't produce life.

We have no idea if there is life elsewhere because we have only one data point and that is earth.

For all we know life could be so rare as to only have happen once in this universe.

This video discusses it in detail a lot better than I can can in a few paragraphs in this thread.

True, I guess my point was more toward statistics, sure, but I find it hard to fathom that it happened here and only here. As big as the universe is, as many galaxies and solar systems as there are, the odds are simply too great to think that there isn’t another “earth” out there somewhere.
Once is enough ...

Human life may be unique in the universe ... what are the odds of a meteor killing off the dinosaurs? ... that has to happen, or no humans ... and if dinosaurs needed to get smart, they would have ... they certainly had enough time ... turns out flight is a better adaptation ...

We'll find an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere out there ... proof positive of photosynthesis ... but we'll never be able to study it any further ... just too damn far ...
Who says any other planet had to even have dinosaurs. The existence of Dino’s didn’t cause life on earth so, it isn’t necessary for there to be life anywhere else.
True, I guess my point was more toward statistics, sure, but I find it hard to fathom that it happened here and only here. As big as the universe is, as many galaxies and solar systems as there are, the odds are simply too great to think that there isn’t another “earth” out there somewhere.
It seems rather obvious to me that the odds of it happening exactly and only once have got to be even lower than the odds of it happening zero times.
I find it hard to fathom that it happened here and only here.
I suspect that the real reason you think this (like most of us) is that all your life you have been influenced by science fiction and you expect there to be life elsewhere.

Life on earth could be unique. Until we figure out how life was created or find life elsewhere then we have nothing.

When you say "there just has to be life elsewhere" then that is faith, not science.
There doesn't have to be. There probably is. Whether life has formed enough seems to be much harder because it requires certain conditions.

Earth saw major catastrophes for life, which allowed for oxygen using creatures which could grow more.
Sure, but there was a lot going on, and it seems like those conditions would have been present in other places. But, really, the conditions that happened here don’t necessarily need to have occurred anywhere else. We only survived as a species because we adapted to our environment. Maybe different conditions in other parts of the universe caused life to adapt in a different way.

Maybe the “humans” of other planets have fur, or have wings and can fly…or maybe they are exactly like us, but had to go through a different set of conditions to get there.

Interesting though when you contemplate it.
I think life depends on water and water requires a given climate range. Too hot or too cold and life will not survive.

That would mean limited numbers of planets that can sustain life. Complex life is not a given with most life probably being some type of slime or single cell.

The bigger question is not is it possible for life in the vastness of the universe, but could we ever reach them?

That is doubtful
Again, you’re only thinking of how life formed here. The evolution process somewhere else could have been much different. Maybe they adapted in a different way.
Again, you’re only thinking of how life formed here.
Which is fine, really, since those same conditions have likely existed or will exist trillions of trillions of times in our universe.

That's why scientists use their limited resources to look for planets similar to ours and study them.
Humans are also brainwashed with Science Fiction.

We are convinced that we can go star trekking across the universe and screw Orion Slave girls. After all, didn't we see Cpt Kirk do it on TV?

The harsh reality is that we absolutely no proof of any life outside earth and that any speculation that it might be elsewhere is nothing more speculation. Nothing based on fact. The only thing we have is "it gotta be elsewhere".

The other reality is that the distance between the stars is so great that the chances of us ever getting to another star is so remote as to be impossible. It is very probable that the human race will die out before we ever answer the question of if there is life elsewhere.

About the only hope is if we make it to Mars and find evidence of ancient microbial life.

It doesn't look good.

Absolutely, my question was speculation, but my thought is that the odds are too great for it too not be possible.
Logic, as it's currently understood, would dictate that life on other worlds would exist.

But, what if there is simply nothing else out there but countless lifeless worlds stretching out into infinity and we are alone?

To be honest I've not seen any real evidence that it's not the case and I can't say it bothers me any one way or the other.

In fact the only thing that should really concern us is a ELE event from a asteroid.
It is very possible that we are alone. I personally find it improbable, but that is just my thoughts. That’s why I asked you all for your thoughts. The possibility intrigues me
I suspect that the real reason you think this (like most of us) is that all your life you have been influenced by science fiction and you expect there to be life elsewhere.

Life on earth could be unique. Until we figure out how life was created or find life elsewhere then we have nothing.

When you say "there just has to be life elsewhere" then that is faith, not science.

Not at all, my basis for this doesn’t have anything to do with Star Trek or any other space movie. My basis for this is that, as many solar systems as there are, and as old as we think the universe is, it’s a statistical improbability that it only ever happened here.
Which is fine, really, since those same conditions have likely existed or will exist trillions of trillions of times in our universe.

That's why scientists use their limited resources to look for planets similar to ours and study them.
Right, but saying why limit our ideas to how WE evolved. The conditions that were present here may or may not have existed anywhere else in the universe, but it may be that they didn’t need to. The “humans” that evolved elsewhere may have either adapted with different traits, or, they may be exactly like us, but just took a different path to get there
What a lunatic OP .

He states that he has never believed in Aliens, but then gives us reasons for seeing that mathematically they are a certainty .

No, I said I’m not talking about little green men, maybe there are other humans or himab variations.

And it’s true, I’ve never believed in aliens, because I’ve never seen proof, but I’ve never said they don’t exist either. I don’t know. Just like I don’t know if there is life elsewhere, but the statistics would indicate to me that there would have to be.
There is another fact that puts a damper on the speculation of life elsewhere.

After decades and decades of high level research humans have not been able to create life in a lab.

That means that the creation of life is extremely complex. The more complex it is the lesser chance of it being elsewhere.

We may have won the lottery here on earth. Whatever the number of factors that must have some together to produce life we got them here on earth but that doesn't mean life is elsewhere. If the universe is finite then it will have unique things in it. We may be unique with life.

Then on top of the creation of microbial life we have some very unique things on earth hat allowed advance evolution. That didn't even happen until the earth was four billion years old.

Well, there have been successful cloning of animals but not humans sure.
But just because we can’t create life in a lab doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen naturally in another part of the universe.

That didn't even happen until the earth was four billion years old.

But they estimate the universe at almost 14 billion years old. That’s a lot of time for the “soup to cook”, right?
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Sure, but there was a lot going on, and it seems like those conditions would have been present in other places. But, really, the conditions that happened here don’t necessarily need to have occurred anywhere else. We only survived as a species because we adapted to our environment. Maybe different conditions in other parts of the universe caused life to adapt in a different way.

Maybe the “humans” of other planets have fur, or have wings and can fly…or maybe they are exactly like us, but had to go through a different set of conditions to get there.

Interesting though when you contemplate it.

Well, it all depends on whether non-oxygen beings can develop to a higher plane.

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