There HAS to be life on other planets..

Not really.

It’s possible life is unique to Earth given its attributes: size and distance from its star, its chemical makeup, its geomagnetic field, its 24.5 degree axial tilt, the size and distance of its single satellite, along with other aspects of the solar system needed to facilitate life – attributes found nowhere else.

But those are the attributes that WE needed to thrive. Perhaps other systems NEEDED other attributes?
My question is: Is the universe infinite?
The only people who will find out these secrets are the loving saintly people who reach Heaven.

I don’t know. I used to believe it was, but then science suggests the universe is expanding, which would indicate it’s not infinite.
But they estimate the earth at almost 14 billion years old. That’s a lot of time for the “soup to cook”, right?
You may be a little confused.

The current thinking is that the universe is 14 billion years old but the solar system we live in is about 4.5 billion years old. Microbial life was in existence when the earth was less than a billion year old but multicellular life only about 500 million years ago.
What we forget though, is that these possible living entities out there (Aliens), could have had a billion or two billion more years to develop greater and much more advanced technologies, and travelling means than we could ever imagine in that amount of time, IF they are really out there, somewhere, over the rainbow!
Or 5 billions years…or more…to develop
Good point

Far off beings deal with the same Periodic Table and Physics that we do.
even if thsg were true, it doesn’t mean evolved the way we did. This may sound absurd, but what if some other planet evolved to breath methane instead of air and drink sulfuric acid as opposed to water. Sure, that statement is “out there”, but it all boils down to the conditions present and how life evolved and adapted.
... but we can still work the infinitesimals ... the fact of a single datum does indeed guaranty we have a non-zero probability to exist ... as long as there aren't infinity planets, then the odds of humanity is above zero ...

Statistics ... it's an art form ...
I took several Stat courses in my engineering degrees.

I am no expert on Statistics but the one thing I do remember is that you can't do a probability if you only have one data point.
In order to make a statistical analysis you have to have more than one piece of data. Statistics with only one data point is useless.

Everywhere we look in the universe we see things that are hostile to life.

For all we know we are unique.

Before you say that we have discovered planets where there is a good possibility of life check this out. It is a dose of science reality.

Everywhere we look in the universe we see things that are hostile to life.

To “our” life…maybe not to others?
They play by the same rules of physics and chemistry all over the universe
What makes you think a living organism could survive in a black hole?

I’m just saying that the laws of physics “might” work differently outside of our observable universe.
You may be a little confused.

The current thinking is that the universe is 14 billion years old but the solar system we live in is about 4.5 billion years old. Microbial life was in existence when the earth was less than a billion year old but multicellular life only about 500 million years ago.
Yeah let me correct that.
I took several Stat courses in my engineering degrees.

I am no expert on Statistics but the one thing I do remember is that you can't do a probability if you only have one data point.

Not discreetly ... and thankfully our engineers are mostly concerned with discreet values ... I'd hate to see bridges designed the way evolution does things ...

We have more than one data point ... we have only one positive trial is all ... every other planet we look at is a negative trial ... and that's all data we can use to calculate odds ...

You know perfectly well if we don't like them answers, we just need to change the calculations ... ha ha ha ha ... statistics say whatever we want them to say ...
I’m not talking about little green men, and I’ve never been a believer in aliens, I’ve never seen any evidence to prove to me that there are. However…there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, some say even trillions of galaxies. The odds that when the universe formed, that our planet is the ONLY one that ended up being able to sustain intelligent life would have to be astronomically high. It would almost seem impossible that what happened on on earth didn’t also happen somewhere else, or in many different places.

My thought on this is that if earth is the only place where humans ended up, you’d almost have to believe in creation to believe that.

That is certainly one possibility. The existence of life on other planets doesn’t disprove the existence of God, but the complete lack of life in the rest of the universe would certainly suggest intentionality, or, point to the creation theory.
The existence of 1 star system after another, after another and then billions etc., isn't random. It's designed no other explanation. No serious person would suggest that there is any possible way that life magically appears on any planet .... when a planet is created it is 100% always void of life. It's impossible to create life from nothing.
If the Universe is infinite, then there are infinitely many planets like earth and infinitely many beings exactly like humans. Therefore infinitely many people in Heaven and infinitely many in Hell. Infinity = infinity. But Jesus said this is not so. Jesus said more people will choose the easy road to Hell than the difficult road to Heaven. Therefore, Jesus implies the universe is finite.

Always remember, Christianity is 100% compatible with science. It's just that we know the tiniest fraction of science there is to know. God = truth = science
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We have more than one data point ...
That is not true.

The only data point is that life evolved here on earth. We have no other data points.

If we could create life in a lab then we would at least know the conditions where chemistry could turn into biology. That could be another data point.

If we could find evidence of life, even microbial on Mars or another planet in the solar system, then we would have another data point.

If we wake up one day to alien visitors that would be a data point.

Until anything like those things happen we have nothing.
If the Universe is infinite, then there are infinitely many planets like earth and infinitely many beings exactly like humans. Therefore infinitely many people in Heaven and infinitely many in Hell. But Jesus said this is not so. Jesus said more people will choose the easy road to Hell than the difficult road to Heaven. Therefore, Jesus implies the universe is finite.
If the universe is infinite then all things are possible.

If it is finite then unique things will be in it. One of those unique things could be life only here on earth.

The problem is that we don't know much.
I’m just saying that the laws of physics “might” work differently outside of our observable universe.
Indeed they might. But, by definition, that could never affect us in any way.

That's what "observable universe" means. That is but one definition of "universe", granted. But as far as we can ever tell, it might be the only one that ever matters, to us.
If the Universe is infinite, then there are infinitely many planets like earth and infinitely many beings exactly like humans. Therefore infinitely many people in Heaven and infinitely many in Hell.
You lost me on that last part. What a grim worldview you hold. You seem to me to place lower value on human life than I do. You put these tales of the afterlife first and foremost. This life that we have now is just a necessary and very relatively temporary exercise. You believe these things. Okay, fine, believe them.
Danger lurks in space!

We'll never find intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, in our own lifetimes! However, they may have found us! "They" could be billions of years ahead of us....!

The only life our there is God and His spiritual realm, but that's life no one wants to see

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