We could outlaw guns and nuts, but what would you people do for fun? There aren't that many whore houses and family reunions (for finding your next date) around.
Nice attempt to deflect from the issue under discussion.
You are welcome to return to it? WTF was it?
The logical conclusion is that we should outlaw Democrats, not guns.
Most gun deaths will be GOP. That won't work.

Yeah, we saw how deadly you fascists are with a fire arm... :eusa_whistle:

Not exactly a judicious use of ammo thats for damn sure.
The dipshit should of at least been able to get a kill shot with the first round before everyone started running.

If it comes to it I like my chances against these clowns.
Left-wing ideology founded this nation.
Are you saying "Left-wing ideology" favors small government, individuality and the right of self-defense against people and governments alike? Do you think the Tree of Liberty should be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants?

Does the right still stand for that?

I have to disagree. Liberty has no political party, ideology, race, country of origin, gender, etc. It's human.

Au Contraire, you of the fascist left are dedicated to crushing liberty. You spend every ounce of energy in the utter destruction of the rights of man.
Man has the rights granted by liberals, at least here that's true.

This is the problem with modern liberals. They assume they are God
[We could outlaw guns and nuts, but what would you people do for fun?

Work in force labor camps until we fall dead.

I mean, that's what you fascists have in store for us....
Xboxes will be provided. And, free orange soda. So, quit bitching.

Just like all the other times you have started concentration camps? We can trust you fascists..

To be fascists.
Couldn't trust the Japs. What can I say. They did bomb the place after all.
Go mark everyone's post funny, you fucking retard, it's the extent of your intellect.
Why do all of the progressives on the board do that? They rate things as "funny" that aren't even remotely funny. I think it is a bizarre attempt at being sarcastic...but all they are doing is giving points to conservatives. :laugh:

I have to disagree. Liberty has no political party, ideology, race, country of origin, gender, etc. It's human.

Au Contraire, you of the fascist left are dedicated to crushing liberty. You spend every ounce of energy in the utter destruction of the rights of man.
Man has the rights granted by liberals, at least here that's true.

This is the problem with modern liberals. They assume they are God
Seeing as there is no god, we are the gods here. Deal with it, Snowflake - we do.
[We could outlaw guns and nuts, but what would you people do for fun?

Work in force labor camps until we fall dead.

I mean, that's what you fascists have in store for us....
Xboxes will be provided. And, free orange soda. So, quit bitching.

So you're into video games are ya?
I prefer real guns to those in modern warfare...just sayin.
I did video games when Pong was a spectator sport.

Pong was never a spectator sport.
The horrible assaults, the riots and destruction of property, and the shooting yesterday is just the beginning. The left are intolerant fascists and since they can't have control from the voting booth, they will attempt to take control by force.

We've won the war of ideas. They realize that. They realize that history has proven that socialism always ends in poverty and misery (just ask the latest victim - Venezuela) and as such, they can't make a rational, coherent argument to win by the vote. Stay armed, conservatives. Stay safe. The storm is just getting started.

The “Young Democratic Socialists” Club Calls for Beheading Republicans - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site
What a drama queen
Nice attempt to deflect from the issue under discussion.
You are welcome to return to it? WTF was it?
The logical conclusion is that we should outlaw Democrats, not guns.
Most gun deaths will be GOP. That won't work.

Yeah, we saw how deadly you fascists are with a fire arm... :eusa_whistle:
He was a nut, but he sure couldn't shoot for shit. Not my problem, I do fine.

Airsoft doesn't count.
[We could outlaw guns and nuts, but what would you people do for fun?

Work in force labor camps until we fall dead.

I mean, that's what you fascists have in store for us....
Xboxes will be provided. And, free orange soda. So, quit bitching.

So you're into video games are ya?
I prefer real guns to those in modern warfare...just sayin.
I did video games when Pong was a spectator sport.

Pong was never a spectator sport.
Ah, I know, you had to be there - and you weren't.
You are welcome to return to it? WTF was it?
The logical conclusion is that we should outlaw Democrats, not guns.
Most gun deaths will be GOP. That won't work.

Yeah, we saw how deadly you fascists are with a fire arm... :eusa_whistle:
He was a nut, but he sure couldn't shoot for shit. Not my problem, I do fine.

Airsoft doesn't count.
What's that? Something for kiddos? I never had them.
He was a nut, but he sure couldn't shoot for shit. Not my problem, I do fine.

He was a democrat, spewing the exact same rhetoric that you and the rest of the Soros Reich spews 24/7. He was fueled by gutter scum like Steven Colbert and Rachel Maddow.
He was a nut with a gun. Normally you love those guys?
He was a nut with a gun. Normally you love those guys?
Nice use of a question mark, dillhole. :lmao:


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