Here's a fact: President Trump was elected president and sits in the White House as we speak!

True! But that doesn't invalidate my point....:wink:
It pretty much does. Nobody cares that people in LA and NY voted for Hitlery. The president is elected by the electoral college. President Trump won more states than Hitlery. A LOT more.
Agreed it did then and also agreed it was the conservatives who were Tories. OTOH, I disagree Liberalism stands for it now. Now Liberalism stands for letting the Elites run the show because they know best.

Both political parties are highly authoritarian. Sure, like you and the RWers here, many will give lip-service to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", but when it comes down to it, both want increased powers to say "No, you can't do that".
The definition of liberalism has not changed. People just don't know what it means and misuse it.
So you believe in natural rights? You were just denouncing natural rights.
Natural rights don't exist, but rights granted by liberals like me do. That's what you have.

And how exactly do you have power to grant me any of my rights?

If liberals granted rights they would be justified in their attempts to remove them. They can't and aren't.
We had the power because we took it - from a king.

And we aren't removing your rights, you are trying to remove the rights of others, as usual. That's why we keep you to the sidelines. You are clueless.
Which rights are we trying to remove?
What if you are a homosexual in Iran and government are dragging you up a 10 story building so they can throw you off?
What rights do you have?
Certainly not natural ones. They are throwing you to your death so that's out the window (literally).

So because they are going to kill you you can't fight back? You can't tell them to screw off? You can't try to persuade them they are wrong? You can't pray to God?
You reap what you sow.

And you got trump. Perhaps you could have been better stewards of the republic

The people didn't want him.

The people of Mexico didn't, but you Nazis failed to account for the Americans.
The Americans didn't want him either. Very few do and they are - all morons like you.
Sure looks like the American people overwhelmingly wanted him to me...

View attachment 133805

No, the American people wanted Hillary. Crooked Donnie Small Hands won landmass, not people.


Is the electoral college fair?
Here's a fact: President Trump was elected president and sits in the White House as we speak!

True! But that doesn't invalidate my point....:wink:
It pretty much does. Nobody cares that people in LA and NY voted for Hitlery. The president is elected by the electoral college. President Trump won more states than Hitlery. A LOT more.

Nowhere states with no people in them...
No, the American people wanted Hillary. Crooked Donnie Small Hands won landmass, not people.

popular-vote-1068x561.jpg mass doesn't vote. Land mass cannot vote. Land mass has NEVER voted. Only the people voted - and Hitlery got her ass kicked!
Nowhere states with no people in them...
Pennsylvania is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Florida is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Wisconsin is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Ohio is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Texas is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Michigan is a "nowhere state with no people in it"?

Nice try, snowflake. You're talking about some of the largest and most productive states in the U.S.
When I'm out the US, I am no longer protected by the Constitution unless I am in a US territory. I might have human rights, granted by another nation, but that's the end of that.

You have no right to free speech in - Paris. You are under French law then.

If you are out of the USA, then the government of the country you are in may not be restrained from INFRINGING the rights that you naturally poses, but no one "takes" them. The rights are there by nature, thugs might infringe on your rights, but they neither grant nor revoke rights.
There are no natural rights. If Saudi Arabia can shoot your ass, and they can if you are there, then you never had a right to life unless - they said so. It's not natural, it's man-made.
That isn't what a right is, moron. It's not a guarantee that certain things won't happen to you. It's a rule that says some actions are morally acceptable while others are not.
Name even one action that is always - unacceptable? Good lick with that.

I could give you - never rape a child and you still couldn't hold it up.

I'm sorry but when the heck is any rape acceptable let alone child rape? Its disturbing that anyone might think that way
Nowhere states with no people in them...
Pennsylvania is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Florida is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Wisconsin is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Ohio is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Texas is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Michigan is a "nowhere state with no people in it"?

Nice try, snowflake. You're talking about some of the largest and most productive states in the U.S.

No Petal, I'm talking North Dakota, Alaska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana.

You say he won more states. The Borough of Queens in NY probably has more people in them than those states mentioned...
And the orange buffoon cannot go an hour without tweeting....
It amazes me how President Trump's use of Twitter bothers the left so much. Words can cause these very fragile little snowflakes to completely lose their shit.

So he tweets? So what? Since you're too fragile a little snowflake to handle words, don't read them. See what a simple solution that is?

The left reminds me of toddlers. They cry about everything and you have to explain the obvious to them to "fix" what upsets them. They literally don't have the damn sense not to read tweets that upset them. :laugh:
Nowhere states with no people in them...
Pennsylvania is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Florida is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Wisconsin is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Ohio is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Texas is a "nowhere state with no people in it"? Michigan is a "nowhere state with no people in it"?

Nice try, snowflake. You're talking about some of the largest and most productive states in the U.S.

No Petal, I'm talking North Dakota, Alaska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana.

You say he won more states. The Borough of Queens in NY probably has more people in them than those states mentioned...
Of course you are. You don't want to talk about the Democrat states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania that voted for President Trump!
If you are out of the USA, then the government of the country you are in may not be restrained from INFRINGING the rights that you naturally poses, but no one "takes" them. The rights are there by nature, thugs might infringe on your rights, but they neither grant nor revoke rights.
There are no natural rights. If Saudi Arabia can shoot your ass, and they can if you are there, then you never had a right to life unless - they said so. It's not natural, it's man-made.
That isn't what a right is, moron. It's not a guarantee that certain things won't happen to you. It's a rule that says some actions are morally acceptable while others are not.
Name even one action that is always - unacceptable?
Murder, theft, fraud, extortion, assault.
None of those hold up.

1. Capital punishment is murder (not self defense).
2. Theft is the spoils of war (and making a great deal with information the other guy didn't have).
3. Fraud is propaganda and currency manipulation (forgery) necessary in times of war
4. Extortion is how capitalists access and keep open markets. It's also how you make a decent quarterly return. What the market will bear.
5. Assault is as easy as - a crime of passion or any child ever given a good hard spanking.

1. Capital punishment isn't murder.
2. Nonsense
3. And both are wrong even in times of war which BTW those aren't the definition of fraud
4. No it isn't
5. It isn't assault any more then a friendly sparing competition is

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