Natural rights don't exist, but rights granted by liberals like me do. That's what you have.

1. You obviously do not know what the original meaning of Liberalism meant.

2. You're obviously a "modern liberal" who believes the State is supreme and that we live to serve the State. That if we are good, we are rewarded with certain freedoms.

3. You've obviously never read the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

The horrible assaults, the riots and destruction of property, and the shooting yesterday is just the beginning. The left are intolerant fascists and since they can't have control from the voting booth, they will attempt to take control by force.

We've won the war of ideas. They realize that. They realize that history has proven that socialism always ends in poverty and misery (just ask the latest victim - Venezuela) and as such, they can't make a rational, coherent argument to win by the vote. Stay armed, conservatives. Stay safe. The storm is just getting started.

The “Young Democratic Socialists” Club Calls for Beheading Republicans - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

Funny that you NaziCons didn't mind the storm during the Obama Administration. Enjoy the ride...

Mind the storm? I've been warning you it was coming for nearly a decade. It's been painfully obvious.

But you kept heading down the path leading to it.
It amazes me how President Trump's use of Twitter bothers the left so much. Words can cause these very fragile little snowflakes to completely lose their shit.

So he tweets? So what? Since you're too fragile a little snowflake to handle words, don't read them. See what a simple solution that is?

The left reminds me of toddlers. They cry about everything and you have to explain the obvious to them to "fix" what upsets them. They literally don't have the damn sense not to read tweets that upset them. :laugh:

No, no, no, no, no. I hope and pray he never stops tweeting. It shows him for the narcissistic orange buffoon he is. He cracks me every time. I'm tempted to send him a box of tissues every day. The amount of whining he does is laughable...

I love how he bypasses the press using tweets.
I hope he never stops.

Would be nice if he was more thoughtful in what he tweets though

Trump wasnt my first choice but he was my second due to the desire to see what the establishment would do.
I'd like to say I was shocked at the establishments reaction but I wasnt.
If you are out of the USA, then the government of the country you are in may not be restrained from INFRINGING the rights that you naturally poses, but no one "takes" them. The rights are there by nature, thugs might infringe on your rights, but they neither grant nor revoke rights.
There are no natural rights. If Saudi Arabia can shoot your ass, and they can if you are there, then you never had a right to life unless - they said so. It's not natural, it's man-made.
That isn't what a right is, moron. It's not a guarantee that certain things won't happen to you. It's a rule that says some actions are morally acceptable while others are not.
Name even one action that is always - unacceptable?
Murder, theft, fraud, extortion, assault.
None of those hold up.

1. Capital punishment is murder (not self defense).

Wrong. That's based on the theory that any killing is murder. That theory is wrong.

2. Theft is the spoils of war (and making a great deal with information the other guy didn't have).

You've got the argument backwards. Theft is theft, and it often occurs during war. That doesn't make it not theft.

3. Fraud is propaganda and currency manipulation (forgery) necessary in times of war

Again, you have it backwards. Currency manipulation, as you call it, is one form of fraud. If it's "necessary" during wartime, then the population isn't willing to financially support the war. It's still wrong. Fraud is conducting an exchange based on lies. As long as nothing is obtained through propaganda, it isn't fraud, if something is obtained, like Obamacare, then it is fraud.

You seem to believe war justifies everything. It doesn't. Fraud and theft are still fraud and theft even when perpetrated by a war government.

4. Extortion is how capitalists access and keep open markets. It's also how you make a decent quarterly return. What the market will bear.

Really? Can you explain the form this "extortion" takes?

5. Assault is as easy as - a crime of passion or any child ever given a good hard spanking.

Children are not adults with all the rights that adults have. That's why adults make decisions for them.

Assault is assault.
Nice attempt to deflect from the issue under discussion.
You are welcome to return to it? WTF was it?
The logical conclusion is that we should outlaw Democrats, not guns.
Your "logical conclusion", huh? :rofl:
It's the conclusion based on liberlogic.
According to your logic.....:rofl:
No, it's based on your logic.
And he's still winning.
I bet that sticks in your craw.

Winning how? What has he done? Passed new medicare law? no. Stopped muslims immigrating? no. Starting his wall? No. What has he actually done?

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

They are not accomplishments. So he signed 30 EOs? How is that an achievement. A president could sign 1000, but if nothing happens with them they are meaningless. Just because the WH press secretary is spreading Fake News in keeping with trying to suck the Orange Buffoon off, doesn't mean it is true.
And he's still winning.
I bet that sticks in your craw.

Winning how? What has he done? Passed new medicare law? no. Stopped muslims immigrating? no. Starting his wall? No. What has he actually done?

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

They are not accomplishments. So he signed 30 EOs? How is that an achievement. A president could sign 1000, but if nothing happens with them they are meaningless. Just because the WH press secretary is spreading Fake News in keeping with trying to suck the Orange Buffoon off, doesn't mean it is true.

Holy Shit you're an idiot.
Does "I have a pen and a phone" ring a bell cock breath?

They are not accomplishments. So he signed 30 EOs? How is that an achievement. A president could sign 1000, but if nothing happens with them they are meaningless. Just because the WH press secretary is spreading Fake News in keeping with trying to suck the Orange Buffoon off, doesn't mean it is true.

Holy Shit you're an idiot.
Does "I have a pen and a phone" ring a bell cock breath?[/QUOTE]

Sure, but what does it mean butt bandit?

They are not accomplishments. So he signed 30 EOs? How is that an achievement. A president could sign 1000, but if nothing happens with them they are meaningless. Just because the WH press secretary is spreading Fake News in keeping with trying to suck the Orange Buffoon off, doesn't mean it is true.

Holy Shit you're an idiot.
Does "I have a pen and a phone" ring a bell cock breath?

Sure, but what does it mean butt bandit?[/QUOTE]

Your mouth was full of barry dick,not your ears.....
True liberals are always a small number. The Founders were. Most, like you, can't handle it.

The founders had guns. Something you leftist abhore.

democrat hero James Hodgkinson had a couple of guns, despite advocating for confiscation.

OTH, he couldn't shoot for shit..
The logical conclusion is that we should outlaw Democrats, not guns.
We should have mandatory mental health care for anarchists for starts, and begin mandatory counseling for libertarians.
I'd be good with your first suggestion. We should start rounding you fuckers up for your mental check up post haste.
Nah, you should not because you could not handle what would happen. ;)
The founders had guns. Something you leftist abhore.

democrat hero James Hodgkinson had a couple of guns, despite advocating for confiscation.

OTH, he couldn't shoot for shit..
The logical conclusion is that we should outlaw Democrats, not guns.
We should have mandatory mental health care for anarchists for starts, and begin mandatory counseling for libertarians.
I'd be good with your first suggestion. We should start rounding you fuckers up for your mental check up post haste.
Nah, you should not because you could not handle what would happen. ;)

There are at least two divisions of conservative gun owners in my neighborhood alone.

Think about it pussy boi,
democrat hero James Hodgkinson had a couple of guns, despite advocating for confiscation.

OTH, he couldn't shoot for shit..
The logical conclusion is that we should outlaw Democrats, not guns.
We should have mandatory mental health care for anarchists for starts, and begin mandatory counseling for libertarians.
I'd be good with your first suggestion. We should start rounding you fuckers up for your mental check up post haste.
Nah, you should not because you could not handle what would happen. ;)
There are at least two divisions of conservative gun owners in my neighborhood alone. Think about it pussy boi,
You be on the look out for Jade Helm. :lol:
The logical conclusion is that we should outlaw Democrats, not guns.
We should have mandatory mental health care for anarchists for starts, and begin mandatory counseling for libertarians.
I'd be good with your first suggestion. We should start rounding you fuckers up for your mental check up post haste.
Nah, you should not because you could not handle what would happen. ;)
There are at least two divisions of conservative gun owners in my neighborhood alone. Think about it pussy boi,
You be on the look out for Jade Helm. :lol:

Hell....I was part of JH.
We should have mandatory mental health care for anarchists for starts, and begin mandatory counseling for libertarians.
I'd be good with your first suggestion. We should start rounding you fuckers up for your mental check up post haste.
Nah, you should not because you could not handle what would happen. ;)
There are at least two divisions of conservative gun owners in my neighborhood alone. Think about it pussy boi,
You be on the look out for Jade Helm. :lol:

Hell....I was part of JH.
It amazes me how President Trump's use of Twitter bothers the left so much. Words can cause these very fragile little snowflakes to completely lose their shit.

So he tweets? So what? Since you're too fragile a little snowflake to handle words, don't read them. See what a simple solution that is?

The left reminds me of toddlers. They cry about everything and you have to explain the obvious to them to "fix" what upsets them. They literally don't have the damn sense not to read tweets that upset them. :laugh:

No, no, no, no, no. I hope and pray he never stops tweeting. It shows him for the narcissistic orange buffoon he is. He cracks me every time. I'm tempted to send him a box of tissues every day. The amount of whining he does is laughable...

I love how he bypasses the press using tweets.
I hope he never stops.
I hope so too...I especially like it when he makes it easier for courts to see his true intent and he makes it easier for investigators.
It amazes me how President Trump's use of Twitter bothers the left so much. Words can cause these very fragile little snowflakes to completely lose their shit.

So he tweets? So what? Since you're too fragile a little snowflake to handle words, don't read them. See what a simple solution that is?

The left reminds me of toddlers. They cry about everything and you have to explain the obvious to them to "fix" what upsets them. They literally don't have the damn sense not to read tweets that upset them. :laugh:
I hope and pray he never stops tweeting. He cracks me every time.
It's too late to backtrack now. You already let it be known how much his tweets affect you.

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