It amazes me how President Trump's use of Twitter bothers the left so much. Words can cause these very fragile little snowflakes to completely lose their shit.

So he tweets? So what? Since you're too fragile a little snowflake to handle words, don't read them. See what a simple solution that is?

The left reminds me of toddlers. They cry about everything and you have to explain the obvious to them to "fix" what upsets them. They literally don't have the damn sense not to read tweets that upset them. :laugh:

No, no, no, no, no. I hope and pray he never stops tweeting. It shows him for the narcissistic orange buffoon he is. He cracks me every time. I'm tempted to send him a box of tissues every day. The amount of whining he does is laughable...
[We could outlaw guns and nuts, but what would you people do for fun?

Work in force labor camps until we fall dead.

I mean, that's what you fascists have in store for us....
Xboxes will be provided. And, free orange soda. So, quit bitching.

Just like all the other times you have started concentration camps? We can trust you fascists..

To be fascists.
Couldn't trust the Japs. What can I say. They did bomb the place after all.

Using that logic, radical leftist just attacked members of Congress so the Republic would be justified rounding them all up.

See the problem with that?
Go mark everyone's post funny, you fucking retard, it's the extent of your intellect.
Why do all of the progressives on the board do that? They rate things as "funny" that aren't even remotely funny. I think it is a bizarre attempt at being sarcastic...but all they are doing is giving points to conservatives. :laugh:

It is indeed strange. It's like everyone who proves them wrong is funny. Makes me think they don't know what funny means
It amazes me how President Trump's use of Twitter bothers the left so much. Words can cause these very fragile little snowflakes to completely lose their shit.

So he tweets? So what? Since you're too fragile a little snowflake to handle words, don't read them. See what a simple solution that is?

The left reminds me of toddlers. They cry about everything and you have to explain the obvious to them to "fix" what upsets them. They literally don't have the damn sense not to read tweets that upset them. :laugh:

No, no, no, no, no. I hope and pray he never stops tweeting. It shows him for the narcissistic orange buffoon he is. He cracks me every time. I'm tempted to send him a box of tissues every day. The amount of whining he does is laughable...

I love how he bypasses the press using tweets.
I hope he never stops.
Of course you are. You don't want to talk about the Democrat states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania that voted for President Trump!

Your point was that he won more states than Hillary. The number of states is irrelevant in that you could win 5 states with 5 million people or one state with 20 million but at the end of the day when people went voting on election day more ticked her box than his. Fact. She was more popular than him on the day. Fact. More people believed in her agenda over his. Fact. Just because you have an archaic election system, doesn't make my point any less factual...

I have to disagree. Liberty has no political party, ideology, race, country of origin, gender, etc. It's human.

Au Contraire, you of the fascist left are dedicated to crushing liberty. You spend every ounce of energy in the utter destruction of the rights of man.
Man has the rights granted by liberals, at least here that's true.

This is the problem with modern liberals. They assume they are God
Seeing as there is no god, we are the gods here. Deal with it, Snowflake - we do.

You aren't a god. You don't know Him well enough to have adopted His character and virtues
In other don't want to hear the facts when you get caught lying. Got it! Typical leftist.

Here's a fact: more people voted for Hillary for president.
Here's a fact: President Trump was elected president and sits in the White House as we speak!

trump is president...a perfect example of America's race to the bottom.

Every time there is a race to the bottom, Trump wins. At least he's winning at something I guess.
[We could outlaw guns and nuts, but what would you people do for fun?

Work in force labor camps until we fall dead.

I mean, that's what you fascists have in store for us....
Xboxes will be provided. And, free orange soda. So, quit bitching.

So you're into video games are ya?
I prefer real guns to those in modern warfare...just sayin.
I did video games when Pong was a spectator sport.

Pong was never a spectator sport.

If what he claims is true its a long time to be in his parents basement.
Why do all of the progressives on the board do that? They rate things as "funny" that aren't even remotely funny. I think it is a bizarre attempt at being sarcastic...but all they are doing is giving points to conservatives. :laugh:

I think you'll find everybody does it to a post they don't . And it is sarcasm because there is no rating system that allows you to tell someone that their post is crap. There is the STFU rating but that is only in the rubber room etc.

I'm surprised you haven't figured this out. I am less surprised that you don't notice that both sides of the aisle do it. After all, you are a partisan hack.
The horrible assaults, the riots and destruction of property, and the shooting yesterday is just the beginning. The left are intolerant fascists and since they can't have control from the voting booth, they will attempt to take control by force.

We've won the war of ideas. They realize that. They realize that history has proven that socialism always ends in poverty and misery (just ask the latest victim - Venezuela) and as such, they can't make a rational, coherent argument to win by the vote. Stay armed, conservatives. Stay safe. The storm is just getting started.

The “Young Democratic Socialists” Club Calls for Beheading Republicans - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

Funny that you NaziCons didn't mind the storm during the Obama Administration. Enjoy the ride...
It amazes me how President Trump's use of Twitter bothers the left so much. Words can cause these very fragile little snowflakes to completely lose their shit.

So he tweets? So what? Since you're too fragile a little snowflake to handle words, don't read them. See what a simple solution that is?

The left reminds me of toddlers. They cry about everything and you have to explain the obvious to them to "fix" what upsets them. They literally don't have the damn sense not to read tweets that upset them. :laugh:

No, no, no, no, no. I hope and pray he never stops tweeting. It shows him for the narcissistic orange buffoon he is. He cracks me every time. I'm tempted to send him a box of tissues every day. The amount of whining he does is laughable...

I love how he bypasses the press using tweets.
I hope he never stops.

Would be nice if he was more thoughtful in what he tweets though
In other don't want to hear the facts when you get caught lying. Got it! Typical leftist.

Here's a fact: more people voted for Hillary for president.
Here's a fact: President Trump was elected president and sits in the White House as we speak!

trump is president...a perfect example of America's race to the bottom.

Every time there is a race to the bottom, Trump wins. At least he's winning at something I guess.

When's the last time you fools held the majority other than most likely to have cock breath?

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