There is actually ONE liberal policy that has benefited America

Now get outta the fucking road Lance.

If you can beat me on a 50-mile race, I will get off the road. Otherwise, your fat ass can go around.

My question is what's the added value to society to not just have guns available, but ANY gun to ANYONE including all accessories? Which is the position of the NRA, who oppose any restriction.
Answer that question please first, before you try to broad brush everyone on the left.


I'll pretend you bed wetters don't broad brush everyone you're programmed to hate as nazis, or the klan, or satan, that you don't worship or believe in.

The value added to society by making ALL small arms and their accessories is that such a nation could NEVER be conquered.

Afghanistan and Switzerland are 2 very different countries but the fact remains that even our military can not enforce it's will on afghani people. No one has dared to try with the Swiss. I'm not sure it can be lowered beyond that elementary concept enough for your "mind" to grasp. Perhaps you should consult the NRA for some children's books to enhance your understanding of such simple concepts.
Now get outta the fucking road Lance.

If you can beat me on a 50-mile race, I will get off the road. Otherwise, your fat ass can go around.


I beat you in a 42 mile race every morning. Once in a while you fools lose to a drunk mexican in a pick up truck in a gruesome way though.

Stay in the road for all I care, you should have insurance if you're going to ride in the road though. Windshields are expensive.

Pete, just so you know, you calling me names when you can't come up with a valid argument doesn't make you the winner, in fact it tells me you don't have anything substantial to say. In that light I'll wish you a good night. Maybe in a few years when you get past puberty you can try talking to me again.

Alinsky Rule #5 no longer working in your favor bed wetter?

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

“…you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.”

– Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

You tools radicalized me. I wasn't supposed to work against you though right?

Let's all remember the real goal of the gun-control movement.

"Our main agenda is to have all guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn't matter if you have to distort the facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."
Sara Brady
Chairman, Handgun Control Inc, to Senator Howard Metzenbaum
The National Educator, January 1994, Page 3.

Thank you.

Now get outta the fucking road Lance.

BTW, there is no evidence she said that.

More Bogus Brady or How NOT to Defend Our Gun Rights
Yeah. I looked into that about 5 years ago. It was totally scrubbed. She said it. They have just changed their strategy and went around scrubbing all their links and documents with that shit in there. They are playing the same Commie Chameleon game they always play. It's still their real goal and she did say that.

I will go pull up the stuff I had on that and post it here.
My question is what's the added value to society to not just have guns available, but ANY gun to ANYONE including all accessories? Which is the position of the NRA, who oppose any restriction.
Answer that question please first, before you try to broad brush everyone on the left.


I'll pretend you bed wetters don't broad brush everyone you're programmed to hate as nazis, or the klan, or satan, that you don't worship or believe in.

The value added to society by making ALL small arms and their accessories is that such a nation could NEVER be conquered.

Afghanistan and Switzerland are 2 very different countries but the fact remains that even our military can not enforce it's will on afghani people. No one has dared to try with the Swiss. I'm not sure it can be lowered beyond that elementary concept enough for your "mind" to grasp. Perhaps you should consult the NRA for some children's books to enhance your understanding of such simple concepts.
-Pete, if you want to continue fine I'll bite, but I will only answer your points if you are willing to answer or try to answer mine. No need to call each other names. I don't mind people disagreeing with me, but I believe disagreeing doesn't warrant being disrespectful.
-Your position seems to be that the unrestricted availability of weapons guarantees American independence and you site 2 examples. Switzerland and Afghanistan.
America is safeguarded by 2 oceans and a vast military. The populace being armed doesn't register in that equation. In fact there are other countries where the populace owns a lot of guns.Estimated number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia most of the top countries have been conquered before There were vast conscript armies before ww2 it didn't stop the Germans. Your 2 examples don't seem applicable either. Switzerland is mountainous and a such isn't easy to invade,that and the fact that it gave Nazi Germany a way to operate on the global market using them as an intermediary saved them during WW2. Germany could have taken them easily, they choose not to. Afghanistan is a logistical nightmare that was conquered. The Taliban was deposed, the problem is that too keep control, continuous military babysitting is required.
-In short your reasoning doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
Pete, just so you know, you calling me names when you can't come up with a valid argument doesn't make you the winner, in fact it tells me you don't have anything substantial to say. In that light I'll wish you a good night. Maybe in a few years when you get past puberty you can try talking to me again.

Alinsky Rule #5 no longer working in your favor bed wetter?

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

“…you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.”

– Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

You tools radicalized me. I wasn't supposed to work against you though right?
You tools radicalized me. I wasn't supposed to work against you though right?
A man is responsible for his own actions. You made me do it isn't an excuse. I'm generally very careful who and what I answer and when you call me a bed wetter a fool and say I can stick it up my ass, I will point out what you are doing. I will call it out for what it is, juvenile. So before you try to claim I ridiculed you, you'd do well to remember who started it and that you were in fact being juvenile, while you on the other hand had no cause to call me names..
And this:
We Are NOT "Gun Banners"-and never have been... Handgun Control, Inc., has never advocated banning firearms used for legitimate purposes such as hunting and recreation.
--- "Gun Measures We Don't Support," Handgun Control Inc. (cited March 16, 1999) [Source URL,, was removed. Copy of original available at Gun Measures We Don't Support.]
from here,
is an outright lie. See prior post (showing the name changes of Handgun Control Inc.)
When Trumpflakes make weepy bedwetting threads like this, you know they're trying to deflect from the complete failure of all conservative policy.

America thinks your policies stink, Trumpflakes, due to the way they always fail. That's why you have to deflect by constantly tossing out your race cards and ramping up the xenophobia. You have to scare people so much that they forget how much your policies screw decent working Americans.

Trump won 30 states obliterating your candidate, America at least the states that count are fully behind president Trump's policies.

Trump is out of favor now in the THREE states that let him weasel his way into the Whitehouse.
Alinsky Rule #5 no longer working in your favor bed wetter?
But, Velominati Rule #5 is still the governing principle of all Keepers of the Cog. :lol:

For God's sake just stay out of the road, do you have any idea how long it takes us to clean up the scene when someone gets you wound up the wheel well? It's not a rescue at that point, it's a recovery. It's not pleasant for anyone.

Have some fucking sense.
For God's sake just stay out of the road, do you have any idea how long it takes us to clean up the scene when someone gets you wound up the wheel well? It's not a rescue at that point, it's a recovery. It's not pleasant for anyone.

Have some fucking sense.

I cannot tolerate your blasphemy!

I shall offer The Prophet's Prayer.

God save The Cannibal.


Our Hardman who art in Belgium
Eddy be thy name
Thy cobbles come, thy hands are numb
From pavé
As it isn’t heaven.

Give us this day our daily V,
And forgive us our Rule violations,
As we drop those who attack against us,
Lead us not off our line
But deliver us from Anti-V.

For thine is the big ring,
And the power, and the glory,
For Eddy and ever.

Alinsky Rule #5 no longer working in your favor bed wetter?
But, Velominati Rule #5 is still the governing principle of all Keepers of the Cog. :lol:

For God's sake just stay out of the road, do you have any idea how long it takes us to clean up the scene when someone gets you wound up the wheel well? It's not a rescue at that point, it's a recovery. It's not pleasant for anyone.

Have some fucking sense.
Who the fuck are you to say I can't have something I can afford
Oh the irony.
For God's sake just stay out of the road, do you have any idea how long it takes us to clean up the scene when someone gets you wound up the wheel well? It's not a rescue at that point, it's a recovery. It's not pleasant for anyone.

Have some fucking sense.

I cannot tolerate your blasphemy!

I shall offer The Prophet's Prayer.

God save The Cannibal.


Our Hardman who art in Belgium
Eddy be thy name
Thy cobbles come, thy hands are numb
From pavé
As it isn’t heaven.

Give us this day our daily V,
And forgive us our Rule violations,
As we drop those who attack against us,
Lead us not off our line
But deliver us from Anti-V.

For thine is the big ring,
And the power, and the glory,
For Eddy and ever.


God soothe the nightmares of the volunteer fire fighter who had to pry parts of your dumb ass from under the SUV that ground you up.

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