There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Studies of the effect of gun free zones on mass killings go all over the place. If you google Gun Free Zones, you'll see an FBI study that concludes that only 13% occur in gun free zones. There is another study just under that concludes 62% of killings occur in gun free zones. So I'm just a bit skeptical of your claim that abolishing gun free zones will reduce mass shooting.

As a parent, I would be concerned about having Principal Rambo running around the school with a loaded gun trying to handle a situation in which he is a complete novice and has relatively little training. Even Trump has recognized the stupidity of this.

As parent of children who go to a school which has armed personal I sleep better at night. They are trained to handle situations and it's a defense. I suspect many parents of 17 dead children wish they'd been protected like ours are
. The schools my grands are attending have great security, so why are the others lagging so far behind one wonders ?? Liberalism maybe ??
In a single word, money. Most school districts allow very little money for school security and most of it goes to a few really bad schools. Also, some schools are in really good neighborhoods where there's plenty of parent volunteers. Teachers write grants for additional funds and the business community takes an interest in the school. A kid like Cruz would be transferred to a special class or another school.

Violence in schools is common such as bulling, threats, school fights but mass killings are not. It's the violence that occurs throughout the school year that schools are most concerned.
. Again, is liberalism in the homes, and in the schools along with Hollywood glorifying thug culture the problem that is fostering these current problems ???

I think it's we've become a cultural of violence, it's in movies, on TV, in video games, etc. It's also due to the breakdown of the families. We've lost our moral fiber somewhere along the way
We didn't lose it it was torn asunder by regressive left policies.
Dumb-fucking conservative, trained police have had their guns wrestled from them. You’re beyond stupid to think that’s not gonna happen when Mr. Hand carries a weapon in class.

Except....doofus.......we have story after story of people, most with little training, who do not get disarmed, and use their guns even after they are injured in the initial attack by a violent criminal who has attacked them in an ambush......and again....

The main point isn't to have Teachers engage these mass shooters....the main point, to tell these killers that they will be engaged if they attack a school....and from actual research into these killers we know that they do not want to attack targets that shoot back....actual research...not pulling our emotions out of our ass and acting like we know some basic research, you will post more intelligently when you do...
I think very few teachers would want to carry a gun at school. If you do the math, you'll see the chance of a teacher ever being faced with a shooting situation during their 30 year career is very small. For most teachers, the concern that a student might get hold of the gun or they would make a mistake or misinterpret the situation and kill an innocent child is enough for most teachers to say no to guns in schools.

IMHO, firearms at schools should be left to trained professionals: School Resource Officers (SROs) and school police department officers. The vast majority of teachers want to be armed with textbooks and computers, not guns.

First...the main point is removing the gun free zone status......Ben shapiro on his daily wire podcast talked about going to Jewish school as a kid. They had a mass shooter scope out their school....he saw armed security and chose a different Jewish school to attack.

Getting rid of the gun free zone let's killers know they likely will meet armed resistance...and as I keep telling you guys, the shooters who lived, and the shooters who left notes say the same thing......they chose different targets when they realized their initial targets would have armed security or were gun free zones where they might encounter armed citizens....

And you wouldn't need to arm teachers, you have secretaries, principles, and other staff without as much direct, hour to hour contact with students who could be trained......and again, the major deterrent is just letting shooters know the building is no longer a gun free zone.
Studies of the effect of gun free zones on mass killings go all over the place. If you google Gun Free Zones, you'll see an FBI study that concludes that only 13% occur in gun free zones. There is another study just under that concludes 62% of killings occur in gun free zones. So I'm just a bit skeptical of your claim that abolishing gun free zones will reduce mass shooting.

As a parent, I would be concerned about having Principal Rambo running around the school with a loaded gun trying to handle a situation in which he is a complete novice and has relatively little training. Even Trump has recognized the stupidity of this.

Wrong.....98% occur in gun free zones....they include homes because people have guns in their homes.....we are talking about public spaces where law abiding citizens are not allowed to carry their legal guns....

You don't understand........getting rid of the gun free zone creates a detterrent.....go look up the statements and notes of the mass shooters....they state they switch targets when they find out there will be armed people ...........they are not looking for a gun fight, they are looking to murder helpless people....
It's my understanding that most all schools are gun free zones according to federal law. Even if that law was overturned, most schools would still remain gun free because there are very few school districts that allow the staff or students to bring guns into the school. In 41 states, it is illegal for either staff or students to carry guns in schools. In the other states, they leave the decision to the districts and in some cases to the individual schools.

The idea that the killers are going pick a school based on the absence of a gun free sign in front of the school is ridiculous. Most of these killers are mentally unbalanced and they have a hatred of the particular school, it's staff, students, or particular individuals in that school. If you look at the school shootings, you will see that most all perpetrators are current or past students, current or past staff, parents, or family of faculty or students. They are not going to attack another school because it's doesn't have a gun free sign.

There is hardly any support for school staff carrying guns in the schools. 60% of gun owners oppose school staff carrying guns. Polls show 60% to 80% of the public oppose staff carrying guns. Hell, even Trump opposes it. So it seems very unlikely that it's going happen on a national scale.
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Except....doofus.......we have story after story of people, most with little training, who do not get disarmed, and use their guns even after they are injured in the initial attack by a violent criminal who has attacked them in an ambush......and again....

The main point isn't to have Teachers engage these mass shooters....the main point, to tell these killers that they will be engaged if they attack a school....and from actual research into these killers we know that they do not want to attack targets that shoot back....actual research...not pulling our emotions out of our ass and acting like we know some basic research, you will post more intelligently when you do...
I think very few teachers would want to carry a gun at school. If you do the math, you'll see the chance of a teacher ever being faced with a shooting situation during their 30 year career is very small. For most teachers, the concern that a student might get hold of the gun or they would make a mistake or misinterpret the situation and kill an innocent child is enough for most teachers to say no to guns in schools.

IMHO, firearms at schools should be left to trained professionals: School Resource Officers (SROs) and school police department officers. The vast majority of teachers want to be armed with textbooks and computers, not guns.

First...the main point is removing the gun free zone status......Ben shapiro on his daily wire podcast talked about going to Jewish school as a kid. They had a mass shooter scope out their school....he saw armed security and chose a different Jewish school to attack.

Getting rid of the gun free zone let's killers know they likely will meet armed resistance...and as I keep telling you guys, the shooters who lived, and the shooters who left notes say the same thing......they chose different targets when they realized their initial targets would have armed security or were gun free zones where they might encounter armed citizens....

And you wouldn't need to arm teachers, you have secretaries, principles, and other staff without as much direct, hour to hour contact with students who could be trained......and again, the major deterrent is just letting shooters know the building is no longer a gun free zone.
Studies of the effect of gun free zones on mass killings go all over the place. If you google Gun Free Zones, you'll see an FBI study that concludes that only 13% occur in gun free zones. There is another study just under that concludes 62% of killings occur in gun free zones. So I'm just a bit skeptical of your claim that abolishing gun free zones will reduce mass shooting.

As a parent, I would be concerned about having Principal Rambo running around the school with a loaded gun trying to handle a situation in which he is a complete novice and has relatively little training. Even Trump has recognized the stupidity of this.

Wrong.....98% occur in gun free zones....they include homes because people have guns in their homes.....we are talking about public spaces where law abiding citizens are not allowed to carry their legal guns....

You don't understand........getting rid of the gun free zone creates a detterrent.....go look up the statements and notes of the mass shooters....they state they switch targets when they find out there will be armed people ...........they are not looking for a gun fight, they are looking to murder helpless people....
It's my understanding that most all schools are gun free zones according to federal law so if that law was overturned, most schools would still remain gun free because there are very few school districts that allow the staff or students to bring guns into the school. In 41 states, it is illegal for either staff or students to carry guns in schools.

The idea that the killers are going pick a school based on the absence of a gun free sign in front of the school is ridiculous. Most of these killers are mentally unbalanced and they have a hatred of the particular school, it's staff, students, or particular individuals in that school. If you look at the school shootings, you will see that most perpetrators are current or past students, current or past staff, parents, or family of faculty or students. They are not going to attack another school because it's doesn't gun free sign.
South Dakota Attorney General
Well, here's some responses from the kids that were actually at the shooting to what Trump said. Most of them sound like they are pissed and want to have some kind of gun control.

Students from high school targeted in mass shooting criticize GOP reaction

We have 20,000 gun control laws......felons can't own guns, the dangerously mentally ill can't own need to do a federal background check to buy a gun....

What exactly do they want?
I think what these students want is the same thing that all advocates of strong gun control legislation want, nationwide gun control laws without all the loopholes that actually reduce the number of guns on the streets, seriously restricting the firearms designed for mass killings and making the right to own a gun a privilege and not a right. Don't worry it ain't gonna happen, not in your life time or mine. Your guns are safe.
You do know not being a criminal buying a gun isnt a loop hole right? Cause no loophole was present when this disturbed and deranged kid bought his gun he just wasnt a criminal.
I was not thinking about this particular kid, I was thinking of gun show loopholes, Brady bill loopholes, private sale loophole, and private sale exemptions allowing sales at gun shows without background checks and others.
Well, here's some responses from the kids that were actually at the shooting to what Trump said. Most of them sound like they are pissed and want to have some kind of gun control.

Students from high school targeted in mass shooting criticize GOP reaction

We have 20,000 gun control laws......felons can't own guns, the dangerously mentally ill can't own need to do a federal background check to buy a gun....

What exactly do they want?
I think what these students want is the same thing that all advocates of strong gun control legislation want, nationwide gun control laws without all the loopholes that actually reduce the number of guns on the streets, seriously restricting the firearms designed for mass killings and making the right to own a gun a privilege and not a right. Don't worry it ain't gonna happen, not in your life time or mine. Your guns are safe.
You do know not being a criminal buying a gun isnt a loop hole right? Cause no loophole was present when this disturbed and deranged kid bought his gun he just wasnt a criminal.
I was not thinking about this particular kid, I was thinking of gun show loopholes, Brady bill loopholes, private sale loophole, and private sale exemptions allowing sales at gun shows without background checks and others.
Fuck your nanny state
There is hardly any support for school staff carrying guns in the schools. 60% of gun owners oppose school staff carrying guns. Polls show 60% to 80% of the public oppose staff carrying guns. Hell, even Trump opposes it. So it seems very unlikely that it's going happen on a national scale.
Not to mention the fact that the teachers don't WANT to carry guns. That's what the gun nuts never seem to get through their thick skulls: people can already carry gunss, if they want to do so. More people aren't armed because THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE ARMED.

A child should be able to understand this. gun nuts? not so much.
Well, here's some responses from the kids that were actually at the shooting to what Trump said. Most of them sound like they are pissed and want to have some kind of gun control.

Students from high school targeted in mass shooting criticize GOP reaction

We have 20,000 gun control laws......felons can't own guns, the dangerously mentally ill can't own need to do a federal background check to buy a gun....

What exactly do they want?
I think what these students want is the same thing that all advocates of strong gun control legislation want, nationwide gun control laws without all the loopholes that actually reduce the number of guns on the streets, seriously restricting the firearms designed for mass killings and making the right to own a gun a privilege and not a right. Don't worry it ain't gonna happen, not in your life time or mine. Your guns are safe.
You do know not being a criminal buying a gun isnt a loop hole right? Cause no loophole was present when this disturbed and deranged kid bought his gun he just wasnt a criminal.
I was not thinking about this particular kid, I was thinking of gun show loopholes, Brady bill loopholes, private sale loophole, and private sale exemptions allowing sales at gun shows without background checks and others.

There are no loopholes......criminals and mass shooters do not get their guns from private sales....this killer did not get his gun from a private sale...

Do you realize, as you spew anti gun talking points that mean nothing......that if you had universal background checks for private sales....

1) this killer got his gun from a gun store, and passed the current, federally mandated background check, the Brady Check?

2) Do you understand that had this killer gone to a gun show and had to pass a universal background check for the private sale....he would have passed that same background check because he was already able to pass current, federally mandated background checks?

3) Do you understand that mass shooters can pass background checks and obey all gun laws, until they go on their shooting spree? That means that any additional gun laws you pass, they will obey...until they go on their shooting spree.

4) Do you understand that criminals use straw buyers, or steal their guns...straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any background checks on a private sale? And if the criminal or mass shooter steals the gun...they don't go through any background check?

5) Do you understand that the background check silliness you just posted is all aimed at giving the anti gun extremists the power to demand universal gun registration, which they want so that in the future they can use the registration lists to ban and confiscate any gun they get the political power to ban and confiscate? That is the only reason they want universal background checks since they know they won't stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?
There is hardly any support for school staff carrying guns in the schools. 60% of gun owners oppose school staff carrying guns. Polls show 60% to 80% of the public oppose staff carrying guns. Hell, even Trump opposes it. So it seems very unlikely that it's going happen on a national scale.
Not to mention the fact that the teachers don't WANT to carry guns. That's what the gun nuts never seem to get through their thick skulls: people can already carry gunss, if they want to do so. More people aren't armed because THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE ARMED.

A child should be able to understand this. gun nuts? not so much.

What you don't that schools are gun free zones by law...that means you can't carry your legal gun onto school property, ever.....which means the mass shooters know this and that is the reason they target schools........they don't target police stations, they don't target gun shows........

You are really stupid....but please....try to understand this...
VERY proud of these Parkland kids - America is in good hands

Enjoy the articulate passion of Emma Gonzales


Except....doofus.......we have story after story of people, most with little training, who do not get disarmed, and use their guns even after they are injured in the initial attack by a violent criminal who has attacked them in an ambush......and again....

The main point isn't to have Teachers engage these mass shooters....the main point, to tell these killers that they will be engaged if they attack a school....and from actual research into these killers we know that they do not want to attack targets that shoot back....actual research...not pulling our emotions out of our ass and acting like we know some basic research, you will post more intelligently when you do...
I think very few teachers would want to carry a gun at school. If you do the math, you'll see the chance of a teacher ever being faced with a shooting situation during their 30 year career is very small. For most teachers, the concern that a student might get hold of the gun or they would make a mistake or misinterpret the situation and kill an innocent child is enough for most teachers to say no to guns in schools.

IMHO, firearms at schools should be left to trained professionals: School Resource Officers (SROs) and school police department officers. The vast majority of teachers want to be armed with textbooks and computers, not guns.

First...the main point is removing the gun free zone status......Ben shapiro on his daily wire podcast talked about going to Jewish school as a kid. They had a mass shooter scope out their school....he saw armed security and chose a different Jewish school to attack.

Getting rid of the gun free zone let's killers know they likely will meet armed resistance...and as I keep telling you guys, the shooters who lived, and the shooters who left notes say the same thing......they chose different targets when they realized their initial targets would have armed security or were gun free zones where they might encounter armed citizens....

And you wouldn't need to arm teachers, you have secretaries, principles, and other staff without as much direct, hour to hour contact with students who could be trained......and again, the major deterrent is just letting shooters know the building is no longer a gun free zone.
Studies of the effect of gun free zones on mass killings go all over the place. If you google Gun Free Zones, you'll see an FBI study that concludes that only 13% occur in gun free zones. There is another study just under that concludes 62% of killings occur in gun free zones. So I'm just a bit skeptical of your claim that abolishing gun free zones will reduce mass shooting.

As a parent, I would be concerned about having Principal Rambo running around the school with a loaded gun trying to handle a situation in which he is a complete novice and has relatively little training. Even Trump has recognized the stupidity of this.

Wrong.....98% occur in gun free zones....they include homes because people have guns in their homes.....we are talking about public spaces where law abiding citizens are not allowed to carry their legal guns....

You don't understand........getting rid of the gun free zone creates a detterrent.....go look up the statements and notes of the mass shooters....they state they switch targets when they find out there will be armed people ...........they are not looking for a gun fight, they are looking to murder helpless people....
It's my understanding that most all schools are gun free zones according to federal law. Even if that law was overturned, most schools would still remain gun free because there are very few school districts that allow the staff or students to bring guns into the school. In 41 states, it is illegal for either staff or students to carry guns in schools. In the other states, they leave the decision to the districts and in some cases to the individual schools.

The idea that the killers are going pick a school based on the absence of a gun free sign in front of the school is ridiculous. Most of these killers are mentally unbalanced and they have a hatred of the particular school, it's staff, students, or particular individuals in that school. If you look at the school shootings, you will see that most all perpetrators are current or past students, current or past staff, parents, or family of faculty or students. They are not going to attack another school because it's doesn't have a gun free sign.

There is hardly any support for school staff carrying guns in the schools. 60% of gun owners oppose school staff carrying guns. Polls show 60% to 80% of the public oppose staff carrying guns. Hell, even Trump opposes it. So it seems very unlikely that it's going happen on a national scale.

The idea that the killers are going pick a school based on the absence of a gun free sign in front of the school is ridiculous.

Wrong...we know that the Sandy Hook school shooter picked the elementary school because the other two schools in town had armed police resource officers.......we also know, from the statements and notes of mass shooters that they pick their targets based on their gun free status.....the Colorado shooter, the South carolina church shooter, the Santa Barbara sorority shooter all stated they had targets they wanted to shoot up, but changed when they realized they had armed security or allowed people to carry guns....

These guys are not looking for a shootout....they commit suicide or surrender when the police arrive....they want a gun free killing zone where they can get a high body count.......
VERY proud of these Parkland kids - America is in good hands

Enjoy the articulate passion of Emma Gonzales


Yes....they don't understand the issues involved but are easily controlled by the democrats....this is why you like them.... guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....

Really? Then how is it if I were a convicted felon or completely crazy I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds (and many others like it) RIGHT now and buy whatever implement of carnage my squirming brain desires from a private dealer without a background check.

Take your time
Well, here's some responses from the kids that were actually at the shooting to what Trump said. Most of them sound like they are pissed and want to have some kind of gun control.

Students from high school targeted in mass shooting criticize GOP reaction

We have 20,000 gun control laws......felons can't own guns, the dangerously mentally ill can't own need to do a federal background check to buy a gun....

What exactly do they want?
I think what these students want is the same thing that all advocates of strong gun control legislation want, nationwide gun control laws without all the loopholes that actually reduce the number of guns on the streets, seriously restricting the firearms designed for mass killings and making the right to own a gun a privilege and not a right. Don't worry it ain't gonna happen, not in your life time or mine. Your guns are safe.
You do know not being a criminal buying a gun isnt a loop hole right? Cause no loophole was present when this disturbed and deranged kid bought his gun he just wasnt a criminal.
I was not thinking about this particular kid, I was thinking of gun show loopholes, Brady bill loopholes, private sale loophole, and private sale exemptions allowing sales at gun shows without background checks and others.

There is no gun show loop holes nor any Brady bill loop hole. There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.
There are no loopholes......

Bullshit guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....
Really Dude?

Gun Law Loopholes Let Buyers Skirt Background Checks

Selected excerpts:

When Zina Haughton, 42, got a restraining order against her husband, Radcliffe, last October — she
told a court
that his threats “terrorize my every waking moment” — he became ineligible to buy a gun under federal law. But he found a way around that: he bought a gun from a private seller he found on the Internet who, unlike federally licensed dealers, was not legally required to check his background.

That is how Mr. Haughton was able to buy a handgun for $500 in the parking lot of a McDonalds that he took with him on Oct. 21 to the spa in a suburb of Milwaukee where his wife worked. There, Mr. Haughton opened fire at the spa’s pedicure station, law enforcement officials said, and kept shooting until he had killed his wife and two women she worked with and injured four other women. He then killed himself.

More than 95 percent of the time the F.B.I., which oversees the background checks, can tell licensed gun dealers within seconds if a buyer can own a gun.

But when the F.B.I. cannot immediately determine whether would-be buyers have criminal or psychological records that would bar them from owning guns, it is given 72 hours to clear it up. If it fails to complete the background check by then, the buyer is allowed to return and purchase the gun. According to data provided by the F.B.I., roughly 3,000 firearms were sold to prohibited buyers through this loophole last year. guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....

Really? Then how is it if I were a convicted felon or completely crazy I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds (and many others like it) RIGHT now and buy whatever implement of carnage my squirming brain desires from a private dealer without a background check.

Take your time

If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

Your phony outrage is noted; yet we note that your outrage over human life is limited to the issue of firearms. I never see you rage against taking human life in relation to other issues, such as abortion.

However, the issue at this point is firearms and the FACT is that you are NOT limited in how to dispose of private property. You can sell your house to whoever you like (with the exception of discriminatory behavior), so your example is not germane.

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