There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

A house is not covered by the Bill of Rights...doofus.

Ummm..............hate to tell you, but a house IS covered under the Bill of Rights. Ever heard of having to have a warrant to search your house? How about the fact that it says it's illegal to quarter troops in a private residence in the US?


Different Right.....shit head....we are talking about the ability to own a gun...that is a Right, you have no Right to own a house....try getting a home as felon...doofus....

Your exact quote was "a house is not covered under the Bill of Rights". I simply showed you that houses ARE covered under the Bill of Rights against unlawful search and seizure, as well as are protected from having troops quartered in private homes.

If I may, the HOUSE is not covered against unlawful searches and seizures. YOU are covered. And YOU cannot be forced to house troops in your home. Nice try.
There is hardly any support for school staff carrying guns in the schools. 60% of gun owners oppose school staff carrying guns. Polls show 60% to 80% of the public oppose staff carrying guns. Hell, even Trump opposes it. So it seems very unlikely that it's going happen on a national scale.
Not to mention the fact that the teachers don't WANT to carry guns. That's what the gun nuts never seem to get through their thick skulls: people can already carry gunss, if they want to do so. More people aren't armed because THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE ARMED.

A child should be able to understand this. gun nuts? not so much.
Yes, gun nuts envision a world full of Rambo characters who possess the skill, experience, and will needed to save the children from the mad killer, but the real world is much different. The most likely place for any gun at school is locked away in a safe, unloaded so no child can gets his hands on it.

  • School shootings like the one in Florida are rare. Over the last 30 years, there have been 31 school mass shootings in the 150,000+ schools in the US. Over 99.99% of all teachers are not likely to a have a mass shooting in their school in a lifetime of teaching. What is common is kids bringing guns and knifes to school, threatening students and staff, nonlethal attacks on students and staff, sexual attacks and molestation. In most cases, lethal weapons in hands of school personnel are not required and could well turn the situation into a tragedy.
  • Bringing a firearm to work creates a considerably liability issue both for the employee and the employer and this is even more so in a school environment. A school staff member using a weapon in a clear case of self defense is one thing but tracking down and killing a student goes well beyond the job description.
  • Lastly, when teachers and staff members take on the job of law enforcement by carrying weapons, they themselves become targets.
Last edited: guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....

Really? Then how is it if I were a convicted felon or completely crazy I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds (and many others like it) RIGHT now and buy whatever implement of carnage my squirming brain desires from a private dealer without a background check.

Take your time

If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.

More Bullshit - California and Connecticut have very strict gun laws. Most states do NOT

Semi-Automatic Weapons Without A Background Check Can Be Just A Click Away

Wrong....felons already know they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can arrests them under existing law. Criminals do not use the internet to get their guns because they are afraid that a cop is on the other end of the line.....criminals get their guns from known criminal contacts who use straw buyers or steal their guns...

The internet lie from gun grabbers is simply used to manipulate uninformed people give gun grabbers the power through votes to grab guns, based on the lie that criminals get their guns from the internet.

Mass shooters? They don't need to use the internet because they can simply walk into a gun store and pass the current, federally mandated background checks...which means they will pass any background check for a private sale......

You guys have no idea what you are talking about......

The government tried to buy guns online....this is how it turned out....

Report: Illegal gun sales tricky on 'Dark Web,' elusive on the surface

Between July 2015 and November 2017, the GAO recorded 79 attempts to buy firearms from private sellers online, according its report released Dec. 21. Only two proved successful — from dealers on the ‘Dark Web,’ a deeper layer of the internet accessed through specific software designed to increase anonymity. The untraceable nature of the Dark Web attracts a range of criminal activity, from drug dealing to firearms trafficking to child pornography.


The 72 potential sales initiated at firearm marketplaces on the surface web — the traditional internet accessed through web browsers like Google and FireFox — all fell through.

Some 27 private sellers declined the transaction after the undercover agents disclosed their prohibited status and another 29 refused to ship across state lines. Five transactions failed because the involved website froze agents’ accounts and 11 more sellers ran scams on agents after learning of their desire to circumvent federally licensed firearms dealers.

“In two of these instances, we made a payment and never received the firearm or a refund,” the office said in the report. “In the remaining nine attempted scams, our agents determined that the seller may not be legitimate and therefore did not complete the purchase.”
IMHO, there is no half way measure to get guns out of the hands of the bad guys. Gun ownership would have to become a privileged and not a right. Unfortunately, effective gun control and the 2nd amendment are incompatible. It's not going happen in my life time and probably not during yours. guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....

Really? Then how is it if I were a convicted felon or completely crazy I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds (and many others like it) RIGHT now and buy whatever implement of carnage my squirming brain desires from a private dealer without a background check.

Take your time

If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.

More Bullshit - California and Connecticut have very strict gun laws. Most states do NOT

Semi-Automatic Weapons Without A Background Check Can Be Just A Click Away

Wrong....felons already know they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can arrests them under existing law. Criminals do not use the internet to get their guns because they are afraid that a cop is on the other end of the line.....criminals get their guns from known criminal contacts who use straw buyers or steal their guns...

The internet lie from gun grabbers is simply used to manipulate uninformed people give gun grabbers the power through votes to grab guns, based on the lie that criminals get their guns from the internet.

Mass shooters? They don't need to use the internet because they can simply walk into a gun store and pass the current, federally mandated background checks...which means they will pass any background check for a private sale......

You guys have no idea what you are talking about......

The government tried to buy guns online....this is how it turned out....

Report: Illegal gun sales tricky on 'Dark Web,' elusive on the surface

Between July 2015 and November 2017, the GAO recorded 79 attempts to buy firearms from private sellers online, according its report released Dec. 21. Only two proved successful — from dealers on the ‘Dark Web,’ a deeper layer of the internet accessed through specific software designed to increase anonymity. The untraceable nature of the Dark Web attracts a range of criminal activity, from drug dealing to firearms trafficking to child pornography.


The 72 potential sales initiated at firearm marketplaces on the surface web — the traditional internet accessed through web browsers like Google and FireFox — all fell through.

Some 27 private sellers declined the transaction after the undercover agents disclosed their prohibited status and another 29 refused to ship across state lines. Five transactions failed because the involved website froze agents’ accounts and 11 more sellers ran scams on agents after learning of their desire to circumvent federally licensed firearms dealers.

“In two of these instances, we made a payment and never received the firearm or a refund,” the office said in the report. “In the remaining nine attempted scams, our agents determined that the seller may not be legitimate and therefore did not complete the purchase.”
IMHO, there is no half way measure to get guns out of the hands of the bad guys. Gun ownership would have to become a privileged and not a right. Unfortunately, effective gun control and the 2nd amendment are incompatible. It's not going happen in my life time and probably not during yours.

Repeated from another thread just because it fits here:

For the last 55 years, the left has been passing "common sense gun regulations" and when they inevitably failed, they demanded more and more until finally, there are no "common sense gun regulations" left to pass so they demand that people who have done nothing wrong must give up their rights. And, when those steps fail, they will demand more and more draconian measures be passed until there's no freedom left for the American people.

However, those leftists resist measures to deal with the true issue. It is not to their advantage to deal with the mentally ill in an effective way while protecting society from their illnesses as well. People who are truly mentally ill should be involuntarily committed and treated until they are able to live complete and productive lives where they will be no danger to themselves or others. Sadly, the Clintonian lefties don't see that as an option because it doesn't advance their agenda or give them more power over our lives. That's why I can't take their faux-outrage seriously. True progressives want to improve society, not control it.
Really? Then how is it if I were a convicted felon or completely crazy I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds (and many others like it) RIGHT now and buy whatever implement of carnage my squirming brain desires from a private dealer without a background check.

Take your time

If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.

More Bullshit - California and Connecticut have very strict gun laws. Most states do NOT

Semi-Automatic Weapons Without A Background Check Can Be Just A Click Away

Wrong....felons already know they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can arrests them under existing law. Criminals do not use the internet to get their guns because they are afraid that a cop is on the other end of the line.....criminals get their guns from known criminal contacts who use straw buyers or steal their guns...

The internet lie from gun grabbers is simply used to manipulate uninformed people give gun grabbers the power through votes to grab guns, based on the lie that criminals get their guns from the internet.

Mass shooters? They don't need to use the internet because they can simply walk into a gun store and pass the current, federally mandated background checks...which means they will pass any background check for a private sale......

You guys have no idea what you are talking about......

The government tried to buy guns online....this is how it turned out....

Report: Illegal gun sales tricky on 'Dark Web,' elusive on the surface

Between July 2015 and November 2017, the GAO recorded 79 attempts to buy firearms from private sellers online, according its report released Dec. 21. Only two proved successful — from dealers on the ‘Dark Web,’ a deeper layer of the internet accessed through specific software designed to increase anonymity. The untraceable nature of the Dark Web attracts a range of criminal activity, from drug dealing to firearms trafficking to child pornography.


The 72 potential sales initiated at firearm marketplaces on the surface web — the traditional internet accessed through web browsers like Google and FireFox — all fell through.

Some 27 private sellers declined the transaction after the undercover agents disclosed their prohibited status and another 29 refused to ship across state lines. Five transactions failed because the involved website froze agents’ accounts and 11 more sellers ran scams on agents after learning of their desire to circumvent federally licensed firearms dealers.

“In two of these instances, we made a payment and never received the firearm or a refund,” the office said in the report. “In the remaining nine attempted scams, our agents determined that the seller may not be legitimate and therefore did not complete the purchase.”
IMHO, there is no half way measure to get guns out of the hands of the bad guys. Gun ownership would have to become a privileged and not a right. Unfortunately, effective gun control and the 2nd amendment are incompatible. It's not going happen in my life time and probably not during yours.

Repeated from another thread just because it fits here:

For the last 55 years, the left has been passing "common sense gun regulations" and when they inevitably failed, they demanded more and more until finally, there are no "common sense gun regulations" left to pass so they demand that people who have done nothing wrong must give up their rights. And, when those steps fail, they will demand more and more draconian measures be passed until there's no freedom left for the American people.

However, those leftists resist measures to deal with the true issue. It is not to their advantage to deal with the mentally ill in an effective way while protecting society from their illnesses as well. People who are truly mentally ill should be involuntarily committed and treated until they are able to live complete and productive lives where they will be no danger to themselves or others. Sadly, the Clintonian lefties don't see that as an option because it doesn't advance their agenda or give them more power over our lives. That's why I can't take their faux-outrage seriously. True progressives want to improve society, not control it.
A number of studies were done in the 70's and 80's that reach the conclusion that treating the mentally ill as outpatients would be more effective and save money over inpatient therapy. So during the Reagan years mental hospitals across the country began closing. This trend continued during the Clinton years. The reasoning for this change was sound but there was one flaw. Effective treatment of the mentally ill is very costly. Medicaid which pays about 29% of the nation's mental health bill is critically under funding mental health and insurance companies are only slightly better. As a result, we are putting some very sick people on the streets with inadequate treatment and we are seeing the results of it every day in the headlines.
If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.

More Bullshit - California and Connecticut have very strict gun laws. Most states do NOT

Semi-Automatic Weapons Without A Background Check Can Be Just A Click Away

Wrong....felons already know they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can arrests them under existing law. Criminals do not use the internet to get their guns because they are afraid that a cop is on the other end of the line.....criminals get their guns from known criminal contacts who use straw buyers or steal their guns...

The internet lie from gun grabbers is simply used to manipulate uninformed people give gun grabbers the power through votes to grab guns, based on the lie that criminals get their guns from the internet.

Mass shooters? They don't need to use the internet because they can simply walk into a gun store and pass the current, federally mandated background checks...which means they will pass any background check for a private sale......

You guys have no idea what you are talking about......

The government tried to buy guns online....this is how it turned out....

Report: Illegal gun sales tricky on 'Dark Web,' elusive on the surface

Between July 2015 and November 2017, the GAO recorded 79 attempts to buy firearms from private sellers online, according its report released Dec. 21. Only two proved successful — from dealers on the ‘Dark Web,’ a deeper layer of the internet accessed through specific software designed to increase anonymity. The untraceable nature of the Dark Web attracts a range of criminal activity, from drug dealing to firearms trafficking to child pornography.


The 72 potential sales initiated at firearm marketplaces on the surface web — the traditional internet accessed through web browsers like Google and FireFox — all fell through.

Some 27 private sellers declined the transaction after the undercover agents disclosed their prohibited status and another 29 refused to ship across state lines. Five transactions failed because the involved website froze agents’ accounts and 11 more sellers ran scams on agents after learning of their desire to circumvent federally licensed firearms dealers.

“In two of these instances, we made a payment and never received the firearm or a refund,” the office said in the report. “In the remaining nine attempted scams, our agents determined that the seller may not be legitimate and therefore did not complete the purchase.”
IMHO, there is no half way measure to get guns out of the hands of the bad guys. Gun ownership would have to become a privileged and not a right. Unfortunately, effective gun control and the 2nd amendment are incompatible. It's not going happen in my life time and probably not during yours.

Repeated from another thread just because it fits here:

For the last 55 years, the left has been passing "common sense gun regulations" and when they inevitably failed, they demanded more and more until finally, there are no "common sense gun regulations" left to pass so they demand that people who have done nothing wrong must give up their rights. And, when those steps fail, they will demand more and more draconian measures be passed until there's no freedom left for the American people.

However, those leftists resist measures to deal with the true issue. It is not to their advantage to deal with the mentally ill in an effective way while protecting society from their illnesses as well. People who are truly mentally ill should be involuntarily committed and treated until they are able to live complete and productive lives where they will be no danger to themselves or others. Sadly, the Clintonian lefties don't see that as an option because it doesn't advance their agenda or give them more power over our lives. That's why I can't take their faux-outrage seriously. True progressives want to improve society, not control it.
A number of studies were done in the 70's and 80's that reach the conclusion that treating the mentally ill as outpatients would be more effective and save money over inpatient therapy. So during the Reagan years mental hospitals across the country began closing. This trend continued during the Clinton years. The reasoning for this change was sound but there was one flaw. Effective treatment of the mentally ill is very costly. Medicaid which pays about 29% of the nation's mental health bill is critically under funding mental health and insurance companies are only slightly better. As a result, we are putting some very sick people on the streets with inadequate treatment and we are seeing the results of it every day in the headlines.
Thats what you get with a Democrat congress

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
I keep hearing people say that the shooters aren't crazy or they don't "seem" crazy, but there are different levels of crazy. Some people can hide their crazy quite well. Psychopaths have been described as being some of the most charming and nicest of people who fit in well with their communities. You don't have to be a blubbering tard to be crazy.
I heard a psychiatrist talking about this last night. People who feel powerless, ignored, can get a great feeling of power from having a gun, and the idea of having the power of life and death in their hands.
She said one thing everyone can do to help is, if you see a "loner," a kid who is alone at the lunch table or on the playground, try to find him a pal, a group he can be part of. If shooting others is a way of proving "I'm powerful," help empower kids so they don't need to prove it like that.
Unfortunately, there are a bunch of kids like that who get teased, rejected or just plain ignored. Cruz was a trouble maker for years, so maybe he was being ignored for good reason, but it's a suggestion.

Yes, there are a bunch of kids who get teased, ignored or bullied and would NOT shoot and kill anyone. And bullying isn't something NEW! Obviously, there is a deeper problem here!
A number of studies were done in the 70's and 80's that reach the conclusion that treating the mentally ill as outpatients would be more effective and save money over inpatient therapy. So during the Reagan years mental hospitals across the country began closing. This trend continued during the Clinton years. The reasoning for this change was sound but there was one flaw. Effective treatment of the mentally ill is very costly. Medicaid which pays about 29% of the nation's mental health bill is critically under funding mental health and insurance companies are only slightly better. As a result, we are putting some very sick people on the streets with inadequate treatment and we are seeing the results of it every day in the headlines.

Ahhh money .. we need to be able to have the worst of these folks behind a wall or fence weaving baskets and listening to chirping birds for a while, but there is none at this point. Seems that Sessions is hellbent on building more prisons to house pot smokers and trillions more went to the military and tax cuts for the Trump Kids.

I know you to be correct on the slow closure of mental facilities since Reagan having seen it firsthand. Out of college I went to work as a supervisor at a home for mentally challenged, often parentless kids. It closed not long after in the late-80s. I've often wondered what's happened to those kids since.

Guess I should wonder no more

nikolas-cruz-florida-shooting-afp-650_650x400_71518742875.jpg guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....

Really? Then how is it if I were a convicted felon or completely crazy I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds (and many others like it) RIGHT now and buy whatever implement of carnage my squirming brain desires from a private dealer without a background check.

Take your time

If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.

More Bullshit - California and Connecticut have very strict gun laws. Most states do NOT

Semi-Automatic Weapons Without A Background Check Can Be Just A Click Away

Wrong....felons already know they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can arrests them under existing law. Criminals do not use the internet to get their guns because they are afraid that a cop is on the other end of the line.....criminals get their guns from known criminal contacts who use straw buyers or steal their guns...

The internet lie from gun grabbers is simply used to manipulate uninformed people give gun grabbers the power through votes to grab guns, based on the lie that criminals get their guns from the internet.

Mass shooters? They don't need to use the internet because they can simply walk into a gun store and pass the current, federally mandated background checks...which means they will pass any background check for a private sale......

You guys have no idea what you are talking about......

The government tried to buy guns online....this is how it turned out....

Report: Illegal gun sales tricky on 'Dark Web,' elusive on the surface

Between July 2015 and November 2017, the GAO recorded 79 attempts to buy firearms from private sellers online, according its report released Dec. 21. Only two proved successful — from dealers on the ‘Dark Web,’ a deeper layer of the internet accessed through specific software designed to increase anonymity. The untraceable nature of the Dark Web attracts a range of criminal activity, from drug dealing to firearms trafficking to child pornography.


The 72 potential sales initiated at firearm marketplaces on the surface web — the traditional internet accessed through web browsers like Google and FireFox — all fell through.

Some 27 private sellers declined the transaction after the undercover agents disclosed their prohibited status and another 29 refused to ship across state lines. Five transactions failed because the involved website froze agents’ accounts and 11 more sellers ran scams on agents after learning of their desire to circumvent federally licensed firearms dealers.

“In two of these instances, we made a payment and never received the firearm or a refund,” the office said in the report. “In the remaining nine attempted scams, our agents determined that the seller may not be legitimate and therefore did not complete the purchase.”
IMHO, there is no half way measure to get guns out of the hands of the bad guys. Gun ownership would have to become a privileged and not a right. Unfortunately, effective gun control and the 2nd amendment are incompatible. It's not going happen in my life time and probably not during yours.

You are wrong.....the best method is to simply lock up gun criminals when they use guns for crime. The people who commit murder, 90% of them have long histories of crime and violence, most of the time they have weapons convictions in their record, the guy who murdered the police officer here in Chicago last week was a convicted with felonies 4 times, with weapons crimes as part of those felonies...he was released after 16 years in prison......

Also....felons who are prohibited from buying, owning or carrying guns would also get a 30 year sentence. This would keep gang bangers from running around the cities with guns......the major problem for murder in these cities as these gang member shoot at each other over drug turf and social media insults...

That is the way Japan stopped the Yakuza from using guns and grenades against each stopped the latest outbreak of violence there from turning into a shootout......

The most effective gun control would be a 30 year sentence for committing a crime with a gun...real crimes, rape, robbery and murder, not the bullshit ones they use to attack law abiding gun owners. This would put the criminals who will actually murder people in jail where they can't commit murder, and the smart criminals will stop carrying and using guns...

The 30 year sentence would actually work.....and it has the added benefit of leaving normal, law abiding gun owners also doesn't require new gun laws, new background checks, gun registration or any other of the pointless baby steps to gun banning and confiscation.

Gun control is not incompatible with the 2nd just have to realize that what works is Criminal Control.....but you don't want want gun control....gun banning......that is why nothing you suggest will aren't addressing the actual problem.
There is hardly any support for school staff carrying guns in the schools. 60% of gun owners oppose school staff carrying guns. Polls show 60% to 80% of the public oppose staff carrying guns. Hell, even Trump opposes it. So it seems very unlikely that it's going happen on a national scale.
Not to mention the fact that the teachers don't WANT to carry guns. That's what the gun nuts never seem to get through their thick skulls: people can already carry gunss, if they want to do so. More people aren't armed because THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE ARMED.

A child should be able to understand this. gun nuts? not so much.
Yes, gun nuts envision a world full of Rambo characters who possess the skill, experience, and will needed to save the children from the mad killer, but the real world is much different. The most likely place for any gun at school is locked away in a safe, unloaded so no child can gets his hands on it.

  • School shootings like the one in Florida are rare. Over the last 30 years, there have been 31 school mass shootings in the 150,000+ schools in the US. Over 99.99% of all teachers are not likely to a have a mass shooting in their school in a lifetime of teaching. What is common is kids bringing guns and knifes to school, threatening students and staff, nonlethal attacks on students and staff, sexual attacks and molestation. In most cases, lethal weapons in hands of school personnel are not required and could well turn the situation into a tragedy.
  • Bringing a firearm to work creates a considerably liability issue both for the employee and the employer and this is even more so in a school environment. A school staff member using a weapon in a clear case of self defense is one thing but tracking down and killing a student goes well beyond the job description.
  • Lastly, when teachers and staff members take on the job of law enforcement by carrying weapons, they themselves become targets.

And yet....there are already schools who allow their teachers and staff to carry their legal guns into their mean except for all of those people and those real world examples.

And hate you don't understand why removing gun free zones would end the school shooting isn't that that staff has to engage the shooter.....the mere fact that the shooter may encounter one or more armed staff makes them choose a different target.

You ignore the research, you talk out of your ass.......the shooters who have been captured state they chose gun free zones....the shooters who died left notes where they stated they chose gun free zones........

You don't like guns so you close your mind to the actual dynamics involved....
Cars aren’t made to kill — guns are.

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.

You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
..the couple that took him in said they had no idea he was like this
..this is irrefutable proof that people do not think realistically/reality/etc --
..EVERY parent should think that their kid could possibly do something evil like this/do evil
..after Sandy Hook, Columbine, Kentucky, ......this is just the mass murders...there are many other teens who have murdered school mates

many professional security/CIA/FBI/etc are sometimes in fairytale land where they are not thinking ''security/awareness/etc
not to get off topic--but these are examples of ''professionals'' who are not thinking reality/security/awareness/etc
William Buckley
William Francis Buckley - Wikipedia
Camp Chapman
Camp Chapman attack - Wikipedia
Cars aren’t made to kill — guns are.

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.

You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
Guns are made there kill. You’re an idiot to believe otherwise. And I never limited that to humans. Whether it is to kill an animal for food or sport; or to kill other humans in war, or in a crime, or in self defense — guns are made to kill.
Cars aren’t made to kill — guns are.

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.

You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
Guns are made there kill. You’re an idiot to believe otherwise. And I never limited that to humans. Weather it is to kill an animal for food or sport; or to kill other humans in war, or in a crime, or in self defense — guns are made to kill. didn't understand the truth that I it is again...try to sound out the words, it may help you understand what you are reading...

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.
Cars aren’t made to kill — guns are.

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.

You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
Guns are made there kill. You’re an idiot to believe otherwise. And I never limited that to humans. Weather it is to kill an animal for food or sport; or to kill other humans in war, or in a crime, or in self defense — guns are made to kill. didn't understand the truth that I it is again...try to sound out the words, it may help you understand what you are reading...

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.
Moron... if guns weren’t made to kill, they wouldn’t be used for self defense, shooting animals for food/sport, or to kill the enemy in war.
Cars aren’t made to kill — guns are.

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.

You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
Guns are made there kill. You’re an idiot to believe otherwise. And I never limited that to humans. Weather it is to kill an animal for food or sport; or to kill other humans in war, or in a crime, or in self defense — guns are made to kill. didn't understand the truth that I it is again...try to sound out the words, it may help you understand what you are reading...

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.
Moron... if guns weren’t made to kill, they wouldn’t be used for self defense, shooting animals for food/sport, or to kill the enemy in war.

Guns were made to keep the owner alive.....and they do that, most of the time, without being fired at all....
Cars aren’t made to kill — guns are.
You were saying?

Are you claiming that vehicle is used to kill or the gun perched on top is?

Of the two....vehicles kill more people in the United States than guns do...
Moron... almost everyone killed by a car was the result of an accident. Whereas almost everyone killed by a gun was intentional.

You really do have shit for brains.

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