There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

You know what people, there is a huge influence not only on kids in America, but upon adults in America as well.... It exist in (I'd say) every house hold in America.

If you guessed the TV in which still wins the top influential award in the household, then you guessed right. Now who controls the content that comes into your home through that platform ??? State and local has a small influence involved, but the main controlling influence is still Hollywood. This nation needs to first identify the threat to their families and especially to the children by calling Hollywood out on their glorification of evilness in which lay heavily within the content of their programming.. This nation must fight to rid this nation of the evil influences that has since taken the high ground in Hollywood over time.

The proof is right there in front of you people, so why the ignoring of it until mindless monsters or misguided people with misguided thinking evolves ???????

So what does that make Trump? His popularity came from him being on the television for 9 years on his "reality" show. How evil was his programming?

And, the fact that Trump got elected is proof that people are misguided.

The fact that Trump got elected is proof that the Democrats nominated the only person in the Western Hemisphere that couldn't beat Trump.
You know what people, there is a huge influence not only on kids in America, but upon adults in America as well.... It exist in (I'd say) every house hold in America.

If you guessed the TV in which still wins the top influential award in the household, then you guessed right. Now who controls the content that comes into your home through that platform ??? State and local has a small influence involved, but the main controlling influence is still Hollywood. This nation needs to first identify the threat to their families and especially to the children by calling Hollywood out on their glorification of evilness in which lay heavily within the content of their programming.. This nation must fight to rid this nation of the evil influences that has since taken the high ground in Hollywood over time.

The proof is right there in front of you people, so why the ignoring of it until mindless monsters or misguided people with misguided thinking evolves ???????

So what does that make Trump? His popularity came from him being on the television for 9 years on his "reality" show. How evil was his programming?

And, the fact that Trump got elected is proof that people are misguided.
. You go and bring us anything from Trumps reality show that was evil. We'll be waiting... Also go and find a show that Trump starred in or played a roll in that corrupted his audience or made his audience turn the channel out of disgust.. We'll be waiting.... Now don't go looking for anything that wasn't to be aired on TV or in a movie (i.e. any private or personal events and/or personal business that is unrelated to the problem of Hollywood's over all immoral television or movie content these days) , because that doesn't count as a purposeful intent to influence through a platform in a bad way "the people" as they sit down as a family to watch TV together.

Now you if are a Demon-crat, would say Trump was doing something evil if he opened his eyes in the morning, but all that is about, is you having Trump derangement syndrome. Get help.

Well, most conservatives would say that porn is evil and corrupting and would change the channel. And, it was a Playboy softcore porn, so it would have been on cable television.

Donald Trump starred in a porn movie

The 2000 VHS title, Video Centerfold, features a non-sexual segment in which Mr Trump, apparently accompanied by several Playboy playmates, opens a bottle of champagne and sprays the foam at a Playboy-branded limousine on a New York City street.
You know what people, there is a huge influence not only on kids in America, but upon adults in America as well.... It exist in (I'd say) every house hold in America.

If you guessed the TV in which still wins the top influential award in the household, then you guessed right. Now who controls the content that comes into your home through that platform ??? State and local has a small influence involved, but the main controlling influence is still Hollywood. This nation needs to first identify the threat to their families and especially to the children by calling Hollywood out on their glorification of evilness in which lay heavily within the content of their programming.. This nation must fight to rid this nation of the evil influences that has since taken the high ground in Hollywood over time.

The proof is right there in front of you people, so why the ignoring of it until mindless monsters or misguided people with misguided thinking evolves ???????

So what does that make Trump? His popularity came from him being on the television for 9 years on his "reality" show. How evil was his programming?

And, the fact that Trump got elected is proof that people are misguided.
. You go and bring us anything from Trumps reality show that was evil. We'll be waiting... Also go and find a show that Trump starred in or played a roll in that corrupted his audience or made his audience turn the channel out of disgust.. We'll be waiting.... Now don't go looking for anything that wasn't to be aired on TV or in a movie (i.e. any private or personal events and/or personal business that is unrelated to the problem of Hollywood's over all immoral television or movie content these days) , because that doesn't count as a purposeful intent to influence through a platform in a bad way "the people" as they sit down as a family to watch TV together.

Now you if are a Demon-crat, would say Trump was doing something evil if he opened his eyes in the morning, but all that is about, is you having Trump derangement syndrome. Get help.

Well, most conservatives would say that porn is evil and corrupting and would change the channel. And, it was a Playboy softcore porn, so it would have been on cable television.

Donald Trump starred in a porn movie

The 2000 VHS title, Video Centerfold, features a non-sexual segment in which Mr Trump, apparently accompanied by several Playboy playmates, opens a bottle of champagne and sprays the foam at a Playboy-branded limousine on a New York City street.
Has Trump (because of his money), been a target forever ???

Wait, whaaaat, so is sex in you opinion evil ???? I'm talking about EVIL, uh you know the stuff that begets violence, mass murder and mayhem.

What are you talking about ??
.In the current set up, yes these things are true, but if change the set up, and do an add campaign to inform of the changes implemented, then these things would no longer be true. That's what we have training for, and education for.
A number of studies were done in the 70's and 80's that reach the conclusion that treating the mentally ill as outpatients would be more effective and save money over inpatient therapy. So during the Reagan years mental hospitals across the country began closing. This trend continued during the Clinton years. The reasoning for this change was sound but there was one flaw. Effective treatment of the mentally ill is very costly. Medicaid which pays about 29% of the nation's mental health bill is critically under funding mental health and insurance companies are only slightly better. As a result, we are putting some very sick people on the streets with inadequate treatment and we are seeing the results of it every day in the headlines.

Ahhh money .. we need to be able to have the worst of these folks behind a wall or fence weaving baskets and listening to chirping birds for a while, but there is none at this point. Seems that Sessions is hellbent on building more prisons to house pot smokers and trillions more went to the military and tax cuts for the Trump Kids.

I know you to be correct on the slow closure of mental facilities since Reagan having seen it firsthand. Out of college I went to work as a supervisor at a home for mentally challenged, often parentless kids. It closed not long after in the late-80s. I've often wondered what's happened to those kids since.

Guess I should wonder no more

People with serious mental illness who are left to fend for themselves often end up on the streets. Local authorities in LA estimate that 30% of the county’s homeless people have serious mental illness.

Keeping them all in mental institution is not the answer and neither is dumping them on the streets with no monitoring or help. There needs to be better solution.
.In the current set up, yes these things are true, but if change the set up, and do an add campaign to inform of the changes implemented, then these things would no longer be true. That's what we have training for, and education for.
Arming school personnel is extremely unlikely to prevent a mass killing in a school. First, because they are rare, despite the number that have occurred this year. Over the last 10 years there has been an average of 11 school shootings a year if you eliminate suicides and accidents out of a total of approximate 150,000 schools. That means there is likely to be only 1 shooting for every 15,000 schools a year and most of those are not random, but are isolated to a single student or teacher or a small group. An armed teacher could teach for 30 years and the chance that one of these shootings would occur in their school is less than 1 in 500. Second, teachers need to stay with there students in the classroom. What do you think the students would do if teachers left the classroom in such emergency? Office personnel have duties such as collecting information, informing teachers as to what is happening, directing evacuations when needed and acting as a liaison with local police. Those duties do not include running around the school chasing unknown killer(s). And finally, since most of the killings is done within 5 minutes in school shootings, the chance of our armed teacher finding and stopping the killer in time are pretty low.
You know what people, there is a huge influence not only on kids in America, but upon adults in America as well.... It exist in (I'd say) every house hold in America.

If you guessed the TV in which still wins the top influential award in the household, then you guessed right. Now who controls the content that comes into your home through that platform ??? State and local has a small influence involved, but the main controlling influence is still Hollywood. This nation needs to first identify the threat to their families and especially to the children by calling Hollywood out on their glorification of evilness in which lay heavily within the content of their programming.. This nation must fight to rid this nation of the evil influences that has since taken the high ground in Hollywood over time.

The proof is right there in front of you people, so why the ignoring of it until mindless monsters or misguided people with misguided thinking evolves ???????

So what does that make Trump? His popularity came from him being on the television for 9 years on his "reality" show. How evil was his programming?

And, the fact that Trump got elected is proof that people are misguided.

The fact that Trump got elected is proof that the Democrats nominated the only person in the Western Hemisphere that couldn't beat Trump.
Name the Republican who beat Trump...
A number of studies were done in the 70's and 80's that reach the conclusion that treating the mentally ill as outpatients would be more effective and save money over inpatient therapy. So during the Reagan years mental hospitals across the country began closing. This trend continued during the Clinton years. The reasoning for this change was sound but there was one flaw. Effective treatment of the mentally ill is very costly. Medicaid which pays about 29% of the nation's mental health bill is critically under funding mental health and insurance companies are only slightly better. As a result, we are putting some very sick people on the streets with inadequate treatment and we are seeing the results of it every day in the headlines.

Ahhh money .. we need to be able to have the worst of these folks behind a wall or fence weaving baskets and listening to chirping birds for a while, but there is none at this point. Seems that Sessions is hellbent on building more prisons to house pot smokers and trillions more went to the military and tax cuts for the Trump Kids.

I know you to be correct on the slow closure of mental facilities since Reagan having seen it firsthand. Out of college I went to work as a supervisor at a home for mentally challenged, often parentless kids. It closed not long after in the late-80s. I've often wondered what's happened to those kids since.

Guess I should wonder no more

People with serious mental illness who are left to fend for themselves often end up on the streets. Local authorities in LA estimate that 30% of the county’s homeless people have serious mental illness.

Keeping them all in mental institution is not the answer and neither is dumping them on the streets with no monitoring or help. There needs to be better solution.

Completely agree. But when someone is deemed by peers and law enforcement to be a danger to their community .. there's gotta be a cooling off period. Separated from guns, intensive analysis followed by an ongoing outpatient period until a parole officer, psychologist, local law enforcement and possibly even a judge are satisfied that they're fit to own guns and be left alone.

You present quite a challenge here - BALANCE. I can see where being hungry all the time and sleeping on heating grates could actually make a person crazy or exacerbate their craziness. As for that balance to create a better solution, I dunno what it is.
A number of studies were done in the 70's and 80's that reach the conclusion that treating the mentally ill as outpatients would be more effective and save money over inpatient therapy. So during the Reagan years mental hospitals across the country began closing. This trend continued during the Clinton years. The reasoning for this change was sound but there was one flaw. Effective treatment of the mentally ill is very costly. Medicaid which pays about 29% of the nation's mental health bill is critically under funding mental health and insurance companies are only slightly better. As a result, we are putting some very sick people on the streets with inadequate treatment and we are seeing the results of it every day in the headlines.

Ahhh money .. we need to be able to have the worst of these folks behind a wall or fence weaving baskets and listening to chirping birds for a while, but there is none at this point. Seems that Sessions is hellbent on building more prisons to house pot smokers and trillions more went to the military and tax cuts for the Trump Kids.

I know you to be correct on the slow closure of mental facilities since Reagan having seen it firsthand. Out of college I went to work as a supervisor at a home for mentally challenged, often parentless kids. It closed not long after in the late-80s. I've often wondered what's happened to those kids since.

Guess I should wonder no more

People with serious mental illness who are left to fend for themselves often end up on the streets. Local authorities in LA estimate that 30% of the county’s homeless people have serious mental illness.

Keeping them all in mental institution is not the answer and neither is dumping them on the streets with no monitoring or help. There needs to be better solution.

Some of them need to be in a mental institution. If they are a danger to themselves or others, that's the ONLY setting they should be in...not jail or prison, but in a specialized hospital.
The parameters change if a potential shooter does not know who is armed. If partitions are triggered to close the shooter off, the shooter can be stopped, and even killed if the armed teacher has access to a lockable shooting port that is card-swiped from the teacher's neck, from either side of the partition. If the shooter has hostages, the shooter is still screwed, because other partitions have been activated.
Deeming that a person is a danger to the community is a tough decision because there can be so many people that can fall into that category. I think the schools do a pretty good job of handling these types of students. Some are going to slip through the cracks and I don't know what can be done about it. People complain the school should have done this or the FBI should have done that. What people don't realize is our schools and our law enforcement agencies are doing a lot but somewhere in our 150,000 educational institution, there will be failures.

Until we do something about the gun culture in this country we're going to have kids blowing their brains out, Dads killing their whole family, kids slaughtering their classmates, drug addicts shooting innocent people for money to get a fix. The only way to really reduce gun violence is real gun control, not the watered down version that comes out of our state and local governments. Gun ownership has to become a privilege not a right and that is going to be really hard. Either the 2nd amendment has to be changed or it has to be interpreted differently.
Deeming that a person is a danger to the community is a tough decision because there can be so many people that can fall into that category. I think the schools do a pretty good job of handling these types of students. Some are going to slip through the cracks and I don't know what can be done about it. People complain the school should have done this or the FBI should have done that. What people don't realize is our schools and our law enforcement agencies are doing a lot but somewhere in our 150,000 educational institution, there will be failures.

Until we do something about the gun culture in this country we're going to have kids blowing their brains out, Dads killing their whole family, kids slaughtering their classmates, drug addicts shooting innocent people for money to get a fix. The only way to really reduce gun violence is real gun control, not the watered down version that comes out of our state and local governments. Gun ownership has to become a privilege not a right and that is going to be really hard. Either the 2nd amendment has to be changed or it has to be interpreted differently.
45 separate calls to the shooters house for violence and disturbances to the Sheriffs dept..... Sorry but this didn't just pop out. This wasn't a slip this was a person shoved through the cracks. This boy was begging for help and they the school, sheriff , and fbi ignored him actively.
Deeming that a person is a danger to the community is a tough decision because there can be so many people that can fall into that category. I think the schools do a pretty good job of handling these types of students. Some are going to slip through the cracks and I don't know what can be done about it. People complain the school should have done this or the FBI should have done that. What people don't realize is our schools and our law enforcement agencies are doing a lot but somewhere in our 150,000 educational institution, there will be failures.

Until we do something about the gun culture in this country we're going to have kids blowing their brains out, Dads killing their whole family, kids slaughtering their classmates, drug addicts shooting innocent people for money to get a fix. The only way to really reduce gun violence is real gun control, not the watered down version that comes out of our state and local governments. Gun ownership has to become a privilege not a right and that is going to be really hard. Either the 2nd amendment has to be changed or it has to be interpreted differently.

Schools should refer students who exhibit such behavior to the proper authorities in their state, but it should not the responsibility of the school to provide students with mental health support. It is the responsibility of the State mental health system.

If firearms are not available, kids will cut their wrists or hang themselves and be just as dead. Dads will use hammers and knives to kill their whole family. Kids will be stabbing their classmates. drug addicts (who usually have sold any firearms they may have had access to in order to buy drugs) will use knives and clubs to rob us for the money they need to get the drugs they crave. The only way to really reduce violence is to treat the mentally ill, whether they want such treatment or not, and punish those who are not mentally ill but choose to commit crimes. Gun ownership is a right that needs to stop being treated as a privilege so individuals may protect themselves from those who would prey upon them. The 2nd Amendment must be honored and followed, not cast aside because of the unwillingness of some to face the difficulties involved with truly solving the problem.
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You kn ow whats amazing??? The fact that these shootings happen in Gun free zones show what happens when the majority doesn't have weapons to defend themselves. Also considering most of the guns are gotten illegally by the shooters it is a almost perfect microcosm of what the country would look like if the Left had its way.
Oh, the liberals are now saying that background checks are not enough. Where do you think this is going to lead to? :)
Deeming that a person is a danger to the community is a tough decision because there can be so many people that can fall into that category. I think the schools do a pretty good job of handling these types of students. Some are going to slip through the cracks and I don't know what can be done about it. People complain the school should have done this or the FBI should have done that. What people don't realize is our schools and our law enforcement agencies are doing a lot but somewhere in our 150,000 educational institution, there will be failures.

Until we do something about the gun culture in this country we're going to have kids blowing their brains out, Dads killing their whole family, kids slaughtering their classmates, drug addicts shooting innocent people for money to get a fix. The only way to really reduce gun violence is real gun control, not the watered down version that comes out of our state and local governments. Gun ownership has to become a privilege not a right and that is going to be really hard. Either the 2nd amendment has to be changed or it has to be interpreted differently.

Schools should refer students who exhibit such behavior to the proper authorities in their state, but it should not the responsibility of the school to provide students with mental health support. It is the responsibility of the State mental health system.

If firearms are not available, kids will cut their wrists or hang themselves and be just as dead. Dads will use hammers and knives to kill their whole family. Kids will be stabbing their classmates. drug addicts (who usually have sold any firearms they may have had access to in order to buy drugs) will use knives and clubs to rob us for the money they need to get the drugs they crave. The only way to really reduce violence is to treat the mentally ill, whether they want such treatment or not, and punish those who are not mentally ill but choose to commit crimes. Gun ownership is a right that needs to stop being treated as a privilege so individuals may protect themselves from those who would prey upon them. The 2nd Amendment must be honored and followed, not cast aside because of the unwillingness of some to face the difficulties involved with truly solving the problem.
I agree that schools should not handle mental problems of kids. They don't have the training or funding.

Although possible, It seems pretty unlikely that any one is going kill 17 school kids with a knife or hammer.

School violence like we saw at parkland or other school mass shootings are relatively rare. Attacks with knives, clubs, fists are common but few result in deaths so they don't get much media attention.

In 2016 there were 486,000 violent attacks including beatings, knifing, clubbing, and rapes. Extreme cyber-bulling, verbal attacks, and sexual harassment is often more damaging to kids than actual physical violence. Victims of school violence often become perpetrators in school and in later life. Properly handling of non-lethal violence in schools can make a big difference in the future of both the perpetrators and the victims. In fact, most mass killers have been either school violence victims or perps.
You kn ow whats amazing??? The fact that these shootings happen in Gun free zones show what happens when the majority doesn't have weapons to defend themselves. Also considering most of the guns are gotten illegally by the shooters it is a almost perfect microcosm of what the country would look like if the Left had its way.
Not surprising because according to federal law almost all public schools are gun free zones. The effect of gun free zones on mass school shootings is uncertain. I would say it helps local police when dealing with gangs bringing guns on to school grounds and discourages students from doing the same. I doubt if it will have any effect, positive or negative on mass school shootings.

Gun free zones were designed to discourage a different type of gun violence. Before the law, kids were bringing guns to schools in alarming numbers. It wasn’t the suicidal or the homicidal kid who just decides to shoot everything up. It was the problem of bullying or gang violence or surrounding drug violence or drug dealing going on around schools. Gangs and drugs mean guns, and the idea was that we have to get guns out of this equation. I'm pretty sure tearing down those gun free zone signs will be welcomed by the gangs.

I doubt that making schools a gun friendly zone will have any effect on mass killings but it will certainly have a negative effect on kids and gangs bringing guns on school property.
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You kn ow whats amazing??? The fact that these shootings happen in Gun free zones show what happens when the majority doesn't have weapons to defend themselves. Also considering most of the guns are gotten illegally by the shooters it is a almost perfect microcosm of what the country would look like if the Left had its way.
Not surprising because according to federal law almost all public schools are gun free zones. The effect of gun free zones on mass school shootings is uncertain. I would say it helps local police when dealing with gangs bringing guns on to school grounds and discourages students from doing the same. I doubt if it will have any effect, positive or negative on mass school shootings.

Gun free zones were designed to discourage a different type of gun violence. Before the law, kids were bringing guns to schools in alarming numbers. It wasn’t the suicidal or the homicidal kid who just decides to shoot everything up. It was the problem of bullying or gang violence or surrounding drug violence or drug dealing going on around schools. Gangs and drugs mean guns, and the idea was that we have to get guns out of this equation. I'm pretty sure tearing down those gun free zone signs will be welcomed by the gangs.

I doubt that making schools a gun friendly zone will have any effect on mass killings but it will certainly have a negative effect on kids and gangs bringing guns on school property.
If you think a sign is keeping a gang banger from bringing a weapon to school you are ignorant beyond belief.

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