There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Cars arenā€™t made to kill ā€” guns are.

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.

You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
Guns are made there kill. Youā€™re an idiot to believe otherwise. And I never limited that to humans. Weather it is to kill an animal for food or sport; or to kill other humans in war, or in a crime, or in self defense ā€” guns are made to kill. didn't understand the truth that I it is again...try to sound out the words, it may help you understand what you are reading...

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.
Moron... if guns werenā€™t made to kill, they wouldnā€™t be used for self defense, shooting animals for food/sport, or to kill the enemy in war.

Guns were made to keep the owner alive.....and they do that, most of the time, without being fired at all....

Look at the ^^^ idiot ^^^ who says the gun in this photo was made to keep the shooter alive...


Cars arenā€™t made to kill ā€” guns are.
You were saying?

Are you claiming that vehicle is used to kill or the gun perched on top is?

Given that it is a military vehicle... both. And without the men inside or on top, the gun nor the vehicle can kill anything. So, if we take your logic into account that "guns are made to kill" then they can't kill anyone without someone using them to that effect.

I'm wondering if astronomers should stop looking at neutron stars as the densest objects in the universe and observe liberals like you instead. You're like a millisecond pulsar, spinning everything thousands of times per millisecond, until you spin yourself into utter oblivion.
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No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.

You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
Guns are made there kill. Youā€™re an idiot to believe otherwise. And I never limited that to humans. Weather it is to kill an animal for food or sport; or to kill other humans in war, or in a crime, or in self defense ā€” guns are made to kill. didn't understand the truth that I it is again...try to sound out the words, it may help you understand what you are reading...

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.
Moron... if guns werenā€™t made to kill, they wouldnā€™t be used for self defense, shooting animals for food/sport, or to kill the enemy in war.

Guns were made to keep the owner alive.....and they do that, most of the time, without being fired at all....

Look at the ^^^ idiot ^^^ who says the gun in this photo was made to keep the shooter alive...



Moron......if he eats the duck, he stays alive.......moron.

And as to human attackers....most of the time the mere presence of the gun will keep him alive without having to shoot anyone....

Cars arenā€™t made to kill ā€” guns are.
You were saying?

Are you claiming that vehicle is used to kill or the gun perched on top is?

Of the two....vehicles kill more people in the United States than guns do...
Moron... almost everyone killed by a car was the result of an accident. Whereas almost everyone killed by a gun was intentional.

You really do have shit for brains.

Wrong....the fact that accidents in cars out number intentional murder, shows that cars are more dangerous than guns.....35,000 accidents vs 11,004 gun murders in 2016 ( according to FBI homicide stats)....of those gun murders , 70-80% of the victims were criminals engaged in crime murdered by other criminals...

comparing accidental death to accidental know, apples to are more dangerous than guns....


Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







Guns are made there kill. Youā€™re an idiot to believe otherwise. And I never limited that to humans. Weather it is to kill an animal for food or sport; or to kill other humans in war, or in a crime, or in self defense ā€” guns are made to kill. didn't understand the truth that I it is again...try to sound out the words, it may help you understand what you are reading...

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.
Moron... if guns werenā€™t made to kill, they wouldnā€™t be used for self defense, shooting animals for food/sport, or to kill the enemy in war.

Guns were made to keep the owner alive.....and they do that, most of the time, without being fired at all....

Look at the ^^^ idiot ^^^ who says the gun in this photo was made to keep the shooter alive...



Moron......if he eats the duck, he stays alive.......moron.

And as to human attackers....most of the time the mere presence of the gun will keep him alive without having to shoot anyone....

Guns are made there kill. Youā€™re an idiot to believe otherwise. And I never limited that to humans. Weather it is to kill an animal for food or sport; or to kill other humans in war, or in a crime, or in self defense ā€” guns are made to kill. didn't understand the truth that I it is again...try to sound out the words, it may help you understand what you are reading...

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.
Moron... if guns werenā€™t made to kill, they wouldnā€™t be used for self defense, shooting animals for food/sport, or to kill the enemy in war.

Guns were made to keep the owner alive.....and they do that, most of the time, without being fired at all....

Look at the ^^^ idiot ^^^ who says the gun in this photo was made to keep the shooter alive...



Moron......if he eats the duck, he stays alive.......moron.

And as to human attackers....most of the time the mere presence of the gun will keep him alive without having to shoot anyone....

Moron... he doesnā€™t have to eat the duck to stay alive.
Cars arenā€™t made to kill ā€” guns are.
You were saying?

Are you claiming that vehicle is used to kill or the gun perched on top is?

Of the two....vehicles kill more people in the United States than guns do...
Moron... almost everyone killed by a car was the result of an accident. Whereas almost everyone killed by a gun was intentional.

You really do have shit for brains.

Wrong....the fact that accidents in cars out number intentional murder, shows that cars are more dangerous than guns.....35,000 accidents vs 11,004 gun murders in 2016 ( according to FBI homicide stats)....of those gun murders , 70-80% of the victims were criminals engaged in crime murdered by other criminals...

comparing accidental death to accidental know, apples to are more dangerous than guns....


Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







Intentional deaths by gun in 2016 was over 38,000.
Video showing him fighting in Sept, 2016 at school. He was suspended for 2 days.
Nikolas Cruz was investigated after cutting himself on Snapchat, state report shows
From the article-

DCF investigation
The DCF investigation came four days after Cruzā€™s 18th birthday, meaning he could legally purchase a rifle.

ā€œMr. Cruz has fresh cuts on both his arms. Mr. Cruz stated he plans to go out and buy a gun. It is unknown what he is buying the gun for,ā€ the DCF report reads.
Cruz came under DCFā€™s supervision and care because he was classified as a vulnerable adult due to mental illness.

ā€œ[Cruzā€™s] final level of risk is low as [he] resides with his mother, attends school and receives counseling through Henderson,ā€ the DCF investigator wrote.
If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.

More Bullshit - California and Connecticut have very strict gun laws. Most states do NOT

Semi-Automatic Weapons Without A Background Check Can Be Just A Click Away

Wrong....felons already know they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can arrests them under existing law. Criminals do not use the internet to get their guns because they are afraid that a cop is on the other end of the line.....criminals get their guns from known criminal contacts who use straw buyers or steal their guns...

The internet lie from gun grabbers is simply used to manipulate uninformed people give gun grabbers the power through votes to grab guns, based on the lie that criminals get their guns from the internet.

Mass shooters? They don't need to use the internet because they can simply walk into a gun store and pass the current, federally mandated background checks...which means they will pass any background check for a private sale......

You guys have no idea what you are talking about......

The government tried to buy guns online....this is how it turned out....

Report: Illegal gun sales tricky on 'Dark Web,' elusive on the surface

Between July 2015 and November 2017, the GAO recorded 79 attempts to buy firearms from private sellers online, according its report released Dec. 21. Only two proved successful ā€” from dealers on the ā€˜Dark Web,ā€™ a deeper layer of the internet accessed through specific software designed to increase anonymity. The untraceable nature of the Dark Web attracts a range of criminal activity, from drug dealing to firearms trafficking to child pornography.


The 72 potential sales initiated at firearm marketplaces on the surface web ā€” the traditional internet accessed through web browsers like Google and FireFox ā€” all fell through.

Some 27 private sellers declined the transaction after the undercover agents disclosed their prohibited status and another 29 refused to ship across state lines. Five transactions failed because the involved website froze agentsā€™ accounts and 11 more sellers ran scams on agents after learning of their desire to circumvent federally licensed firearms dealers.

ā€œIn two of these instances, we made a payment and never received the firearm or a refund,ā€ the office said in the report. ā€œIn the remaining nine attempted scams, our agents determined that the seller may not be legitimate and therefore did not complete the purchase.ā€
IMHO, there is no half way measure to get guns out of the hands of the bad guys. Gun ownership would have to become a privileged and not a right. Unfortunately, effective gun control and the 2nd amendment are incompatible. It's not going happen in my life time and probably not during yours.

Repeated from another thread just because it fits here:

For the last 55 years, the left has been passing "common sense gun regulations" and when they inevitably failed, they demanded more and more until finally, there are no "common sense gun regulations" left to pass so they demand that people who have done nothing wrong must give up their rights. And, when those steps fail, they will demand more and more draconian measures be passed until there's no freedom left for the American people.

However, those leftists resist measures to deal with the true issue. It is not to their advantage to deal with the mentally ill in an effective way while protecting society from their illnesses as well. People who are truly mentally ill should be involuntarily committed and treated until they are able to live complete and productive lives where they will be no danger to themselves or others. Sadly, the Clintonian lefties don't see that as an option because it doesn't advance their agenda or give them more power over our lives. That's why I can't take their faux-outrage seriously. True progressives want to improve society, not control it.
A number of studies were done in the 70's and 80's that reach the conclusion that treating the mentally ill as outpatients would be more effective and save money over inpatient therapy. So during the Reagan years mental hospitals across the country began closing. This trend continued during the Clinton years. The reasoning for this change was sound but there was one flaw. Effective treatment of the mentally ill is very costly. Medicaid which pays about 29% of the nation's mental health bill is critically under funding mental health and insurance companies are only slightly better. As a result, we are putting some very sick people on the streets with inadequate treatment and we are seeing the results of it every day in the headlines.

And I would counter that the results of school shootings and other mass shootings show the cost of not committing the mentally ill until they are not a danger to themselves or other people is much more costly. Very sick people should NOT be on the streets.
According to the Sun Sentinel, he had been disciplined since middle school at least 40 different times. Police called to his home over 30 times.
According to the Sun Sentinel, he had been disciplined since middle school at least 40 different times. Police called to his home over 30 times.

He was also expelled from the school last year. On an interview with the foster parents, they said that one of the rules he had to comply with was that he had to attend school and get a job.

Maybe he snapped because he got kicked out of school, and that could have affected his life at home?
No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.

You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
Guns are made there kill. Youā€™re an idiot to believe otherwise. And I never limited that to humans. Weather it is to kill an animal for food or sport; or to kill other humans in war, or in a crime, or in self defense ā€” guns are made to kill. didn't understand the truth that I it is again...try to sound out the words, it may help you understand what you are reading...

No....gun were created to keep the owner alive.....and most of the time the gun is never fired to achieve that end. Cops rarely even draw their guns....yet they keep the peace. Soldiers rarely fire their guns...yet they keep us safe....

Of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses each year in this country ( from research done by the bill clinton Department of Justice on gun self defense and supported by follow up research by obama's Centers for Disease Control) Law abiding gun owners only had to shoot and kill around 238 criminals....the rest of the time the criminals just ran away in the face of a gun owning victim, were held by the victim at gun point till the police arrived, or were shot and simply wounded...which still took them off the streets.
Moron... if guns werenā€™t made to kill, they wouldnā€™t be used for self defense, shooting animals for food/sport, or to kill the enemy in war.

Guns were made to keep the owner alive.....and they do that, most of the time, without being fired at all....

Look at the ^^^ idiot ^^^ who says the gun in this photo was made to keep the shooter alive...


Now show the thieves (for example) a gang of thieves breaking into your families home at 3:00 AM trying to rob you and your family. You hear something, but it's to late to call 9-11, they are inside and gaining on your families safe space fast, you get to your AR-15, unlock it from your gun safe, place a full clip in it, tell your wife & kids to be super quite, and dial 9-11 on silent. They breach, you open up before they reach your family killing 3 and badly wounding one. It's ended.

The law comes, they assess the situation, they ask if everyone is ok ? The ambulance comes, and takes the wounded thief to the hospital. They find that the thieves we're also armed with knives, and some rope. Just imagine the carnage they may have done.

These kinds of stories are common through out the world.

This is the real world we live in, not a world where the glass is half full.
You know what people, there is a huge influence not only on kids in America, but upon adults in America as well.... It exist in (I'd say) every house hold in America.

If you guessed the TV in which still wins the top influential award in the household, then you guessed right. Now who controls the content that comes into your home through that platform ??? State and local has a small influence involved, but the main controlling influence is still Hollywood. This nation needs to first identify the threat to their families and especially to the children by calling Hollywood out on their glorification of evilness in which lay heavily within the content of their programming.. This nation must fight to rid this nation of the evil influences that has since taken the high ground in Hollywood over time.

The proof is right there in front of you people, so why the ignoring of it until mindless monsters or misguided people with misguided thinking evolves ???????
You know what people, there is a huge influence not only on kids in America, but upon adults in America as well.... It exist in (I'd say) every house hold in America.

If you guessed the TV in which still wins the top influential award in the household, then you guessed right. Now who controls the content that comes into your home through that platform ??? State and local has a small influence involved, but the main controlling influence is still Hollywood. This nation needs to first identify the threat to their families and especially to the children by calling Hollywood out on their glorification of evilness in which lay heavily within the content of their programming.. This nation must fight to rid this nation of the evil influences that has since taken the high ground in Hollywood over time.

The proof is right there in front of you people, so why the ignoring of it until mindless monsters or misguided people with misguided thinking evolves ???????

So what does that make Trump? His popularity came from him being on the television for 9 years on his "reality" show. How evil was his programming?

And, the fact that Trump got elected is proof that people are misguided.
You know what people, there is a huge influence not only on kids in America, but upon adults in America as well.... It exist in (I'd say) every house hold in America.

If you guessed the TV in which still wins the top influential award in the household, then you guessed right. Now who controls the content that comes into your home through that platform ??? State and local has a small influence involved, but the main controlling influence is still Hollywood. This nation needs to first identify the threat to their families and especially to the children by calling Hollywood out on their glorification of evilness in which lay heavily within the content of their programming.. This nation must fight to rid this nation of the evil influences that has since taken the high ground in Hollywood over time.

The proof is right there in front of you people, so why the ignoring of it until mindless monsters or misguided people with misguided thinking evolves ???????

So what does that make Trump? His popularity came from him being on the television for 9 years on his "reality" show. How evil was his programming?

And, the fact that Trump got elected is proof that people are misguided.
If refreshing not having a career politician is there, because they are the lowest of life forms
You know what people, there is a huge influence not only on kids in America, but upon adults in America as well.... It exist in (I'd say) every house hold in America.

If you guessed the TV in which still wins the top influential award in the household, then you guessed right. Now who controls the content that comes into your home through that platform ??? State and local has a small influence involved, but the main controlling influence is still Hollywood. This nation needs to first identify the threat to their families and especially to the children by calling Hollywood out on their glorification of evilness in which lay heavily within the content of their programming.. This nation must fight to rid this nation of the evil influences that has since taken the high ground in Hollywood over time.

The proof is right there in front of you people, so why the ignoring of it until mindless monsters or misguided people with misguided thinking evolves ???????

So what does that make Trump? His popularity came from him being on the television for 9 years on his "reality" show. How evil was his programming?

And, the fact that Trump got elected is proof that people are misguided.
. You go and bring us anything from Trumps reality show that was evil. We'll be waiting... Also go and find a show that Trump starred in or played a roll in that corrupted his audience or made his audience turn the channel out of disgust.. We'll be waiting.... Now don't go looking for anything that wasn't to be aired on TV or in a movie (i.e. any private or personal events and/or personal business that is unrelated to the problem of Hollywood's over all immoral television or movie content these days) , because that doesn't count as a purposeful intent to influence through a platform in a bad way "the people" as they sit down as a family to watch TV together.

Now you if are a Demon-crat, would say Trump was doing something evil if he opened his eyes in the morning, but all that is about, is you having Trump derangement syndrome. Get help.

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