There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....

Really? Then how is it if I were a convicted felon or completely crazy I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds (and many others like it) RIGHT now and buy whatever implement of carnage my squirming brain desires from a private dealer without a background check.

Take your time

If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.

More Bullshit - California and Connecticut have very strict gun laws. Most states do NOT

Semi-Automatic Weapons Without A Background Check Can Be Just A Click Away guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....

Really? Then how is it if I were a convicted felon or completely crazy I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds (and many others like it) RIGHT now and buy whatever implement of carnage my squirming brain desires from a private dealer without a background check.

Take your time

If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.

More Bullshit - California and Connecticut have very strict gun laws. Most states do NOT

Semi-Automatic Weapons Without A Background Check Can Be Just A Click Away

Bullshit? LOL! Your idea of bullshit is anything you don't agree with. What I wrote was accurate and your devotion to anti-gun propaganda does not trump facts.
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

Your phony outrage is noted; yet we note that your outrage over human life is limited to the issue of firearms. I never see you rage against taking human life in relation to other issues, such as abortion.

However, the issue at this point is firearms and the FACT is that you are NOT limited in how to dispose of private property. You can sell your house to whoever you like (with the exception of discriminatory behavior), so your example is not germane.
Your horseshit and dishonesty is noted. YOU made the absurd statement that private property is not regulated and I demonstrated that it is.

Secondly, a house is not a deadly weapon.

And spare me the red herrings and false equivalency logical fallacies
Bullshit? LOL! Your idea of bullshit is anything you don't agree with. What I wrote was accurate and your devotion to anti-gun propaganda does not trump facts.

You failed to rebut my post - go hide under the couch :wink:

Rebut your post? LMAO!!!! You posted an article from NPR that condemned websites for not vetting buyers or sellers when that is not the role of a website, but is the role of the seller so there was nothing to said NOTHING factual. You just posted anti-gun propaganda. The spot under the rock belongs to you.
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

Your phony outrage is noted; yet we note that your outrage over human life is limited to the issue of firearms. I never see you rage against taking human life in relation to other issues, such as abortion.

However, the issue at this point is firearms and the FACT is that you are NOT limited in how to dispose of private property. You can sell your house to whoever you like (with the exception of discriminatory behavior), so your example is not germane.
Your horseshit and dishonesty is noted. YOU made the absurd statement that private property is not regulated and I demonstrated that it is.

Secondly, a house is not a deadly weapon.

And spare me the red herrings and false equivalency logical fallacies

You are truly stupid. And, what you want to portray as false equivalency is actually your hypocrisy on full display. Now, when you can show that the Federal Government passes zoning laws, you might be on your way to making a point. Go join DrLove under his rock.
Bullshit? LOL! Your idea of bullshit is anything you don't agree with. What I wrote was accurate and your devotion to anti-gun propaganda does not trump facts.

You failed to rebut my post - go hide under the couch :wink:

Rebut your post? LMAO!!!! You posted an article from NPR that condemned websites for not vetting buyers or sellers when that is not the role of a website, but is the role of the seller so there was nothing to said NOTHING factual. You just posted anti-gun propaganda. The spot under the rock belongs to you.

I notice that people who have no real argument use the laughing icon to hide their failures. Enjoy life under the rock. As for me, I'm off to enjoy the day.
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

Your phony outrage is noted; yet we note that your outrage over human life is limited to the issue of firearms. I never see you rage against taking human life in relation to other issues, such as abortion.

However, the issue at this point is firearms and the FACT is that you are NOT limited in how to dispose of private property. You can sell your house to whoever you like (with the exception of discriminatory behavior), so your example is not germane.
Your horseshit and dishonesty is noted. YOU made the absurd statement that private property is not regulated and I demonstrated that it is.

Secondly, a house is not a deadly weapon.

And spare me the red herrings and false equivalency logical fallacies

You are truly stupid. And, what you want to portray as false equivalency is actually your hypocrisy on full display. Now, when you can show that the Federal Government passes zoning laws, you might be on your way to making a point. Go join DrLove under his rock.

You're an NRA useful idiot - Get back to me after you up your game.

Private Gun Sale Laws by State - FindLaw
Compare States - Gun Law Navigator
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

Your phony outrage is noted; yet we note that your outrage over human life is limited to the issue of firearms. I never see you rage against taking human life in relation to other issues, such as abortion.

However, the issue at this point is firearms and the FACT is that you are NOT limited in how to dispose of private property. You can sell your house to whoever you like (with the exception of discriminatory behavior), so your example is not germane.
Your horseshit and dishonesty is noted. YOU made the absurd statement that private property is not regulated and I demonstrated that it is.

Secondly, a house is not a deadly weapon.

And spare me the red herrings and false equivalency logical fallacies

You are truly stupid. And, what you want to portray as false equivalency is actually your hypocrisy on full display. Now, when you can show that the Federal Government passes zoning laws, you might be on your way to making a point. Go join DrLove under his rock.

The fact that you have to call me stupid and a hypocrite puts your immaturity and lack of a valid argument on full display. You're resorting to yet another logical fallacy:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

Learn that word
VERY proud of these Parkland kids - America is in good hands

Enjoy the articulate passion of Emma Gonzales


Yes....they don't understand the issues involved but are easily controlled by the democrats....this is why you like them....

It's one thing for these kids to suffer through this tragedy, it is completely another for them to politicize their suffering at the behest of gun control activists. Nothing angers me more than those who use their suffering as a cudgel. There's no sincerity in that. guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....

Really? Then how is it if I were a convicted felon or completely crazy I can go to ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds (and many others like it) RIGHT now and buy whatever implement of carnage my squirming brain desires from a private dealer without a background check.

Take your time

If I may interject, you CANNOT purchase a handgun from someone from who lives in another state unless you are the holder of a Federal Firearms license and follow all laws and regulations concerning the transfer of ownership required by the Federal government. A person acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer. It can be a licensed dealer in any state, but the transfer must comply with of the dealer and the purchaser's states. Not all states allow private sales, and some have certain restrictions. For example, in California private sales must be completed through licensed firearm dealers. Connecticut requires the person making the transfer to get an authorization number before such sales can be completed, and forbids the transfer of long guns unless certain conditions are met. In every state, if a seller has cause to believe that the purchaser would not be allowed to purchase a firearm legally, they are prohibited from selling the firearm.

Try to learn the law before you comment in the future.

More Bullshit - California and Connecticut have very strict gun laws. Most states do NOT

Semi-Automatic Weapons Without A Background Check Can Be Just A Click Away

Wrong....felons already know they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can arrests them under existing law. Criminals do not use the internet to get their guns because they are afraid that a cop is on the other end of the line.....criminals get their guns from known criminal contacts who use straw buyers or steal their guns...

The internet lie from gun grabbers is simply used to manipulate uninformed people give gun grabbers the power through votes to grab guns, based on the lie that criminals get their guns from the internet.

Mass shooters? They don't need to use the internet because they can simply walk into a gun store and pass the current, federally mandated background checks...which means they will pass any background check for a private sale......

You guys have no idea what you are talking about......

The government tried to buy guns online....this is how it turned out....

Report: Illegal gun sales tricky on 'Dark Web,' elusive on the surface

Between July 2015 and November 2017, the GAO recorded 79 attempts to buy firearms from private sellers online, according its report released Dec. 21. Only two proved successful — from dealers on the ‘Dark Web,’ a deeper layer of the internet accessed through specific software designed to increase anonymity. The untraceable nature of the Dark Web attracts a range of criminal activity, from drug dealing to firearms trafficking to child pornography.


The 72 potential sales initiated at firearm marketplaces on the surface web — the traditional internet accessed through web browsers like Google and FireFox — all fell through.

Some 27 private sellers declined the transaction after the undercover agents disclosed their prohibited status and another 29 refused to ship across state lines. Five transactions failed because the involved website froze agents’ accounts and 11 more sellers ran scams on agents after learning of their desire to circumvent federally licensed firearms dealers.

“In two of these instances, we made a payment and never received the firearm or a refund,” the office said in the report. “In the remaining nine attempted scams, our agents determined that the seller may not be legitimate and therefore did not complete the purchase.”
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

A house is not covered by the Bill of Rights...doofus.
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

A house is not covered by the Bill of Rights...doofus.

Ummm..............hate to tell you, but a house IS covered under the Bill of Rights. Ever heard of having to have a warrant to search your house? How about the fact that it says it's illegal to quarter troops in a private residence in the US?

There are no loopholes......

Bullshit guys keep lying about that, but you are lying...there is no loophole....
Really Dude?

Gun Law Loopholes Let Buyers Skirt Background Checks

Selected excerpts:

When Zina Haughton, 42, got a restraining order against her husband, Radcliffe, last October — she
told a court
that his threats “terrorize my every waking moment” — he became ineligible to buy a gun under federal law. But he found a way around that: he bought a gun from a private seller he found on the Internet who, unlike federally licensed dealers, was not legally required to check his background.

That is how Mr. Haughton was able to buy a handgun for $500 in the parking lot of a McDonalds that he took with him on Oct. 21 to the spa in a suburb of Milwaukee where his wife worked. There, Mr. Haughton opened fire at the spa’s pedicure station, law enforcement officials said, and kept shooting until he had killed his wife and two women she worked with and injured four other women. He then killed himself.

More than 95 percent of the time the F.B.I., which oversees the background checks, can tell licensed gun dealers within seconds if a buyer can own a gun.

But when the F.B.I. cannot immediately determine whether would-be buyers have criminal or psychological records that would bar them from owning guns, it is given 72 hours to clear it up. If it fails to complete the background check by then, the buyer is allowed to return and purchase the gun. According to data provided by the F.B.I., roughly 3,000 firearms were sold to prohibited buyers through this loophole last year.

There is no loophole......all gun sales through gun stores need to go through a federal background loopholes. You can sell your own guns without a background check, but felons can't buy those guns no matter what you say....that is illegal......

The only reason you morons want universal background checks is to have the ability to demand universal gun registration...the only reason......then, when you have power, you will have the names of gun owners so you know who have the guns........
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

A house is not covered by the Bill of Rights...doofus.

Ummm..............hate to tell you, but a house IS covered under the Bill of Rights. Ever heard of having to have a warrant to search your house? How about the fact that it says it's illegal to quarter troops in a private residence in the US?


Different Right.....shit head....we are talking about the ability to own a gun...that is a Right, you have no Right to own a house....try getting a home as felon...doofus....
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

If you care about human lives, do you want to ban knives? Knives are used to murder more people every single year than mass shooters have murdered in 35 years.....

Each year, knives murder more people than you want to ban knives?

That is, if human lives mean something to you, you will want to ban the weapon that murders the most people...right?

So ban knives...right?

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total murders by mass public shooters...1982-2017


knife murders.....2009-2013.....


Rifle murder....

There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

A house is not covered by the Bill of Rights...doofus.

Ummm..............hate to tell you, but a house IS covered under the Bill of Rights. Ever heard of having to have a warrant to search your house? How about the fact that it says it's illegal to quarter troops in a private residence in the US?


Different Right.....shit head....we are talking about the ability to own a gun...that is a Right, you have no Right to own a house....try getting a home as felon...doofus....

Your exact quote was "a house is not covered under the Bill of Rights". I simply showed you that houses ARE covered under the Bill of Rights against unlawful search and seizure, as well as are protected from having troops quartered in private homes.
There ARE private sale exemptions, but regulating private property has traditionally not been the role of the government.
Fuck tradition. We are talking about human lives. And private property is regulated traditionally. A house is private property but it's subject to zoning and other regulations.

A house is not covered by the Bill of Rights...doofus.

Ummm..............hate to tell you, but a house IS covered under the Bill of Rights. Ever heard of having to have a warrant to search your house? How about the fact that it says it's illegal to quarter troops in a private residence in the US?


Different Right.....shit head....we are talking about the ability to own a gun...that is a Right, you have no Right to own a house....try getting a home as felon...doofus....

Your exact quote was "a house is not covered under the Bill of Rights". I simply showed you that houses ARE covered under the Bill of Rights against unlawful search and seizure, as well as are protected from having troops quartered in private homes.

Great......and I showed you how you were also wrong......I apologize for swearing at you.......sometimes posting with anti gunners for long periods makes me cranky...

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