There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

From heavy-

Matthew Walker, a 17-year-old junior told WFOR-TV, “He was going class to class just shooting at random kids. Everything he posts (on social media) is about weapons. It’s sick.”

A student who knows Cruz told the news station, “He always had guns on him and stuff like that. He was a little bit of a troubled kid.”

Police received a tip that the suspect was possibly watching videos on Youtube about how to make bombs, according to police scanner transmissions. Police were searching the building as a precaution after learning about that information, but it is not known if there were any bombs left in the school.
From heavy-

Matthew Walker, a 17-year-old junior told WFOR-TV, “He was going class to class just shooting at random kids. Everything he posts (on social media) is about weapons. It’s sick.”

A student who knows Cruz told the news station, “He always had guns on him and stuff like that. He was a little bit of a troubled kid.”

Police received a tip that the suspect was possibly watching videos on Youtube about how to make bombs, according to police scanner transmissions. Police were searching the building as a precaution after learning about that information, but it is not known if there were any bombs left in the school.

People don't have to be Muslim to make bombs.

Was the Unabomber a Muslim?
The shooter was a leftist Nut Job, like they all are and even the most strict gun laws would not have stopped him.

The Left uses guns and Abortion Clinics to kill people, and the right is either trying to defend themselves or just life in general.
Just breaking

same as always,a shooter that was brainwahed and programmed by the CIA,they are always behind these shootings.a fact that is too complicated for your warped brain to get around obviously though the way you dismiss facts as conspiracy theories and never look at them.:rolleyes:

No, we dismiss lunatics like you because you aren't deserving of anyone's attention.
WTF is wrong with people nowadays? This makes the 17th one so far THIS YEAR ALONE!!!! That averages out to a shooting every three or four days.
I see the mods converged the threads under the thread least likely to get hits.

This is how they change the narrative.

Nicolas Cruz.

Wonder if he has any gang affiliation? Wonder if he's a dreamer?
From heavy-

Matthew Walker, a 17-year-old junior told WFOR-TV, “He was going class to class just shooting at random kids. Everything he posts (on social media) is about weapons. It’s sick.”

A student who knows Cruz told the news station, “He always had guns on him and stuff like that. He was a little bit of a troubled kid.”

Police received a tip that the suspect was possibly watching videos on Youtube about how to make bombs, according to police scanner transmissions. Police were searching the building as a precaution after learning about that information, but it is not known if there were any bombs left in the school.

People don't have to be Muslim to make bombs.

Was the Unabomber a Muslim?

How many people did the unabomber kill?

I see the mods converged the threads under the thread least likely to get hits.

This is how they change the narrative.

Nicolas Cruz.

Wonder if he has any gang affiliation? Wonder if he's a dreamer?
Just as an FYI...when threads are merged it defaults to the earliest and that is what we stick to.
WTF is wrong with people nowadays? This makes the 17th one so far THIS YEAR ALONE!!!! That averages out to a shooting every three or four days.

and yet you are still here.

I wish the left would start directing their crazies towards bars instead of schools.

But they won't, because they know that someone in a bar is bound to be armed, and stop the killer.
From heavy-

Matthew Walker, a 17-year-old junior told WFOR-TV, “He was going class to class just shooting at random kids. Everything he posts (on social media) is about weapons. It’s sick.”

A student who knows Cruz told the news station, “He always had guns on him and stuff like that. He was a little bit of a troubled kid.”

Police received a tip that the suspect was possibly watching videos on Youtube about how to make bombs, according to police scanner transmissions. Police were searching the building as a precaution after learning about that information, but it is not known if there were any bombs left in the school.

People don't have to be Muslim to make bombs.

Was the Unabomber a Muslim?

How many people did the unabomber kill?


That has nothing to do with why I brought him up. :rolleyes:

Was he Muslim?
The shooter was a leftist Nut Job, like they all are and even the most strict gun laws would not have stopped him.

The Left uses guns and Abortion Clinics to kill people, and the right is either trying to defend themselves or just life in general.
Both the left and right, on this thread, have done nothing but politicize this tragedy. It is truly appalling.

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